Thursday, October 29, 2015

Yudhishtra Krutham Durga Stotram (युधिष्त्र कर्थं दुर्ग स्तोत्रं)(Devi stotra.83)


Yudhishtra Krutham Durga Stotram (युधिष्त्र कर्थं दुर्ग स्तोत्रं)(Devi stotra.83)

1. यशोदा गर्भ संभूथां, नारायण वर प्रियां,
नन्द गोप कुले जाथां, मङ्गल्य कुल वर्धनीं. 2. कंस विध्रवनकरिं, असुराणां क्षयंकरिं,
शिलात्ता विनिक्षिप्थं, आकासां प्रथि गमिनिं.
3. वासुदेवस्य भगिनीं, दिव्य मल विभूषिथां,
दिव्याम्बर धरं देवीं, खड्ग केतक धारिणीं.
4. भरवथारणे पुण्ये ये स्मरन्थि सदाशिवं,
थान वै थारयसे पापातः पन्खे गामिव दुर्भलां.
5. नमोस्थु वरदे कृष्णे. कुमारी ब्रह्मचारिणी,
बलकर्सध्रुसकरे, पूर्ण चन्द्र निभनने.
6. चथुर्भुजे, चथुर वक्त्रे पीन श्रोणि पयोधरे,
मयूर पिच वलये केयुरन्गध धारिणी,
भासि देवी यध पद्म नारायण परिग्रह.
7. श्र्वरूपम् ब्रह्मचर्ये च विसधं ग़गनेस्वरि,
कृष्णाच विसमा कृष्णा संकर्षण समानन.
8-9. विभ्रथि विपुलौ याह साकर द्वज समुच्रयौ,
पथ्रि च पन्लजि घ्न्ति स्त्री विशुद्धाच या भुवि,
पसं धनर महा चक्रं विविध अन्य आयुधानि च,
कुन्दलभ्यांम सुप्र्नाभ्यांम कर्णाभ्यां च विभूषिथा.
10-11. चन्द्र विस्पर्धीन देवी मुखेन थ्वम् विराजसे,
मुकुटेन विचिथ्रेण केस भन्धेन शोभिना,
भुजङ्ग भोग वासेन श्रेणी सुथ्रेण राजथा,
विभ्राजसे चबद्धेनभोगेनेवेहमन्धर.
12. ड्वजेन शिकी पिच्चन मुच्रुथेन विराजसे,
कौमारं वृथमस्थाय त्रिदिवं पविथं थ्वय.
13. थेन थ्वम् स्थूयसे देवी त्रिदशै पूज्यसे अपि च,
त्रि लोक्य रक्षणार्थं महिषासुर नासिनि,
प्रसन्न मय सुर स्रेष्टे दयां कुरु शिवा भव.
14,जया थ्वम् विजया चैव संग्रामे च जयप्रध,
ममापि विजयं देहि वरद थ्वम् च संप्रथं.
15. विन्ध्ये चैव नाग स्रेष्टे थ्व स्थानं हि सस्वथम्,
कलि कलि महा कलि गद्ग गद्वन्ग धारिणी.
16. कृथनुयथ्रा भूथैस्थ्वं वरद कामचारिणी,
भ्रवथारे ये च थ्वाम् संस्मरिष्यन्थि मानवा,
17. प्रनमन्थि च ये थ्वाम् हि प्रभाथे थु नरा भुवि,
न थेशं दुर्लभं किन्चिथ्पुत्रतो धनथो अपि वा.
18. दुर्गातः थारयसे दुर्गे ततः थ्वम् दुर्गा समर्था जनै,
ख़न्थ्रेश्व वसन्नानं मग्नानां च महार्णवे.
19. दस्युभिर्वा निरुद्ध्हनं थ्वम् गथि परमा नृणां,
जल प्रथरणे चैव कन्थरे अश्वतवीषु च.
20. ये स्मरन्थि महा देवी न च सीधन्थि थेय नरा,
ठ्वम् कीर्थि शरीर धृथि सिध्रीर्ह्वीर् विध्या संथथर मथि.
21-22. संध्या रथ्रि प्रभा निद्रा ज्योथ्स्ना कनथि क्षमा धय,
नूनं च बन्धनं मोहं पुत्र नासं धन क्षयं,
व्याधिं मृत्युं भयं चैव पूजिथा नासयिष्यथि,
सो अहं राज्यतः परि बृष्ट सरणं थ्वाम् प्रपन्नवान.
23. प्रनथस्च यधा मूर्ध्ना थ्व देवी सुरेस्वरि,
थ्राहि मां पद्म पथ्रक्षि सत्ये सत्या भवखा न.
24. सरणं भव दुर्गे सारण्ये भक्था वथ्सले,
येथं स्थुथा हि सा देवी दर्सयमस पाण्डवं.
देव्युवाच :-
25-26. ये च संम्कीर्थयिष्यन्थि लोके विगथ कल्मषा,
थेशां थुष्टा प्रधास्यामि राज्य मयूर वपु,
प्रवसेनगरे चापि संग्रामे शत्रु संकटे,
अटव्यां दुर्ग कान्थारे सागरे गहने गिरौ,
ये स्मरिष्यन्थि मां राजन यधाहं भवथा समर्था.
27-28. न थेशं किञ्चिद अस्मिं लोके भविष्याथि,
इधं स्तोत्र वरं भक्त्या स्रुन्यद वा पदेतः वा,
थस्य सर्वाणि कार्याणि सिधिं यस्यन्थि पाण्डव,
मतः प्रसदच्ह य सर्वान विरत नगरे स्थिथान.
29. इथ्यक्थ्व वरद देवी युधिष्त्र मरिन्धमं,
रक्षां क्रुथ्वा च पाण्डूनां थाथ्रै वन्थर धीय

Yudhishtra krutham Durga Stotram

(Prayer to Durga composed by Yudhishtra)

Translated by

(This great prayer addressed to the goddess Durga occurs ,
In Virata Parva of Maha Bharatha, just before the great war,
With Kauravas by Yudhishtra , the eldest of the Pandavas).


1.Yasoda Garbha sambhoothaam, Narayana vara priyaam,

Nanda gopa  kule jaathaam , Mangalya kula vardhaneem.

She who was born to Yasoda , She who likes boons of Narayana,
She who was born in the clan  of Nanda gopa,
She who increases auspiciousness , as well as our family.

2.Kamsa vidhravanakarim , asuraanaam kshayamkarim,
Shilaathata  vinikshiptham , aakaasaam prathi gaminim.

She caused fear to Kamsa, She who c destroyed Asuras,
She who rose up when dashed on a stone  and went up the sky.

3.Vasudevasya bhagineem , divya mala vibhooshithaam,
Divyambara dharam devim , khadga ketaka dharinim.

She who is sister of Krishna , She who wore auspicious garlands,
The goddess who wore auspicious silk cloths,
She who is armed  with a sword and a shield.

4.Bharavatharane punye  ye smaranthi sadashivaam,
Thaan vai tharayase paapaath pankhe gamiva durbhalaam.

The holy one , who  reduces burden of earth, and to those who meditate on Shiva,
Who rescues us from sin, similar to rescuing of a weak cow from mire.

5.Namosthu varade Krishne. Kumari brahmacharini,
Balakarsadhrusakare , poorna chandra nibhanane.

Salutations  to the black one who gives boons,
Who remains as a maiden and observes Brahmacharya,
Who is like the rising Sun and is similar to the full moon.

6.Chathurbhuje, chathur vakthre  peena sroni payodhare,
Mayura picha valaye  keyurangadha dharini,
Bhasi devi yadha Padma narayana parigraha.

She who has four hands , four faces, round hips carrying her bosoms,
She who wears peacock feathers  crown and bracelets,
She who shines as Padma,  the consort of Lord Narayana.

7.Swaroopam Brahmacharye  cha visadham Gaganeswari,
Krishnacha visamaa krishnaa  sankarshana samanana.

Oh God of the sky, your form is pure and celibate,
Though black like Krishna  you have a pretty face like Sankarshana.

8-9.Vibhrathi vipulou yaaha  saakra dwaja samuchrayou,
Pathri cha panlaji ghnti sthree vishuddhacha yaa bhuvi,
Pasam dhanr maha chakram vividha anya  aayudhani cha,
Kundalabhyaamm suprnaabhyaamm karnaabhyam  cha vibhooshithaa.

Your two  very long arms look like couple of  flag poles of Indra,
In the other arms you bear vessel, lotus, bell, noose, bow,
Wheel and other weapons and you are the purest woman in this earth,
And you wear ear globes  which increases your prettiness considerably.

10-11.Chandra vispardheena  devi mukhena  thwam virajase,
Mukutena vichithrena kesa bhandhena shobhinaa,
Bhujanga bhoga vaasena sreni suthrena raajathaa,
Vibhrajase  chabaddhenabhogenevehamandhara.

Oh Goddess your face competes for prettiness with the moon,
With a crown  and with peculiarly made up braid  you  look like a snake and  shine,
And you with your very pretty waist belt ,
Shine  like the mandhara mountain tied by a snake.

12. Dwajena shiki picchana muchruthena virajase,
Kaumaram vruthamasthaya tridivam pavitham thwaya.

The flag with  the symbol of peacock shines  on the sky ,
You who have adopted the penance of maiden hood,
Have made all the three worlds as sanctified.

13.Thena thwam  sthooyase  devi tridasai poojyase  api cha,
Tri lokya rakshanartham  Mahishasura nasini,
Prasanna  may sura sreshte  dayaam kuru  shivaa bhava.

You were sung about and worshipped by the trinity even today,
For protecting all the three worlds by filling Mahishasura,
You who are joyful and the greatest among devas,
Please show kindness to me as you are the consort of Shiva.

14,Jayaa thwam vijayaa chaiva  sangrame cha jayapradha,
Mamaapi vijayam  dehi varada thwam cha sampratham.

Because you always win over wars , you are Jaya as well as Vijaya,
Please grant me victory immediately Oh goddess who blesses.

15.Vindhye  chaiva naga sreshte thava sthanam hi saswatham,
Kali Kali Maha kali Gadga gadwanga dharini.

You permanently live in Vindhya which is the greatest mountain,
You are black , personification of time and the great Kali,
Who is armed  with a sword  and a sickle .

16.Kruthanuyathraa bhoothaisthvam varada kamacharini,
Bhravathare ye cha  thwaam samsmarishyanthi maanavaa,

You who goes to all places  to give boons to all beings who pray you,
For reducing the burden of the earth, men remember you.

17.Pranamanthi  cha ye thwaam hi prabhathe thu naraa bhuvi,
Na thesham durlabham kinchithputrato dhanatho api vaa.

The human beings of this earth salute you at day break,
And they  will never ever feel scarcity of children or wealth.

18.Durgaath tharayase durge thath thwam Durgaa smruthaa janai,
Kanthreshwa vasannaanam magnanaam cha Maharnave.

Because you help people  cross the mountain of difficulties,
Whether in the deep sea  or lost  in wilderness, people  remember  you as Durga

19.Dasyubhirva niruddhhanam thwam gathi paramaa nrunaam,
Jala pratharane  chaiva kanthare ashvataveeshu cha.

When attacked by debased people or trying to cross sea or river,
Or Lost completely in wilderness, people only take refuge in you.

20.Ye smaranthi maha devi  na cha seedhanthi  they naraa,
Thwam keerthi  sreer dhruthi  sidhreerhweer vidhyaa santhathar mathi.

Those who remember you  great goddess, are the people who are never left out,
For you are fame , wealth , satisfaction, humility . wisdom , children and intellect.

21-22.Sandhyaa Rathri prabhaa nidhraa jyothsnaa kanthi kshama dhaya,
Nunaam cha bandhanam  moham puthra nasam dhana kshayam,
Vyadhim mruthyum  bhayam chaiva poojithaa nasayishyathi,
So aham rajyath pari brushta saranam thwaam prapannavaan.

You are dawn dusk, light, sleep , lights of sun and moon , patience, mercy,
You free people from fetters , remove  their passion  avoid death of son as well as the  loss of weath,
You cure diseases  and avoid fear for death  for the people who worship you,
And I having been thrown out from my kingdom , surrender  to you completely.

23.Pranathascha  yadhaa moordhnaa thava devi sureswari ,
Thrahi maam Padma pathrakshi  sathye sathyaa bhavakha na.

Oh Goddess who is the God of all devas , I bend my head before you,
Please save me Goddess with eyes like lotus leaves,
Oh goddess , who is truth , prove to me that your power is the truth.

24.Saranam bhava durge  saranye bhaktha vathsale,
Yetham  sthuthaa hi saa devi  darsayamasa  pandavam.

I surrender to you Oh Durga who loves devotees who surrender to her,
And as a result of this prayer The goddess came before the son of Pandu.

Devi told:-

25-26.Ye cha sanmkeerthayishyanthi  loke vigatha kalmashaa,
Theshaam thushtaa pradhaasyaami  rajya mayur vapu,
Pravasenagare chapi sangrame Shathru sankate,
Atavyaam  durga kaanthaare  sagare gahane girou,
Ye smarishyanthi maam rajan  yadhaham bhavathaa smruthaa.

To those people who sing this and  live without deceit and sin,
And I would be satisfied to give  them kingdom , health and long life,
And to those who sing this prayer as was done by you,
Even if they are in between travel or in town  or in war or amidst enemies,
Or in forest with thorns , or in deep ocean  or high mountain,
And then remember me , Oh king,  I would appear as soon as  they think about me.

27-28.Na thesham  kinchid  asmim loke  bhavishyathi,
Idham stotra varam bhakthyaa srunyad  vaa padeth vaa,
Thasya sarvaani karyaani  sidhim yasyanthi pandava,
Math prasadachha  ya sarvaan virata  nagare sthithaan.

There is nothing in this world that they cannot  be got,
By reading or hearing this great prayer with devotion,
Due to my grace all the people of  the city of Virata
Would meet success in all their endeavors, Oh son of Pandu.

30.Ithykthwa varada devi  yudhishtra marindhamam,
Rakshaam kruthwaa cha pandunaam  thathrai vanthar dheeyatha.

After telling like this and blessing Yudhishtra after assuring him,
About looking  after the interests of the sons of Pandu , she  disappeared.


Yudhishtra Krutham Durga Stotram (युधिष्त्र कर्थं दुर्ग स्तोत्रं)(Devi stotra.83)

1. यशोदा गर्भ संभूथां, नारायण वर प्रियां,
नन्द गोप कुले जाथां, मङ्गल्य कुल वर्धनीं. 2. कंस विध्रवनकरिं, असुराणां क्षयंकरिं,
शिलात्ता विनिक्षिप्थं, आकासां प्रथि गमिनिं.
3. वासुदेवस्य भगिनीं, दिव्य मल विभूषिथां,
दिव्याम्बर धरं देवीं, खड्ग केतक धारिणीं.
4. भरवथारणे पुण्ये ये स्मरन्थि सदाशिवं,
थान वै थारयसे पापातः पन्खे गामिव दुर्भलां.
5. नमोस्थु वरदे कृष्णे. कुमारी ब्रह्मचारिणी,
बलकर्सध्रुसकरे, पूर्ण चन्द्र निभनने.
6. चथुर्भुजे, चथुर वक्त्रे पीन श्रोणि पयोधरे,
मयूर पिच वलये केयुरन्गध धारिणी,
भासि देवी यध पद्म नारायण परिग्रह.
7. श्र्वरूपम् ब्रह्मचर्ये च विसधं ग़गनेस्वरि,
कृष्णाच विसमा कृष्णा संकर्षण समानन.
8-9. विभ्रथि विपुलौ याह साकर द्वज समुच्रयौ,
पथ्रि च पन्लजि घ्न्ति स्त्री विशुद्धाच या भुवि,
पसं धनर महा चक्रं विविध अन्य आयुधानि च,
कुन्दलभ्यांम सुप्र्नाभ्यांम कर्णाभ्यां च विभूषिथा.
10-11. चन्द्र विस्पर्धीन देवी मुखेन थ्वम् विराजसे,
मुकुटेन विचिथ्रेण केस भन्धेन शोभिना,
भुजङ्ग भोग वासेन श्रेणी सुथ्रेण राजथा,
विभ्राजसे चबद्धेनभोगेनेवेहमन्धर.
12. ड्वजेन शिकी पिच्चन मुच्रुथेन विराजसे,
कौमारं वृथमस्थाय त्रिदिवं पविथं थ्वय.
13. थेन थ्वम् स्थूयसे देवी त्रिदशै पूज्यसे अपि च,
त्रि लोक्य रक्षणार्थं महिषासुर नासिनि,
प्रसन्न मय सुर स्रेष्टे दयां कुरु शिवा भव.
14,जया थ्वम् विजया चैव संग्रामे च जयप्रध,
ममापि विजयं देहि वरद थ्वम् च संप्रथं.
15. विन्ध्ये चैव नाग स्रेष्टे थ्व स्थानं हि सस्वथम्,
कलि कलि महा कलि गद्ग गद्वन्ग धारिणी.
16. कृथनुयथ्रा भूथैस्थ्वं वरद कामचारिणी,
भ्रवथारे ये च थ्वाम् संस्मरिष्यन्थि मानवा,
17. प्रनमन्थि च ये थ्वाम् हि प्रभाथे थु नरा भुवि,
न थेशं दुर्लभं किन्चिथ्पुत्रतो धनथो अपि वा.
18. दुर्गातः थारयसे दुर्गे ततः थ्वम् दुर्गा समर्था जनै,
ख़न्थ्रेश्व वसन्नानं मग्नानां च महार्णवे.
19. दस्युभिर्वा निरुद्ध्हनं थ्वम् गथि परमा नृणां,
जल प्रथरणे चैव कन्थरे अश्वतवीषु च.
20. ये स्मरन्थि महा देवी न च सीधन्थि थेय नरा,
ठ्वम् कीर्थि शरीर धृथि सिध्रीर्ह्वीर् विध्या संथथर मथि.
21-22. संध्या रथ्रि प्रभा निद्रा ज्योथ्स्ना कनथि क्षमा धय,
नूनं च बन्धनं मोहं पुत्र नासं धन क्षयं,
व्याधिं मृत्युं भयं चैव पूजिथा नासयिष्यथि,
सो अहं राज्यतः परि बृष्ट सरणं थ्वाम् प्रपन्नवान.
23. प्रनथस्च यधा मूर्ध्ना थ्व देवी सुरेस्वरि,
थ्राहि मां पद्म पथ्रक्षि सत्ये सत्या भवखा न.
24. सरणं भव दुर्गे सारण्ये भक्था वथ्सले,
येथं स्थुथा हि सा देवी दर्सयमस पाण्डवं.
देव्युवाच :-
25-26. ये च संम्कीर्थयिष्यन्थि लोके विगथ कल्मषा,
थेशां थुष्टा प्रधास्यामि राज्य मयूर वपु,
प्रवसेनगरे चापि संग्रामे शत्रु संकटे,
अटव्यां दुर्ग कान्थारे सागरे गहने गिरौ,
ये स्मरिष्यन्थि मां राजन यधाहं भवथा समर्था.
27-28. न थेशं किञ्चिद अस्मिं लोके भविष्याथि,
इधं स्तोत्र वरं भक्त्या स्रुन्यद वा पदेतः वा,
थस्य सर्वाणि कार्याणि सिधिं यस्यन्थि पाण्डव,
मतः प्रसदच्ह य सर्वान विरत नगरे स्थिथान.
29. इथ्यक्थ्व वरद देवी युधिष्त्र मरिन्धमं,
रक्षां क्रुथ्वा च पाण्डूनां थाथ्रै वन्थर धीय

Yudhishtra krutham Durga Stotram

(Prayer to Durga composed by Yudhishtra)

Translated by

(This great prayer addressed to the goddess Durga occurs ,
In Virata Parva of Maha Bharatha, just before the great war,
With Kauravas by Yudhishtra , the eldest of the Pandavas).


1.Yasoda Garbha sambhoothaam, Narayana vara priyaam,

Nanda gopa  kule jaathaam , Mangalya kula vardhaneem.

She who was born to Yasoda , She who likes boons of Narayana,
She who was born in the clan  of Nanda gopa,
She who increases auspiciousness , as well as our family.

2.Kamsa vidhravanakarim , asuraanaam kshayamkarim,
Shilaathata  vinikshiptham , aakaasaam prathi gaminim.

She caused fear to Kamsa, She who c destroyed Asuras,
She who rose up when dashed on a stone  and went up the sky.

3.Vasudevasya bhagineem , divya mala vibhooshithaam,
Divyambara dharam devim , khadga ketaka dharinim.

She who is sister of Krishna , She who wore auspicious garlands,
The goddess who wore auspicious silk cloths,
She who is armed  with a sword and a shield.

4.Bharavatharane punye  ye smaranthi sadashivaam,
Thaan vai tharayase paapaath pankhe gamiva durbhalaam.

The holy one , who  reduces burden of earth, and to those who meditate on Shiva,
Who rescues us from sin, similar to rescuing of a weak cow from mire.

5.Namosthu varade Krishne. Kumari brahmacharini,
Balakarsadhrusakare , poorna chandra nibhanane.

Salutations  to the black one who gives boons,
Who remains as a maiden and observes Brahmacharya,
Who is like the rising Sun and is similar to the full moon.

6.Chathurbhuje, chathur vakthre  peena sroni payodhare,
Mayura picha valaye  keyurangadha dharini,
Bhasi devi yadha Padma narayana parigraha.

She who has four hands , four faces, round hips carrying her bosoms,
She who wears peacock feathers  crown and bracelets,
She who shines as Padma,  the consort of Lord Narayana.

7.Swaroopam Brahmacharye  cha visadham Gaganeswari,
Krishnacha visamaa krishnaa  sankarshana samanana.

Oh God of the sky, your form is pure and celibate,
Though black like Krishna  you have a pretty face like Sankarshana.

8-9.Vibhrathi vipulou yaaha  saakra dwaja samuchrayou,
Pathri cha panlaji ghnti sthree vishuddhacha yaa bhuvi,
Pasam dhanr maha chakram vividha anya  aayudhani cha,
Kundalabhyaamm suprnaabhyaamm karnaabhyam  cha vibhooshithaa.

Your two  very long arms look like couple of  flag poles of Indra,
In the other arms you bear vessel, lotus, bell, noose, bow,
Wheel and other weapons and you are the purest woman in this earth,
And you wear ear globes  which increases your prettiness considerably.

10-11.Chandra vispardheena  devi mukhena  thwam virajase,
Mukutena vichithrena kesa bhandhena shobhinaa,
Bhujanga bhoga vaasena sreni suthrena raajathaa,
Vibhrajase  chabaddhenabhogenevehamandhara.

Oh Goddess your face competes for prettiness with the moon,
With a crown  and with peculiarly made up braid  you  look like a snake and  shine,
And you with your very pretty waist belt ,
Shine  like the mandhara mountain tied by a snake.

12. Dwajena shiki picchana muchruthena virajase,
Kaumaram vruthamasthaya tridivam pavitham thwaya.

The flag with  the symbol of peacock shines  on the sky ,
You who have adopted the penance of maiden hood,
Have made all the three worlds as sanctified.

13.Thena thwam  sthooyase  devi tridasai poojyase  api cha,
Tri lokya rakshanartham  Mahishasura nasini,
Prasanna  may sura sreshte  dayaam kuru  shivaa bhava.

You were sung about and worshipped by the trinity even today,
For protecting all the three worlds by filling Mahishasura,
You who are joyful and the greatest among devas,
Please show kindness to me as you are the consort of Shiva.

14,Jayaa thwam vijayaa chaiva  sangrame cha jayapradha,
Mamaapi vijayam  dehi varada thwam cha sampratham.

Because you always win over wars , you are Jaya as well as Vijaya,
Please grant me victory immediately Oh goddess who blesses.

15.Vindhye  chaiva naga sreshte thava sthanam hi saswatham,
Kali Kali Maha kali Gadga gadwanga dharini.

You permanently live in Vindhya which is the greatest mountain,
You are black , personification of time and the great Kali,
Who is armed  with a sword  and a sickle .

16.Kruthanuyathraa bhoothaisthvam varada kamacharini,
Bhravathare ye cha  thwaam samsmarishyanthi maanavaa,

You who goes to all places  to give boons to all beings who pray you,
For reducing the burden of the earth, men remember you.

17.Pranamanthi  cha ye thwaam hi prabhathe thu naraa bhuvi,
Na thesham durlabham kinchithputrato dhanatho api vaa.

The human beings of this earth salute you at day break,
And they  will never ever feel scarcity of children or wealth.

18.Durgaath tharayase durge thath thwam Durgaa smruthaa janai,
Kanthreshwa vasannaanam magnanaam cha Maharnave.

Because you help people  cross the mountain of difficulties,
Whether in the deep sea  or lost  in wilderness, people  remember  you as Durga

19.Dasyubhirva niruddhhanam thwam gathi paramaa nrunaam,
Jala pratharane  chaiva kanthare ashvataveeshu cha.

When attacked by debased people or trying to cross sea or river,
Or Lost completely in wilderness, people only take refuge in you.

20.Ye smaranthi maha devi  na cha seedhanthi  they naraa,
Thwam keerthi  sreer dhruthi  sidhreerhweer vidhyaa santhathar mathi.

Those who remember you  great goddess, are the people who are never left out,
For you are fame , wealth , satisfaction, humility . wisdom , children and intellect.

21-22.Sandhyaa Rathri prabhaa nidhraa jyothsnaa kanthi kshama dhaya,
Nunaam cha bandhanam  moham puthra nasam dhana kshayam,
Vyadhim mruthyum  bhayam chaiva poojithaa nasayishyathi,
So aham rajyath pari brushta saranam thwaam prapannavaan.

You are dawn dusk, light, sleep , lights of sun and moon , patience, mercy,
You free people from fetters , remove  their passion  avoid death of son as well as the  loss of weath,
You cure diseases  and avoid fear for death  for the people who worship you,
And I having been thrown out from my kingdom , surrender  to you completely.

23.Pranathascha  yadhaa moordhnaa thava devi sureswari ,
Thrahi maam Padma pathrakshi  sathye sathyaa bhavakha na.

Oh Goddess who is the God of all devas , I bend my head before you,
Please save me Goddess with eyes like lotus leaves,
Oh goddess , who is truth , prove to me that your power is the truth.

24.Saranam bhava durge  saranye bhaktha vathsale,
Yetham  sthuthaa hi saa devi  darsayamasa  pandavam.

I surrender to you Oh Durga who loves devotees who surrender to her,
And as a result of this prayer The goddess came before the son of Pandu.

Devi told:-

25-26.Ye cha sanmkeerthayishyanthi  loke vigatha kalmashaa,
Theshaam thushtaa pradhaasyaami  rajya mayur vapu,
Pravasenagare chapi sangrame Shathru sankate,
Atavyaam  durga kaanthaare  sagare gahane girou,
Ye smarishyanthi maam rajan  yadhaham bhavathaa smruthaa.

To those people who sing this and  live without deceit and sin,
And I would be satisfied to give  them kingdom , health and long life,
And to those who sing this prayer as was done by you,
Even if they are in between travel or in town  or in war or amidst enemies,
Or in forest with thorns , or in deep ocean  or high mountain,
And then remember me , Oh king,  I would appear as soon as  they think about me.

27-28.Na thesham  kinchid  asmim loke  bhavishyathi,
Idham stotra varam bhakthyaa srunyad  vaa padeth vaa,
Thasya sarvaani karyaani  sidhim yasyanthi pandava,
Math prasadachha  ya sarvaan virata  nagare sthithaan.

There is nothing in this world that they cannot  be got,
By reading or hearing this great prayer with devotion,
Due to my grace all the people of  the city of Virata
Would meet success in all their endeavors, Oh son of Pandu.

30.Ithykthwa varada devi  yudhishtra marindhamam,
Rakshaam kruthwaa cha pandunaam  thathrai vanthar dheeyatha.

After telling like this and blessing Yudhishtra after assuring him,
About looking  after the interests of the sons of Pandu , she  disappeared.

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