Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jaya Madhurashtakam (जय मधुराष्टकम्)(Devi stotra.88)


Jaya Madhurashtakam (जय मधुराष्टकम्)(Devi stotra.88)

एक वस्त्रे शिकी ज्वल शिके शुभे,
वाम रूपे कपाल दहने, सर्वाभरण भूषिथे 1
क्रूर दंष्ट्रे, रक्था मलये, अष्ट दस भुज करे,
मङ्गले, कारणे, माथे, मथर बले, रक्षके, 2
कुङ्कुम प्रिये गुण वासिने, कुल वृधि कारणे, श्रिये,
सूल दमरुकं चैव कपाल पास धारिणे. 3
ओंकार रूपिणे, सक्थि वर रूपे वरये,
सुखासने चामुण्डे, सुन्दरी योगधीस्वरि. 4
सिंह वहन प्रिये, देवी, श्याम वर्णे च संभावि,
मधुर कलि, मसन वसे, मथ्रुक, महा मन्गली, 5
सीर वचूर वास प्रिये, सीग्र वर मन्दिथे,
पूर्व पुण्य दर्सने देवी, महा मङ्गल दर्सिनि, 6
ज्योथिर मये, जय कलिके, दुख नासन प्रिये, शिवे,
जन्म लभ वरे, कण्ठे, मधुरे, ज्योथि रूपिणे, 7
सर्व कलेस नासिने, माथे, सविथ्री, अभीष्टनुग्रहे,
शोदसनुग्रहे, देवी,भक्थानुग्रह अर्चिथे, 8
येका मासं शुक्र वरे सोउभग्यं कलि दर्शनं,
शुक्र सोम धनं जपिथ्व सर्व मङ्गल निधि भग्यथं. 9
अष्ट पूर्णं जपेतः नित्यं अष्ट सिधि प्रप्थिथं शुभं,
इथि श्री मौथुस्वमि जिह्व द्वारा जय मधुराष्टकं संपूर्णं. 10
She who wears one cloth, who has a hair similar to crest of peacock,
Who does good. Who has left sided form, who burns skulls,
Who decorates herself with all different ornaments, 1 She who has cruel teeth, she who wears red garlands,
She who has eighteen hands, she who does good,
She who is the cause, she who is the mother,
She who is the power of mother, She who protects, 2
She who likes kumkum,She who lives in good qualities,
She who helps the clan to increase, She who is goddess Lakshmi,
She who carries trident, drum, skull and a rope. 3
She who is of the form of Om, She who is the form of blessed Shakthi,
She who gives boons, she who sits pleasantly, She who killed Chanda,
She who is very pretty, She who is the goddess of Yoga. 4
She who likes to ride on a lion, She who is the goddess,
She who is black in colour, she who makes things happen,
Sweet kali, she who lives in cremation ground,
She who is the ideal, She who is great goodness, 5
She who likes to live in seer vachoor, she who gives boons speedily,
She who can be seen only with accumulated punya, Goddess,
She who sees that greatly good things will happen. 6
She who is full of light, She who is the victorious Kali,
She who likes to destroy sorrow, She who is the consort of Shiva,
She who gives the boon of profit, she who is the consort,
She who is sweet, She who is of the form of light, 7
She who destroys all sufferings, mother, Savithri,
She who blesses fulfillment of desires,
She who gives sixteen type of blessings,
Goddess, She who blesses devotees who worship her. 8

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