Sunday, July 5, 2015





महिम्नस्ते पारं विधिहरफणीन्द्रप्रभृतयो

विदुर्नाद्याप्यज्ञश्चलमतिरहं नाथ नु कथम्।

विजानीयामद्धा नलिननयनात्मीयवचसो

विशुद्ध्यै वक्ष्यामीषदपि तु तथापि स्वमतितः ॥१॥

यदाहुर्ब्रह्मैके पुरुषमितरे कर्म च परेऽ

परे बुद्धञ्चान्ये शिवमपि च धातारमपरे।

तथा शक्तिं केचित् गणपतिमुतार्कञ्च सुधियो

मतीनां वै भेदात्त्वमसि तदशेषं मम मतिः ॥२॥

शिवः पादांभस्ते शिरसि धृतवानादरयुतं

तथा शक्तिश्चासौ तव तनुजतेजोमयतनुः।
दिनेशं चैवामुं तव नयनमूचुस्तु निगमा-

स्त्वदन्यः को ध्येयो जगति किल देवो वद विभो ॥३॥

क्वचिन्मत्स्यः कूर्मः क्वचिदपि वराहो नरहरिः

क्वचित् खर्वो रामो दशरथसुतो नन्दतनयः।

क्वचिद्बुद्धः कल्की विहरसि कुभारापहृतये

स्वतन्त्रोजो नित्यो विभुरपि तवाक्रीडनमिदम्॥४॥

हृताम्नायेनोक्तं स्तवनवरमाकर्ण्य विधिना

द्रुतं मात्स्यं धृत्वा वपुरजर शंखासुरमथो।

क्षयं नीत्वा मृत्योर्निगमगणमुद्धृत्य जलधे-

रशेषं संगुप्तं जगदपि च वेदैकशरणम् ॥५॥

निमज्जन्तं वार्द्धौ नगवरमुपालोक्य सहसा

हितार्थं देवानां कमठवपुषाविश्य गहनम्।

पयोराशिं पृष्ठे तमजित सलीलं धृतवतो

जगद्धातुस्तेऽभूत्किमु सुलभभाराय गिरिकः ॥६॥

हिरण्याक्षः क्षॊणीमविशदसुरो नक्रनिलयं

समादायामर्त्यैः कमलजमुखैरंबरगतैः।

स्तुतेनानन्तात्मन्नचिरमाभाति स्म विधृता

त्वया दंष्ट्राग्रेऽसाववनिरखिला कन्दुक इव ॥७॥

हरिः क्वास्तीत्युक्ते दनुजपतिनाऽऽपूर्य़निखिलं

जगन्नादैः स्तंभान्नरहरिशरीरेण करजैः


स्तव ख्याता भूमन् किमु जगति नो सर्वगतता॥८॥

विलोक्याजं द्वार्गं कपटलघुकायं सुररिपु-

र्निषिद्धोऽपि प्रादादसुरगुरुणात्मीयमखिलम्।

प्रसन्नस्तद्भक्त्या त्यजसि किल नाद्यापि भवनं

बलेर्भक्ताधीन्यं तव विदितमेवामरपते ॥९॥

समाधावासक्तं नृपतितनयैर्वीक्ष्य पितरं

हतं बाणैः रोषाद् गुरुतरमुपादाय परशुम्।

विनाक्षत्रं विष्णो क्षितितलमशेषं कृतवतो

सकृत् किं भूभारोद्धरणपटुता ते न विदिता ॥१०॥

समाराध्योमेशं त्रिभुवनमिदं वासवमुखं

वशे चक्रे चक्रिन्नगणयदनिशं जगदिदम्।

गतोऽसौ लंकेशस्त्वचिरमथ ते बाणविषयं

न केनाप्तं त्वत्तः फलमविनयस्यासुररिपो॥११॥

क्वचिद्दिव्यं शौर्यं क्वचिदपि रणे कापुरुषता

क्वचिद्गीताज्ञानं क्वचिदपि परस्त्रीविहरणम्।

क्वचिन्मृत्स्नाशित्वं क्वचिदपि वैकुण्ठविभव-

श्चरित्रं ते नूनं शरणद! विमोहाय कुधियाम् ॥१२॥

न हिंस्यादित्येव ध्रुवमवितथं वाक्यमबुधै-

र्यथाग्नीषोमीयं पशुमितितु विप्रैर्निगदितम्।

तवैतन्नास्थानेऽसुरगणविमोहाय गदतः

समृद्धिर्नीचानां नयकर हि दुःखाय जगतः॥१३॥

विभागे वर्णानां निगमनिचये चावनितले

विलुप्ते सञ्जातो द्विजवरगृहे शंभलपुरे।

समारुह्याश्वं त्वं लसदसिकरो म्लेच्छनिकरान्

निहन्तास्युन्मत्तान् किल कलियुगान्ते युगपते ॥१४॥

गभीरे कासारे जलचरवराकृष्टचरणो

रणेऽशक्तो मज्जन्नभयद जलेऽचिन्तयदसौ।

यदा नागेन्द्रस्त्वां सपदि पदपाशादपगतो

गतःस्वर्गं स्थानं भवति विपदां ते किमु जनः ॥१५॥

सुतैः पृष्टो वेधाः प्रतिवचनदानेऽप्रभुरसा-

वथात्मन्यात्मानं शरणमगमत्त्वां त्रिजगताम्।

ततस्तेऽस्तातङ्का ययुरथ मुदं हंसवपुषा

त्वया ते सार्वज्ञं प्रथितममरेशेह किमु नो ॥१६॥

समाविद्धो मातुर्वचनविशिखैराशु विपिनं

तपः कृत्वा गत्वा तव परम तोषाय परमं।

ध्रुवो लेभे दिव्यं पदमचलमल्पेऽपि वयसि

किमस्त्यस्मिंलोके त्वयि वरद तुष्टे दुरधिगम्॥१७॥

वृकाद्भीतस्तूर्णं स्वजनभयभित्त्वां पशुपति-

र्भ्रमंलोकान् सर्वान् शरणमुपयातेऽथ दनुजः।

स्वयं भस्मीभूतस्तववचनभङ्ग्युद्गतमतिः

रमेश हे माया तव दुरनुमेयाऽखिलजनैः ॥१८॥

हृतं दैत्यैर्दृष्ट्वाऽमृतघटमजय्यैस्तु नयतः

कटाक्षैः सम्मोहं युवतिवरवेषेण दितिजान्।

समग्रं पीयूषं सुभगसुरपूगायददतः

समस्यापि प्रायस्तव खलु हि भृत्येष्वभिरतिः॥१९॥ 

समाकृष्टा दुष्टैर्द्रुपदतनयाऽलब्धशरणा

सभायां सर्वात्मंस्तव चरणमुच्चैरुपगता।

समक्षं सर्वेषामभवदचिरं चीरनिचयम्

स्मृतेस्ते साफल्यं नयनविषयं नो किमु सतां॥२०॥

वदन्त्येके स्थानं तव वरद! वैकुण्ठमपरे

गवां लोकं लोकं फणिनिलयपातालमितरे।

तथान्ये क्षीरोदं हृदयनलिनं चापि तु सतां

न मन्ये तत्स्थानं त्वहमिह च यत्रासि न विभो ॥२१॥

शिवोऽहं रुद्राणामहममरराजो दिविषदां

मुनीनां व्यासोऽहं सुरवर समुद्रोऽस्मि सरसाम्।

कुबेरो यक्षाणामिति तव वचो मन्दमतये

न जाने तज्जातं जगति ननु यन्नासि भगवन्॥२२॥

शिरो नाको नेत्रे शशिदिनकरावंबरमुरो

दिशः श्रोत्रे वाणी निगमनिकरस्ते कटिरिला।

अकूपारो वस्तिश्चरणमपि पातालमिति वै

स्वरूपं तेऽज्ञात्वा नृतनुमवजानन्ति कुधियः ॥२३॥

शरीरं वैकुण्ठं हृदयनलिनं वाससदनं

मनोवृत्तिस्तार्क्ष्यो मतिरियमथॊ सागरसुता।

विहारस्तेऽवस्थात्रितयमसवः पार्षदगणो

न पश्यन्त्यज्ञास्त्वमिह बहिरहो याति जनता ॥२४॥

सुघोरं कान्तारं विशति च तटाकं सुगहनं

तथोत्तुङ्गं शृङ्गं सपदि च समारोहति गिरेः।

प्रसूनार्थं चेतोऽम्बुजममलमेकं त्वयि विभो

समर्प्याज्ञस्तूर्णंबत न च सुखं विन्दति जनः ॥२५॥

कृतैकान्तावासा विगतनिखिलाशाः शमपराः

जितश्वासोच्छ्वासास्त्रुटितभवपाशाः सुयमिनः।

परं ज्योतिः पश्यन्त्यनघमभिपश्यन्तु मम तु

श्रियाश्लिष्टं भूयान्नयनविषयं ते किल वपुः ॥२६॥

कदा गंगोत्तुङ्गामलतरतरंगाच्छपुलिने


अये लक्ष्मीकान्तांबुजनयन तातामरपते

प्रसीदेत्याजल्पन्नमरवर नेष्यामि समयम्॥२७॥

कदा शृङ्गैः स्फीते मुनिगणपरीते हिमनगे

द्रुमावीते शीते सुरमधुरगीते प्रतिवसन्।

क्वचिद्ध्यानासक्तो विषयसुविरक्तो भवहरं

स्मरंस्ते पादाब्जं जनिहर समेष्यामि विलयम् ॥२८॥

सुधापानं ज्ञानं न च विपुलदानं न निगमो

न यागो नो योगो न च निखिलभोगोपरमणम्।

जपो नो नो तीर्थव्रतमिह न चोग्रं त्वयि तपो

विना भक्तिं तेऽलं भवभयविनाशाय मधुहन् ॥२९॥

नमः सर्वेष्टाय श्रुतिशिखरदृष्टाय च नमो

नमोऽसंश्लिष्टाय त्रिभुवननिविष्टाय च नमः।

नमो विस्पष्टाय प्रणवपरिमृष्टाय च नमो

नमस्ते सर्वात्मन् पुनरपि पुनस्ते मम नमः ॥३०॥

कणान् कश्चिद्वृष्टेर्गणननिपुणस्तूर्णमवने-

स्तथाऽशेषान्पांसूनमित कलयेच्चापि तु जनः।

नभः पिण्डीकुर्यादचिरमपिचेच्चर्मवदिदं

तथापीशासौ ते कलयितुमलं नाखिलगुणान्॥३१॥

क्व माहात्म्यं सीमोझितमविषयं वेदवचसां

विभो मेऽतो चेतः क्वच विविधतापाहतमिदम्।

मयेदं यत्किञ्चिद्गदितमथ बाल्येन तु गुरो

गृहाणैतच्छुद्धार्पितमिह न हेयं हि महताम् ॥३२॥

इति हरिस्तवनं सुमनोहरं

परमहंसजनेन समीरितं


तदिदमस्तु  हरेरनिशं मुदे॥३३॥


रमाश्लिष्टतनोस्तनोतु नः।


शिवस्तवोजस्रमयं परं हरेः ॥३४॥

पठेदिदं यस्तु नरः परस्तवं
स विन्दतेत्राखिल भोगसंपदो
महीयते विष्णुपदे ततो ध्रुवम् ॥३५॥

Vishnu Mahima Stotram
Translated in to free verse

Mahim nasthepaaram vidhihara phaneendra prabhu thayo,
Vidhur naadhyaapagnas chapala mathirahan nadhanu kadam,
Vigneeyaamadhana nalina nayanathmeeya vachaso,
Vishuddhai vaksyameeshadha pithu tadapi swamathitha. 1

Hey Lord of lords,
Even gods like Brahma, Shiva and Indra,
Have not yet understood thee till now,
And how can an ignoramus like me with unstable mind,
Know you at all?
But still I describe you my Lord,
To add and purify,
My words in praise of you,
With the limited knowledge I have.

Yadahoo brahmai ke purusha ithare karma chapare,
Pare Buddham cha anye Shivam api cha dhatharam apare,
Thada shakthim kechid ganapathi mutharkam cha sudheeyo,
Matheenaam mavai bheda thwam asitha sesham mama yathi. 2

Some sages say you are Brahmam,
Some say you are Purusha,
Some say you are Buddha,
Some say you are Shiva,
Some say you are the creator Brahma,
Some say you are the female aspect Shakthi,
Some say you are Ganapathi,
And some say you are the sun,
But I feel that it is all you,
And appear differently to them,
According to their individual thoughts.

Shivapadaambasthe sirasidrutha vaanadra yutham,
Thada Shakthi swasou thava thanuja tejo maya thanu.
Dinesam chaivamum thava nayana moochasthu nigamaa,
Sthwadanye ko dyayo jagad akila devo vada vibho 3.

Oh Lord be pleased to tell me,
When Vedas tell
That Shiva carries on is head the water from your feet,
That Shakthi is only the holy light emanating from your body,
And that the Sun is but your eye,
How can there be anyone worth meditating,
In the entire world except you.

Kwachit matsya koorma kwachid api varaho narahari,
Kwachid Kharvo ramo ,Dasaratha sutho ,Nanda thanaya,
Kwachid Buddha Kalkir virahasi kubarapa hathaye,
Swathanthrojo nithyo vibhurapi thava kreeda namitham 4

Oh Lord who is independent and permanent,
Is it not your divine play to lessen the mass of the world,
That at one time that thou were fish and tortoise,
That at one time thou were boar and the lion man,
That at one time thou were Vamana and Parasurama,
That at one time thou were son of Dasaratha
That at one time thou were son of Nanda,
That at one time thou were the Buddha,
And that at a future time thou would be Kalki

Hyuthamnayenoktham sthavana vara makarnya vidhina,
Drutham matsyam druthwa vapu raja sankasura madho,
Kshayam neethwa mruthyor nigama gana mudhyathya jaladhe,
Rsesham sanguptham jagadapilavaideka saranam. 5

Hearing requests of Lord Brahma,
Thou quickly assumed the form of fish,
Killed the giant Sankasura,
Who stole the Vedas,
And brought them up from deep within the sea,
And I meditate on you,
Who saved the Vedas,
And who takes care of the entire world.

Nimajjantham vaardhou nagavaramupolokhya sahasa,
Hithartham devaanaam kaa vapushaa viswa gahanam,
Payorasim prushte thama jitha salilam druthavatho,
Jagadathusthe bhooth kimusulabha bharaaya girika. 6

When the Mandara* Mountain sank,
In the holy sea of milk,
Realizing that it is not good for Devas,
Thou became a huge tortoise,
Went deep in to the ocean,
And lifted the mountain on your back,
As if it is a child’s play, Oh Lord.
But of course for you who carry the universe with you,
It must have been indeed light.

Hiranyaksha kshonimavisada suro nakra nilayam,
Samadayamarthyai kamala jamukhairambara gathai,
Sthutenanadaathmanna chiramava bhathismavidrutha,
Twaya damshtragre asavavanirakhila kanda kalava. 7

When Hiranyaksha* disappeared with the earth,
Into the sea, the house of crocodiles,
And when Brahma and other devas,
From the top of the sky,
Prayed you to help the human beings,
Thou who is everywhere took the form of a wild boar,
And lifted the earth like a ball,
By the edge of your teeth,
And placed it as before.

Hari kwastheethyukthe danujapathinapuryanikilam,
Jagannadai sthambanna narahari sarerena karajai,
Samuth pathyasooraavasuravaramaadhaarithavatha,
Stavakhyotho bhoomankimu jagathino sarva gathathaa. 8

When the ogre king shouted all over the world,
“Where is your Lord Hari?”.
From the pillar thou appeared as the Lion –man,
And tore apart the heart of the Lord of Asuras,
By your nails and claws,
And thus, is it not known all over the world,
That thou art everywhere?

Vilokyajam dwargam kapata laghu kayam sura ripur,
Nishidhopi pradhadha sura ganamathmeeya makilam,
Prasannasthat bhakthya thyajasikilanadhapi bhavanam,
Baler bhakthadheenyam thava vidhithanevamara pathe. 9

Hey, Lord of the devas,
When thou took the form of the tiny Vamana,
And stood at his gate,
In spite of his teacher forbidding him,
The enemy of devas, Mahabali,**
Gave all that he has to you in charity,
And thou became pleased with his devotion,
And is it not true,
That thou chose to stay with him always in his house*?

Samadavasaktham nrapathi thanayai veekshyapitharam,
Hatham banai roshad gurutharamupadhaya parasum,
Vinakshathram vishno kshithithalamasesham krutha vatho,
Asakruth kim bhoobharaoddharana patutha thena vidhitha. 10

When thine father who was in deep trance,
Was killed by the sons of the king by arrows,
Thou became angry and livid and took the axe,
And killed all the kshatriyas of the world, Oh Lord Vishnu,
And does not everyone know,
About your exploits to lighten the load of the world?

Samaarodhyomeasam thribhuvanamidham vasavamukham,
Vase chakre chakrinnaganaydhanisam jagadhidham,
Gathosou lankesasthva chira madha thee bana vishayam,
Na kenaptham twathaphala vinayasya sura ripo! 11

By pleasing Lord Shiva by his great devotion,
Ravana** took under his control all the three worlds,
And he also decided that worlds can do without Gods,
But he became the aim of your unfailing arrow,
Hey enemies of Asuras, who in this world,
Has not learnt a lesson for their egoism from you?

Kwachiddivyam souryam kwachidapi rane kaa purushatha,
Kwachid geetha gnanam kwachid api para sthree viharanam,
Kwachid mruthsnasithwa kwachid api cha vaikunta vibhava,
Charithram thee noonam saranadha vimohaya kudheeyaam. 12

Hey Lord who is the protection for all,
Thou were sometimes heroic, sometimes cowardly,
Thou sometimes preached the Gita@, and sometimes thou played with other women,
Sometimes thou ate mud and sometimes thou partook heavenly food,
And all these were meant always to dispel doubts of the ignorant ones.

Sa himsadhithye thad druva mavithadam vakhyamabaddai,
Yadhagni shomeeyam pasu vithithu viprai nigaritham,
Thavai thanna sthane asura guna vimohaaya gadatha,
Samruddhir neechaanaam nayakarahi dukha yaja gatha. 13

Thou preached to the entire world from thine position,
“It is the perennial truth not to give trouble to other beings,
And it was knowledgeable Brahmin priests who called,
Those who did fire sacrifices as beasts”
And this was not meant definitely to attract the Asuras,
For victory of ignorant is a sad thing to the world.

Vibhage varnanaam nigama nichaye chavanithale,
Vilupthe samjathe dwija vara gruhe Sambhalapure,
Samaruhyaaschaswam lasadasikaro mlechanikaraa.
Nihanthaasyunmathan kila kali yuganthe yuga pathe. 14

Hey Lord of Time periods,
At the end of Kali Yuga,
When communalism erupts,
When following of Vedas become scarce,
You would be born in a Brahmin family,
In a place called Sambalapura,
Ride a horse armed with a sword,
And it seems that thou would,
Kill all the unwanted bad people in this world.

Gabheere kaasare jalacharavaraakrushta charanaa,
Raa asaktho majjanbhayadajale achinthayadasou,
Yadha nagendrasthwam sapadhi padapaasapagatho,
Gatha swarga sthaanam bhavathi vipadhaam thee kimu jana 15

In the very deep river in the forest,
When its feet was caught by a crocodile,
And it became tired in the unequal battle,
And was sinking without hope,
The elephant Indra remembered and called you,
And you immediately set it free,
And it attained heaven,
And Oh, Lord, is it not true,
That your devotees will not have any mishaps?

Suthai prushtovedaa prathi vachana dhane aprabhurasa,
Vadhathma anyathmaanam saranamagamathwaam trijagatham,
Thathasthe astha thangaayayuradhamubham hamsavapusha,
Twaya thee saarvagnam pradithamamareseha kimuno. 16

Hey lord of Devas,
When Brahma the creator was unable,
To answer some questions of his sons,
They meditated on you who is the protector of the world,
Deep within their mind,
And thou appeared as a swan.
Dispelled their doubts and made them happy.
Does it show that you are one who knows everything.

Samavidho mathur vachana visikhairasu vipinam,
Thapaschakre gathwa thawa paramathoshaya paramam,
Dhuruwalebhe divyam padamachalpepi vayasi,
Kimasmin loke thwayi parama thushte duradhigam. 17

Troubled by his mother’s words,
The little child Druva* reached the forest,
And meditated upon thee to please you,
And he got the position that is stable and cannot be moved.
Hey Lord, when you are pleased,
Is there anything that you cannot grant?

Vrkasbheethasthurnam swajanabhayabhithwam pasupathir,
Braman lokan sarvaan saranamupayathodhanuja,
Swayam bhasmeebhoothasthava vachanabangothdathamathi,
Ramesa ho maya thava duranumeya akhilajanai. 18

Hey Lord of Rema@,
When Siva ran all over the world for help,
Afraid of Vrukasura,
And sought your protection at last,
Thou through the words of Asura himself,
Turned him in to ash,
Hey lord, is it ever possible for one to claim,
That he has guessed the greatness of your guile?

Hrutham dhaithyair drushtwa amrutha gatamajayaisthunayatha,
Katakshai samhom yuvathi vara veshena dhithijan,
Samagram peeyusham subhaga sura poogaayadhadhatha,
Samasyapi prayasthavakhaluhibruthyeshwabhirithi. 19

When you heard that the Asuras,
Who can never be defeated,
Stole the pot of nectar,
You took the form of a enchanting young girl,
And bewitched the Asuras.
And gave back the full pot of nectar to the Devas.
Hey Lord, thy kindness to your servants,
Is something extraordinary and different.

Samakrushta dushtair drupada thanayaa labdha sarano,
Sabhaayaam sarvathmanthawa saranamuchaithapagathaa,
Samaksham sarvaveshamabhavadhachiram cheeranichaya,
Smruthosthe saaphalyam nayana vishayam no kimusuthaam. 20

Hey soul of all beings,
When in the royal hall,
Bad people like Dushasana**,
Dragged the daughter of Drupada*,
And started disrobing her,
She being without any help,
Started calling you for help.
Then within the vision of everybody,
Thou gave her as much cloths as she wanted.
Hey Lord, Do you not give results to good people,
Even when they just think of you?

Vadanthyake staanam Varadha Vaikuntamapare,
Gavaam lokam lokam phani nilata patalabhoomithare,
Yadhanye ksheerodham hrudhayanalinam chapithu sathaam,
Namanye that staanam twahamihayathraaseena vibho. 21

Oh Lord , Some say you live in Vaikunta@,
Some others say it is Swarga1,
Yet others say it is Patala2 where snakes live,
Others say that you live in the ocean of milk,
Some are of the opinion that you live in hearts of good people.,
But I feel that none of these is your habitat,
For is there any place where thou are not there?

Sivoham rudraanamaham amararjo divisham,
Muneenaam vyasoham suravara, samudrosmi sarasaam,
Kubhero yakshaanam ithi thava vacho manda mathaye,
Ya jaane thajjatham jagathinanuyannasi bhagawan. 22

Oh God, such words of thine like,
I am Siva among the Rudras,
I am Indra among the devas,
I am Vyasa among the sages,
I am sea among the lakes,
And I am Kubhera* among the yakshas,
Are meant for the dim witted,
For I do not see any thing in this world,
Which is not you.

Siro nako nether sasi dhinakaravambaramuro
Disa srothre vani nigamanikarsthe katirila,
Aakoopaarobasthicharanamapi patalamithivai,
Swaroopam thee ajnathwanruthanu mama jananthi kadhhiya. 23

Your head is the heaven,
Your two eyes are sun and the moon,
Your chest is the sky,
Your ears are the four directions,
Your words are Vedas themselves,
Your hip is the earth,
Your thighs are the sea,
And your legs are the patala,
And many ignorant ones not knowing these,
Have misunderstood you as human being.

Sareram Vaikuntam hrudhaya nalinam vasa sadanam,
Manovruthistharshyo mathiriyamadho sagarasutha,
Viharasthoasthathrithayamasava parshadha gano,
Napayathyagnaathwamiha bahir hoyathi janatha. 24

Your body is Vaikunta,
Your residence is the heart,
Your vehicle is the flight of the mind,
Your consort Lakshmi is the brain,
Your divine play is the normal day-to-day life,
And your audiences are the five airs in the body.
And the common people without knowing this,
Wander and search for you outside.

Sugoram kaanthaaram visathi cha thadagam sugahanam,
Nagothungaosyamgam sapadhicha samorohathi giro,
Prasoonartham chethombuja mamalamekam twayivibho,
Samarpyaagnasthurnam batha nacha sukham vindhathijana. 25

Oh God, the ignorant ones search for flowers,
To worship you in the dense forest,
In very deep lakes,
And also climb steep mountains,
Alas they never seem to know,
That the greatest happiness will only result,
By offering the lotus of pure mind to you.

Kruthaikanthaavaasaavigathanikhilaa sassamapara,
Paramjyothi pasyanthyanakha yadi pasyanthu mama thu,
Sriyaslishtam bhooyaaanayanvishayam the kila vapu. 26

Let those who live in solitude,
Or those who do not have desire,
Or those who have control over their senses,
Or those who control inhalation and exhalation,
Or those sages, whose family life is broken,
See the ultimate light in you,
But for me your body with that of Goddess Lakshmi,
Should appear before my eyes.

Kadha gangothangaamalatharathrangascha puline,
Vasannasa pasa dakhilakhaladha sapa gatha,
Aye laksmi kantham mbhujanayanathathamarapathe,
Praseedhethyo jalpannamaravara neshyami samayam. 27

When would I be able, my Lord,
To sit in the sands wetted by the holy waves,
Of the great river Ganga,
Sacrifice all my desires,
And spend time calling you as.
Hey Lord of Lakshmi, Hey Lotus eyed Lord,
Hey father mine, Hey God of devas,
And request you,
To please shower your grace on me.

Kadha Srungai sphithemuniganapareethehi manage,
Dhrumaveethe seethe sura madhura geethe prathivasan,
Kwachindhyanasaktho vishatasuviraktho bhavaharam,
Smarasthe padabjham janiharasmeshyami vilayam. 28

When would I be able, my Lord,
To live in cold Himalayas,
Surrounded by peaks and dense forests,
With hoards of holy sages,
With reverberating holy music all around,
And meditate on you with renunciation,
On thine holy feet which kill sorrows,
And ultimately attain the Samadhi*.

Nama sarveshtaya sruthi shikaradrushtaaya cha namo,
Namo samslishtaya tribhuvana nivishtaya cha nama,
Namo vispashtaya pranavaparimrushtaya cha namo,
Namasthe sarvathman punarapipunasthe mama nama. 29

Salutations to thee, who is dear to all,
Salutations to thee, who is realized by Upanishads,
Salutations to thee, who is purest of pure,
Salutations to thee, who fills all the three worlds,
Salutations to thee, who is abstract,
Salutations to thee, who is pure like pranava,
And Salutations and salutations to thee, who is the soul of everything.


Ithi haristavanam sumanoharam,
Paramahamsajanena samiritham,
Thadidamasthu hareranisam mudhe.

Let these beautiful verses on Hari,
Which are full of meaning,
Which are easier to grasp,
And composed by paramahamsas**,
Be source of happiness to my lord.

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