Thursday, June 4, 2015

सखि हे (Sakhi He or Nibhruta Nikunja)(Vishnu stotra.86)gitagovinda

  सखि हे (Sakhi He or Nibhruta Nikunja)(Vishnu stotra.86)gitagovinda

॥ गीतम् ६ ॥
निभृतनिकुञ्जगृहं गतया निशि रहसि निलीय वसन्तम् ।
चकितविलोकितसकलदिशा रतिरभसरसेन हसन्तम् ॥

सखि हे केशिमथनमुदारम्
रमय मया सह मदनमनोरथभावितया सविकारम् ॥ १॥

प्रथमसमागमलज्जितया पटुचाटुशतैरनुकूलम् ।
मृदुमधुरस्मितभाषितया शिथिलीकृतजधनदुकूलम् ॥ २॥ सखि हे
किसलयशयननिवेशितया चिरमुरसि ममैव शयानम् ।
कृतपरिरम्भणचुम्बनया परिरभ्य कृताधरपानम् ॥ ३॥ सखि हे
अलसनिमीलितलोचनया पुलकावलिललितकपोलम् ।
श्रमजलसकलकलेवरया वरमदनमदादतिलोलम् ॥ ४॥ सखि हे
कोकिलकलरवकूजितया जितमनसिजतन्त्रविचारम् ।
श्लथकुसुमाकुलकुन्तलया नखलिखितघनस्तनभारम् ॥ ५॥ सखि हे
चरणरणितमणिनूपुरया परिपूरितसुरतवितानम् ।
मुखरविशृङ्खलमेखलया सकचग्रहचुम्बनदानम् ॥ ६॥ सखि हे
रतिसुखसमयरसालसया दरमुकुलितनयनसरोजम् ।
निःसहनिपतिततनुलतया मधुसूदनमुदितमनोजम् ॥ ७॥ सखि हे
श्रीजयदेवभणितमिदमतिशयमधुरिपुनिधुवनशीलम् ।
सुखमुत्कण्ठितगोपवधूकथितं वितनोतु सलीलम् ॥ ८॥ 
nibruta-nikuñja-gruham gataya, nisi rahasi niliya vasantam |
chakita-vilokita-sakala-disha, rati-rabhasa-bharnea hasantam ||1||
Once, he went to a secluded forest bower at night in accordance with the plan we had discreetly arranged by hints and signals. In a mischievous mood, he concealed himself in the dense foliage of the forest just to observe my eagerness to meet him and my agony in his absence. I began to look around with tired,fearful eyes, immersed in anxiety and thinking ‘Oh, when will he come?’ Then he suddenly delighted me with the nectar of his amorous laughter.
sakhi he kesi-mathana mudaram
ramaya maya saha madana-manoratha-bhavitaya sa-vikaram (sakhi he)||dhruvapada||
Kesi-mathana Krishna is never lacking in generosity when it comes to relieving the burning heat of Kamadeva. What’s more, his mind is also bewildered by attachment for me. My feelings are ornamented by Him; how will my desire to unite with him be fulfilled? Arrange for our meeting immediately.
prathama-samagama-lajjitaya, patu-chatu-shatai ranukulam |
mrudu-madhura-smita-bhashitaya, shithi-likruta-jaghana-dukulam (Krishnam, sakhi he) ||2||
“Seeing me so naive and gullible due to the natural embarrassment that occurs during one’s first amorous encounter, he employed a succession of courteous words and humble entreaties to abate my shyness. Enchanted by his flattering words, I smiled softly and sweetly and began to converse with him.  O sakhi, immediately arrange for me to meet with him!”
kisala-shayana-nivediitaya, ciram urasi mamaiva shayanam |
kruta-parirambhana-chumbanaya, parirabhya krutadhara-panam (Krishnam, sakhi he) ||3||
“He made me lie down upon a charming bed of soft, fresh flowers and then, with great pleasure, he laid so radiantly upon my heart. I kissed him and embraced him deeply. Moreover, he embraced me and repeatedly drank the nectar of my lips under the powerful influence of ananga-rasa. O sakhi, he is dearer to me than my very life. Take me to meet with him at once.”
alasa-nimilita-locanaya, pulaka vali-lalita-kapolam |
shrama-jala-sakala-kalevaraya, vara-madana-mada datilolam (Krishnam, sakhi he) ||4||
“From the sudden, unexpected surge of rapture within the pleasure of passionate love with him, my eyes became tired and closed. Krishna’s cheeks assumed an extraordinary charm and loveliness from the joy of this love-play. With sweat of love all over, His looks intoxicate me. Krishna is full of love. O sakhi, quickly arrange for me to meet with Sri Krishna!”
kokila-kala-rava-kujitaya,  jita-manasija-tantra-vicharam |
shlatha-kusuma kula-kuntalaya, nakaha-likhita-ghana-stana-bharam (Krishnam, sakhi he) ||5||
“Sri Krishna is thoroughly conversant with the confidential theories found in authentic manuals on the techniques of lovemaking (rati-sdstrd). At the time of amorous union with Krishna, I murmur like a cuckoo & think of Him only. My braid opened and the arrangement of flower blossoms slipped and fell from my hair & I bear his nail marks. O sakhi, arrange for me to meet with my dearest  Sri Krishna at once!”
charana-ranita-mani-npuraya pari purita-surata-vitanam |
mukhara-vishru khala-mekhalaya, saka chakraha-chumbana-danam (Krishnam, sakhi he) ||6||
“As we enjoyed amorous play, the jewel-studded ankle-bells on my feet rang out seeing His love. Unite me at once with that Sri Krishna who catches me by the hair, repeatedly kisses my face. “
rati-sukha-samaya-raslasaya, dara-mukulita-nayana-sarojam |
nisaha-nipatita-tanu-lataya, madhusdana mudita-manojam(Krishnam, sakhi he) ||7||
“While enjoying with him, I gradually became exhausted. Krishna’s slightly open lotus eyes were soaked in the mellows of manmatha. I cling like a creeper & Madhusudhana delights me in his love. O sakhi, unite me with my dearest Sri Krishna at once.” 
sri-jayadeva-bhaitam idam atiaya-madhu-ripu-nidhuvana-shilam |
sukham utkan thita-Radhikaya, kathitam vitanotu salilam  (sakhi he keshi…)||8||
This narration composed by Sri Jayadeva portrays Sri Krishna’s love as described by the anxious and impatient heroine in the tor-
ment of her separation. May it increase the auspiciousness of all devotees who recite and hear it.
॥ ଗୀତମ୍ ୬ ॥
ନିଭୃତନିକୁଞ୍ଜଗୃହଂ ଗତୟା ନିଶି ରହସି ନିଲୀୟ ଵସନ୍ତମ୍ ।
ଚକିତଵିଲୋକିତସକଲଦିଶା ରତିରଭସରସେନ ହସନ୍ତମ୍ ॥

ସଖି ହେ କେଶିମଥନମୁଦାରମ୍
ରମୟ ମୟା ସହ ମଦନମନୋରଥଭାଵିତୟା ସଵିକାରମ୍ ॥ ୧॥

ପ୍ରଥମସମାଗମଲଜ୍ଜିତୟା ପଟୁଚାଟୁଶତୈରନୁକୂଲମ୍ ।
ମୃଦୁମଧୁରସ୍ମିତଭାଷିତୟା ଶିଥିଲୀକୃତଜଧନଦୁକୂଲମ୍ ॥ ୨॥ ସଖି ହେ
କିସଲୟଶୟନନିଵେଶିତୟା ଚିରମୁରସି ମମୈଵ ଶୟାନମ୍ ।
କୃତପରିରମ୍ଭଣଚୁମ୍ବନୟା ପରିରଭ୍ୟ କୃତାଧରପାନମ୍ ॥ ୩॥ ସଖି ହେ
ଅଲସନିମୀଲିତଲୋଚନୟା ପୁଲକାଵଲିଲଲିତକପୋଲମ୍ ।
ଶ୍ରମଜଲସକଲକଲେଵରୟା ଵରମଦନମଦାଦତିଲୋଲମ୍ ॥ ୪॥ ସଖି ହେ
କୋକିଲକଲରଵକୂଜିତୟା ଜିତମନସିଜତନ୍ତ୍ରଵିଚାରମ୍ ।
ଶ୍ଲଥକୁସୁମାକୁଲକୁନ୍ତଲୟା ନଖଲିଖିତଘନସ୍ତନଭାରମ୍ ॥ ୫॥ ସଖି ହେ
ଚରଣରଣିତମଣିନୂପୁରୟା ପରିପୂରିତସୁରତଵିତାନମ୍ ।
ମୁଖରଵିଶୃଙ୍ଖଲମେଖଲୟା ସକଚଗ୍ରହଚୁମ୍ବନଦାନମ୍ ॥ ୬॥ ସଖି ହେ
ରତିସୁଖସମୟରସାଲସୟା ଦରମୁକୁଲିତନୟନସରୋଜମ୍ ।
ନିଃସହନିପତିତତନୁଲତୟା ମଧୁସୂଦନମୁଦିତମନୋଜମ୍ ॥ ୭॥ ସଖି ହେ
ଶ୍ରୀଜୟଦେଵଭଣିତମିଦମତିଶୟମଧୁରିପୁନିଧୁଵନଶୀଲମ୍ ।
ସୁଖମୁତ୍କଣ୍ଠିତଗୋପଵଧୂକଥିତଂ ଵିତନୋତୁ ସଲୀଲମ୍ ॥ ୮॥  

Indian Classical (Odissi) Dance-Geeta Govinda by kasturi patnaik

odissi-sakhi ileana citaristi

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