Saturday, November 28, 2015




Sri Guruparampara Stotram


गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुर्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वर: ।
गुरुस्साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥
Master is Brahma; Master is Vishnu; The Master is Divine Mahesvara; Supreme Divine, the Master is truly, We salute hence the glorious Master.
शुद्धस्फटिकसंकाशं शुद्धविद्याप्रदायकम् ।
शुद्धं पूर्णं चिदानन्दं सदाशिवमहं श्रये ॥१॥
He is resplendent like a crystal pure; He kindles in us sacred knowledge serene Immaculate, Consciousness-Bliss He is. Obeisance to Lord Sadasiva !
सीमातीतमनाद्यन्तं नामोच्चारणभेषजम् ।
कामिताशेषफलदं श्रीमद्विष्णुमहं श्रये ॥२॥
Limitless He’s beginningless, endless; His very name, it cures the ills of birth; His Grace accords what one desires in life. To that Vishnu, my Lord, salutations !
योगि हृत्पद्मनिलयं नतजीवहिते रतम् ।
श्रुतीनां जन्मभूमिं त्वां चतुर्मुखमहं श्रये ॥३॥
The lotus heart of yogis is Thy seat; Thou givest humble bhaktas what is good; The birth and source of all scriptures Thou art. I bow to thee, O Lord of four faces!
प्रसमाहितमत्यन्तं प्रथिमामिततेजसम् ।
वशीकृतपरानन्दं वसिष्ठं गुरुमाश्रये ॥४॥
Immersed He is in deep transcendent trance; The splendid sage of serene peace and bliss; Alluring Light of lofty beatitude; Salutations to seigneur Vasistha !
शुक्तौ रूप्यमिवाभाति यद्रूपं मयि कल्पितम् ।
शक्त्या परि तं येन शक्तिं तं गुरुमाश्रये ॥५॥
He has the holy puissance to annul; The form imagined by my delusion ; Shining like silver in the oyster shell. I take refuge in That Master Shakti.
करणातीतचिद्रूपं परिपूर्णं परायणम् ।
परमानन्दसंतुष्टं पराशरमहं श्रये ॥६॥
His form is Knowledge transcending the mind; The perfect Lord of integral wisdom; The happy Master of supreme delight; Salutations to Sire Parasara!
वेदव्यासं स्वात्मरूपं सत्यसन्धं परायणम् ।
शान्तं जितेन्द्रियक्रोधं सशिष्यं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥७॥
Veda Vyasa, the form of inner Self, The light to Truth and life serene divine; The peaceful saint who has the wrath subdued; We bow to Him followed by disciples.
त्रिकालातीतचिन्मात्रप्रशान्तस्वान्तसंयुतम् ।
विकाराद्यैरसंस्पृष्टं शुकं गुरुमहं श्रये ॥८॥
God-conscious one beyond the triple time; The sage of peace and solemn selfdelight; Immutable, illusionless and sweet. I humbly bow at Master Suka’s feet.
गूढा माया यस्य वाक्यैर्व्रीडिता विलयं गता ।
क्रीडन्तं विद्यया सार्धं गौडपादं तमाश्रये ॥९॥
The splendid sage who cows down sly Maya; That deludes the mind and confuses all; He who sports with spiritual learning; To that graceful Gaudapada I bow.
जीवेशभेदरहितं नाविकं भववारिधेः ।
भावाभावविदूरस्थं गोविन्दं गुरुमाश्रये ॥१०॥
He does not distinguish his self from God; He steers our life across the sea of birth; “Is and Is-not” he easily surmounts; To Master Govinda salutations !
शङ्कारूपेण मच्चित्तं पङ्कीकृतमभूद्यया ।
किङ्करी यस्य सा माया शङ्कराचार्यमाश्रये ॥११॥
The tricky Maya that cleverly deludes; And raises storms of dismay in my mind, That illusion is his servant maid; Salutations to Sankaracharya !
विश्वं मायामयत्वेन रूपितं यत्प्रबोधतः ।
विश्वं च यत्स्वरूपं तं वार्तिकाचार्यमाश्रये ॥१२॥
A lucid gloss he wrote upon the Truth; That the illusion which pervades the world Is imbedded nowhere but in the mind-Suresvaracharya – him I salute !
अनाद्यविद्यामुत्सार्य प्रज्ञानघनरूपताम् ।
यो बोधयति सच्छिष्यान् तं बोधघनमाश्रये ॥१३॥
This Truth he teaches worthy disciples; “Thou art the wakeful conscious inner Self Which shall root out the ancient delusion” ; I bow at the feet of Bhodhaghana !
सिताघनादिदृष्टान्तैर्यत्स्वरूपं श्रुतिर्जगौ ।
प्रज्ञानघन एवेति तं ज्ञानघनमाश्रये ॥१४॥
His clear wisdom culling analogies; From ancient Upanishads candy-sweet; Kindles ablaze the Knowledge of the Self; Such is Jnanaghana; him I adore.
ज्ञानानामुत्तमं ज्ञानं ज्ञानिनामुत्तमो यतः ।
ज्ञानोत्तम इति ख्यातं गुरुं तमहमाश्रये ॥१५॥
The Sage among sages-Jnanottama; He knows the self, knowing Knowledge supreme; The world honours Him as the highest One;To Him I bow-adorable Master!
ज्ञाननिश्रेणिमालम्ब्य ब्रह्माख्यं गिरिमुन्नतम् ।
आरुह्य कृतकृत्यो यस्तं ज्ञानगिरिमाश्रये ॥१६॥
He scaled the mount of wisdom step by step; And climbed the peak of Brahman transcendent; His life was fulfilled in That, lofty Truth, To Sage Jnanagiri salutations!
दुर्वादिदुष्टमातङ्गविदारणपटीयसे ।
नमः श्रीसिंहगिरये गुरवे दिव्यचक्षुषे ॥१७॥
Salutations to Sage Simhagiri; Whose divine vision beams with true wisdom; Whose lion like inner strength rips as under; Wicked elephants, wrangling stubborn foes.
ईप्सितार्थप्रदो नित्यं प्रणतानां च देहिनाम् ।
यतिरीश्वरतीर्थाख्य: तं नमामि गुरुं शिवम् ॥१८॥
Great as Siva, he grants with gracious heart; The boons that pure beloved souls aspire; I do salute and solemnly adore; That saintly Master Isvara Tirtha.
श्रुतिमस्तककूटस्थमज्ञानद्विपभेदिनम् ।
श्रीमन्त्रराजमूर्तिं तं नृसिंहं गुरुमाश्रये ॥१९॥
The light effulgent up the Vedic Hill; The power that kills elephant-Ignorance; The royal Sage of mantras-embodied; I humbly seek the Master Nrisimha.
अविद्याच्छन्नभावानां नृणां विद्योपदेशतः ।
प्रकाशयति यस्तत्त्वं तं विद्यातीर्थमाश्रये ॥२०॥
He brings the Light of Wisdom by His words; To men that are immersed in ignorance; He holds the torch of Truth for all the world; Homage to Him, holy Vidya Tirtha !
अज्ञानां जाह्नवी तीर्थं विद्यातीर्थं विवेकिनाम् ।
सर्वेषां सुखदं तीर्थं भारतीतीर्थमाश्रये ॥२१॥
Ganga is Tirtha to the ignorant, Gnosis is the Tirtha of the wise, There is the Tirtha of the wise, Bharati Tirtha ! Unto Him I bow!
अविद्यारण्यकान्तारे भ्रमतां प्राणिनां सदा ।
विद्यामार्गोपदेष्टारं विद्यारण्यगुरुं श्रये ॥२२॥
To souls that saunter in utter dismay; The dark woodlands of mental ignorance; He shows the path of wisdom, Vidya true, Homage to Saint Vidyaranya the Great !
विद्याविद्याविवेकेन पारं संसारवारिधेः ।
प्रापयत्यनिशं भक्तान् तं विद्यारण्यमाश्रये ॥२३॥
Homage to this Vidyaranya serene; Who holds the high light that discriminates Knowledge of the Real from unreal; And helps bhaktas cross the sea of birth.
अविद्यारण्यसंक्लेशकृशानुभृशतापितः ।
संश्रये सततं भूत्यै चन्द्रशेखरचन्द्रिकाम् ॥२४॥
Led astray and caught in forest fire; Of ignorance I suffered wounds of woe; That moon allayed me with ambrosial rays; Him I adore. Hail Chandrasekhara !
अविद्याख्यद्विपद्वैधीभावे दक्षं समाश्रये ।
नृसिंहभारतीशाख्यहरिं श्रुतिगुहाश्रयम् ॥२५॥
He has the lion-like strength and great courage; To rend the wild tusker of ignorance The light that always shines in Vedic Cave; Him I adore Nrisimha Bharati !
पुरुषोत्तमतां यान्ति यमाश्रित्य जनाः श्रये ।
क्षराक्षरमतीतं तं पुरुषोत्तमयोगिनम् ॥२६॥
They shall be supermen who seek His feet; He is the fleeting world and lasting soul; Beyond them both He is the transcendent. Homage to that Purushottama Yogi !
किङ्करीकृतभूपालं पङ्केरुहसमाननम् ।
तं कारुण्यपयोराशिं शङ्कराख्यं गुरुं श्रये ॥२७॥
Sovereigns of earth are His humble servants; His smiling face is like the lotus flower; His heart is an ocean of compassion; Master Shankara, in Him I take refuge !
चन्द्रिकाधवलोदारसान्द्रकीर्तिच्छटाधरम् ।
इन्द्रियैर्दुर्जयं नौमि चन्द्रशेखरभारतीम् ॥२८॥
Like silver moonlight shines His sacred ash; His spotless fame is sung by seer poets! He has conquered the senses rare to win; Salute Chandrasekhara Bharati !
प्रसिद्धविद्यानिलयं लसमानगुणोत्कटम् ।
बिसजाक्षार्चकं भक्त्या नृसिंहं तीर्थमाश्रये ॥२९॥
He is the famous home of high learning; Supreme Master full of sacred virtues; The fervent votary of Sri Krishna; I pay homage to Nrisimha Tirtha !
पुरुहूतादिदेवौघपौरुषेयगुणोत्कटम् ।
पुरुषार्थप्रदं नौमि पुरुषोत्तमयोगिनम् ॥३०॥
Indra following, all celestials; Adore this Sage of all manly virtues; He fulfils the four ideals of life. I hail the Yogi Purushottama !
कामद्विरदपञ्चास्यरामणीयकमन्दिरम् ।
सोमोपमाननं श्रीमद्रामचन्द्रगुरुं भजे ॥३१॥
The lion that kills the elephant of lust; The holy shrine of pleasing qualities; His smiling face is always full-moon bright; Hail holy Master Srimat Ramchandra !
सुरसिन्धुलसत्कीर्तिं स्मरसिन्धुघटोद्भवम् ।
नारसिंहार्चकं श्रीमन्नारसिंहयतिं भजे ॥३२॥
His fame is like the swelling Ganges-flood; Like Agastya He drinks the desire-sea; He does adore God Nrisimha daily; With love I worship Nrisimha the Saint !
सारासारविवेकज्ञं मारकाननकुञ्जरम् ।
शूरं दाने च निरतं नारसिंहयतिं भजे ॥३३॥
His wisdom knows what is worth and not worth; His will is a tusker that kills the lust He gives and gives; He is heroic brave; I hail with love Nrisimha Saint of Saints !
नृसिंहतां प्रयान्त्याशु यमाश्रित्य जना भुवि ।
तं नृसिंहगुरुं वन्दे द्विगुणोपपदं सदा ॥३४॥
Men of earth that take refuge in him; Shall become lions of loftiest virtues; His holy feet I adore in full faith; Hail Nrisimha Bharati the saint !
तं सर्वभूताभयदं विभवैरन्वितं परम् ।
नारसिंहं गुरुं चापि नवं ज्ञानार्णवं भजे ॥३५॥
Fear he removes from all the human minds; He is majestic and magnanimous; An ocean of spiritual knowledge; Hail Abhinava Nrisimha Bharati !
सत्यस्वरूपं सद्ज्ञाननिष्ठं साक्षाच्छिवं परम् ।
सदा दानरतं दान्तं सच्चिदानन्दमाश्रये ॥३६॥
Truth incarnate, firm in self-knowledge; Like supreme Siva, He is ever blissful; Self-controlled. He delights in giving; Homage to Master Satchidananda !
महामेरुसमं धैर्ये माधुर्येऽप्यमृतोपमम् ।
ऊहापोहार्थनिष्णातं नारसिंहं गुरुं भजे ॥३७॥
In mightly courage He is the mount Meru, In heart He is like nectar tender sweet, Intrepid in inner truth of things; I hail the holy Master Nrisimha !
सच्चित्ताम्बुजमित्राय सच्चरित्रयुजे नमः ।
सच्चिदानन्दभारत्यै सच्चिदानन्दमूर्तये ॥३८॥
The Sun who opens blooming lotus-hearts; Whose sacred life is sung by seer poets; Who is the Truth-Knowledge-Bliss embodied; I bow to Satchidananda Bharati.
सच्चिदनन्दभारत्यै नव्यायास्तु नमोऽनिशम् ।
भव्यात्मज्ञाननिर्धूताविद्याकार्योपलब्धये ॥३९॥
By radiating blessed Self-knowledge; He annuls ignorance in all beings; Abhinava Satchidananda Bharati; Him I adore as my Master supreme !
मारमातङ्गपञ्चास्यं मदसर्पद्विजर्षभम् ।
नृसिंहभारतीं वन्दे जिताक्षतुरगं सदा ॥४०॥
The elephant that quells vital passions; Eagle that kills the snake of mental pride; Hero controlling steeds of wild senses. Salutation, Nrisimha Bharati !
तत्त्वमस्यादिवेदान्तवाक्यार्थज्ञानवारिधेः ।
पूर्णचन्द्रमसं वन्दे सच्चिदानन्दयोगिनम् ॥४१॥
He is the sea of knowledge that expounds; Vedanta’s essence which is Thou art That ; His visage beams with wisdom like the moon. I bow to Satchidananda Yogi !
अभिनवपदपूर्वान् सच्चिदानन्दसंज्ञान्
निगमशिखरवेद्यान् नित्यकल्याणरूपान् ।
त्रिभुवनजनवन्द्यान् सर्वलोकैकहृद्यान्
हृदय कमलमध्ये भावयाम्यम्बुजास्यान् ॥४२॥
The Sage aloft the peak of Vedic lore, Auspicious One, Eternal Bliss Divine; Adored by great men of the triple planes, Gladdening the hearts of good devotees; The lotus faced effulgent saint He is Abhinava Satchidananda Bharati. I worship Him in my lotus heart.
प्रह्लादवरदो देवो यो नृसिंहः परो हरिः ।
नृसिंहोपासकं नित्यं तं नृसिंहगुरुं भजे ॥४३॥
He’s Hari who protected Prahlada; The lion who quells the foes of faith and truth; The worshipper of Nrisimha the Lord. Salute Master Nrisimha Bharati !
श्रीसच्चिदानन्दशिवाभिनव्यनृसिंहभारत्यभिधान् यतीन्द्रान् ।
विद्यानिधीन् मन्त्रनिधीन् सदात्मनिष्ठान् भजे मानवशंभुरूपान् ॥४४॥
Hail self-immersed Siva in human form; Treasure of learning, treasure of mantric lore; King of Sages, Satchidananda Siva Abhinava Nrisimha Bharati !
सदात्मध्याननिरतं विषयेभ्यः पराङमुखम् ।
नौमि शास्त्रेषु निष्णातं चन्द्रशेखरभारतीम् ॥४५॥
Unattached to objects of the senses; Immersed in meditation day and night; Skilful in sacred lore which he does live; Salute Chandrasekhara Bharati !
विवेकिनं महाप्रज्ञं धैर्यौदार्यक्षमानिधिम् ।
सदाऽभिनवपूर्वं तं विद्यातीर्थगुरुं भजे ॥४६॥
I worship my Guru Sri Abhinava Vidya Tirtha; Endowed with discrimination; Great perception, a repository of courage, Forgiveness and generosity.
भारतीकरुणा पात्रं भारती पदभूषणम् ।
भारती पदमारूढं भारतीतीर्थमाश्रये ॥४
सदाशिवसमारम्भां शङ्कराचार्यमध्यमाम् ।
अस्मदाचार्यपर्यन्तां वन्दे गुरुपरम्पराम् ॥ ४८
॥ इति श्रीगुरुपरम्परास्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ॥

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