Saturday, June 27, 2015



                    Srikrishna Karnamrutham
गोपीजनस्य कुचकुङ्कुममुद्रिताङ्गं
गोविन्दमिन्दुवदनं शरणं व्रजामः ॥२६॥
We take refuge in Govinda who has a moon-like face, ends of whose soft hair are coated with the dust raised by the hooves of cows, who playfully lifted the Govardhana mountain and whose body bears the marks of kumkum from the breasts of gopis 
वाराहजन्मनि बभूवुरमी समुद्राः।
तं नाम नाथमरविन्ददृशं यशोदा
पाणिद्वयान्तरजलैः स्नपयां बभूव ।२.२७॥
During the incarnation of Lord Vishnu as Varaha  his body was so huge that the waters of  all the oceans were not enough to fill a single follicle of His hair. The same Lord in his incarnation as the child of Yasoda, was bathed in as little water as his mother Yashoda’s cupped hands could hold.
विचिनुत भवनेषु वल्लवीना-
मुपनिषदर्थमुलूखले निबद्धम् ॥२. २८॥
All those who have become extremely tired of wandering in the forest of vedas ! pl hear the best of advices from me.  Search in the houses of cowherd women to find the embodiment of the meaning of Upanishads tied to a mortar.
यद्यहं स्मृतधनञ्जय सूतः
किं करिष्यति स मे यमदूतः ॥२. २९॥
What can the messenger of Yama do to me when I have been purified by worshipping the son of Devaki, when I have been washed by the holy waters from the feet of the enemy of Putana and when I always remember the charioteer of Arjuna. 
भासतां भवभयैकभेषजं
मानसे मम मुहुर्मुहुर्मुहुः।
गोपवेषमुपसेदुषः स्वयं
यापि कापि रमणीयता विभोः ॥२.३०॥
May that enthralling beauty of the Lord,  who has taken on the role of a cowherd,  shine in my mind again and again and again as it is the only medicine to dispel the fear of samsara.
निर्मलं निगमवागगोचरं
नीलिमानमवलोकयामहे ॥२.३१॥
I see before my (mind’s) eyes Krishna who is of dark blue complexion, whose cheeks have a red tinge from the bunch of kadamba flowers hanging from his ears, who is without blemish and beyond the reach of words of the Vedas.
वेणुनादरसिकं भजामहे ॥३२॥
I worship Krishna who enjoys the music from his flute,  whose lotus-eyes cast sidelong glances, whose pretty lips are like half open buds and who moves his fingers with speed  (on the holes of his flute).
स्यन्दने गरुडमण्डितध्वजे
श्यामलेण पुरुषेण नीयते ॥३३॥
(I see before my mind’s eye) Rukmini, daughter of the King of Kundinapura, being taken away by a man of dark blue colour like that of fresh leaf buds of the tamala  tree in a chariot adorned with a flag bearing the emblem of Garuda.
मा यात पान्थाः पथि भीमरथ्या
दिगंबरः कोऽपि तमालनीलः।
विन्यस्तहस्तोऽपि नितंबबिम्बे
धूर्त्तस्समाकर्षति चित्तवित्तम् ॥३४॥
Oh wayfarers!  do not take the path by the side of the Bhimarathi river where you will find someone with dark blue complexion in his birthday suit. Though he will have his hands on his hips, he will snatch your wealth which is your heart, the rogue that he is.
अंगनामंगनामन्तरे माधवो
माधवं माधवं चान्तरेणांगना।
इत्थमाकल्पिते मण्डले मध्यगः
सञ्जगौ वेणुना देवकीनन्दनः ॥३५॥
Between two women was Krishna and between two Krishnas was a woman. In the middle of the circle so formed was the Son of Devaki, Krishna himself playing his flute.
लीनहंसावलीहृद्यया विद्यया
सञ्जगौ वेणुना देवकीनन्दनः ॥३६॥
The son of Devaki, the fire to burn up the forest of the Kamsa clan, played his flute extremely well delighting the hearts of swans inhabiting the lotus flowers  patronized by peacocks and peahens.
क्वापि वीणाभिराराविणा कम्पितः
क्वापि वीणाभिराकिङ्किणी नर्तितः।
क्वापि वीणाभिरामान्तरंगापितः
सञ्जगौ वेणुना देवकीनन्दनः ॥३७॥
The son of Devaki played his flute really well, somewhere shaken by those playing the Veena, some other place made to dance to the music of Veena with his anklets tinkling and yet at another place made to sing along with the music of Veena.    
वल्लवीवृन्दवृन्दारकः कामुकः
सञ्जगौ वेणुना देवकीनन्दनः ॥३८॥
Kissed by the beautiful eyes of the belles of Vraja, being the darling of the cowherds, cows and the cowherd belles and being the god and lover of cowherd maidens, the son of Devaki played his flute exceedingly well. 
सञ्जगौ वेणुना देवकीनन्दनः ॥३९॥
Embraced by a sweetheart frightened by the swarm of bees attracted by the garlands of flower on the head and in turn embracing the sweetheart when her upper garment slips off, the son of Devaki played his flute well indeed.  
नन्दवृन्दावने वासितो मध्यगः
सञ्जगौ वेणुना देवकीनन्दनः ॥४०॥
Being the Lord of Satyabhama of golden hue, his chest fragrant with the vaijayanti garland, living in Vrindavan of Nanda amidst gopis, the son of Devaki created captivating music from his flute.
गोपिकागीतदत्तावधानः स्वयं
सञ्जगौ वेणुना देवकीनन्दनः ॥४१॥
Moving his eye brows to synchronize with the beat of the music of young girls  and focusing his attention on the music, the son of Devaki created beautiful melodies from his flute.
पारिजातं समुद्धृत्य राधावरो
रोपयामास भामागृहस्याङ्गणे।
शीतशीते वटे यामुनीये तटे
सञ्जगौ वेणुना देवकीनन्दनः ॥४२॥
The groom of Radha lifted the parijata plant (from heaven) and planted it in the courtyard of Bhama’s house.  Sitting under a cool banyan tree on the banks of Yamuna, the son of Devaki created magic from his flute in the form of sweet songs,.
अग्रे दीर्घतरोऽयमर्जुनतरुस्तस्याग्रतो वर्तनी
सा घोषं समुपैति तत्परिसरे देशे कलिन्दात्मजा
तस्यास्तीरतमालकाननतले चक्रं गवां चारयन्
गोपः क्रीडति दर्शयिष्यति सखे पन्थानमव्याहतम् ॥२.४३॥
Ahead is a tall Arjuna tree. Beyond that is a foot path that leads to the colony of milkmen in the vicinity of which is the river Yamuna on the banks of which is a forest of tamala  trees.  There you will find a gopa (cowboy) grazing a herd of cows and playing.  He will, O friend !  show you the untrodden path (that will free you from the cycle of births and deaths)
सायन्तने प्रतिगृहं पशुबन्धनार्थं
गच्छन्तमच्युतशिशुं प्रणतोऽस्मि नित्यम्॥४४॥
I bow to the child Krishna in the garb of a  handsome cowherd boy with his body  covered by the dust raised by the hooves of cows, who is followed by hundreds of cowherd children and who goes to every house in the evening to tie the cows and calves (brought after grazing them). 
निधिं लावण्यानां निखिलजगदाश्चर्यनिलयं
निजावासं भासां निरवधिकनिःश्रेयसरसम्।
सुधाधारासारं सुकृतपरिपाकं मृगदृशां
प्रपद्ये माङ्गल्यं प्रथममधिदैवं कृतधियाम् ॥४५॥
I surrender myself to the very first God who is the embodiment of all auspiciousness, repository of all things beautiful,  the home of all the wonders of the world,  the natural source of all radiance,  the giver of good fortune without limit, the essence of the flow of nectar  and the result of the good deeds of doe-eyed gopis
आताम्रे पाणिकमलप्रणयप्रतोद-
दाद्यं धनञ्जयरथाभरणं महो नः ॥४६॥
May that primeval effulgence,  dark blue as the cloud,  adornment of the chariot of Arjuna,  holding a whip in hands which have a red tinge, wearing ornaments like chains, ear globes and waistband, with drops of sweat glistening on the body, protect us.
नखनियमितकण्डून् पाण्डवस्यन्दनाश्वा-
ननुदिनमभिषिञ्चन्नञ्जलिस्थैः पयोभिः
अवतु विततगात्रस्तोत्रनिस्यूतमौलिः
दशनविधृतरश्मिः देवकीपुण्यराशिः .४७॥
May we be protected by Krishna, wide-bodied and born to Devaki as a result of her meritorious deeds, who daily bathes the horses yoked to the chariots of the Pandavas with water gathered in his cupped hands and removes their itching by scratching their bodies with his finger nails while holding their reins between his teeth and keeping the cane stuck into the folds of his turban.
व्रजयुवतिसहाये यौवनोल्लासिकाये
सकलशुभविलासे कुन्दमन्दारहासे।
निवसतु मम चित्तं त्पदायत्तवृत्तं
मुनिसरसिजभानौ नन्दगोपालसूनौ॥४८॥
Let my mind ever dwell at the lotus feet of Krishna, son  of Nandagopa,  who keeps company with the belles of Vraja, whose body is handsome with blooming youth, who is the repository of everything good, whose smile is bright as jasmine and mandara  flowers and who is like the sun for the lotus of sages.  
सरण्या संक्रान्तैस्सपदि मदयन् वेणुनिनदैः।
धरण्या सानन्दोत्पुलकमुपगूढाङ्घ्रिकमलः
शरण्यानामाद्यः जयतु शरीरी मधुरिमा ॥४९॥
Victory to Krishna who is the very embodiment of sweetness, who is at the top of those who are capable of granting refuge, who delights the denizens of the forest by the sweet melodies from his flute surcharged with the nectar from his lips which are red like the bimba fruit and which always wear a loving smile and whose lotus feet are embraced by the goddess of Earth with ecstasy and with hairs on her body standing erect.
ब्रह्म प्रपद्ये नवनीतचोरम् ॥५०॥
I surrender myself to the Brahman which is pure and holy  and beyond the words of the Vedas, which in the form of Krishna, steals butter and bears the marks left by smart cowherd belles during love sport.  


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