Saturday, September 12, 2015




ओं विनायकाय नमः
ओं विघ्नराजाय नमः
ओं गौरीपुत्राय नमः
ओं गणेश्वराय नमः
ओं स्कन्दाग्रजाय नमः
ओं अव्ययाय नमः
ओं पूताय नमः
ओं दक्षाय नमः
ओं अध्यक्षाय नमः
ओं द्विजप्रियाय नमः                              १०
ओं अग्निगर्भच्छिदे नमः
ओं इन्द्रश्रीप्रदाय नमः
ओं वाणीबलप्रदाय नमः
ओं सर्वसिद्धिप्रदाय नमः
ओं शर्वतनयाय नमः
ओं शर्वरीप्रियाय नमः
ओं सर्वात्मकाय नमः
ओं सृष्टिकर्त्रे नमः
ओं देवाय नमः
ओं अनेकार्चिताय नमः                            २०
ओं शिवाय नमः
ओं शुद्धाय नमः
ओं बुद्धिप्रियाय नमः
ओं शान्ताय नमः
ओं ब्रह्मचारिणे नमः
ओं गजाननाय नमः
ओं द्वैमात्रेयाय नमः
ओं मुनिस्तुत्याय नमः
ओं भक्तविघ्नविनाशनाय नमः
ओं एकदन्ताय नमः                       ३०
ओं चतुर्बाहवे नमः
ओं चतुराय नमः
ओं शक्तिसंयुताय नमः
ओं लम्बोदराय नमः
ओं शूर्पकर्णाय नमः    
ओं हरये नमः
ओं ब्रह्मविदुत्तमाय नमः
ओं कालाय नमः
ओं ग्रहपतये नमः
ओं कामिने नमः                         ४०
ओं सोमसूर्याग्निलोचनाय नमः
ओं पाशाङ्कुशधराय नमः
ओं चण्डाय नमः
ओं गुणातीताय नमः
ओं निरञ्जनाय नमः
ओं अकल्मषाय नमः
ओं स्वयंसिद्धाय नमः
ओं सिद्धार्चितपदांबुजाय नमः
ओं बीजपूरफलासक्ताय नमः
ओं वरदाय नमः                          ५०
ओं शाश्वताय नमः
ओं कृतिने नमः
ओं विद्वत्प्रियाय नमः
ओं वीतभयाय नमः
ओं गदिने नमः
ओं चक्रिणे नमः
ओं इक्षुचापधृते नमः
ओं श्रीदाय नमः
ओं अजाय नमः
ओं उत्पलकराय नमः                        ६०
ओं श्रीपतये नमः
ओं स्तुतिहर्षिताय नमः
ओं कुलाद्रिभेत्रे नमः
ओं जटिलाय नमः
ओं कलिकल्मषनाशनाय नमः
ओं चन्द्रचूडामणये नमः
ओं कान्ताय नमः
ओं पापहारिणे
ओं समाहिताय नमः
ओं आश्रिताय नमः                            ७०
ओं श्रीकराय नमः
ओं सौम्याय नमः
ओं भक्तवाञ्छितदायकाय नमः
ओं शान्ताय नमः
ओं कैवल्यसुखदाय नमः
ओं सच्चिदानन्दविग्रहाय नमः
ओं ज्ञानिने नमः
ओं दयायुताय नमः
ओं दान्ताय नमः
ओं ब्रह्मद्वेषविवर्जिताय नमः                ८०
ओं प्रमत्तदैत्यभयदाय नमः
ओं श्रीकण्ठाय नमः
ओं विबुधेश्वराय नमः
ओं रमार्चिताय नमः
ओं विधये नमः
ओं नागराजयज्ञोपवीतवते नमः
ओं स्थूलकण्ठाय नमः
ओं स्वयंकर्त्रे नमः
ओं सामघोषप्रियाय नमः
ओं पराय नमः                        ९०
ओं स्थूलतुण्डाय नमः
ओं अग्रण्यै नमः
ओं धीराय नमः
ओं वागीशाय नमः
ओं सिद्धिदायकाय नमः
ओं दूर्वाबिल्वप्रियाय नमः
ओं अव्यक्तमूर्तये नमः
ओं अद्भुतमूर्तिमते नमः
ओं शैलेन्द्रतनुजोत्सङ्ग-
   खेलनोत्सुकमानसाय नमः
ओं स्वलावण्यसुधासाराय नमः                १०० 
ओं जितमन्मथविग्रहाय नमः             
ओं समस्तजगदाधाराय नमः
ओं मायिने नमः
ओं मूषिकवाहनाय नमः
ओं हृष्टाय नमः
ओं तुष्टाय नमः
ओं प्रसन्नात्मने नमः
ओं सर्वसिद्धिप्रदायकाय                   १०८

Vigneswara Ashtothra Shatha Namavali
(The row of 108 names to the God of obstacles)

Translated by
(It is a custom for Hindus to worship Gods with 108 names , which are actually descriptions of the God. Here is a popular Ashtothara Satham (108) of Lord Ganesa . who is the remover of obstacles . Normally with every name Om is added as a prefix and Namaha is added as a suffix.)
SarvaVignaharam Devam SarvaKaryaphalapradham
Sarvasiddhi pradhataram Vandeham Gaananayakam“

I salute the leader of all Ganas,
Who removes all obstacles,
Who fulfills all actions,
And who blesses us with occult powers.

Namavali (Row of names)

Om Vinayakaya Namaha - Blessed Lord of all
Om Vighnarajaya Namaha -The king of obstacles
Om Gauriputraya Namaha -The son of Goddess Gauri
Om Ganesvaraya Namaha -The blesses leader of all Ganas
Om Skandagrajaya Namaha -The elder brother of Skanda(Subrahmanya) 
Om Avyayaya Namaha -He who is stable and does not change
Om Putaya Namaha -He who shines
Om Dakshaya Namaha -He who is an expert
Om Adhyakshaya Namaha  -He who presides
Om Dvijapriyaya Namaha -He who likes the twice born
Om Agnigarbhachide Namaha - He who has fire in his stomach
Om Indrasripradaya Namaha  -He who granted wealth to Indra
Om Vanipradaya Namaha  -He who grants voice
Om Avyayaya Namaha -He who never alters
Om Sarvasiddhipradaya Namaha - He who grants all occult powers
Om Sarvajnanayaya Namaha  -He who knows everything
Om Sarvaripriyaya Namaha -He who is liked by every one
Om Sarvatmakaya Namaha-He who is the soul of everyone
Om Srushtikatre Namaha   -He who creates
Om Devaya Namaha  -He who is God
Om Anekarchitaya Namaha-He who is worshipped by dseveral
Om Sivaya Namaha  -He who is Lord Shiva himself
Om Suddhaya Namaha -He who is cleanliness
Om Buddhipriyaya Namaha-He who likes knowledge
Om Santaya Namaha -He who is a saint
Om Brahmacharine Naamaha -He who is a Brahma chari
Om Gajananaya Namaha  -He who killed Gaja mukhasura
Om Dvaimatreyaya Namaha -He who is double
Om Munistutyaya Namaha  -He who is worshipped  by sages
Om Bhaktavighnavinasanaya Namaha -He who removes obstacles in pathof devotion
Om Ekadantaya Namaha  -He who has only one tusk
Om Chaturbahave Namaha  -He who has four different aspects
Om Chaturaya Namaha -He who is clever
Om Saktisamyutaya Namaha -He who is with power
Om Lambodaraya Namaha -He who has a broad paunch
Om Surpakarnaya Namaha-He who has winnow like ears
Om Haraye Namaha  -He who is Hara (shiva)
Om Brahmaviduttamaya Namaha - He who an expert in knowledge of Brahma
Om Kalaya Namaha -He who is a crescent (He who is artful)
Om Grahapataye Namaha -He who is chief of planets (House)
Om Kamine Namaha -He who desires
Om Somasuryagnilochanaya Namaha  -He who has Sun ,moon and fire as eyes
Om Pasankusadharaya Namaha -He who holds the rope and the goad.
Om Chandaya Namaha -He who is fierce
Om Gunatitaya Namaha -He who is as bright as Sun
Om Niranjanaya Namaha -He who is spotless and pure
Om Akalmashaya Namaha -He who does not have any stain
Om Svayamsiddhaya Namaha-He who has become sidha himself
Om Siddharchitapadambujaya Namaha -He whose feet is worshipped by saints
Om Bijapuraphalasaktaya Namaha -He who likes to get results of Bhija
Om Varadaya Namaha  -He who gives boons (He who blesses)
Om Sasvataya Namaha -He who is perennial
Om Krutine Namaha -He who performs
Om Dvijapriyaya Namaha  -He who likes the twice born
Om Vitabhayaya Namaha -He who is never afraid
Om Gadine Namaha  -He who is our ultimate goal
Om Chakrine Namaha -He who is Lord Vishnu
Om Ikshuchapadhrite Namaha -He holds the bow of sugarcane
Om Sridaya Namaha -He who blesses with wealth
Om Ajaya Namaha -He who is not born
Om Utpalakaraya Namaha -He holds lotus in his hand
Om Sripataye Namaha -He who is the lord of wealth
Om Stutiharshitaya Namaha -He who becomes happy because of prayer
Om Kuladribhettre Namaha -He who broke the mountain
Om Jatilaya Namaha -He who is an ascetic
Om Kalikalmashanasanaya Namaha -He who destroys the ills of Kali age
Om Chandrachudamanaye Namaha-He who wears the crescent
Om Kantaya Namaha
-He who is very pleasing
Om Papaharine Namaha -He who cures sins
Om Samahitaya Namaha -He who has an affable personality
Om Asritaya Namaha -He who protects
Om Srikaraya Namaha -He who does good deeds
Om Saumyaya Namaha  -He who is very peaceful
Om Bhaktavanchitadayakaya Namaha-He who fulfills the desire of devotees
Om Santaya Namaha  -He who is peaceful
Om Kaivalyasukhadaya Namaha -He who grants the pleasure of salvation
Om Sachidanandavigrahaya Namaha  -He who is the personification of divine joy
Om Jnanine Namaha-He who is wise
Om Dayayutaya Namaha-He who is merciful
Om Dantaya Namaha -He who has a tusk
Om Brahmadveshavivarjitaya Namaha - He who abandoned enmity to Lord Brahma         
Om Pramatta daityabhayadaya Namaha-He who is fearful to Asuras
Om Srikanthaya Namaha -He who is the glorious light
Om Vibhudesvaraya Namaha -He who is the God of all divine  beings
Om Ramarchitaya Namaha  -He who is in the mind of Rama
Om Vidhaye Namaha -He who is very learned
Om Nagarajayajnopavitavate Namaha-He who wears snake as sacred thread
Om Sthulakanthaya Namaha  -He who has  very gross body
Om Svayamkartre Namaha -He who is made by himself
Om Samaghoshapriyaya Namaha -He who likes the singing of Sama Veda
Om Parasmai Namaha-He who is beyond everything
Om Sthulatundaya Namaha-He who has a big tusk
Om Agranye Namaha -He who is the first
Om Dhiraya Namaha -He who is brave
Om Vagisaya Namaha -He who is the God of words
Om Siddhidayakaya Namaha -He who makes things happen and removes obstacles
Om Durvabilvapriyaya Namaha -He who likes Bilwa leaves and Durva grass
Om Avyaktamurtaye Namaha -He who does not have a clear form
Om Adbhutamurtimate Namaha - He who has a wonderful form
Om Sailendratanujotsanga Khelanotsukamanasaya Namaha-He who gets pleased by playing with the lord of Mountains
Om Svalavanyasudhasarajita Manmathavigrahaya Namaha-He who has a pretty form like nectar and has a form like God of love
Om Samastajagadadharayai Namaha -He who carries all the universe
Om Mayine Namaha - He who has an illusory form
Om Mushikavahanaya Namaha -He who rides on the mouse
Om Hrushtaya Namaha
–He who is pleased 
Om Tushtaya Namaha  -He who is always satisfied
Om Prasannatmane Namaha
-He who has a very pleasant attitude
Om Sarvassiddhipradayakaya Namaha -He who grants all powers

“Ithi Sri Vigneshwara Astothara Satharamavali hi”
     Thus ends the 108 holy names of Vigneswara

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