Saturday, October 3, 2015

Lakshmi Stotra from Skanda Purana(Lakshmi stotra.28)

Lakshmi  Stotra from Skanda Purana(Lakshmi stotra.28)

Translated   by

Deva Ouchu:-
The devas    said

1.Nama sriyai loka dhatryai Brahma mathre  namo nama,
Namasthe  Padma Nethrayai , Padma mukhyai namo nama.

Salutaions to Lalkshmi  , the mother of the world, Salutations to mother   of Brahma,
Salutations to the lotus eyed one  , Salutations    to the lotus faced one.

2.Prasanna mukha padmayai Padma kanthyai namo nama,
Namo bilwa vanasthayai , Vishnu pathniyai namo   nama.

Salutations  to  the Goddess Lotus with  a pleasant face  ,
Salutations to her who shines  like lotus  flower,
Salutations to her who lives in forest   of Bilwa trees,
And salutations     to the consort   of Lord Vishnu.

3.Vichithra kshoma    dharinayi pruthu sronyai namo nama,
Pakwa Bilwa phalaa  peena  thunga sthanyai   namo nama.

Salutations  to her who wears    decorated   silks,
And one    who has broad   hips,
Salutations to her who drinks ripe    fruit of Bilwa ,
And one who has    a chest   like lion.

4.Suraktha Padma  pathrabha , kara Pada   thale Shubhe ,
Surthnagadha keyura  Kanchi noopura    Shobhithe .

Oh Goddess  who is of the colour of the petals of  blood red lotus flower ,
Who shines   with   gem studded  anklets  , belt and armlet in her hands and legs.

5.Yakshakardhama samliptha  sarvange kadakojjwale

One whose body is  anointed with perfumed paste  and
One shining    with    bangles   all over

6.Mangalyabharanais chithrair muktha harair  vibhooshithe,
Thadangaira avathamsaischa  shobhamana  mukhambuje.

One who wears  the chain  of mangalya and varied necklaces   with pearls,
One who has a shining face with hanging     ear rings.

7.Padma hasthe namasthubhyam  praseeda Hari vallabhe,
Rig yaju sama roopayai  vidhyai they namo nama.

Salutations to her who has lotus like hands ,
Oh consort   of Hari shower your grace on me,
Oh Goddess who has the form of Rig, Yajur and Sama veda,
My salutations   to you who has the form of  knowledge.

8.Praseedaasman krupa drushti  pathariralokya  abdhije,
YE drushtasthe  thwayaa brahma Rudra indra thwaam  samapnuyu.

Be pleased and   give a merciful look  on all people, Oh Goddess  born out of the ocean,
Which sight  of yours is desired by  Brahma, Rudra    and Devendra.

Sri Suka Uvachga:-
Ithi sthuthaa  sada devair  Vishnu vaksha sthalalaya,
Vishnuna saha samdrusya  sama pretha avadath suraan.

Sage Sukha said:-
She who was positioned on the chest of Lord Vishnu  ,
Seeing   the devas   who praised  her like this always,
Along with Lord Vishnu appeared    from the sea 
Before the devas   and  told them.

Srir uvacha:-
Surarin sahasa hathwaa  swapadhani   gamishyathaa,
Ye sthana heenaa  swasthaanad  bramsitha ye naraa  bhuvi.

After    stopping this prayer   the devas   went to their places,
And the men in the world were   surprised with the health and joy

Stotrena anena ye devaa  naraa yushmath kruthena vai,
Dharmartha kama mokshaanam aakarasthe bhavanthi vai.

Those devas and men who pray me using the prayer   composed by you,
Would realize the purushatrhas of Dharma, wealth   desire and salvation.

Idham padmasaro deva  ye kechana   naraa bhuvi,
Prapya snanam karishyanthi maam sthuthwaa  Vishnu vallabhaam

Thus the devas  and some men, reached   the lotus pond.
Took bath there  and prayed    the consort of Vishnu.

Thebhi sriyam dheergamayura  vidhyaan puthraan suvarchasaa ,
Labdhva  bogamsu cha  bhukthwaa anthe naraa moksham avapnuyu.

BY the blessings of Lakshmi the men  got long life , knowledge  , splendid sons ,
And also got all pleasures and in the end attained  salvation.

Ithi dathwaa  varam devi devena saha vishnunaa,
AAruhya Garudesaanaam Vaikunta sthanamayayou.

After   giving this boon the goddess   along with devas   and Lord Vishnu,
Rode     the Garuda     and reached  Vaikunta , which is her place.

Ithi Sri Skandhe Maha Purane  yekaaseethi  sahasra   samhithayam , Vaishnava khande  ,
Sri Venkatachala Mahathmye Sri Lakshmi stotram sampoornam

Thus ends the prayer to Lakshmi  which occurs   in Sri  Venkatachala Mahathmya ,
In the chapter   of Vaishnavas in the eleven thousandth collection   of the great epi of Skanda.

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