Monday, August 10, 2015

Lakshmi Sthotram" (Devendra) & "Sri Vijayalakshmi Sthotram" (Sage Agasthya) (Venkatesh stotra.27)

.Sound of Divinity (3) - "Lakshmi Sthotram" (Devendra) & "Sri Vijayalakshmi Sthotram" (Sage Agasthya)(lakshmi stora6 &7)Venkates  stotra 27)

॥ श्रीलक्ष्मीस्तोत्रं इन्द्ररचितम् ॥

श्रीगणेशाय नमः ।
ॐ नमः कमलवासिन्यै नारायण्यै नमो नमः ।
कृष्णप्रियायै सारायै पद्मायै च नमो नमः ॥ १॥

पद्मपत्रेक्षणायै च पद्मास्यायै नमो नमः ।
पद्मासनायै पद्मिन्यै वैष्णव्यै च नमो नमः ॥ २॥

सर्वसम्पत्स्वरूपायै सर्वदात्र्यै नमो नमः ।
सुखदायै मोक्षदायै सिद्धिदायै नमो नमः ॥ ३॥

हरिभक्‍तिप्रदात्र्यै च हर्षदात्र्यै नमो नमः ।
कृष्णवक्षःस्थितायै च कृष्णेशायै नमो नमः ॥ ४॥

कृष्णशोभास्वरूपायै रत्नपद्मे च शोभने ।
सम्पत्यधिष्ठातृदेव्यै महादेव्यै नमो नमः ॥ ५॥

शन्याधिष्ठादेव्यै च शस्यायै च नमो नमः ।
नमो बुद्धिस्वरूपायै बुद्धिदायै नमो नमः ॥ ६॥

वैकुण्ठे या महालक्ष्मीर्लक्ष्मीः क्षीरोदसागरे ।
स्वर्गलक्ष्मीरिन्द्रगेहे राजलक्ष्मीर्नपालये ॥ ७॥

गृहलक्ष्मीश्च गृहिणां गेहे च गृहदेवता ।
सुरभि सा गवां माता दक्षिणा यज्ञकामनी ॥ ८॥

अदितिर्देवमाता त्वं कमला कमलालये ।
स्वाहा त्वं च हविर्दाने कव्यदाने स्वधा स्मृता ॥ ९॥

त्वं हि विष्णुस्वरूपा च सर्वाधारा वसुन्धरा ।
शुद्धसत्वस्वरूपा त्वं नारायणपरायाणा ॥ १०॥

क्रोधहिंसावर्जिता च वरदा च शुभानना ।
परमार्थप्रदा त्वं च हरिदास्यप्रदा परा ॥ ११॥

यया विना जगत् सर्वे भस्मीभूतमसारकम् ।
जीवन्मृतं च विश्वं च शवतुल्यं यया विना ॥ १२॥

सर्वेषां च परा त्वं हि सर्वबान्धवरूपिणी ।
यया विना न सम्भाप्यो बाध्ववैर्बान्धवः सदा ॥ १३॥

त्वया हीनो बन्धुहीनस्वत्वया युक्‍तः सबान्धवः ।
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां त्वं च कारणरूपिणी ॥ १४॥

यथा माता स्तनन्धानां शिशूनां शैशवे सदा ।
तथा त्वं सर्वदा माता सर्वेषां सर्वरूपताः ॥ १५॥

मातृहीन स्नत्यक्‍तः स चेज्जीवति दैवतः ।
त्वया हीनो जनःकोऽपि न जीवत्येव निश्चितम् ॥ १६॥

सुप्रसन्नस्वरूपा त्वं मां प्रसन्ना भवाम्बिके ।
वैरिग्रस्तं च विषयं देहि मह्मं सनातनि ॥ १७॥

वयं यावत् त्वया हीना बन्धुहीनश्च भिक्षुकाः ।
सर्वसम्पद्विहीनाश्च तावदेव हरिप्रिये ॥ १८॥

राज्यं देहि श्रियं देहि बलं देहि सुरेश्वरि ।
कीर्ति देहि धनं देहि यशो मह्मं च देहि वै ॥ १९॥

कामं देहि मतिं देहि भोगान देहि हरिप्रिये ।
ज्ञानं देहि च धर्मे च सर्वसौभाग्यमीप्सितम् ॥ २०॥

प्रभावां च प्रतापं च सर्वाधिकारमेव च ।
जयं पराक्रमं युद्धे परमैश्वर्यमैव च ॥ २१॥

इत्युक्‍त्वा च महेन्द्रश्च सर्वैः सुरगणैः सह ।
प्रणमाम साश्रुनेत्रो मूर्ध्ना चैव पुनः पुनः ॥ २२॥

ब्रह्मा च शङ्करश्चैव शेषो धर्मश्च केशवः ।
सर्वेचक्रुः परिहारं सुरार्थे च पुनः पुनः ॥ २३॥

देवेभ्यश्च वरं दत्वा पुष्पमालां मनोहराम् ।
केशवाय ददा लक्ष्मीः सन्तुष्टा सुरसंसदि ॥ २४॥

ययुदैवाश्च सन्तुष्टाः स्वं स्वं स्थानञ्च नारद ।
देवी ययोऐ हरेः क्रोडं दृष्टा क्षीरोदशायिनः ॥ २५॥

ययतुश्चैय स्वगृहं ब्रह्मेशानी च नारद ।
दत्वा शुभाशिषं तौ च देवेभ्यः प्रीतिपूर्वकम् ॥ २६॥

इदं स्तोत्रं महापुण्यं त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्न्रः ।
कुबेरतुल्यः स भवेत् राजराजेश्वरो महान् ॥ २७॥

सिद्धस्तोत्रं यदि पठेत् सोऽपि कल्पतरूर्नरः ।
पञ्चलक्षजपेनैव स्तोत्रसिद्धिर्भवेन्नृणाम् ॥ २८॥

सिद्धस्तोत्रं यदि पठेन्मासमेकं च संयतः ।
महासुखी च राजेन्द्रो भविष्यति न संशयः ॥ २९॥

॥ इतिश्री इन्द्रकृतं लक्ष्मीस्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम् ॥


Lakshmi stotra by Indra

Translated by


( Once due to a curse of a sage Lord Devendra lost all his wealth. Then he recited this prayer addressed to Mahalakshmi, the goddess of wealth. She appeared before him and gave him back all his wealth.  I have already translated another prayer addressed to Mahalakshmi by Indra  under the title Sri Stotram.  )

Purandara Uvacha:-
Nama Kamala vasinyai narayanyai namo nama,
Krishna priyayai sathatham Maha Lakshmyai namo nama.                    1

Indra said:-

Salutations to her who lives in the lotus,
Salutations and salutations to Narayani,
Salutations and salutations always,
To the darling of Krishna and Maha Lakshmi.

Padma pathra kshnayacha  padmasyainamo nama,
Padmasanaayai pafminyai , Vaishnavyai namo nama.                             2

Salutations and salutations to her,
Who stands alone like a lotus leaf,
And to her who is the consort of Vishnu,
Salutations and salutations to Vaishnavi*,
And to her who sits on a lotus.
           *The female aspect of Vishnu.

Sarva sampath swaroopinyai , sarvaaradhyai namo nama,
Hari bhakthi pradhthriyai  cha harsha dathryai namo nama.                     3

Salutations and salutations to her who is the form of all wealth,
And to her who is being worshipped by every one.
Salutations and salutations who gives us devotion o Hari,
And to her who grants us happiness.

Krishna vaksha sthithayai  cha Krishnesayai namo nama,
Chandra shobhaa swaroopayai , rathna padme cha Shobhane.                  4

Salutations and salutations to her who lives on the chest of Krishna,
And to her follows Lord Krishna like a shadow,
And to her who is personification of moon light,
And to the one who shines like a gem of a lotus.

Sampathyadhishtathas devyai , maha devyai namo nama,
Namo vrudhi swaroopayai , vrudhidhyai namo nama.                               5

Salutations and salutations to her who helps us retain wealth,
And to her who is the greatest among the goddesses,
Salutations and salutations to her who has the form of growth,
And to her who blesses us with growth of wealth.

Vaikunde ya Mahalakshmi  ya Lakshmi Ksheera sagare,
Swarga Lakshmi  Indra gehe Raja Lakshmi nrupalaye.                               6

You are the Mahalakshmi of Vaikunta,
The Lakshmi born out of the ocean of milk,
The swarga Lakshmi in Indra’s place,
And Raja Lakshmi in the residence of kings.

Graha lakshmeescha Krishnaa gehe Gruha devathaa,
Surabhi sagare  Jatha Daksha yagna gamini.                                              7

 In the homes you are the Goddess of the home,
As well as the Lakshmi of the home and Goddess who is black,
You were born along with nectar from the sea,
And you were the one who went to the yaga of Daksha.

Adhithir deva mathaa , thwam kamala kamalalaya,
Swaha thwam cha havir dhane , kavya dhane Swadha smrutha.                8

You are Adhithi the mother of devas,
And the Goddess Kamala who lives in a lotus,
You are the goddess Swaha accepting sacrificial offerings,
And the goddess Swadha accepting offering to ancestors.

Thwam hi Vishnu swaroopa , sarvadharaa Vasundhara,
Sudha sathwa swaroopa , thwam Narayana Parayana.                               9

You are the real form of Lord Vishnu,
And you are the all carrying mother earth,
You are the form of the purest essence,
And you are the one who chants the name of Narayana.

Krodha himsa varjitha cha varadhaa  saradhaa shubhaa,
Paramartha pradhaa thwam hari dhasya pradha paraa.                              10

You are the one who has forsaken anger and violence,
You are the one who blesses and the goddess of knowledge,
You are the one who blesses with all sort of wealth,
And the one who helps all the devotees of Lord Vishnu.

Sarveeshaam para mathaa, sarva bhandhava roopini,
Dhamartha kama mokshaanam thwaya cha karana  roopini.                      11

You the divine mother for every one,
And the one who is friend and relation of all,
You are the formed personification of all Dharma,
Wealth, desire  and the ultimate salvation.

Yadhaa maathaa sthanaam dhaanaam , shishoonaam shaishave sada,
Thadha thwam sarvadhaa mathaa sarveshaam sarya roopadhaa.                  12

Like the mother giving milk from her breasts,
To the children in their childhood,
You please  look after every one,
In all  their forms   always and forever.

Mathru heena sthanandasthu  sa cha jeevathi daivatha,
Thwaya heeno jana kopi na  jeevathyeva nischitham.                                   13

Those babies who do not have mother’s milk,
Some how manage to live by grace of God,
But without your grace , it is definite,
That any body can ever manage to live.

Suprasanna swaroopa thwam, maam prasanna bhavambike,
Vairi grastham cha vishayam dehi, mahyam sanathani.                                14

You are always joyful  and so become pleased with me goddess,
Please do not allow me to fall in hand of enemies* and save me.
                        * Enemies like poverty , ill health etc.

Aham yavath twaya heeno , bandhu heenascha bhikshuka,
Sarva sampath viheenascha  thava deva hari priye,
Jnanam dehi cha dharmam cha  sarva sobhagyameemsithaka,
Prabhavam prathapam cha sarvadhikara meva cha hari priye.                       15

Jayam parakramam yuthe paramaiswaryamevacha,
Ithyukthwa cha mahendrascha , sarvai sura gana saha.                                   16

Prananama  sa asru nethro moordhana chaiva puna puna,
Brahma sankaraschaiva  , Sesho dharmascha Kesava.                                     17

Due  to the absence of your grace , I am a beggar without friends,
And so oh darling of Hari , to this one who does not have any wealth,
Give wisdom . Dharma  and all sort of luck, as well as,
Power , fame  and all sort of power over others,
And also give me victory, valour  and all sort of divine wealth.
Indra spoke thus along with all groups of devas,
And saluted her with a bent head and with eye full of tears again and again,
When Brahma, Shiva, Adhi Sesha, Yama and Vishnu where also present.

Sarve shathru pariharam surarthe  cha puna puna,
Devebhyascha  varam dathwa pushpa malaam manoharam.                              18

Kesavaya dhadhou Lakshmi santhushta sura sammathi,
Yayur deva santhushta  svam svam sthaanam gatha,
Dathwa shuba aseesham thou sathevebhya preethi poorvakam,
Itham sthothram Maha punyam Trisandhyam  ya padeth nara,
Kubhera thulya  sa bhaveth Raja Rajeswaro Mahan,
Pancha laksha japenaiva  sthothra sidhi  Bhaveth runa,
Sidha stothram yathi padeth masa mekanthu santhatham,
Maha sura rajendro Bhavishyathi na samsaya.                                                    19-22

After again and again solving the problems of Devas,
The goddess gave them boons  and a very pretty garland,
Was given to them by Lord Vishnu which made them happy.
And all the devas went back happily to their normal places.
After giving  good wishes to the Lord Indra she told,
“ The man who reads this greatly blessed prayer  at dawn, noon and dusk,
Would become like the God of wealth and would be as great as a king.
If this is repeated half a million times , this prayer would lead him to divine powers,
But If this read continuously for one complete month without break,
He would become , without any doubt, Indra, the king of devas.”


Vijaya Lakshmi Stotram
                   (Prayer to the Lakshmi of victories)
                                         Sage Agasthya

                                          Translated by

Jaya padma visalakshi , jaya thwam sri pathi priye,
Jaya mathar maha Lakshmi, samasarnavarnava tharini.           1

Victory to the one with lotus like broad eyes,
Victory to her, who is the darling of Lord Vishnu,
Victory to the mother Mahalakshmi,
And victory to her who makes us cross,  the sea of life.

Mahalakshmi namasthubhyam, namasthubhyam sureswari,
Hari priye namasthubhyam, namasthubhyam daya nidhe.            2

Salutations to you,  Mahalakshmi,
Salutations to you, goddess of devas,
Salutations to you, sweetheart of Hari,
And salutations to you,  the treasure of mercy.

Padmalaye namasthubhyam, namasthubhyam cha sarvadhe,
Sarva bhootha hitharthaya, vasu vrushtim sada kuru.                      3

Salutations to you, goddess who lives in lotus,
Salutations to you, who is capable of  doing everything,
For the sake of the good of all beings,
Please always shower nectar on them.

Jaganmathar namasthubhyam, namasthubhyam dhaya nidhe,
Dayavathi namasthubhyam, Visweswari namosthuthe.                        4

Salutations to you, mother of the world,
Salutations to you, treasure house of mercy,
Salutations to you, who has the habit of being merciful,
And salutations to you , goddess of the universe.

Nama ksheerrnava sudhe, nama trilokya dharini,
Vasu vrushte namasthubhyam, raksha maam saranagatham.               5

Salutations to the daughter of milky ocean,
Salutations to her who holds the three worlds,
Salutations to you who showers nectar,
Please protect me, who am seeking your protection.

Raksha thwam deva devesi  deva devasya vallabhe,
Daridrya thrahi  maam Lakshmi , krupaam kuru mamopari.       6

Please save me ,Oh goddess of Gods,
Who is the consort of god of gods,
Oh Lakshmi, please remove my poverty,
And show mercy on me.

Namasthrilokya janani, Namatrilokya pavani,
Brahmadayo namanthi thwam, jagadananda dhayini.                       7

Salutations to mother of three worlds,
Salutations to purifier of three worlds,
Gods like Brahma salute you,
Oh Goddess who grants happiness to the world.

Vishnu priye, namasthubhyam, namasthubhyam jagadhithe,
Aarthhanthri namasthubhyam, samrudhim kuru may sada.                8

Salutations of darling of Vishnu,
Salutations to her , who is everywhere in the world,
Salutations to her who ends avarice,
Please give me plenty , always.

Abjavase namasthubhyam, chapalayai namo nama,
Chanchalayai namasthubhyam, lalithyai namo nama.                            9

Salutation to her who lives in the lotus,
Salutations to her who is unstable,
Salutations to her who easily shifts,
And salutations to her who is easily pleased.

Nama pradhymna janani, mathasthubhyam namo nama,
Paripalaya bho mathar maam , thubhyam saranagatham.                         10

Salutations to the mother of Pradhyumna,
Oh, Mother salutations and salutations to you,
Oh my mother look after me,
For I have come seeking your protection.

Saranye thwam prapannosmi, kamale kamalalaye,
Trahi trahi mahalakshmi, parithrana parayane.                                        11

Oh goddess , who is fit to accept surrender,
Please accept my surrender.
Oh Kamala who lives on a lotus,
Save me , save me, Oh Mahalakshmi,
Who is interested in saving those who approach her.

Pandithyam shobhathe naiva , na shobhanthi guna nare,
Seelathwam naiva shobhthe, Mahalakshmi thwaya vina.                           12

Without your presence Mahalakshmi*,
Learning does not shine, nor does,
Good conduct and good character.
           * Without Mahalakshmi , one becomes poor

Thwad virajathe roopam, thawach seelam virajathe,
Thwad guna naranaam , cha yavath Lakshmi praseedathi.                        13

The form of  a being shines,
The character of a being shines,
The conduct of a being shines,
Till the grace of Mahalakshmi is present.

Lakshmi thwayalankrutha manavaye,
Papair vimuktha, nrupaloka manya,
Gunair viheena, gunino bhavanthi,
Dusshelana sheelavatham varishta.                                                                14

That man who is decorated by your presence,
Is free from sins, respected like a king,
Even if he lacks good conduct, is considered having one,
And even if is of bad character, is considered as good.

Lakshmir bhooshayathe roopam, lakshmir bhooshayathe kulam,
Lakshmir bhooshayathe vidhyam, sarva lakshmir viseshyathe.                        15

Lakshmi decorates the looks,
Lakshmi decorates the clan,
Lakshmi decorates knowledge,
And everything is made special by her.

Lakshmi thwad guna keerthanena, kamala bhoorythyalam jihmatham,
Rudradhya  ravi Chandra devathayo, vakthum naiva kshama,
Asmabhi sthava  roopa lakshana gunaan  vakthum kadham sakyathe,
Mathar maam paripahi viswa janani kruthwa mameshtam dhruvam.                   16

Oh Lakshmi , Lord Brahma, Rudra, Sun God and moon god,
Find themselves inadequate to sing your praises,
And please tell how I can be adequate to sing you in poems,
Oh mother please look after me , Oh mother of universe,
Always fulfill my desires fully.

Dheenarthi bheetham , bhava thapa peeditham,
Dhanair viheenam, thava parsvamagatham,
Krupa nidhithwath, mama Lakshmi sathwaram,
Dhana pradhana dhana nayakam kuru.                                                               17

Afraid of misery, afflicted by sorrow,
Without wealth, I have come before you,
Oh My Lakshmi , speedily take mercy on me,
And make me rich and lord of riches.

Maam vilokya janani Hari priye,
Nirdhanam sameepamagatham,
Dehi may jjadithi karagram,
Vasthra kanchana varannamadbutham.                                  18

Please see me ,darling of Hari,
I have come near you without any wealth,
Please give speedily your helping hand,
And bless me with cloth, gold and wonderful food

Thwameva janani Lakshmi, pitha Lakshmi thwameva cha,
Bratha thwam cha sakha Lakshmi vidhya Lakshmi thwameva cha.                19

You are my mother Oh, Lakshmi,
You are my father Oh , Lakshmi,
You are my brother and friend Oh Lakshmi,
And you are also my knowledge , Oh Lakshmi.

Thrahi, thrahi maha Lakshmi, Thrahi, thrahi Sureswari,
Thrahi, thrahi Jagan matha, daridryath thrahi vegatha.                                       20

Save me, save me, Of Maha Lakshmi,
Save me, save me, Of Goddess of gods,
Save me, Save me, Oh mother of universe,
Speedily save me  save me from poverty.

Namasthubhyam jagad dhatri, Namasthubhyam namo nama,
Dharma dhaare Namasthubhyam, nama sampathi dhayini.                                      21

Salutations to you mother of the universe,
Salutations to you, salutations
.and salutations,
Salutations to the upholder of just action,
And salutations to the giver of wealth.

Daridryarnava magnoham, nimagnoham rasa thale,
Majjantham maam kare dhruthwa, thudhara thwam rame dhruvam.                  22

I am completely drowned in poverty,
Drowned deeply in to hell,
Please extend your hand quickly,
And please lift me permanently from here, Oh Rema.

Kim Lakshmi bahunokthena , japithena puna puna,
Anyamme saranam nasthi, sathyam sathyam hari priye.                    23

Why should I endlessly repeat,
This request again and again,
I do not have any one except you,
This is the truth and the truth, darling of Hari.

Ethath sruthwa sathya vakyaam, hrushyamana hari priya,
Uvacha madhuram vaneem, thushtoham thave sarvadha.                         24

Hearing these truthful words,
The darling of Hari became happy,
And told in sweet words,
“I have always become pleased with you.”

Yathwayoktha midham  stotram  ya padishyathi manava,
Srunothi cha maha bhagas thasyaham vasa varthini.                               25

He who reads or hears this poem of praise,
Will become a great  devotee of God,
And I would be under his control,
And obey all his wishes.

Nithyam padathi  yo bhakthya , thwam Lakshmi sthasya nasyathi,
Ranam cha  nasyathe theevram , viyogam na pasyathi.                               26

To him who reads this prayer daily,
Lakshmi would destroy his quarrels,
And destroy great parting of ways,
And he would never  see her going away.

Ya padeth prathar uthaya, sradha bhakthi samanvitha,
Gruhe thasya  sada sthasye nithyam sreepathina saha.                                      27

He who read this daily as soon as he gets up,
With devotion and concentration daily,
Will have his house blessed with the presence,
Of Mahalakshmi, and her consort.

Sukha soubhagya sampanno, manasvee budhiman bhaved,
Puthravan gunavan  sreshto bhoga bhoktha cha manava.                                    28

He would lead a life luck and pleasure,
Become by mind intelligent,
Get children be of good character,
And would enjoy all pleasures.

Idham stotram maha punyam  Lakshmy agasthya prakeerthitham,
Vishnu prasada jananam,chaturvarga phala pradham.                                    29

This prayer which was sung about Lakshmi,
By the sage Agasthya  is greatly blessed,
Brings the grace of Lord Vishnu,
And gives four types of wealth.

Rajadware jayaschaiva , sathroschiva parajaya,
Bhootha pretha pisachanam , vyagranam na bhayam thadha.                           30

This would grant success in the door of the king,
Lead to the defeat of our enemy,
And is the remover of fears of ghosts ,
Dead souls and tigers.

 Na sasthra anala thyaougathbhayam  thasya prajayathe,
Durvruthanam cha papanam  bahu hanikaram param.                                         31

Neither armaments, nor fire nor water  would cause fear to him,
And bad natured  and sinners would  greatly be harmed.

Mandhurakari salasugavam goshte samahitha,
Padeth dosha santhyartham , maha pathaka nasanam.                                           32

He would be happy  with properties and herds of cows,
And reading  it as an antidote for problems and
Would completely destroy effects of great sins.

Sarva soukhya karam, nrunam ayur aroghyadam thadha,
Agasthya munina proktham, prajanam, hitha kamyaya.                                           33

Granting all sort of good things, and blessing with health and life,
This was composed by Sage Agasthya for the great good of people.



Agasti's Sri Lakshmi Stotra

This is a prayer to Goddess Lakshmi by the great sage Agasti. It is said to be a very fruitful prayer. The benefits of reciting this prayer are listed at the end of the page.

Agasti's Sri Lakshmi Stotra॥

ऋषिवर अगस्त द्वारा रचित श्रीलक्ष्मी स्तोत्र यह स्तोत्र अत्यन्त
फलदायी है ।
जय पद्मपलाशाक्षि जय त्वं श्रीपतिप्रिये ।
जय मातर्महालक्ष्मि संसारार्णवतारिणि ॥

महालक्ष्मि नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं सुरेश्वरि ।
हरिप्रिये नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं दयानिधे ॥

पद्मालये नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं च सर्वदे ।
सर्वभूतहितार्थाय वसुवृष्टिं सदा कुरु ॥

जगन्मातर्नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं दयानिधे ।
दयावति नमस्तुभ्यं विश्वेश्वरि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥

नमः क्षीरार्णवसुते नमस्त्रैलोक्यधारिणि ।
वसुवृष्टे नमस्तुभ्यं रक्ष मां शरणागतं ॥

रक्ष त्वं देवदेवेशि देवदेवस्य वल्लभे ।
दरिद्रात्त्राहि मां लक्ष्मि कृपां कुरु ममोपरि ॥

नमस्त्रैलोक्यजननि नमस्त्रैलोक्यपावनि ।
ब्रह्मादयो नमस्ते त्वां जगदानन्ददायिनि ॥

विष्णुप्रिये नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं जगद्धिते ।
आर्तहन्त्रि नमस्तुभ्यं समृद्धिं कुरु मे सदा ॥

अब्जवासे नमस्तुभ्यं चपलायै नमो नमः ।
चञ्चलायै नमस्तुभ्यं ललितायै नमो नमः ॥

नमः प्रद्युम्नजननि मातुस्तुभ्यं नमो नमः ।
परिपालय भो मातर्मां तुभ्यं शरणागतं ॥

शरण्ये त्वां प्रपन्नोऽस्मि कमले कमलालये ।
त्राहि त्राहि महालक्ष्मि परित्राणपरायणे ॥

पाण्डित्यं शोभते नैव न शोभन्ति गुणा नरे ।
शीलत्वं नैव शोभेत महालक्ष्मि त्वया विना ॥

तावद्विराजते रूपं तावच्छीलं विराजते ।
तावद्गुणा नराणां च यावल्लक्ष्मीः प्रसीदति ॥

लक्ष्मित्वयालङ्कृतमानवा ये पापैर्विमुक्‍ता नृपलोकमान्याः ।
गुणैर्विहीना गुणिनो भवन्ति दुशीलिनः शीलवतां वरिष्ठाः ॥

लक्ष्मीर्भूषयते रूपं लक्ष्मीर्भूषयते कुलं ।
लक्ष्मीर्भूषयते विद्यां सर्वाल्लक्ष्मीर्विशिष्यते ॥

लक्ष्मि त्वद्गुणकीर्तनेन कमलाभूर्यात्यलं जिह्मतां ।
रुद्राद्या रविचन्द्रदेवपतयो वक्‍तुं च नैव क्षमाः ॥

अस्माभिस्तव रूपलक्षणगुणान्वक्‍तुं कथं शक्यते ।
मातर्मां परिपाहि विश्वजननि कृत्वा ममेष्टं ध्रुवं ॥

दीनार्तिभीतं भवतापपीडितं धनैर्विहीनं तव पार्श्वमागतं ।
कृपानिधित्वान्मम लक्ष्मि सत्वरं धनप्रदानाद्धन्नायकं कुरु ॥

मां विलोक्य जननि हरिप्रिये । निर्धनं त्वत्समीपमागतं ॥

देहि मे झटिति लक्ष्मि । कराग्रं वस्त्रकाञ्चनवरान्नमद्भुतं ॥

त्वमेव जननी लक्ष्मि पिता लक्ष्मि त्वमेव च ॥

त्राहि त्राहि महालक्ष्मि त्राहि त्राहि सुरेश्वरि ।
त्राहि त्राहि जगन्मातर्दरिद्रात्त्राहि वेगतः ॥

नमस्तुभ्यं जगद्धात्रि नमस्तुभ्यं नमो नमः ।
धर्माधारे नमस्तुभ्यं नमः सम्पत्तिदायिनी ॥

दरिद्रार्णवमग्नोऽहं निमग्नोऽहं रसातले ।
मज्जन्तं मां करे धृत्वा सूद्धर त्वं रमे द्रुतं ॥

किं लक्ष्मि बहुनोक्‍तेन जल्पितेन पुनः पुनः ।
अन्यन्मे शरणं नास्ति सत्यं सत्यं हरिप्रिये ॥

एतच्श्रुत्वाऽगस्तिवाक्यं हृष्यमाण हरिप्रिया ।
उवाच मधुरां वाणीं तुष्टाहं तव सर्वदा ॥

यत्त्वयोक्‍तमिदं स्तोत्रं यः पठिष्यति मानवः ।
शृणोति च महाभागस्तस्याहं वशवर्तिनी ॥

नित्यं पठति यो भक्‍त्या त्वलक्ष्मीस्तस्य नश्यति ।
रणश्च नश्यते तीव्रं वियोगं नैव पश्यति ॥

यः पठेत्प्रातरुत्थाय श्रद्धा-भक्‍तिसमन्वितः ।
गृहे तस्य सदा स्थास्ये नित्यं श्रीपतिना सह ॥

सुखसौभाग्यसम्पन्नो मनस्वी बुद्धिमान् भवेत् ।
पुत्रवान् गुणवान् श्रेष्ठो भोगभोक्‍ता च मानवः ॥

इदं स्तोत्रं महापुण्यं लक्ष्म्यगस्तिप्रकीर्तितं ।
विष्णुप्रसादजननं चतुर्वर्गफलप्रदं ॥

राजद्वारे जयश्चैव शत्रोश्चैव पराजयः ।
भूतप्रेतपिशाचानां व्याघ्राणां न भयं तथा ॥

न शस्त्रानलतोयौघाद्भयं तस्य प्रजायते ।
दुर्वृत्तानां च पापानां बहुहानिकरं परं ॥

मन्दुराकरिशालासु गवां गोष्ठे समाहितः ।
पठेत्तद्दोषशान्त्यर्थं महापातकनाशनं ॥

सर्वसौख्यकरं नृणामायुरारोग्यदं तथा ।
अगस्रिआमुनिना प्रोक्‍तं प्रजानां हितकाम्यया ॥

॥ इत्यगस्तिविरचितं लक्ष्मीस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णं ॥

Jaya Padma-pala-akshi Jay Tvam Sri Pati Priyeye Jaya Matr Maha Lakshmi Sansaaraarn-avtaarini
Glory be to Ma Lashmi, who has eyes like lotus flower petals. Glory be to the one who is dear to the husband of Sri (Sri Herself). Glory be to Mother Lakshmi, The Great Lakshmi, who delivers us from the ocean of this world
Maha-Lakshmi Namast-ubhayam Namast-ubhyam Sur-eshwari Hari-Priye Namast-ubhyam Namast-ubhyam Daya-Nidhe
O Great Lakshmi, I bow to you. I bow to you O Queen of Gods. O Dear to the Lord Hari, I bow to You, I bow to You O full of Kindness
Padma-alye Namast-ubhyam Namast-ubhyam cha Sarvade Sarva-Bhoot-Hit-Aarthye Vasuvrishtim Sada Kuru
O Seated on a Lotus Seat, I bow to you, I bow to you always. For the benefit of all beings, please spread your mercy always.
Jagan-Martr-Namast-Ubhyam Namast-ubhyam DayaNidhe Dayavati Namast-ubhyam Vishv-eshwari Namo-Astu Te
O Mother of this World, I bow to You, I bow to You O full of Kindness, O Kind-Hearted, I bow to You, O Ruler of this world, I am bowed to you.
Namah Ksheer-arn-vasute Namas-Trai-Lokya-Dharini Vasuvrishte Namast-ubhyam Raksh Mam Sharna-agatam
I bow to you, O One who resides in the white ocean, I bow to you, O bearer of these three worlds. O The One who blesses us, I bow to you, protect me, I come to your refuge.
Raksh Tvam Deva-Deveshi Deva-Devasya-Vallabhe Daridra-Atrihi Mam Lakshmi Kripyam Kuru Mam-Upri
Protect me, O Goddess of Gods, O Dear to the God of Gods (Lord Hari). I am suffering from poverty, Please bestow your mercy on me.
Namas-Trai-Lokya-Janani Namas-Trailokya-Paavani Brahma-Aadyo Namaste Tvaam Jagad-Aananda-Dayini
Salutations, O Mother of these three worlds, Salutations O Purifier of these three worlds. The Origin of even Brahma, I bow to you, O giver of joy to this world.
Vishnu-Priye Namastubhyam Namastubhyam Jagadhite Aatrahantri Namastubhyam Samridhim Kuru Me Sadaa
O Dear to Vishnu, I bow to you, I bow to you, O benefitter of this World. Destroying my suffering, bestow prosperity on me always, I bow to you.
Abja-Vaase Namastubhyam Chaplaayau Namo Namah Chanchalaayau Namastubhyam Lalitayau Namo Namah
O Lotus-Dweller, I bow to you, O One Who is always changing places, O One who is full of affection, I bow to you, I bow to you.
Namah Pradyumana-Janani Matus-Tubhyam Namo Namah Pari-Palaya Bho Matar-Mam Tubhyam Sharna-agatam
I bow to you, O Birth giver of Pradyumna. I bow to you O Mother, and Yet again, I bow to you. Nurture me O Mother, I am in your refuge.
Sharanye Tvaam Prapanno-Asmi Kamale Kamala-Alaye Traahi Traahi Maha-Lakshmi Pritraana-Paraayene
I your refuge, I come, O Lotus faced, O Lotus Seated. Protect me, Protect me, O Great Lakshmi.
Pandityam Shobhte Naiv Na Shobhanti Gunaa Nare Sheelitvam Vaiv Shobhte Maha-Lakshmi Tvaya Vinaa
Knowledge does not look good, Neither do virtues. Good character does not look good, without you O Great Lakshmi.
Taavad-Viraajte Roopam Taavad-Sheelam Viraajte Taavad-Gunaa Naraanaam cha Yaav-Lakshmi Praseedati
You preside on beauty, You preside on good character, and also on virtues, of men who you are happy with.
Lakshmi-Tvaya-Alankrit-Maanavaa Ye Paapair-Vimukta Nrip-Lok-Maanyaah Gunair-Viheenaa Gunino Bhavanti Du-Sheelinah Sheel-vataam varishtaah
O Lakshmi, humans who are marked by you, attaining freedom from sins, they are treated as kings. Virtue-less become virtuous, and those with poor characters attain good characters.
Lakshmeer-Bhooshyate Roopam Lakshmeer-Bhooshyate Kulam Lakshmeer-Bhooshyate Vidyaam Sarvaal-Lakshmeer-Vashishyate
Lakshmi glorifies beauty, Lakshmi alone marks family lineage, Lakshmi shines on Knowledge. Indeed, Lakshmi alone presides on everything.
Lakshmi Tvad-Guna-Keertanen Kamaabhooryaatyalam Jihmataam Rudra-adya Savi-Chandra-Deva-Patayo Vaktum cha Taiv Kshamaah
Asmaabhis-Tava Roop-Lakshana-Gunaan-Vaktum Katham Shakyate Matar-Mam Paripaahi Vishva-Janani Kritvaa Mam-Ishtam Dhruvam
How can I possibly describe your forms, signs or qualities. O Mother, Nurture me, O Mother of this World, may I worship you steadfastly.
Deen-Arti-Bheetam Bhava-Taap-Peeditam Dhanair-Viheenam Tava Paarshvam-Aagatam Kripa-Nidhithvaan-Mama Lakshmi Satvaram Dhan-Pradaanad-Dhan-Naayakam Kuru
Poor, suffering, afraid, tortured by the sorrows of this world, without any wealth, I come to you, O Kind One, O Lakshmi, Please bestow joy and wealth on me
Maam Vilokya Janani Hari Priye Nirdhanam Tvat-Smeepam-Aagatam
Please look at me O Mother, O Dear to Lord Hari, I, Poor have come near you.
Dehi Me Jhatiti Lakshmi Karaagram Vastra-Kaanchan-Varaannamadbhutam
Tvamev Janani Lakshmi Pitaa Lakshmi Tvameva cha
You are my Mother, You are my Father too, O Lakshmi
Traahi Traahi Maha-Lakshmi Traahi Traahi Sureshvari Traahi Traahi Jagan-Maatar-Daridraat-Traahi Vegatah
Protect Me, Protect Me, O Great Lakshmi, Protect Me, Protect Me, O Goddess of Gods, Protect me, Protect me, O Mother of the world, Protect me from misery and poverty
Namastubhyam Jagad-Dhatri Namastubhyam Namo Namah Dharma-Adhaare Namastubhyam Namah Sampatti-Daayinee
I bow to you, I bow to you, O Mother of the world, I bow to you yet again, and yet again and again. O foundation of righteousness, Salutations to you. I bow to you, O giver of Wealth
Daridra-arnavamagno-aham nimagno-aham rasaatale Maj-Jantam Mam Kare Dhritvaa Doodhar Tvam Rame Drutam
Kim Lakshmi Bahun-Okten Jalpitena punah punah Anyen-Me Sharanam Na-Asti Satyam Satyam Hari-Priye
What is the purpose of saying too much, O Lakshmi. I am in your refuge alone, no one else's, I say this truly, O Dear to Lord Hari
Etat Shrutvaa Agasti-Vaakyam Hrishyamaana Hari-Priyaa Uvaacha Madhuraam Vaaneem Tushta-Aham Tava Sarvadaa
Hearing thus, the words of Sage Agasti, Lakshmi, The one dear to Lord Hari said joyfully in a sweet voice that she is satisfied with him always

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