Tuesday, June 30, 2015


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गुरुवायु पुरेश मङ्गल स्तुति  
श्री  कृष्णाय  मुकुन्दाय  श्रीराजद्दिव्यवर्ष्मणे |
गुरुवायुपुरेशाय जगदीशाय  मङ्गलं ||||
I sing Man*gaLa GAnam to Lord Sree KR^shNa, on whose divine body ( chest) shines Goddess Lakshmi and  who is the Ruler of the Cosmos and the presiding deity of GuruvAyoor!!!
करुणार्द्रमनस्काय  तरुणारुणरोचिषे  |
गुरुवायुपुरेशाय हृषीकेशाय मङ्गलं  ||||

I sing Man*gaLa GAnam to Lord Sree KR^shNa whose Heart is full of compassion, who is radiant  as the rising sun, who is the controller of all senses and the Lord of GuruvAyoor!!!
 विश्वपालनदीक्षाय  विश्वसन्तापहारिणे
गुरुवायुपुरेशाय वासुदेवाय  मङ्गलं ॥३॥             
I sing Man*gaLa GAnam to Lord Sree KR^shNa who is committed to protecting the whole world, who is the destroyer of the sufferings of all, who is the Lord of GuruvAyoor and who is the son of VasudEva.
भवाब्द्धितारकायाऽब्जभवाभीष्टद  कर्मणे
गुरुवायु  पुरेशाय नन्दपुत्राय  मङ्गलं ॥४॥             
I sing Man*gaLa GAnam to Lord Sree KR^shNa who takes His bhakta-s across the ocean of SamsAra, who grants  the wishes of Brahma and who is the lord GuruvAyoor and who is the foster son of Nandagopa. 
पयोधिकन्यापतये  पयोदोपम  मूर्तये
गुरुवायुपुरेशाय    नन्दपुत्राय  मङ्गलं॥५॥ 

I sing Man*gaLa GAnam to Lord Sree KR^shNa who is the consort of the daughter of the ocean, Lakshmi;  whose visible form is as beautiful as clouds;  who is the Lord of Guruvayoor;  and who is the foster son of NandagOpa.
तापापनोदलोलाय पापारण्यवाग्नये  
गुरुवायुपुरेशाय देवदेवाय  मङ्गलं  ॥६॥
I sing Man*gaLa GAnam to Lord Sree KR^shNa who is engaged happily in destroying His devotees suffering, who destroys the forest of our sins like a forest fire,  who is the Lord of Guruvayoor  and who is the Lord all Gods.

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