Sunday, September 20, 2015

Shri Radhayaha Parihar Stotram(Radha stotra.2)

Shri Radhayaha Parihar Stotram(Radha stotra.2)

This parihar Stotram is from shri Brahmvaivart Purana. It is in Sanskrit. It is to be recited after a devotee performs pooja (Worship) of Goddess Radha. The meaning of the stotra is as under.
O Radhe! You are a goddess; you are there since very long, since ancient times, you are mother of this world, you are maya of God Vishnu. You are soul of God ShriKrishna. You are loved by God ShriKrishna more than himself. You are very pious, shubha (doer of good to people). You are the energy filled by the love of God Shrikrishna. You are soubhagya rupini of God ShriKrishna. You make people to be a devotee of God ShriKrishna. I bow to you. Today I myself fill very fortunate as I have worshiped Radha who had been worship by God ShriKrishna himself. Radha who is always in the heart of ShriKrishna; is Raseshwri in RasMandala, Vrinda in Vridavan, Krishna Priya in Goloka, Tulasi in Tulasi van, Champavati while with Krishna, Krida in Champakvan, Chandravali in Chandra van, Sati on Shatashrung mountain, Padmavati in Padmvan, Krishna in Krishna Sarovar, Bhadra in Kunjkutir, Kamya in Kamyavan, Mahalakshmi in Vaikuntha, Vina in the heart of God Narayan, SundhuKanya in milk of ocean, HariPriya Laxmi on this earth, in the heaven Laxmi of heaven destroying sorrow, worries of the Gods in the heaven, God Shiva’s Durga appearing very ancient times and by the maya of God Vishnu, VedMata who is with God Brahma, you are by a small part wife of God Dharm and mother of muni Nar-Narayan, you are by a small part appearing as Tulasi and Holy Ganga who purifies this world by her water, Gopies are born from your hairs, Rohini and Rati are also by a small part of you, Shatarupa, Shachi and Diti are also a small part of you, Mother of Gods Aditi is also from a small part of you, O holy Devi Wifes of Gods and wifes of Rushies are also from your small part of you. O holy Shubhe and worshiped by God ShriKrishna! Please bless me with devotion of God ShriKrishna and in the service of god. Thus here completes Radhayaha Parihar Stotram.
श्रीराधायाः परीहारस्तोत्रम्
त्वं देवी जगतां माता विष्णुमाया सनातनी ।
कृष्णप्राणाधिदेवी च कृष्णप्राणाधिका शुभा ॥ १ ॥
कृष्णप्रेममयी शक्तिः कृष्णसौभाग्यरुपिणी ।
कृष्णभक्तिप्रदे राधे नमस्ते मङगलप्रदे ॥ २ ॥
अद्य मे सफलं जन्म जीवनं सार्थकं मम ।
पूजितासि मया सा च या श्रीकृष्णेन पूजिता ॥ ३ ॥
कृष्णवक्षसि या राधा सर्वसौभाग्यसंयुता ।
रासे रासेश्र्वरीरुपा वृन्दा वृन्दावने वने ॥ ४ ॥
कृष्णप्रिया च गोलोके तुलसी कानने तु या ।
चम्पावती कृष्णसंगे क्रीडा चम्पककानने ॥ ५ ॥
चन्द्रावली चन्द्रवने शतश्रृंङगे सतीति च ।
विरजादर्पहन्त्री च विरजातटकानने ॥ ६ ॥
पद्मावती पद्मवने कृष्णा कृष्णसरोवरे ।
भद्रा कुञ्जकुटीरे च काम्या च काम्यके वने ॥ ७ ॥
वैकुण्ठे च महालक्ष्मीर्वाणी नारायणोरसि ।
क्षीरोदे सिन्धुकन्या च मर्त्ये लक्ष्मीर्हरिप्रिया ॥ ८ ॥
सर्वस्वर्गे स्वर्गलक्ष्मीर्देवदुःखविनाशिनी ।
सनातनी विष्णुमाया दुर्गा शंकरवक्षसि ॥ ९ ॥
सावित्री वेदमाता च कलया ब्रह्मवक्षसि ।
कलया धर्मपत्नी त्वं नरनारायणप्रसूः ॥ १० ॥
कलया तुलसी त्वं च गङगा भुवनपावनी ।
लोमकुपोद्भवा गोप्यः कलांशा रोहिणी रतिः ॥ ११ ॥
कलाकलांशरुपा च शतरुपा शची दितिः ।
अदितिर्देवमाता च त्वत्कलांशा हरिप्रिया ॥ १२ ॥
देव्यश्र्च मुनिपत्न्यश्र्च त्वत्कलाकलया शुभे ।
कृष्णभक्तिं कृष्णदास्यं देहि मे कृष्णपूजिते ॥ १३ ॥
एवं कृत्वा परीहारं स्तुत्वा च कवचं पठेत् ।
पुरा कृतं स्तोत्रमेतद् भक्तिदास्यप्रदं शुभम् ॥ १४ ॥
॥ इति श्रीब्रह्मवैवर्ते श्रीराधायाः परीहारस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ॥


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