Monday, October 12, 2015

Bhagavati Stotram of Sage Vyasa - (Devi stotra.23)

Bhagavati Stotram of Sage Vyasa(Devi stotra.23)

श्रीभगवतीस्तोत्रम्   :   जय   भगवति   देवि   नमो   वरदे
Bhagavati Stotram - Jai Bhagavati Devi Namo Varade
Devi Durga
Devi Durga

जय भगवति देवि नमो वरदे
जय पापविनाशिनि बहुफलदे
जय शुम्भनिशुम्भकपालधरे
प्रणमामि तु देवि नरार्तिहरे ॥१॥
Jaya Bhagavati Devi Namo Vara-De
Jaya Paapa-Vinaashini Bahu-Phala-De |
Jaya Shumbha-Nishumbha-Kapaala-Dhare
Prannamaami Tu Devi Naraartihare ||1||

1.1: Victory to You, O Divine Goddess, My Salutations to You Who are the Giver of Boons,
1.2: Victory to You O Devi, Who are the Destroyer of Sins and Bestower of Many Fruits,
1.3: Victory to You O Devi, Who Wear the Heads of Sinful Demons Shumbha and Nishumbha (after slaying them),
1.4: I Bow to You O Devi, You Indeed are the Remover of Pains of Human Beings.


Devi Durga
जय चन्द्रदिवाकरनेत्रधरे
जय पावकभूषितवक्त्रवरे
जय भैरवदेहनिलीनपरे
जय अन्धकदैत्यविशोषकरे ॥२॥
Jaya Candra-Divaakara-Netra-Dhare
Jaya Paavaka-Bhuussita-Vaktra-Vare |
Jaya Bhairava-Deha-Niliina-Pare
Jaya Andhaka-Daitya-Vishossa-Kare ||2||

2.1: Victory to You O Devi, Who Wear the Sun and the Moon as Her Eyes,
2.2: Victory to You O Devi, Whose Beautiful Face is Adorned by the Glow of Fire,
2.3: Victory to You O Devi, Who as the Supreme Being Fused Her Body with that of Bhairava (as Ardhanarishwara),
2.4: Victory to You O Devi, Who Dried up the Strength of Demon Andhaka (for his wickedness).


Devi Durga
जय महिषविमर्दिनि शुलकरे
जय लोकसमस्तकपापहरे
जय देवि पितामहविष्णुनते
जय भास्करशक्रशिरोऽवनते ॥३॥
Jaya Mahissa-Vimardini Shula-Kare
Jaya Loka-Samastaka-Paapa-Hare |
Jaya Devi Pitaamaha-Vissnnu-Nate
Jaya Bhaaskara-Shakra-Shiro-[A]vanate ||3||

3.1: Victory to You O Devi, Who Crushed the Demon Mahishasura with Trident in Hand,
3.2: Victory to You O Devi, Who Destroy the Sins in All the Worlds,
3.3: Victory to You O Devi, to Whom Pitamaha Brahma and Sri Vishnu Bow Down.
3.4: Victory to You O Devi, to Whom Sun and the Other Devas Bow Down.


Devi Durga
जय षण्मुखसायुध ईशनुते
जय सागरगामिनि शम्भुनुते
जय दुःखदरिद्रविनाशकरे
जय पुत्रकलत्रविवृद्धिकरे ॥४॥
Jaya Ssannmukha-Saayudha Iisha-Nute
Jaya Saagara-Gaamini Shambhu-Nute
Jaya Duhkha-Daridra-Vinaasha-Kare
Jaya Putra-Kalatra-Vivrddhi-Kare ||4||

4.1: Victory to You O Devi, Who is Praised by Lord Shanmukha (the Six-Faced Kartikeya) Adorned with various Weapons,
4.2: Victory to You O Devi, Who is Praised by Lord Shiva seeing You Flowing towards the Ocean as river Ganga (for the welfare of mankind),
4.3: Victory to You O Devi, Who Destroys All Sorrows and Poverty,
4.4: Victory to You O Devi, Who Augments our Fortune by providing Sons and Wives.


Devi Durga
जय देवि समस्तशरीरधरे
जय नाकविदर्शिनि दुःखहरे
जय व्याधिविनाशिनि मोक्षकरे
जय वाञ्छितदायिनि सिद्धिवरे ॥५॥
Jaya Devi Samasta-Shariira-Dhare
Jaya Naaka-Vidarshini Duhkha-Hare |
Jaya Vyaadhi-Vinaashini Mokssa-Kare
Jaya Vaan.chita-Daayini Siddhi-Vare ||5||

5.1: Victory to You O Devi, Who Wear All the Bodies (remaining as the underlying Pure Consciousness),
5.2: Victory to You O Devi, Who Bestows the Vision of Spiritual Sky (during meditation), thus Destroying the Root of our Sorrow (of spiritual ignorance),
5.3: Victory to You O Devi, Who Destroy the Diseases (obstructing our spiritual progress) and finally Grants Liberation (from the delusion of samsara),
5.4: Victory to You O Devi, Who thus Grants our Wishes and takes us towards the Most Excellent Siddhi (of spiritual fulfilment).


Devi Durga
एतद्व्यासकृतं स्तोत्रं
यः पठेन्नियतः शुचि
गृहे वा शुद्धभावेन
प्रीता भगवती सदा ॥६॥
Etad-Vyaasa-Krtam Stotram
Yah Patthen-Niyatah Shuci |
Grhe Vaa Shuddha-Bhaavena
Priitaa Bhagavatii Sadaa ||6||

6.1: This Stotram (Hymn) is Composed by Sage Vyasa,
6.2: Whoever Recites this Stotram Regularly after becoming Bodily and Mentally Clean ,...
6.3: his Home or Anywhere with Pure Devotion to the Goddess,
6.4: Will Please the Bhagavati Devi Always.


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