Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Kilaka Stotra(Devi stotra.31)

Kilaka Stotra(Devi stotra.31)

॥ कीलकस्तोत्रम् ॥

ॐ अस्य श्रीकीलकमन्त्रस्य शिवऋषिः, अनुष्टुप् छन्दः,
श्रीमहासरस्वती देवता, श्रीजगदम्बाप्रीत्यर्थं
सप्तशतीपाठाङ्गत्वेन जपे विनियोगः ।
ॐ नमश्चण्डिकायै ।
मार्कण्डेय उवाच ।
ॐ विशुद्धज्ञानदेहाय त्रिवेदीदिव्यचक्षुषे ।
श्रेयःप्राप्तिनिमित्ताय नमः सोमार्धधारिणे  ॥ १॥

सर्वमेतद्विजानीयान्मन्त्राणामपि कीलकम् ।
सोऽपि क्षेममवाप्नोति सततं जप्यतत्परः  ॥ २॥

सिद्ध्यन्त्युच्चाटनादीनि कर्माणि सकलान्यपि ।
एतेन स्तुवतां देवीं स्तोत्रवृन्देन भक्तितः  ॥ ३॥

न मन्त्रो नौषधं तस्य न किञ्चिदपि विद्यते ।
विना जप्येन सिद्ध्येत्तु सर्वमुच्चाटनादिकम्  ॥ ४॥

समग्राण्यपि सेत्स्यन्ति लोकशङ्कामिमां हरः ।
कृत्वा निमन्त्रयामास सर्वमेवमिदं  शुभम्  ॥ ५॥

स्तोत्रं वै चण्डिकायास्तु तच्च गुह्यं चकार सः ।
समाप्नोति स पुण्येन तां यथावन्निमन्त्रणाम्  ॥ ६॥

सोऽपि क्षेममवाप्नोति सर्वमेव न संशयः ।
कृष्णायां वा चतुर्दश्यामष्टम्यां वा समाहितः  ॥ ७॥

ददाति प्रतिगृह्णाति नान्यथैषा प्रसीदति ।
इत्थं रूपेण कीलेन महादेवेन कीलितम्  ॥ ८॥

यो निष्कीलां विधायैनां चण्डीं जपति नित्यशः ।
स सिद्धः स गणः सोऽथ गन्धर्वो जायते ध्रुवम्  ॥ ९॥

न चैवापाटवं तस्य भयं क्वापि न जायते ।
नापमृत्युवशं याति मृते च मोक्षमाप्नुयात्  ॥ १०॥

ज्ञात्वा प्रारभ्य कुर्वीत ह्यकुर्वाणो विनश्यति ।
ततो ज्ञात्वैव सम्पूर्णमिदं प्रारभ्यते बुधैः  ॥ ११॥

सौभाग्यादि च यत्किञ्चिद् दृश्यते ललनाजने ।
तत्सर्वं तत्प्रसादेन तेन जप्यमिदम् शुभम्  ॥ १२॥

शनैस्तु जप्यमानेऽस्मिन् स्तोत्रे सम्पत्तिरुच्चकैः ।
भवत्येव समग्रापि ततः प्रारभ्यमेव तत्  ॥ १३॥

ऐश्वर्यं तत्प्रसादेन सौभाग्यारोग्यमेव च ।
शत्रुहानिः परो मोक्षः स्तूयते सा न किं जनैः  ॥ १४॥

चण्डिकां हृदयेनापि यः स्मरेत् सततं नरः ।
हृद्यं काममवाप्नोति हृदि देवी सदा वसेत्  ॥ १५॥

अग्रतोऽमुं महादेवकृतं कीलकवारणम् ।
निष्कीलञ्च तथा कृत्वा पठितव्यं समाहितैः  ॥ १६॥

      ॥ इति श्रीभगवत्याः कीलकस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ॥
Keelakam Stotram

Rishi Markandeya tells his disciples in 16 Slokas the ways to remove the obstacles faced by devotees while reading Devi Mahatmya. Reading of Keelakam brings blessings of the Devi, spiritual harmony, peace of mind and success.

atha kīlakam stotram

om asya śrī kīlaka stotra mahā mantrasya śiva ṛṣiḥ anuṣṭup chandaḥ mahāsarasvatī devatā mantrodita devyo bījam
navārṇo mantraśakti śrī sapta śatī mantra statvaṃ srī jagadambā prītyarthe saptaśatī pāṭhāṅgatvena jape viniyogaḥ

Of this Keelakam Stotram, Lord Shiva is the Rishi, Anushtup (eight syllables in a pada) is the meter, Mahasarasvati is the deity and it is recited for the love of Shri Jagadamba as a part of Durga Saptashati.

om namaścaṇḍikāyai

mārkaṇḍeya uvāca

om viśuddha jñānadehāya trivedī divyacakṣuṣe
śreyaḥ prāpti nimittāya namaḥ somārtha dhāriṇe 1

Salutations to Shri Chandika!

The sage sayd:

Om, I bow with respect to the greatest Lord, who has three eyes and who wears the crescent. Whose knowledge encompasses the wisdom of the Vedas and whose pure devotion lead to the ultimate bliss.

sarvameta dvijānīyānmantrāṇāpi kīlakam
so'pi kṣemamavāpnoti satataṃ jāpya tatparaḥ 2

Anyone who understands the Key (Keelakam means the nail which holds the cart and the wheel together, in this context is the key that unlocks the secrets of the Devi Mahatmya) to the mantras of the Devi Mahatmya and recites them with constant intent attains complete success and full peace.

siddhyantuccāṭanādīni karmāṇi sakalānyapi
etena stuvatāṃ devīṃ stotravṛndena bhaktitaḥ 3

Those who praise the Devi by reciting or singing these mantras, shall certainly succeed in thwarting every single adversity (whether external or internal, and whether physical, mental, or spiritual) and in achieving the highest realizations.

na mantro nauṣadhaṃ tasya na kiñci dapi vidhyate
vinā jāpyam na siddhyettu sarva muccāṭanādikam 4

Those who praise the Devi by reciting or singing these mantras need no other mantras or medicine, or anything else and will realize all their needs.

samagrāṇyapi setsyanti lokaśajñkā mimāṃ haraḥ
kṛtvā nimantrayāmāsa sarva meva midaṃ śubham 5

Those who praise the Devi by reciting or singing these mantras find the greatest relief from every doubt in the world and are filled with perfect bliss.

stotraṃvai caṇḍikāyāstu tacca guhyaṃ cakāra saḥ
samāpnoti sapuṇyena tāṃ yathāvannimantraṇāṃ 6

There is no end to the blessings that can be received by the Devi Mahatmya. The secret is that it must be offered to the Devi with the utmost devotional focus so that She will be pleased and will accept it.

sopi'kṣema mavāpnoti sarva meva na saṃśayaḥ
kṛṣṇāyāṃ vā caturdaśyām aṣṭamyāṃ vā samāhitaḥ 7

Without any doubt, who recites those mantras with full concentration, and especially on the fourteenth or eighth day after the new moon (Krishna Chathurdasi or Krishna Ashtami), attains bliss.

dadāti pratigṛhṇāti nānya thaiṣā prasīdati
itthaṃ rūpeṇa kīlena mahādevena kīlitam 8

The one Key of the Great God (Shiva) is that devotion alone brings Her grace. As one gives, so in return does one receive, and by no other means is She pleased.

yo niṣkīlāṃ vidhāyaināṃ caṇḍīṃ japati nitya śaḥ
sa siddhaḥ sa gaṇaḥ so'tha gandharvo jāyate dhruvam 9

Whoever constantly recites the Devi Mahatmya using the Key, surely becomes perfect, a divine attendant, even a celestial singer.

na caivā pāṭavaṃ tasya bhayaṃ kvāpi na jāyate
nāpa mṛtyu vaśaṃ yāti mṛteca mokṣamāpnuyāt 10

Wherever such a person goes, he is free from all danger and fear. Such a person is not subject to untimely death, and when the death of his body does come, then he is surely saved, attaining full liberation.

jñātvāprārabhya kurvīta hyakurvāṇo vinaśyati
tato jñātvaiva sampūrnam idaṃ prārabhyate budhaiḥ 11

Now, knowing all this, one must begin and continue to practice it. By not doing so, even the gift of understanding will perish. The wise ones devote themselves to what brings complete fulfillment.

saubhāgyādica yatkiñcid dṛśyate lalanājane
tatsarvaṃ tatprasādena tena japyamidaṃ śubhaṃ 12

All felicities, beatitudes, and other auspicious qualities formed in femininity come about through the grace of the Goddess. Therefore, one should recite with devotion the Devi Mahatmya.

śanaistu japyamāne'smin stotre sampattiruccakaiḥ
bhavatyeva samagrāpi tataḥ prārabhyamevatat 13

Even when that scripture is recited softly, its success is resounding. For complete fulfillment, one must proceed.

aiśvaryaṃ tatprasādena saubhāgyārogyamevacaḥ
śatruhāniḥ paro mokṣaḥ stūyate sāna kiṃ janai 14

When the blessing of the Supreme Sovereign, through Her grace, is welfare, health, fulfillment, the destruction of all enmity, and supreme liberation, why should anyone not praise Her so?

caṇdikāṃ hṛdayenāpi yaḥ smaret satataṃ naraḥ
hṛdyaṃ kāmamavāpnoti hṛdi devī sadā vaset 15

agrato'muṃ mahādeva kṛtaṃ kīlakavāraṇam
niṣkīlañca tathā kṛtvā paṭhitavyaṃ samāhitaiḥ 16

iti śrī bhagavatī kīlaka stotraṃ samāptam
Here ends the Keelakam Stotram of the Devi.

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