Friday, June 12, 2015



॥ उक्ति प्रत्युक्तिस्तोत्रम् ॥

श्रीवादिराजयति कृतम् ।
(By Shri Vadirajayati)
Note. This short poem consists of just three verses. The first two verses are
in the form of a conversation between a gopi woman and child Krishna.
In the first verse Krishna is teased by a gopi. Krishna is a child and
so is guileless. The words in His reply carry an alternate meaning.
The gopi cunningly uses this second meaning to tease Krishna and thus
the conversation goes on.
(उक्ति  = statement, प्रत्युक्ति  = statement in reply.)

अङ्गुल्या कः कवाटं प्रहरति? कुटिले! माधवः, किं वसन्तो?
नो चक्री, किं कुलालो? नहि धरणीधरः, किं द्विजिह्वः फणीन्द्रः?
नाहं घोराहिमर्दी, खगपतिरसि किं?  नो हरिः,  किं
कपीन्द्रस्त्वित्येवं गोपकन्या-प्रतिवचनजडः पातु मां पद्मनाभः ॥ १॥

(Gopi):- अङ्गुल्या =With the finger कः कवाटं प्रहरति? =
who is hitting (tapping) the door?
(Krishna):- कुटिले = O! crooked one!  माधवः (I am)
Madhava. (also means spring season).
(Gopi):- किं वसन्तः? =Is it the spring season?
(Krishna):-  नो, चक्री = No, (I am) Chakrapani or the one with
the wheel (also means a potter).
(Gopi):-  किं कुलालः? = Is it a potter?
(Krishna):-  नहि, धरणीधरः = No, I am the one bearing the world.
(Gopi):-  किं द्विजिह्वा फणीन्द्रः? = is it the serpant Sesha
(who is said to bear the world on his head),
  the king of the snakes?
(Krishna):-  नाहं,  घोराहिमर्दी = not me, (I am) the one who
controlled the frightful snake (Kaliya),
(Gopi):- खगपतिरसि किं = are you Garuda, the king of birds?
(and enemy of snakes)
(Krishna):-  नो, हरिः no, (I am) Hari (also means a monkey),
(Gopi):-   किं कपीन्द्रः अस्ति? are you the chief of the monkeys?
इति एवं = in this manner पद्मनाभः  = Lord Padmanabha
गोपकन्या प्रतिवचनजडः = who was not smart and was unable to
respond to the gopi  मां पातु = may protect me.

कृष्ण! त्वं कुत्र गतोऽसि चाद्य मृगयासक्तो वनान्तं गतो
गन्धोऽन्यो वनपुष्पजः श्रमजलं घर्मक्षतं कण्टकैः ।
अस्त्वेवं मृगया तु केनचिद् अहो दष्टोऽधरो दॄश्यते
शङ्खपूरणमत्र कारणमिदं  कुर्यां प्रमाणनि ते ॥ २॥

 (Gopi):- कृष्ण! त्वं कुत्र गतोऽसि चाद्य =  Krishna!
where had you been today?
(Krishna):-  मृगयासक्तो वनान्तं गतः = I went to the forest
in search of animals.
(Gopi):-  गन्धो अन्यो वनपुष्पजः = (but I get) smell that is
different; it is from that of a wild (forest) flower?
(Krishna):-  श्रमजलं घर्मक्षतं कण्टकैः =  it is from
the sweat caused by the heat and (I am also)
hurt by the thorns.
(Gopi):- अस्तु एवं मृगया = let it be so about chasing the animals,
 तु केनचिद् अहो दष्टोऽधरो दृश्यते? = but, your lips
appear to be bitten by some one?
(Krishna):-  शङ्खपूरणमत्र कारणमिदं = the reason is the
blowing of the conch.
कुर्यां प्रमाणनि ते = I will put up evidence to you.

अम्भस्ते शयनीय-मेत-दुदधे-र्लीलोपधानं फणी
त्वत्तेजःपरमाणुरेष दहनो भृत्याः समस्ताः सुराः ।
कुक्षिन्यस्त-समस्त-भारजगतः किं स्यात्तुलारोपणे व्यर्थं वाच्यमिदं
स्त्रियोपहसितः स्मेरो हरिः पातु नः ॥ ३॥

उदधे अम्भस्ते शयनीयं = the waters of  the ocan is your
resting place, एतत् लीलोउपधानं फणी = the pillow You sport is the snake (Sesha),
एष दहनः = this fire
त्वत् तेजःपरमाणुः = is but an atom of Your effulgence,
भृत्याः समस्ताः सुराः = all the gods are Your servants,
the weight of the entire universe is held in Your stomach, (this being so),
तुलारोपणे in making comparison  किं स्यात्? = what can happen? 
स्त्रियोपहसितः (to say that ) You were laughed at by a woman,
व्यर्थं वाच्यमिदं = is but a meaningless statemant only.
स्मेरः = that smiling, हरिः पातु नः = Hari, let Him protect us.
Note:- The legend of Krishna is charming and had given rise to many
such poems that describe gopis teasing or talking to Krishna.
This one is from Sri Krishnakarnamritam. Here a gopi had caught Krishna
when He was trying to insert His hand into a vessel containing
butter. She starts questioning Him.

कस्त्वं बाल! बलानुजः, किमिह ते? मन्मन्दिराशङ्कया,
युक्तं, तन्नवनीत-पात्रविवरे हस्तं किमर्तं न्यसेः?
मातः! कञ्चन वत्सकं मृगयितुं  मा गाः विषादं क्षणात्
इत्येवं वरवल्लवी प्रतिवचः कृष्णस्य पुष्णातु नः ॥

Gopi:- कस्त्वं बाल! = O boy! who are you?
Krishna:- बलानुजः = I am the brother of Balarama.
Gopi:- किमिह ते? = what do you want here?
Krishna:  मन्मन्दिराशङ्कया = (I entered) mistaking
this to be my house.
Gopi:- युक्तं तत् = it is OK.नवनीत-पात्रविवरे हस्तं
किमर्तं न्यसेः? = (but) why did you keep your hand in the vessel having butter?
Krishna:-  मातः! O mother! कञ्चन वत्सकं मृगयितुं =
(it is) to look for a calf, 
मा गाः विषादं क्षणात् = do not get upset (so fast) in a second.
इत्येवं वरवल्लवी प्रतिवचः कृष्णस्य पुष्णातु नः = let
such words of Krishna given in reply to the good gopi woman  protect us.

   ॥ इति श्रीवादिराजयति कृतम् उक्ति-प्रत्युक्ति स्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम् ॥

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