Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hari ashtakam(Vishnu stotra.154)

  Hari ashtakam(Vishnu stotra.154)


श्री हरि अष्टकम्
हरिर्हरति पापानि दुष्टचितैरपि स्मृतः l अनिच्छयाऽपि संस्पृष्टो दहत्येव हि पावकः ll
स गँगा स गया सेतुः स काशी स च पुष्करम् l जिह्वाग्रे वर्तते यस्या हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ll
वाराणस्यां कुरुक्षेत्रे नैमिशारण्य एव च l यत्कृतं तेन येनोक्तं हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ll
पृथिव्यां यानि तीर्थानि पुन्यान्यायतनानि च l तानि सर्वाण्यशेषाणि हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ll
गवां कोटिसहस्राणि हेमकन्यासहस्रकम् l दत्तं स्यात्तेन येनोक्तं हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ll
ॠग्वेदोऽथ यजुर्वेदः सामवेदोऽप्यथर्वणः l अधीतस्तेन येनोक्तं हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ll
अश्वमेधैर्महायज्ञैः नरमेधैस्तथैव च l इष्टं स्यात्तेन येनोक्तं हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ll
प्राण प्रयाण पाथेयं संसार व्याधिनाशनम् l दुःखात्यन्त परित्राणं हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ll
बद्ध परिकरस्तेन मोक्षाय गमनं प्रति l सकृदुच्चारितं येन हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ll
हर्यष्टकमिदं पुण्यं प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत् l आयुष्यं बलमारोग्यं यशो वृद्धिश्श्रियावहम् ll
प्रह्लादेन कृतं स्तोत्रं दुःखसागर शोषणम् l यः पठेत्स नरो याति तद्विष्णोः परमं पदम् ll

                                   (Octet of prayers to Lord Vishnu)
                                                  Translated by

Harir harathi papani dushta chithair api smrutha,
Anichayapi samsprushto dahathyevahi pavaka.                            1

Hari removes sins even from,
The bad ones meditating on him,
Similar to the fire burning any one,
Who touches it without even realizing it.

Sa ganga sa Gaya  Sethu sa Kasi  sa cha pushkaram,
Jihwagre varthathe yasya  hari rithyakshara dwayam.                      2

He in whose tip of the tongue,
Resides the two letters “Hari”,
Is himself the Ganga, Gaya, Sethu,
Kasi and Pushkaram.

Pruthwyam yani theerthani punya nyayathanani cha,
Prapthani thani yenoktham  hari rithyakshara dwayam.                      3

All the  waters of the world,
Which are considered holy,
Reach themselves to him,
Who chants the two letters “Hari”.

Rigvedhapi Yajurveda  Sama vedhopyadharvana,
Adheenasthana yenoktham hari rithyakshara dwayam.                      4

Rig Veda, Yajur Veda,
Sama Veda and Atharvana Veda,
Become themselves his,
Who chants the two letters “Hari”

Asva medhai maha yagnair vajapeya  sathair api,
Ishtam syathena yenoktham  hari rithyakshara dwayam.                      5

The effect of performing Aswamedha,
And hundred Vajapeysa yagnas,
Reach themselves to him,
Who chants the two letters “Hari”.

Varanasyam Kurukshethre  Naimisarnya eva cha,
Sathkrutham thena yenoktham, hari rithyakshara dwayam.                      6

All the good got  by visiting ,
The holy places of Varanasi,
Kurukshethra and Naimisaranya,
Will reach him,
Who chants the two letters “Hari.”

Badha pari karasthena  mokshaya gamanam prathi,
Sakrudhacharitham yena, hari rithyakshara dwayam.                                 7

He is considered ready,
For attaining salvation,
And having good life,
If he chants the two letters “Hari.”

Gavam koti sahasrani, hema kanya sathani cha,
Dathani thena yenoktham, hari rithyakshara dwayam.                                 8

The result of giving in charity,
Thousand crores of cows,
And hundred maids attired in gold,
Would become his,
Who chants the two letters “Hari.”

Prana prayena padheyam,  samsara vyadhi nasanam,
Dukhathyantha parithranam, hari rithyakshara dwayam.                                 9

The two letters “Hari” are the,
Food for the journey of the soul,
Medicine for curing the disease of life,
And great protection against sorrows.

Saptha koti maha manthras chitha vibhrama karaka,
Eka eka paro manthro, hari rithyakshara dwayam.                                            10

The greatest among manthric chants,
Which are greater than the great,
Among the known seven crore manthras,
In making the mind perplexed,
Is the chant of the two letters “Hari”.

Haryashtakamidham punyam, prathar uthaya ya padeth,
Koti janma krutha papath sa muktho bhavathi druvam.                                       11

If this holy octet on Hari,
Is read after waking up,
In the morning.
One would get freedom,
From sins committed,
In crores of births..

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