Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mangal Kavacham(Navagraha stotra.4)

Mangal Kavacham(Navagraha stotra.4)



श्री अङ्गारक कवच

अस्य श्री अङ्गारक कवचस्य, कश्यप ऋषीः, अनुष्टुप् चन्दः, अङ्गारको देवता, भौम प्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः ॥

रक्ताम्बरो रक्तवपुः किरीटी चतुर्भुजो मेषगमो गदाभृत् । धरासुतः शक्तिधरश्च शूली सदा मम स्याद्वरदः प्रशान्तः ॥

अथ अङ्गारक कवचम्
अङ्गारकः शिरो रक्षेत् मुखं वै धरणीसुतः ।
श्रवौ रक्तम्बरः पातु नेत्रे मे रक्तलोचनः ॥ 1 ॥

नासां शक्तिधरः पातु मुखं मे रक्तलोचनः ।
भुजौ मे रक्तमाली च हस्तौ शक्तिधरस्तथा ॥2 ॥

वक्षः पातु वराङ्गश्च हृदयं पातु रोहितः ।
कटिं मे ग्रहराजश्च मुखं चैव धरासुतः ॥ 3 ॥

जानुजङ्घे कुजः पातु पादौ भक्तप्रियः सदा ।
सर्वाण्यन्यानि चाङ्गानि रक्षेन्मे मेषवाहनः ॥ 4 ॥

य इदं कवचं दिव्यं सर्वशत्रुनिवारणम् । भूतप्रेतपिशाचानां नाशनं सर्वसिद्धिदम् ॥

सर्वरोगहरं चैव सर्वसम्पत्प्रदं शुभम् ।
भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं नॄणां सर्वसौभाग्यवर्धनम् ॥
रोगबन्धविमोक्षं च सत्यमेतन्न संशयः ॥
॥ इति श्री मार्कण्डेयपुराणे अङ्गारक कवचं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
ति श्री मार्कण्डेयपुराणे अङ्गारक कवचं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

Kashyapa is the rushi, Anushtup is chanda, Mangal is Devata, and it is recited for Mangal devata.
1 I bow to Mangal, who has worn red cloth, who has a red colour body, who has four hands, who has Gada( weapon) in his hand, whos vehicle is ram, who is son of the earth, who has Shakti and shula(weapons) in his hand. Pleased by my devotion, Mangal will bring good to me.
2 Let My head be protected by Angaraka. Let my forehead be protected by Dharasuta (Son of the earth). Let my ears be protected by Raktambara (i.e. who has worn red cloth). Let my eyes be protected by Raktalochana (i.e. whose eyes are red).
3 Let my nose be protected by Shaktidhara (i.e. who has Shakti weapon in his hand). Let my mouth be protected by Raktalochana (i.e. whose eyes are red). Let my arms be protected by Raktamali. Let my hands be protected by Shaktidhara.
4 Let my breast be protected by Varanga. Let my heart be protected by Lohita. Let my loins be protected by Graharaja. Let my middle part of the body be protected by Dharasuta (son of the earth).
5 Let my knees be protected by Kuja. Let Private parts of the body be protected by Kuja. Let my feet be protected by Bhaktapriya. (i.e. who give blessings to the devotees).
Let all other parts of my body be protected by Meshvahana (who has ram (male sheep) as his vehicle).
7 This Mangal kavacham is very pious and is destroyer of all enemies. It destroys ghosts and demons. It gives all the powers to the devotees. It cures all the diseases. It gives money and prosperity. It gives all sorts of happiness. It makes us free from bondage of life. It makes us free from diseases and any sort of restriction. This is true and true only. By reciting Mangal kavacham every day with faith in mind, will give all benefits as described above by the grace of Mangal.
Thus this Mangal Kavacham as appeared in Markandeya Purana ends here.

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