Sunday, September 20, 2015

RADHA STOTRAM(Radha stotra.4)

Radha Stotram (radha stotra.4)

Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa has written this song "Grhe Radha Vane Radha”. The official name of this song is Radha Stotram. This song is taken from the book Brahmanda Purana. This is a beautiful glorification of Srimati Radharani and whoever lovingly recites this prayer will become attracted to the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani and Lord Krishna.
(From a conversation between Shrila Brahmaa and Shrila Naarada in the Brahmanda Purana )

grhe radha vane radha radha prsthe purah sthita
yatra yatra sthita radha radhaivaradhyate maya

jihva radha srutau radha radha netre hrdi sthita
sarvanga-vyapini radha radhaivaradhyate maya

puja radha japo radha radhika cabhivandane
smrtau radha siro radha radhaivaradhyate maya

gane radha gune radha radhika bhojane gatau
ratrau radha diva radha radhaivaradhyate maya

madhurye madhura radha mahattve radhika guruh
saundarye sundari radha radhaivaradhyate maya

radha rasa-sudha-sindhu radha saubhagya-manjari
radha vrajangana-mukhya radhaivaradhyate maya

radha padmanana padma padmodbhava-supujita
padme vivecita radha radhaivaradhyate maya

radha krsnatmika nityam krsno radhatmako dhruvam
vrndavanesvari radha radhaivaradhyate maya

jihvagre radhika-nama netragre radhika-tanuh
karne ca radhika-kirtir manase radhika sada

krsnena pathitam stotram radhika-pritaye param
yah pathet prayato nityam radha-krsnantigo bhavet

aradhita-manah krsno radharadhita-manasah
krsnakrsta-mana radha radha-krsneti yah pathet

(1) Radha is in the home, Radha is in the forest,
and She is both behind and before me. I worship the all-pervading
Radhaji, wherever She is present.

(2) Radha is on my tongue, Radha is in my ears,
Radha is in my eyes and inside my heart. I worship Radhaji, who is
within the bodies of all.

(3) Radha is in my puja, Radha is in my
mantra-japa, Radha is in my prayers, Radha is in my memory, and Radha is in my head – I worship that Radhaji.

(4) Whenever I sing, I sing about the qualities of
Radha, everything I eat is Radha’s prasada, wherever I go I always
remember Radha, Radha is in the night, Radha is in the day – I worship
that Radhaji.

(5) Radha is the sweetness within anything that is
sweet; of anything that is important, Radha is the most important; and
of everything that is beautiful, Radha is the supreme beauty – I worship that Radhaji.

(6) Radha is an ocean of nectarean rasa, Radha is
the flower-bud of all good fortune, Radha is the foremost gopi of Vraja – I worship that Radhaji.

(7) Because Radha’s face is like a spotless lotus
flower, She is known as Padma. She is worshiped by Brahma who appeared
on the lotus emanating from Visnu’s navel, and when She was first
discovered by Her father, She was resting upon a lotus – I worship that

(8) Radha is eternally immersed in Sri Krsna, Krsna is certainly always immersed in Radha, and Radha is the queen of
Vrndavana – I worship that Radhaji.

(9) Radha’s name is on the tip of my tongue,
Radha’s beautiful form is always before my eyes, descriptions of Radha’s fame are always in my ears, and Radha always resides in my mind.

(10) Whoever regularly recites with great care this prayer spoken by Sri Krsna will attain loving service for the feet of
Sri Radha-Krsna.

(11) Srimati Radhika worships Sri Krsna in Her
heart and mind, and Krsna worships Srimati Radhika in His heart and
mind; Sri Krsna attracts Radhika’s heart and mind, and Radhika attracts
Krsna’s heart and mind. Whoever lovingly recites this prayer will become similarly attracted to the lotus feet of Sri Radha-Krsna.


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