Monday, July 6, 2015



         (श्री शंकराचर्यकृतम्)
अच्युताच्युत हरे परमात्मन्
रामकृष्ण पुरुषोत्तम विष्णो ।
वासुदेव भगवन्ननिरुद्ध
श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ १ ॥
विश्वमङ्गल विभो जगदीश
नन्दनन्दन नृसिंह नरेन्द्र ।
मुक्तिदायक मुकुन्द मुरारे
श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ २ ॥
रामचन्द्र रघुनायक देव
दीननाथ दुरितक्ष्ययकारिन् ।
यादवेन्द्र यदुभूषण यज्ञ
श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ३ ॥
देवकीतनय दुःखदवाग्ने
राधिकारमण रम्य सुमूर्ते ।
दुःखमोचक दयार्णव नाथ
श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ४ ॥
नित्य निर्गुण निरन्जन जिष्णो ।
पूर्णरूप जयशंकरशर्व
श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ५ ॥
गोकुलेश गिरिधारणधीर
यामुनाच्छतटखेलन वीर ।
नारदादि मुनिवन्दितपाद
श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ६ ॥
द्वारकाधिप दुरन्तगुणाब्धे
प्राणनाथ परिपूर्ण भवारे ।
ज्ञानगम्य गुणसागर ब्रह्मन्            
श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ७ ॥
दुष्टनिर्दलन देव दयालो
पद्मनाभ धरणीधर धन्विन् ।
रावणान्तक रमेश मुरारे
श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ८ ॥
अच्युताष्टकमिदं रमणीयम्
निर्मितं भवभयं विनिहन्तुम् ।
यः पठेत् विषयवृत्तिनिवृत्तिम्
जन्मदुःखमखिलं स जहाति ॥ ९ ॥


                                     Translated in to English verse





Achyuthachutha, hare  paramathman,
Rama Krishna purushottama vishno,
Vasudeva  bhagawan aniruddha,
Sree pathe ! samaya dhukka masesham.                                       

That Hari  who is the soul of soul,
Who has no death,
Who causes death  at time of deluge,
Who is Rama and Krisna rolled in one,
Who is the greatest among males,
Who is the God of all the world,
Who never can be stopped,
And who is the lord  of  Goddess  Lakshmi,
Be pleased to destroy all my sorrows.
Viswa mangala vibho jagadheesa,
Nanda nandana nrusimha  narendra,
Mukthi dayaka mukunda murare,
Sree pathe samaya dukka masesham                                               

The god of all universe who does good to all the world,
Who is the essence of all truth,
Who is the son of Lord Nanda gopa,
Who is the man-lion god,
Who is the king among men,
Who grants redemption from all ills,
Who gives immortal bliss,
And who is the lord  of  Goddess  Lakshmi,
Be pleased to destroy all my sorrows
Ramachandra raghu nayaka deva,
Dheena nathe dhuritha kshya Karin,
Yadavendra yadhu bhooshna yagna,
Sree pathe samaya dukka masesham.                                                  3

The God who is the leader of the Raghu clan,
Who is Sri Rama Chandra,
Who is the god of the oppressed,
Who brings to end all suffering,
Who is king of the clan of Yadavas,                                                     
Who is the ornament of the Yadu clan,
Who is the great fire sacrifice,
And who is the lord  of  Goddess  Lakshmi,
Be pleased to destroy all my sorrows
Devaki thanaya dhukka davagne,
Radhika ramans ramya sumurthe,
Dhukka mochana dayarnava nadha,
Sree pathe samaya dukka masesham.                                               

The God who is the son of Devaki,
Who is the forest fore that burns down all sorrows,
Who plays happily with Radhika,
Who has a very heart  pleasing form,
Who  saves us from all sorrows,
Who is the ocean of mercy,
And who is the lord  of  Goddess  Lakshmi,
Be pleased to destroy all my sorrows
Gopika vadana chandra Chakora,
Nithya nirguna niranjana jishno,
Poorna roopa jaya sankara soure,
Sree pathe samaya dukka masesham.                                                   

The God who is the bird that drinks the beauty of all gopis,
Who is forever permanent,
Who is without any properties,
Who is  pure truth,
Who is forever victorious,
Who is the the full bodied form,
Who is the sankara born in dynasty of the sun,
And who is the lord  of  Goddess  Lakshmi,
Be pleased to destroy all my sorrows
Gokulesa giri dharana dheera,
Yamunacha  thata kelana lola,
Naradhadhi muni vandhitha pada,
Sree pathe samaya dukka masesham.                                                   

The God who is the Lord of Gokula,
Who is the hero who lifted the mountain,
Who likes to play for ever in the banks of Yamuna,
Whose feet  is worshipped by Narada and  other sages,
And who is the lord  of  Goddess  Lakshmi,
Be pleased to destroy all my sorrows
Dwarakadhipa durantha gunabhde,
Prnana natha paripoorna bhaware,
Jnana gamya guna sagara Brahman,
Sree pathe samaya dukka masesham.                                                   

The God who is Lord of Dwaraka,
Who is the endless ocean of good,
Who is the Lord of the soul,
Who is complete in all ways,
Who destroys sorrows of the world,
Who is to be only approached by pure knowledge,
Who is the Brahman, who is ocean of all good qualities,
And who is the lord  of  Goddess  Lakshmi,
Be pleased to destroy all my sorrows
Dushta nirdalana  deva dayalo.
Padma nabha dharani dhara dharmin,
Ravananthaka ramesa murare,
Sree pathe samaya dukka masesham.                                                    8

The God who is store house of mercy,
Who destroys all bad ones,
Who has a lotus in his belly,
Who  carries the earth,
Who is the ultimate in piety,
Who killed Ravana,
Who is the Lord of Lakshmi,
Who killed Mura,
And who is the lord  of  Goddess  Lakshmi,
Be pleased to destroy all my sorrows

Achyuthashtakam idham  ramaneeyam ,
Nirmitham  bhava bhayam  vinihanthum,
Ya pated vishaya vrithi nivarthin,
Janma dukha makilam  sajahathi.

Narration of the effect

This octet singing about Achyutha,
Which is a balm to the soul,
Was written to destroy all fears.
The one who reads this,
Gets rid of all sorrows,
And leaves away the pains  of this birth.

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