Friday, October 16, 2015

Sri Lalita Panchakam(Devi stotra.37)

Sri Lalita Panchakam(Devi stotra.37)


Lalita Panchakam (Lalitha Panchakam) - in sanskrit with meaning - Stotra on Devi Lalita

- composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya

ललिता   पञ्चकम् - प्रातः   स्मरामि   ललितावदनारविन्दं
Lalita Panchakam - Pratah Smarami Lalita Vadana Aravindam
Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
Devi Lalita Tripurasundari

प्रातः स्मरामि ललितावदनारविन्दं
विम्बाधरं पृथुलमौक्तिकशोभिनासम्
आकर्णदीर्घनयनं मणिकुण्डलाढ्यं
मन्दस्मितं मृगमदोज्ज्वलभालदेशम् ॥१॥
Praatah Smaraami Lalitaa-Vadana-Aravindam
Vimba-Adharam Prthula-Mauktika-Shobhi-Naasam |
Aakarnna-Diirgha-Nayanam Manni-Kunnddala-[A]addhyam
Manda-Smitam Mrgamado[a-U]jjvala-Bhaala-Desham ||1||

1.1: In the Early Morning, I Remember the Lotus Face of Devi Lalita Tripurasundari,
1.2: (The Lotus Face on which) The Lips are (Red) like Bimba Fruits, and the Nose is adorned with Large Pearls,
1.3: The large Eyes are stretching upto the Ears, and the Ears are richly decorated with Gem-studded Ear-Rings,
1.4: The Face is lit with a Gentle Smile and the Forehead is shining with the Musk of the Deer (Kasturi),

Inline image 2

Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
प्रातर्भजामि ललिताभुजकल्पवल्लीं
पुण्ड्रेक्षुचापकुसुमेषुसृणिदधानाम् ॥२॥
Praatar-Bhajaami Lalitaa-Bhuja-Kalpavalliim
Rakta-Angguliiya-Lasad-Angguli-Pallava-[A]addhyaam |
Punnddrekssu-Caapa-Kusume[a-I]ssu-Srnni-Dadhaanaam ||2||

2.1: In the Early Morning, I Worship the Arms of Devi Lalita Tripurasundari which are like Wish-Fulfilling Creepers (Kalpavalli),
2.2: (The Arms on which) The Fingers are like shining Sprouts and are richly decorated with Red Finger-Rings,
2.3: The Arms are adorned with Golden Bracelets studded with various Gems,
2.4: The Arms are holding a Bow of Sugarcane, Arrows of Flowers and an Ankusha (Goad).

Inline image 4

Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
प्रातर्नमामि ललिताचरणारविन्दं
भक्तेष्टदाननिरतं भवसिन्धुपोतम्
पद्माङ्कुशध्वजसुदर्शनलाञ्छनाढ्यम् ॥३॥
Praatar-Namaami Lalitaa-Caranna-Aravindam
Bhakte[a-I]sstta-Daana-Niratam Bhava-Sindhu-Potam |
Padma-Angkusha-Dhvaja-Sudarshana-Laan.chana-[A]addhyam ||3||

3.1: In the Early Morning, I Salute the Lotus Feet of Devi Lalita Tripurasundari,
3.2: (The Lotus Feet which are) Engaged in granting the wishes of the Devotees, and (finally) like a Boat make them cross the Ocean of Samsara (Worldly Existence),
3.3: (The Lotus Feet which are) Worshipped by Padmasana (Lord Brahma seated on Lotus) and other leading Suras (demi-gods), ...
3.4: ... and richly endowed with the Auspicious marks of Padma (Lotus), Ankusha (Hook), Dhwaja (Flag) and Sudarshana Chakra (Discus),

Inline image 5

Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
प्रातः स्तुवे परशिवां ललितां भवानीं
त्रय्यन्तवेद्यविभवां करुणानवद्याम्
विश्वस्य सृष्टिविलयस्थितिहेतुभूतां
विद्येश्वरीं निगमवाङ्मनसातिदूराम् ॥४॥
Praatah Stuve Para-Shivaam Lalitaam Bhavaaniim
Trayyanta-Vedya-Vibhavaam Karunnaa-[A]navadyaam |
Vishvasya Srsstti-Vilaya-Sthiti-Hetu-Bhuutaam
Vidyeshvariim Nigama-Vaang-Manasa-Ati-Duuraam ||4||

4.1: In the Early Morning, I Eulogize the Auspicious Nature of Lalita Bhavani which is beyond the mind,
4.2: (The Auspicious Nature) Whose Majesty, Compassion and Spotless Purity can only be comprehended by understanding the Vedanta, ...
4.3: ... and which is the cause of Sristhi (Creation), Vilaya (Dissolution) and Sthiti (Maintenance of Creation) of this Universe,
4.4: (The Auspicious Nature) Which is Consciousness embodied as Goddess, and which is beyond what the Scriptures can express, Speech can refer to, and Mind can think about,

Inline image 3

Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
प्रातर्वदामि ललिते तव पुण्यनाम
कामेश्वरीति कमलेति महेश्वरीति
श्रीशाम्भवीति जगतां जननी परेति
वाग्देवतेति वचसा त्रिपुरेश्वरीति ॥५॥
Praatar-Vadaami Lalite Tava Punnya-Naama
Kaameshvari-Iti Kamale[a-I]ti Maheshvarii-[I]ti |
Shrii-Shaambhavii-[I]ti Jagataam Jananii Pare[a-I]ti
Vaagdevate[a-I]ti Vacasaa Tripureshvarii-[I]ti ||5||

5.1: In the Early Morning, O Devi Lalita Tripurasundari, I utter Your Holy Names, ...
5.2: ... (which are) "Kameshwari", "Kamala", "Maheshwari", ...
5.3: ... Sri "Sambhavi", "Jagat Janani", "Para", ...
5.4: ... "Vagdevi" of speech and "Tripureshwari",

Inline image 1

Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
यः श्लोकपञ्चकमिदं ललिताम्बिकायाः
सौभाग्यदं सुललितं पठति प्रभाते
तस्मै ददाति ललिता झटिति प्रसन्ना
विद्यां श्रियं विमलसौख्यमनन्तकीर्तिम् ॥६॥
Yah Shloka-Pan.cakam-Idam Lalitaa-[A]mbikaayaah
Saubhaagya-Dam Sulalitam Patthati Prabhaate |
Tasmai Dadaati Lalitaa Jhattiti Prasannaa
Vidyaam Shriyam Vimala-Saukhyam-Ananta-Kiirtim ||6||

6.1: He who (recites) these Five Slokas of Mother Lalita Tripurasundari, ...
6.2: ... which bestows good fortune and is charming to listen to; (He who) recites these in the Early Morning, ...
6.3: ... To him Mother Lalita bestows, being instantly pleased, ...
6.4: ... (She bestows) Vidya (Knowledge), Sri (Prosperity), Pure Happiness and Endless Fame.

Inline image 6
(Courtesy:Green message)



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