Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tulsi Stuti (Tulasi stotra.1)

Tulsi Stuti तुलसी स्तुतिः(Tulasi stotra.1)


Bhagwan ShriHari
Tulsi Stuti
 Tulsi Stuti or Tulsi praise is in Sanskrit. Bhagwan Narayan had said that this Stuti is done by Bhagwan ShriHari. First Bhagwan ShriHari performed pooja of Devi Tulsi and then he praised Devi Tulsi. He said: Wise people call a place as ‘Vrinda Van‘where Vrinda (Tulsi) and other Vrinda type trees grow together. I worship my beloved Tulsi who is famous by the name “Vrinda”. She appeared in Vrindavan in very old times. Hence she is called as Vrindavani. I worship Devi Vrindavani. She is being worshiped among many trees. Hence she is called as “Vishwapoojita”. Thus I worship her who is being worshiped by many in the world. Devi Tulsi has made the entire world pious by her presence; I worship Such “Vishwapawani” (Devi Tulsi) and remember her. Even we worship Gods with many flowers they get pleased when they are offered Tulsi patra (leaf of Holy Tulsi). Hence Devi Tulsi is called as “Pushpasara”. In deep sorrow I worship her to bless me with the Darshan. Devotee becomes happy when he finds Tulsi patra. Thus she makes all devotees happy and she has been called and famous as “Nandini” by them. I request her to bless me now. She can’t be compared in the whole world (meaning of the word “tulana”). As such she has become by the name “Tulsi”. I bow to her. That very pious Devi Tulsi is inseparable from God Shrikrishna as such she is famous as “Krishnajivani’. I request such Devi Tulsi to protect my life.
तुलसी स्तुतिः
नारायण उवाच
अन्तर्हितायां तस्यां च गत्वा च तुलसीवनम् I
हरिः सम्पूज्य तुष्टाव तुलसीं विरहातुरः II १ II
वृन्दारूपाश्च वृक्षाश्च यदैकत्र भवन्ति च I
विदुर्बुधास्तेन वृन्दां मत्प्रियां तां भजाम्यहम् II २ II
पुरा बभूव या देवी त्वादौ वृन्दावने वने I
तेन वृन्दावनी ख्याता सौभाग्यां तां भजाम्यहम् II 3 II
असंख्येषु च विश्वेषु पूजिता या निरन्तरम् I
तेन विश्वपूजिताख्यां जगत्पूज्यां भजाम्यहम् II ४ II
असंख्यानि च विश्वानि पवित्राणि यया सदा I
तां विश्वपावनीं देवीं विरहेण स्मराम्यहम् II ५ II
देवा न तुष्टाः पुष्पाणां समूहेन यया विना I
तां पुष्पसारां शुद्धां च द्रष्टुमिच्छामि शोकतः II ६ II
विश्वे यत्प्राप्तिमात्रेण भक्तानन्दो भवेद् ध्रुवम् I
नन्दिनी तेन विख्याता सा प्रीता भवताद्धि मे II ७ II
यस्या देव्यास्तुला नास्ति विश्वेषु निखिलेषु च I
तुलसी तेन विख्याता तां यामि शरणं प्रियाम् II ८ II
कृष्णजीवनरुपा या शश्वत्प्रियतमा सती I
तेन कृष्णजीवनीति मम रक्षतु जीवनम् II ९ II
II इति श्रीब्रह्मवैवर्ते प्रकृतिखण्डे तुलसी स्तुतिः श्रीतुलसिमातां समर्पणमस्तु II

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