Saturday, June 27, 2015



कदा वा कालिन्दीकुवलयदलश्यामलतराः
कटाक्षा लक्ष्यन्ते किमपि करुणावीचिनिचिता
कदा वा कन्दर्पप्रतिभटजटा चन्द्रशिशिराः
कमप्यन्तस्तोषं ददति मुरलीकेलिनिनदाः ॥ १.२६॥
When shall I receive  the katakshas (sidelong glances) of Krishna which are full of compassion and which are darker than the waters of Yamuna and the petals of the  blue lily?  When shall the playful sweet melodies from the flute of (Krishna), cool as the rays of the moon and capable of fighting Cupid (Kama, lust), give me inner peace and contentment? , 
गतं च गंभीरविलासमन्थरम्।
स्मितं च ते नाथ वदन्ति गोपिकाः ॥१.२७॥
O Lord! the gopis say that your glances are shifting and merciful,  talk is sweet and soft, gait is dignified, slow and playful, embrace is tight and smile is bewitching.
निश्शेषस्तनमृदितं व्रजाङ्गनाभिः।
दृश्यासं त्रिभुवनसुन्दरं महस्ते ॥१.२८॥
O Lord may I see your effulgent form, the most beautiful in all the three worlds, having a bewitching broad smile and wide eyes, pressed by the breasts of the belles of vraja and a complexion which seems to be an unlimited accumulation of dark blue lustre. 
मयि प्रसादं मधुरैः कटाक्षैः
त्वयि प्रसन्ने किमिहापरैर्न्नः
त्वय्यप्रसन्ने किमिहापरैर्न्नः ॥१.२९॥
O Krishna ! May you bestow on me your sweet sidelong glances which follow the melodies for your flute.  When you are pleased what is the use of others? (because there is nothing for them to do).  When you are not pleased what is the use of others? ( because they won’t be able to do anything) 
निबद्धमूर्द्धांजलिरेष याचे
दयांबुधे! देव! भवत्कटाक्ष-
दाक्षिण्यलेशेन सकृन्निषिञ्च ॥१.३०॥
With palms pressed together above my head I, utterly miserable and helpless,   beg of you at the top of my voice “ O Krishna ! Ocean of Compassion ! Light of lights!  Kindly drench me, just once, with just a little glance of compassion from the corners of your eyes.”  
चापल्यमेति नयनं तव शैशवे नः ॥१.३१॥
Our eyes thirst to see your childhood.  With your hair adorned with peacock feathers,  with your form adorable to the lotus-eyes of women with ample bosom and your face out to conquer the lotus and the moon by its beauty.  
त्वच्छैशवं त्रिभुवनाद्भुतमित्यवैमि
यच्चापलञ्च मम वागविवादगम्यम्।
तत्किं करोमि विरणन्मुरलीविलास-
मुग्धं मुखांबुजमीक्षितुमीक्षणाभ्याम्  ॥१.३२॥
I know that childhood form of Krishna is the most wonderful in all the three worlds.  It is also beyond argument that my mind is fickle and wavering and cannot concentrate.  What then should I do to see  with my two eyes that lotus face from which arise the beautiful melodies of the flute? 
पर्याचितामृतरसानि पदार्थभंगि
वल्गूनि वल्गितविशालविलोचनानि
बाल्याधिकानि मदवल्लवभावितानि
भावे लुठन्ति सुदृशां तव जल्पितानि ।३३॥
O Krishna! Your talk is sweet like nectar; the meaning of words is so beautiful that people hear it with wide-eyed wonder. They are far above the level expected from a boy of young age, are appreciated by the cowherds in love and they create lovely emotions in the heart of gopis of Vraja.   
पुरुप्रसन्नेन मुखेन्दुतेजसा
पुरोऽवतीर्णस्य कृपामहांबुधेः ।
तदेव लीलामुरलीरवामृतं
समाधिविघ्नाय कदानु मे भवेत् ॥३४॥
When will Krishna, ocean of mercy,  descend before me with his  moon-like face shining and blissful and break my deep meditation (samadhi) by the playful melodies from his flute
यावन्न मे निखिलमर्मदृढाभिघात-
तावद्विभो भवतु तावकवक्त्रचन्द्र
चन्द्रातपद्विगुणिता मम चित्तधारा ॥१.३७॥
When all the vulnerable spots (marma) in the body are being pounded and all joints become rigid and life is ebbing out of this body, let my heart (mind) be flooded with double the luminosity of moonlight emanating from your face which excels the moon.  .
यावन्न मे नरदशा दशमी दृशोऽपि
रन्ध्रादुपैति तिमिरीकृतसर्वभावाः ।
लावण्यकेलिसदनं तव तावदेतु
लक्ष्यं समुत्क्वणितवेणु मुखेन्दुबिम्बम्॥३८॥
Before life ebbs out of my body through one of the (nine) openings and
all emotions and sentiments are blacked out, may that moon-like face which is the playhouse of all beauty appear before my eyes accompanied by the melodious music from the flute.
नीराजिताग्रसरणेः करुणाम्बुराशेः।
आर्द्राणि वेणुनिनदैः प्रतिनादपूरै-
राकर्णयामि मणिनूपुरशिञ्जितानि ॥३९॥
I hear the tinkling of the anklets of Krishna,  who is an ocean of mercy, mingled with the echo of the melodies from the flute as he walks the streets of Vrindavan, lighting up the road ahead. by his roving glances    
हे देव हे दयित! हे जगदेकबन्धो!
हे कृष्ण! हे चपल! हे करुणैकसिन्धो!
हे नाथ! हे रमण! हे नयनाभिराम!
हा हा कदा नु भवितासि पदं दृशोर्मे ॥१.४०॥
O God ! O Beloved! O the only friend of all!  O Kirshna ! O the playful! O Ocean of Compassion! O Lord! O  Giver of Happiness! O Beautiful to Behold! When will you come within the line of my sight ? ( When shall I see you before my eyes?)
अमून्यधन्यानि दिनान्तराणि
हरे त्वदालोकनमन्तरेण
अनाथबन्धो करुणैकसिन्धो
हा हन्त! हा हन्त! कथं नयामि ॥१.४१॥
All these days when I was not able to have your darshan, seem to me, have been utterly wasted.   O friend of all who have none!  Ocean of Compassion!  How shall I pass these days (without seeing you)?
किमिह शृणुमः कस्य ब्रूमः कथं कृतमाशया
कथयतु कथमन्यं मन्यामहे हृदयेशम्
मधुरमधुरस्मेराकारे मनोनयनोत्सवे
कृपणकृपणा तृष्णा चिरं बत लम्बते ॥४२॥
Our hearts are set  on  Krishna and  have been thirsting, for a long time,  for Krishna who has the sweetest of smiles and who gladdens one’s mind and eyes.  How can we then hear, tell or accept some other god as the Lord of our hearts?  
आभ्यां विलोचनाभ्यां
अम्बुजदलदलितलोचनं बालम्।
द्वाभ्यामपि परिरब्धुं
दूरे मम हन्त दैवसामग्री ॥४३॥
With these two eyes of mine I greatly desire to embrace the child whose eyes excel the petals of lotus in beauty.  But alas, the blessings of god are far way in this respect (or my luck is bad)
वीक्षिष्ये तव वदनाम्बुजं कदा नु? ॥४४॥
O Lord! When shall I see your face beautiful as the lotus, always lit with a smile and having reddish lips, steeped in the joy of captivating melodies from the flute and having roving large beautiful eyes which are half-closed.
लीलायताभ्यां रसशीतलाभ्यां
नीलारुणाभ्यां नयनाम्बुजाभ्याम्।
बालः कदा कारुणिकः किशोरः ॥४५॥
When will the young boy Krishna, full of mercy, cast  on me a glance from his eyes which are beautiful as the lotus, playfully wide, cool with compassion, blue with a reddish tinge and reflecting wonderful emotions. 
बहुलचिकुरभारं बद्धपिञ्छावतंसं
चपलचपलनेत्रं चारुबिम्बाधरोषठम्।
मधुरमृदुलहासं मन्थरोदारलीलं
मृगयति नयनं मे मुग्धवेषं मुरारेः॥४६॥
My eyes are searching (yearning) for the beautiful form of Krishna, slayer of Mura,  who has rich locks of hair, who adorns his head with the plumes of peacock, who has roving eyes and pretty lips, whose smile is soft and sweet and whose play (leela) is fascinating.  
बहुलजलदच्छायाचोरं विलासभरालसं
मदशिखिशिखालीलोत्तंसं मनोज्ञमुखांबुजम्।
किमपि करुणापांगोदग्रप्रमृष्टजगज्जडं
मधुरिमपरीपाकोद्रेकं वयं मृगयामहे ॥४७॥
We are searching (yearning) for the Lord (Krishna) who is the very embodiment of the peak of matured sweetness, whose dark blue colour excels that of the clouds, who is lazily playful, who adorns his head with the plumes of  peacock, whose face is fascinating and whose sidelong glances full of mercy wipe out the ignorance of (his devotees) in the world. 
परामृश्यं दूरे परिषदि मुनिनां व्रजवधू-
दृशां दृश्यं शश्वत् त्रिभुवनमनोहारि वपुषम्।
अनामृश्यं वाचामनिदमुदयानामपि कदा
दरीदृश्ये देवं दरदलितनीलोत्पलनिभम् ॥४८॥
When shall I be able to see my Lord whose dark blue complexion excels that of the slightly open blue lotus,  who is far away from the talks (discussions) in the assembly of sages but who is always seen by the belles of Vraja, the beauty of whose form captivates the three worlds and who is incapable of being described in words.
नर्माणि वेणुविवरेषु निवेशयन्तम्।
डोलायमाननयनं नयनाभिरामं
देवं कदा नु दयितं व्यतिलोकयिष्ये ॥४९॥
When shall I see my darling Krishna whose face is beautiful as the lotus, whose glances are shifting, who plays the flute putting humour in its holes(melodies), who has roving eyes and whose form  is extremely beautiful.
लग्नं मुहुर्मनसि लंपटसंप्रदायि
राकेन्दुलालितमुखेन्दुमुकुन्दबाल्यम् ॥५०॥ 
The childhood form of Mukunda (Krishna) with its habit of taking liberties with the belles of Vraja,  with its picture-perfectness for an artist and with  its bright lips bathed in a shy, soft and sweet smile and with its face brighter than the full moon, rises up frequently in my mind (heart). 


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