Monday, June 8, 2015

Smara Samarocita or Kaapi Madhu Ripuna(Vishnu stotra .94)GITA GOVINDA

#14 स्मर समरोचित (Smara Samarocita or Kaapi Madhu Ripuna)(Vishnu stotra .94)GITA GOVINDA

॥ गीतम् १४ ॥
स्मरसमरोचितविरचितवेशा ।
गलितकुसुमदरविलुलितकेशा ॥

कापि मधुरिपुणा विलसति युवतिरधिकगुणा ॥ १॥

हरिपरिरम्भणवलितविकारा ।
कुचकलशोपरि तरलितहारा ॥ २॥ 
कापि मधुरिपुणा
विचलदलकललिताननचन्द्रा ।
तदधरपानरभसकृततन्द्रा ॥ ३॥
 कापि मधुरिपुणा
चञ्चलकुण्डलदलितकपोला ।
मुखरितरशनजघनगलितलोला ॥ ४॥
 कापि मधुरिपुणा
दयितविलोकितलज्जितहसिता ।
बहुविधकूजितरतिरसरसिता ॥ ५॥
 कापि मधुरिपुणा
विपुलपुलकपृथुवेपथुभङ्गा ।
श्वसितनिमीलितविकसदनङ्गा ॥ ६॥
 कापि मधुरिपुणा
श्रमजलकणभरसुभगशरीरा ।
परिपतितोरसि रतिरणधीरा ॥ ७॥ 
कापि मधुरिपुणा
श्रीजयदेवभणितहरिरमितम् ।
कलिकलुषं जनयतु परिशमितम् ॥ ८॥
smara-samarochita-virachita-vesha |
galita-kusuma-bhara-vidulita-kesha ||1||
kapi madhuripuna vilasati yuvatir adhika-guna ||dhruvapada||||
“O sakhi, she is attired in clothes and ornaments suitable for an amorous battle. Tangle of flowers lie wilted in her loosened hair. Some young woman, who is more qualified than I, is blissfully engaged in revelry with Madhuripu.” 
hari-parirambhana-valita-vikara |
kucha-kalashopari taralita-hara (kapi madhuripuna)||2||
“When Krishna deeply embraces her, she becomes bewildered by sensual agitation. She must be experiencing the bodily transformations beginning with the thrill of every pore of her skin and her necklace must be swinging to and fro on her.”
vichalad-alaka-lalitanana-chandra |
tad-adhara-pana-rabhasa-kruta-tandra (kapi madhuripuna) ||3||
“The beauty of her moonlike face must be enhanced by her curling locks of hair and her eyes must be blissfully closed out of an all-consuming greed to drink the nectar of Krishna’s lips.”
chañcala-kundala-lalita-kapola |
mukharita-dashana-jaghana-gati-lola (kapi madhuripuna) ||4||
“Her cheeks must be even lovelier when her earrings are swinging. The tiny bells on the jewelled sash elegantly adorning her waist must be tinkling so sweetly as they quiver.”
dayita-vilokita-lajjita-hasita |
bahu-vidha-kujita-rati-rasa-rasita (kapi madhuripuna) ||5||
“When Krishna lovingly glances upon her, she becomes bashful and laughs shyly. She must be making an inarticulate sound resembling the warbling of birds like the cuckoo or kalahamsa, as she gasps for breath in the state of excessive ecstasy.” 
vipula-pulaka-pruthu, vepathu-bhanga |
shvasita-nimilita-vikasad-anaga (kapi madhuripuna) ||6||
“When she is thrilled by the ecstasies of Cupid, horripilation and bodily convulsions wash over her like waves. Her complete absorption in Krishna will be revealed by the way she closes her eyes and lets out a long sigh.” 
srama-jala-kana-bhara-subhaga-sarira |
pari pati torasi rati-rana-dhira (kapi madhuripuna) ||7||
“She looks even more attractive when her graceful body is covered in droplets of perspiration from the exertion of her love-sports. How much more beautiful she must be when, she finally rests upon Krishna’s chest.”
sri-jayadeva-bhanita-hari-ramitam |
kali-kalusham janayatu parisamitam  (dhruvapada) ||8||
May Sri Jayadeva’s description of Sri Hari’s love-play, subdue the ill-effects of the age of Kali. (May it cleanse the heart of unwanted desires.)

॥ ଗୀତମ୍ ୧୪ ॥
ସ୍ମରସମରୋଚିତଵିରଚିତଵେଶା ।
ଗଲିତକୁସୁମଦରଵିଲୁଲିତକେଶା ॥

କାପି ମଧୁରିପୁଣା ଵିଲସତି ୟୁଵତିରଧିକଗୁଣା ॥ ୧॥

ହରିପରିରମ୍ଭଣଵଲିତଵିକାରା ।
କୁଚକଲଶୋପରି ତରଲିତହାରା ॥ ୨॥ କାପି ମଧୁରିପୁଣା
ଵିଚଲଦଲକଲଲିତାନନଚନ୍ଦ୍ରା ।
ତଦଧରପାନରଭସକୃତତନ୍ଦ୍ରା ॥ ୩॥ କାପି ମଧୁରିପୁଣା
ଚଞ୍ଚଲକୁଣ୍ଡଲଦଲିତକପୋଲା ।
ମୁଖରିତରଶନଜଘନଗଲିତଲୋଲା ॥ ୪॥ କାପି ମଧୁରିପୁଣା
ଦୟିତଵିଲୋକିତଲଜ୍ଜିତହସିତା ।
ବହୁଵିଧକୂଜିତରତିରସରସିତା ॥ ୫॥ କାପି ମଧୁରିପୁଣା
ଵିପୁଲପୁଲକପୃଥୁଵେପଥୁଭଙ୍ଗା ।
ଶ୍ଵସିତନିମୀଲିତଵିକସଦନଙ୍ଗା ॥ ୬॥ କାପି ମଧୁରିପୁଣା
ଶ୍ରମଜଲକଣଭରସୁଭଗଶରୀରା ।
ପରିପତିତୋରସି ରତିରଣଧୀରା ॥ ୭॥ କାପି ମଧୁରିପୁଣା
ଶ୍ରୀଜୟଦେଵଭଣିତହରିରମିତମ୍ ।
କଲିକଲୁଷଂ ଜନୟତୁ ପରିଶମିତମ୍ ॥ ୮॥
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