Saturday, June 27, 2015



                    Srikrishna Karnamrutham
संबाधे सुरभिणा-
तं बालं तनुविलग्न जंबाळ्म् ॥२.७६॥
I rely entirely on that child (Krishna) who tires his mother following him among the crowd of cows and who has long hair and whose body is covered all over with mud.
बालं गोपालमनिशमवलम्बे ॥२.७७॥
I rely entirely on child Krishna who adorns his head with the plumes of peacock, who is surrounded by loving cowherd belles whom he dodges and who plays the flute placing it on his jewel like lips
विबुधविधेयं ममानुसन्धेयम् ॥२.७८॥
I meditate on (Krishna), who is the good fortune of Prahlada, who is sought after in the caves of the Vedas which are like huge mountains, who is named narahari meaning having a form which is part man and part lion, and who helps devas.  
संसारे किं सारं
ज्योतिः किमन्धकारे
What is the essence of this samsara? It is worshipping the lotus feet of the enemy of Kamsa.  What is light in darkness?  Thinking of (remembering) the enemy of Adndhakasura (Krishna). 
विहरतु नन्दकुमारे
चेतो मम गोपसुन्दरीजारे ॥२.८०॥

Let my mind revel in the son of Nanda who is the paramour of the gopis, who steals fresh butter from the pot, who is like moonlight for the lily-like eyes of Lakshmi. 
कस्त्वं बालः बलानुजः किमिह ते मन्मन्दिराशङ्कया
युक्तं तन्नवनीतपात्रविवरे हस्तं किमर्थं न्यसेः।
मातः  कञ्चन वत्सकं मृगयितुं मागा विषादं क्षणा-
दित्येवं वरवल्लवीप्रतिवचः कृष्णस्य पुष्णातु नः ॥२.८१॥
[this is a conversation between a gopi and child Krishna who is caught red handed while stealing butter in her house]
Gopi:     Who are you child?
Krishna:   I am the younger brother of Balarama
Gopi:      Why are you here?
Krishna:    I thought that this was my house.
Gopi:      OK, but why did you put your hands in the pot in which butter is
Krishna:    Mother, I was searching for a calf (which was missing), please
            do not worry    
 May these replies of Krishna to the queries of the gopi nurture(protect) us
गोपालाजिरकर्दमे विहरसे विप्राध्वरे लज्जसे
ब्रूषे गोकुलहुंकृतैः स्तुतिशतैर्मौनं विधत्से विदाम्।
दास्यं गोकुलपुंश्चलीषु कुरुषे स्वाम्यं न दान्तात्मसु
ज्ञातं कृष्ण! तवाङ्घ्रियुगलं प्रेम्णा चलं मञ्जुलम् ॥२.८२॥
O Krishna!  You play in the muddy courtyards of cowherd boys but you shy away from the sacrifice of Brahmins; you respond to the ‘hum’ calls of cows but you are silent  when you are praised by hundreds of hymns by wise men; you do the bidding of women of easy virtue in gokula but you do not want to be Lord of those who have controlled their senses.  I know why it is so; your pretty lotus-like feet are moved only by love and devotion.   
नमस्तस्मै यशोदाया
दायादायाऽस्तु तेजसे।
यद्धि रधामुखांभोजं
भोजं भोजं व्यववर्धत ॥२.८३॥
Salutations to that effulgence which is the son of Yasoda and which grew up always enjoying (seeing) the lotus face of Radha.
अवतारा सन्त्वन्ये
सरसिजनयनस्य सर्वतोभद्राः।
कृष्णादन्यः को वा
प्रभवति गोगोपगोपिकामुक्त्यै॥२.८४॥
There my be many many other incarnations of the lotus-eyed Vishnu which are auspicious in every way but, except Krishna, who else is capable of liberating cows, cowherd men and cowherd women?
मध्येगोकुलमण्डलं प्रतिदिशं चांबारवोज्जृंभिते
प्रातर्द्दोहमहोत्सवे नवघनश्यामं रणन्नूपुरम्।
फाले बालविभूषणं कटिरटत्सकिङ्किणीमेखलं
कण्ठे व्याघ्रनखञ्च शैशवकलाकल्याणकार्स्न्यं भजे ॥२.८५॥
I pray to Krishna, the very acme of the beauty and auspiciousness of childhood. In the midst of the early morning festivity of milking the cows which fill the air with their ‘ambaa’ cry, there is child Krishna,  dark blue as the newly formed cloud,  anklets tinkling, forehead adorned by a tilak, the small bells in the hip belt tinkling and  wearing a tiger-nail ornament around his neck. 
सजलजलदनीलं दर्शितोदारलीलं
करतलधृतशैलं वेणुनादेरसालम्।
व्रजजनकुलपालं कामिनीकेलिलोलं
कलितललितमालं नौमि गोपालबालम् ॥२.८६॥
I salute that child Gopala, who is dark blue as the water-bearing clouds, whose playful acts are generous, who lifted up and held a mountain with one hand, who enjoys the music of the flute, who takes care of the people of Vraja, who is fond of playing with the belles of Vraja and who wears a beautiful garland (of wild flowers)
स्मितललितकपोलं स्निग्धसंगीतलोलं
ललितचिकुरजालं चौर्यचातुर्यलीलम्।
शतमखरिपुकालं शातकुम्भाभचेलं
कुवलयदलनीलं नौमि गोपालबालम् ॥२.८७॥
I prostrate before the child of Gopala (Krishna)  who has pretty cheeks lighted up by a beautiful smile, who enjoys sweet music, who has beautiful locks of hair, who is clever in his playful stealing, who is Death to the enemies of Indra and who is of dark blue complexion as the petals of the blue lily.
मुरलिनिनदलोलं मुग्धमायूरचूडं
दलितदनुजजालं धन्यसौजन्यलीलम्।
परहितनवहेलं पद्मसद्मानुकूलं
नवजलधरनीलं नौमि गोपालबालम् ॥२.८८॥
I prostrate before the child of Gopala (Krishna) who is fond of the music from flute, who wears beautiful plumes of peacock on his head,  who crushes the hordes of asuras, whose playful activities are good and sweet , who does good to others, who favours Brahma and who is dark blue as the newly formed cloud.
सरसगुणनिकायं सच्चिदानन्दकायं
शमितसकलमायं सत्यलक्ष्मीसहायम्
शमदमसमुदायं शान्तसर्वान्तरायं
सुहृदयजनदायं नौमि गोपालराजम् ॥२.८९॥
I bow to the king of cowboys who is the repository of all good qualities, who is the embodiment of Absolute Truth, Awareness and Bliss, who removes all delusions, who is the consort of Lakshmi, who has conquered his senses and mind, who has surmounted all obstacles and who is the friend of large-hearted and noble men.
लक्ष्मीकलत्रं ललिताब्जनेत्रं
पूर्णेन्दुवक्त्रं पुरुहूतमित्रम्।
कारुण्यपात्रं कमनीयगात्रं
वन्दे पवित्रं वसुदेवपुत्रं ॥२.९०॥
I bow to the son of Vasudeva, who is pure, who is the consort of Lakshmi, who has beautiful lotus-like eyes, whose face is like the full moon, who is the friend of Indra, who is full of mercy and who has a handsome body.
यमुनामवतीर्य वीर्यशालि यः
मम रतिममरतिरस्कृति-
शमनपरस्स क्रियात् कृष्णः ॥२.९१॥
May that Krishna create in me loving devotion to him; Krishna who got into Yamuna and valiantly subjugated the aggressive snake kaliya and who constantly tries to  remove the misfortunes of the celestials
मौलौ मायूरबर्हं मृगमदतिलकं चारु लालाटपट्टॆ
कर्णद्वन्द्वे तालीदलमतिमृदुलं मौक्तिकं नासिकायाम्।
हारो मन्दारमालापरिमलभरिते कौस्तुभस्योपकण्ठे
पाणौ वेणुश्च यस्य व्रजयुवतियुतः पातु पीताम्बरो नः॥२.९२॥
May that Krishna,   who wears bright yellow clothes,  who gives company to the belles of Vraja,  who adorns his head with the plumes of the peacock, who sports a tilak of deer musk on his pretty forehead,  who wears ear-ornaments of soft palm leaves,  who has  nose-studs of pearls,  who wears garlands of fragrant mandara flowers and Kaustubha  around the neck  and  who carries a flute in his hand, protect us. 
मुरारिणा वारिविहारकाले
मृगेक्षणानां मुषितांशुकानाम्
करद्वयम् वा कचसंहतिर्वा
प्रमीलनं वा परिधानमासीत् ॥२.९३॥
When, during water sports with the doe-eyed damsels of Vraja, Murari (Krishna) stole their clothes, the former had nothing as clothing ( to hide their shame) except their two hands, their long hair or just closing of their eyes. 
यासां गोपाङ्गनानां लसदसिततरा लोललीलाकटाक्षा
मीनायन्तेऽपि तासामतिरभसचलच्चारुनीलालकान्ता
भृङ्गायन्ते यदंघ्रिद्वयसरसिरुहे पातु पीतांबरो नः ॥२.९४॥
The pretty playful glances of the belles of Vraja which are very dark look like fish in the flow of the celestial Ganga created by the radiance of the pearls in the beautiful nose-ornament of Krishna.  The dark curly hairs waving above their foreheads look like a swarm of bees  when they approach the lotus feet of Krishna.  May that Krishna clothed in bright yellow silks protect us.
एणाक्ष्यस्तत्क्षणेन त्रुटितनिजपतिप्रेमबन्धा बभूवुः।
अस्तव्यस्तालकान्ता स्फुरदधरकुचद्वन्द्वनाभिप्रदेशाः
कामावेशप्रकर्षप्रकटितपुलकाः पातु पीतांबरो नः ॥२.९५॥
The moment the doe-eyed damsels of Vraja heard the enthralling sweet melodies emanating from the holes of Krishna’s flute, the bonds of love binding them to their husbands were cut asunder and, in the intensity of passion and urge to join Krishna,  their hair became disheveled, their lips, breasts and navel trembled and the hairs on their bodies stood erect. May that Krishna who clothes himself in bright yellow silks protect us.   .  
देवक्या जठरे समुदितः क्रीतो गवां पालिना
नन्देनानकदुन्दुभेर्निजसुतापण्येन पुण्यात्मना।
गोपालावलिमुग्धहारतरलो गोपीजनालंकृतिः
स्थेयान्नो हृदि सन्ततं सुमधुरः कोऽपीन्द्रनीलो मणिः ॥२.९६॥
May that sweet blue gem stone(Krishna), born of the womb of Devaki, bought by the blessed cowherd Nanda from Vasudeva by giving his daughter as the price, shining in the garland of cowherd boys and adornment of the gopis of vraja, stay permanently in my heart.
पीठे पीठनिषण्णबालकगले तिष्ठन् गोपालको
वक्त्रोपान्तकृताञ्जलिः कृतशिरःकंपं पिबन् यः पयः
पायादागतगोपिकानयनयोर्गण्डूषफूल्कारकृत् ॥२.९७॥
There was the stool on which a boy was sitting and Krishna was standing on his shoulders and reaching out to the pot in which milk was stored.  Muffling the sound of small bells tied to his waistband, he was drawing the pot near his mouth and,  cupping his hands,  was drinking the milk, with a nod of appreciation when a milkmaid suddenly enters the room.  Krishna spouted  the milk in his mouth on to the eyes of the gopi.  May that Krishna protect us.
यज्ञैरीजिमहे धनं ददिमहे पात्रेषु नूनं वयं
वृद्धान् भोजिमहे तपश्चकृमहे जन्मान्तरे दुश्चरम्।
येनास्माकमभूदनन्यसुलभा भक्तिर्भवद्वेषिणि
चाणूरद्विषि भक्तकल्मषमुषि श्रेयःपुषि श्रीजुषि ॥२.९८॥
I  must have, in my previous births,  surely propitiated god by performing sacrifices, gifted money to deserving people, fed old people and observed austerities difficult to follow, because of which I developed love and devotion, not easy for others, to Krishna who helps cross this samsara, who is the slayer of Chanura,  who wipes out the sins of devotees and  nurtures their welfare and who is served by Goddess Lakshmi.
त्वयि प्रसन्ने मम किं गुणेन
त्वय्यप्रसन्ने मम किं गुणेन।
रक्ते विरक्ते वरे वधूनां
निरर्थकः कुङ्कुमपत्रभंगः ॥२.९९॥
O Lord! when you are pleased what is the use of good qualities in me? If you are not pleased, then also what is the use of good qualities in me? If the groom loves her,  the bride need not adorn herself with kumkumapatra. If he does not love her, then also the kumkumapatra  is useless.
गायन्ति क्षणदावसानसमये सानन्दमिन्दुप्रभां
रुन्धन्त्यो निजदन्तकान्तिनिवहैर्गोपाङ्गना गोकुले।
मथ्नन्त्यो दधि पाणिकङ्कणझणत्कारानुकारं जवा-
द्व्यावद्गद्वसनाञ्चला यमनिशं पीतांबरोऽव्यात्स नः ॥२.१००॥
When the night ends and morning breaks the gopis of Gokula joyfully sing the praises of Krishna blocking the brilliance of the moon with the brilliance of their white teeth. They also sing the praises Krishna while churning curd with the bracelets in their arms making a jingling sound and with their clothes flying around. May that Krishna who clothes himself in bright yellow silks protect us.  
अंसालम्बितवामकुण्डलभरं मन्दोन्नतभ्रूलतं
किञ्चित्कुञ्चितकोमलाधरपुटं साचिप्रसारेक्षणम्।
आलोलाङ्गुलिपल्लवैर्मुरलिकामापूरयन्तं मुदा
मूले कल्पतरोस्त्रिभंगललितं जाने जगन्मोहनम् ॥२.१०१॥
I know that Krishna,  seated under the wish-giving tree, who captivates the whole world by his beautiful form, with ear globes hanging up to the shoulders, raised and curved eye brows, slightly drawn down pretty lower lip, eyes casting side long glances and joyfully playing the flute with speedily moving fingers soft and red as leaf buds.  
मल्लैः शैलेन्द्रकल्पः शिशुरितरजनैः पुष्पचापोऽङ्गनाभिः
गोपैस्तु प्राकृतात्मा दिवि कुलिशभृता विश्वकायोऽप्रमेयः।
क्रुद्धः कंसेन कालो भयचकितदृशा योगिभिर्ध्येयमूर्तिः
दृष्टो रंगावतारे हरिरमरगणानन्दकृत्पातु युष्मान् ॥२.१०२॥
When Krishna entered the stage at the Dhanuryagna of Kamsa, the wrestlers saw him as a big mountain, ordinary people saw him as a child, women saw him as the god of Love, the cowherds saw him as an ordinary person, Indra in heaven saw him as the cosmic person who is beyond measurement, Kamsa, with terror in his eyes, saw him as furious Death, yogis saw him as one who is to be meditated upon.  May that Hari who makes the celestials delighted protect you.
संविष्टो मणिविष्टरेऽङ्गतलमध्यासिलक्ष्मीमुखे
कस्तूरितिलकं मुदा विरचयन् हर्षात्  कुचौ संस्पृशन्।
अन्योन्यस्मितचन्द्रिकाकिसलयैराराधयन् मन्मथं
गोपीगोपपरिवृतो यदुपतिः पायाज्जगन्मोहनः ॥२.१०३॥
Krishna, seated on a  diamond-studded throne,  puts a tilak of musk on the forehead of Rukmini seated on his lap and gleefully touches her breasts.  They seem to offer worship to the god of Love by mutual exchange of smiles bright as moonlight. They are surrounded by gopas and gopis. May that krishna, Lord of the Yadus,  who enthralls the world by his bewitching beauty,  protect us.
आकृष्टे वसनाञ्चले कुवलयश्यामा त्रपाधःकृता
दृष्टि: संवलिता रुचा कुचयुगे स्वर्णप्रभे श्रीमति।
बालः कश्चन चूतपल्लव इति प्रान्तस्मितास्यश्रियं
श्लिष्यंस्तामथ रुक्मिणीं नतमुखीं कृष्णः पुष्णातु नः ॥२.१०४॥
When Krishna pulled her upper garment she shyly cast her eyes,  dark as the blue lily, down and  they converged on hear pretty breasts of golden hue, her face lit up with a beautiful smile.  Krishna embraces Rukmini, whose face is slightly bent down,  saying that she is like a new tender leaf of the mango tree.
उर्व्यां  कोऽपि महीधरो लघुतरो दोर्भ्यां धृतो लीलया
तेन त्वं दिवि भूतले सततं गोवर्धनोद्धारकः।
त्वां त्रैलोक्यधरं वहामि कुचयोरग्रे तद्गण्यते
किं वा केशव भाषणेन बहुना पुण्यैर्यशो लभ्यते॥२.१०५॥
[ This is what a gopi tells Krishna]
On this earth you have playfully lifted up a small hill with your hand and for that  you are known as ‘Lifter of Govardhana’ both on this earth and also in heaven.  I support you, in whose stomach is all the three worlds,  on the tip of my breasts.  But no one seems to count this.  What is the use of mere talking, one earns fame and becomes a celebrity only by merit (punya). 
सन्ध्यावन्दन भद्रमस्तु भवते भोः स्नान तुभ्यं नमः
भो देवाः पितरश्च तर्पणविधौ नाहं क्षमः क्षम्यताम्।
यत्र क्वापि निषिद्य यादवकुलोत्तंसस्य कंसद्विषः
स्मारं स्मारमघं हरामि तदलं मन्ये किमन्येन मे ॥२.१०६॥
O sandhya vandana! may all be well with you.  O snana (bathing)! prostration to you.  O celestials and ancestors! forgive me, I am incapable of  performing tarpan for you. Sitting somewhere in a calm place and remembering the stories and exploits of the jewel of the Yadu dynasty, Krishna, I will dissolve all my sins.  I think this is all what I need to do, what else is there for me to do?  (The idea is that all other rituals drop off from the routine of the devotee who wants to remain always immersed in the remembrance of the leelas of the Lord)
हे गोपालक हे कृपाजलनिधे  हे सिन्धुकन्यापते
हे कंसान्तक हे गजेन्द्रकरुणापारीण हे माधव
हे रामानुज हे जगत्त्रयगुरो हे पुण्डरीकाक्ष मां
हे गोपीजननाथ पालय परं जानामि त्वां विना ॥२.१०७॥
O protector of cows!, O Ocean of mercy! O Consort of Lakshmi!, O Slayer of Kamsa! O Merciful savior of Gajendra! Madhava! O Younger brother of Balarama! O Teacher of the three worlds! O Lotus-eyed one! save me, protect me, I do not know any god higher than you. 
कस्तूरीतिलकं ललाटफलके वक्षःस्थले कौस्तुभं
नासाग्रे नवमौक्तिकं करतले वेणुं करे कङ्कणम्।
सर्वाङ्गे हरिचन्दनं कलयन् कण्ठे मुक्तावलिं
गोपस्त्री परिवेष्टितो विजयते गोपालचूडामणिः ॥२.१०८॥
Victory to the crest jewel of cowherds who sports a tilak of kasturi on the forehead and kaustubha jewel on the chest, who wears a nose ring of pearls, who carries a flute in his hands, who wears bracelets on his wrists, he has smeared sandalwood paste all over his body, who wears a chain of pearls around the neck and who is surrounded on all sides by gopis.
लोकानुन्मदयन् श्रुतीर्मुखरयन् क्षोणीरुहान् हर्षयन्
शैलान् विद्रवयन् मृगान् विवशयन् गोवृन्दमानन्दयन्
गोपान् संभ्रमयन् मुनीन् मुकुलयन् सप्तस्वरान् जृंभयन्
ओंकारार्थमुदीरयन् विजयते वंशीनिनादः शिशोः ॥२.१०९॥
Hearing the melodies arising from the flute of child Krishna, the worlds become enraptured,  Vedas become vocal, trees become joyful, mountains become soft and liquid, animals lose control over themselves, cows are delighted, cowboys become excited, sages become meditative, the musical notes (seven swaras) reach a crescendo and the meaning of ‘Om’ reverberates in the atmosphere.
यस्यात्मभूतस्य गुरोः प्रसादा-
दहं विमुक्तोऽस्मि शरीरबन्धात्।
सर्वोपदेष्टुः पुरुषोत्तमस्य
तस्याङ्घ्रिपद्मं प्रणतोऽस्मि नित्यम् ॥२.११०॥
I prostrate before the lotus feet of that guru, the best among men, the advisor of everything to be known, the very self in me and by the blessings of whom I was released from the bonds of this body.


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