Monday, June 8, 2015

Viracita Chatu or Mugdhe Madhu Madanam(Vishnu stotra.100) Gita govinda

विरचित चाटु (Viracita Chatu or Mugdhe Madhu Madanam)Vishnu stotra.100) Gita govinda



॥ गीतम् २० ॥
विरचितचाटुवचनरचनं चरणे रचितप्रणिपातम् ।
var -  : विरचितचाटुवचनेन चरणरचितप्रणिपातम्
सम्प्रति मञ्जुलवञ्जुलसीमनि केलिशयनमनुयातम् ॥

मुग्धे मधुमथनमनुगतमनुसर राधिके ॥ १॥

घनजघनस्तनभारभरे दरमन्थरचरणविहारम् ।
मुखरितमणीमञ्जीरमुपैहि विधेहि मरालविकारम् ॥ २॥ मुग्धे
शृणु रमणीयतरं तरुणीजनमोहनमधुरिपुरावम् ।
कुसुमशरासनशासनवेन्दिनि पिकनिकरे भज भावम् ॥ ३॥  मुग्धे  var -   बन्दिनि
अनिलतरलकिसलयनिकरेण करेण लतानिकुरम्बम् ।
प्रेरणमिव करभोरु करोति गतिं प्रतिमुञ्च विलम्बम् ॥ ४॥ मुग्धे
स्फुरितमनङ्गतरङ्गवशादिव सूचितहरिपरिरम्भम् ।
पृच्छ मनोहरहारविमलजलधारममुं कुचकुम्भम् ॥ ५॥ मुग्धे
अधिगतमखिलसखीभिरिदं तव वपुरपि रतिरणसज्जम् ।
चण्डि रणितरशनारवडिण्डिममभिसर सरसमलज्जम् ॥ ६॥ मुग्धे
स्मरशरसुभगनखेन करेण सखीमवलम्ब्य सलीलम् । var -   सखीमवलम्ब्य करेण
चल वलयक्वणीतैरवबोधय हरमपि निजगतिशीलम् ॥ ७॥ मुग्धे
श्रीजयदेवभणितमधरीकृतहारमुदासितवामम् ।
हरिविनिहितमनसामधितिष्ठतु कण्ठतटीमविरामम् ॥ ८॥

viracita-chatu-vacana-rachanam, charane rachita-pranipatam |
samprati mañjula-vañjula-simani, keli-sayanam upayatam ||1||
mugdhe madhu-madanam, Hey Radhe, anugatam anusara Radhe,Radhe,Radhe ||dhruvapada||
He soothed you with flattery, He fell at your feet, now He waits for you on the banks of sweet flowers.  Hey Radhe, Madhava is always yours.  Never leave Him, follow Him Radhe.
ghana-jaghana-stana-bhara-bhare, dara-manthara-carana-viharam |
mukharita-mani-mañjiram upaihi videhi marala-vikaram Radhe ||2||
Approach Him with anklets ringing.  Let their sound inspire your lingering feet.  Run with the gait of wild goose.
shrunu ramaiya taram taruni, jana-mohana-madhupa-viramam |
kusuma-sharasana-shasana-vandini, pika-nikare bhaja bhavam Radhe ||3||
Listen to the delightful words of the bumblebees that bewilder the hearts of young women. Realize your own moods in the singing of the cuckoos, who propagate the sweet orders of the Cupid.
anila-tarala-kisalaya-nikarena, karena latani kurambam |
preraamiva karabhoru karoti, gatim prati muncha vilambam Radhe ||4||
The vines move about restlessly in the breeze as if inciting you to go by gesturing with their freshly sprouted leaves, seems to be gesturing you to quicken your pace.
sphuritam anaga-taraga-vashadiva, suchita-hari-parirambham |
pruchha manohara-hara-vimala, jala-dharamamum, kuca-kumbham Radhe ||5||
You’re beautified by immaculate streams in the form of an enchanting necklace. Strong waves of love throbbing in you, suggest you feel Sri Hari’s imminent embrace
adhigatam akhila-sakhibhiridam, tava vapurapi rati-rana-sajjam |
chandi rasita-rasana-rava-dindimam, abhisara sarasam alajjam Radhe||6||
Your friends know that you are ready for passionate battle. By the beat of your anklets, meet His rich mood.
smara-sara-subhaga-nakhena sakhim, avalambya karena salilam |
chala valaya-kvaitairava bodhaya, harim api nija-gati-shilam Radhe||7||
The attractive fingernails of your lotus hand are five arrows of Kämadeva. Use them to take support and gracefully go. Sri Hari’s character is highly acclaimed. Make Him aware of your arrival by the jingle of your bracelets.
sri-jayadeva-bhaitam adharikruta, hara mudasita-vamam |
hari-vinihita-manasam adhitihatu kantha-tatima viramam ||8||
This song of Sri Jayadeva eclipses the beauty of an elegant necklace. It solves the paradox of beauty.  May it perpetually adorn the throats of those devotees, who have completely offered their hearts to Hari.

॥ ଗୀତମ୍ ୨୦ ॥
ଵିରଚିତଚାଟୁଵଚନରଚନଂ ଚରଣେ ରଚିତପ୍ରଣିପାତମ୍ ।
var -  : ଵିରଚିତଚାଟୁଵଚନେନ ଚରଣରଚିତପ୍ରଣିପାତମ୍
ସମ୍ପ୍ରତି ମଞ୍ଜୁଲଵଞ୍ଜୁଲସୀମନି କେଲିଶୟନମନୁୟାତମ୍ ॥

ମୁଗ୍ଧେ ମଧୁମଥନମନୁଗତମନୁସର ରାଧିକେ ॥ ୧॥

ଘନଜଘନସ୍ତନଭାରଭରେ ଦରମନ୍ଥରଚରଣଵିହାରମ୍ ।
ମୁଖରିତମଣୀମଞ୍ଜୀରମୁପୈହି ଵିଧେହି ମରାଲଵିକାରମ୍ ॥ ୨॥ ମୁଗ୍ଧେ
ଶୃଣୁ ରମଣୀୟତରଂ ତରୁଣୀଜନମୋହନମଧୁରିପୁରାଵମ୍ ।
କୁସୁମଶରାସନଶାସନଵେନ୍ଦିନି ପିକନିକରେ ଭଜ ଭାଵମ୍ ॥ ୩॥  ମୁଗ୍ଧେ  var -   ବନ୍ଦିନି
ଅନିଲତରଲକିସଲୟନିକରେଣ କରେଣ ଲତାନିକୁରମ୍ବମ୍ ।
ପ୍ରେରଣମିଵ କରଭୋରୁ କରୋତି ଗତିଂ ପ୍ରତିମୁଞ୍ଚ ଵିଲମ୍ବମ୍ ॥ ୪॥ ମୁଗ୍ଧେ
ସ୍ଫୁରିତମନଙ୍ଗତରଙ୍ଗଵଶାଦିଵ ସୂଚିତହରିପରିରମ୍ଭମ୍ ।
ପୃଚ୍ଛ ମନୋହରହାରଵିମଲଜଲଧାରମମୁଂ କୁଚକୁମ୍ଭମ୍ ॥ ୫॥ ମୁଗ୍ଧେ
ଅଧିଗତମଖିଲସଖୀଭିରିଦଂ ତଵ ଵପୁରପି ରତିରଣସଜ୍ଜମ୍ ।
ଚଣ୍ଡି ରଣିତରଶନାରଵଡିଣ୍ଡିମମଭିସର ସରସମଲଜ୍ଜମ୍ ॥ ୬॥ ମୁଗ୍ଧେ
ସ୍ମରଶରସୁଭଗନଖେନ କରେଣ ସଖୀମଵଲମ୍ବ୍ୟ ସଲୀଲମ୍ । var -   ସଖୀମଵଲମ୍ବ୍ୟ କରେଣ
ଚଲ ଵଲୟକ୍ଵଣୀତୈରଵବୋଧୟ ହରମପି ନିଜଗତିଶୀଲମ୍ ॥ ୭॥ ମୁଗ୍ଧେ
ଶ୍ରୀଜୟଦେଵଭଣିତମଧରୀକୃତହାରମୁଦାସିତଵାମମ୍ ।
ହରିଵିନିହିତମନସାମଧିତିଷ୍ଠତୁ କଣ୍ଠତଟୀମଵିରାମମ୍ ॥ ୮॥ 
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