Monday, June 8, 2015

Anila Tarala or Sakhi Ya Ramita(Vishnu stotra.96)GITA GOVINDA

  अनिल तरल (Anila Tarala or Sakhi Ya Ramita)(Vishnu stotra.96)GITA GOVINDA


॥ गीतम् १६ ॥
अनिलतरलकुवलयनयनेन ।
तपति न सा किसलयशयनेन ॥

सखि या रमिता वनमालिना ॥ १॥

विकसितसरसिजललितमुखेन ।
स्फुटति न सा मनसिजविशिखेन ॥ २॥ सखि या
अमृतमधुरमृदुतरवचनेन ।
ज्वलति न सा मलयजपवनेन ॥ ३॥ सखि या
स्थलजलरुहरुचिकरचरणेन ।
लुठति न सा हिमकरकिरणेन ॥ ४॥ सखि या
सजलजलदसमुदयरुचिरेण ।
दलति न सा हृदि विहरभरेण ॥ ५॥  सखि या  var -   चिरविरहेण
कनकनिकषरुचिशुचिवसनेन ।
श्वसिति न सा परिजनहसनेन ॥ ६॥ सखि या
सकलभुवनजनवरतरुणेन ।
वहति न सा रुजमतिकरुणेन ॥ ७॥ सखि या
श्रीजयदेवभणितवचनेन ।
प्रविशतु हरिरपि हृदयमनेन ॥ ८॥

anila-tarala-kuvalaya-nayanena |
tapati na sa kisalaya-shayanena ||1||
sakhi ya ramita vana-malina ||dhruvapadam ||
“His eyes flirt like blue night lilies in the wind.  Oh saki! The Vanamala (wildflower garland) of the Lord caresses her.”
vikasita-sarasija-lalita-mukhena |
sphuati na sa manasija-vishikhena ||2||
“The terrible arrows of Cupid can never pierce that beautiful woman who has been blessed by Vanamali Krishna. His charming face resembles a fully blossomed lotus flower”
amruta-madhura-mrudu-tara-vachanena |
jvalati na sa malayaja-pavanena ||3||
“Krishna speaks nectarine sweet and delightful words to  that Gopi. She can never feel scorched by contact with the Malaya breeze.”
sthala-jala-ruha-ruchi-kara-charanena |
luthati na sa hima-kara-kiraena ||4||
“Vanamali Krishna’s hands and feet are as cool and lustrous as flowers. The charming woman who has been enjoyed by them does not have to roll about on the earth, burning in the rays of the moon.”
sajala jalada-samudaya-ruchirena |
dalati na sa hrudi viraha  bharena||5||
“Vanamali Krishna is even more enchanting, fresh and effulgent than a newly condensed rainclouds. That Gopi who is with Krishna will never be burnt by a large quantity of poison in the form of prolonged separation.” 
kanaka-nichaya-ruchi-suchi-vasanena |
svasiti na sa parijana-hasanena ||6||
“His bright pithambar shines like gold.  This fortunate women though teased by her own people, will make her sign.”
sakala-bhuvana-jana-vara-tarunena |
vahati na sa rujam ati karunena ||7||
“The entire universe is touched by His beauty. Krishna His charming, youthful form is lustrous. That Gopi who is now in love with him, will
not feel the dreadful pain of separation in the core of her heart because he is exceedingly compassionate.”
sri-jayadeva-bhanita-vachanena |
pravishatu harir api hdayam anena ||8||
May Sri Hari enter the hearts of the devotees, with the words rendered herein by Sri Jayadeva. 
॥ ଗୀତମ୍ ୧୬ ॥
ଅନିଲତରଲକୁଵଲୟନୟନେନ ।
ତପତି ନ ସା କିସଲୟଶୟନେନ ॥

ସଖି ୟା ରମିତା ଵନମାଲିନା ॥ ୧॥

ଵିକସିତସରସିଜଲଲିତମୁଖେନ ।
ସ୍ଫୁଟତି ନ ସା ମନସିଜଵିଶିଖେନ ॥ ୨॥ ସଖି ୟା
ଅମୃତମଧୁରମୃଦୁତରଵଚନେନ ।
ଜ୍ଵଲତି ନ ସା ମଲୟଜପଵନେନ ॥ ୩॥ ସଖି ୟା
ସ୍ଥଲଜଲରୁହରୁଚିକରଚରଣେନ ।
ଲୁଠତି ନ ସା ହିମକରକିରଣେନ ॥ ୪॥ ସଖି ୟା
ସଜଲଜଲଦସମୁଦୟରୁଚିରେଣ ।
ଦଲତି ନ ସା ହୃଦି ଵିହରଭରେଣ ॥ ୫॥  ସଖି ୟା  var -   ଚିରଵିରହେଣ
କନକନିକଷରୁଚିଶୁଚିଵସନେନ ।
ଶ୍ଵସିତି ନ ସା ପରିଜନହସନେନ ॥ ୬॥ ସଖି ୟା
ସକଲଭୁଵନଜନଵରତରୁଣେନ ।
ଵହତି ନ ସା ରୁଜମତିକରୁଣେନ ॥ ୭॥ ସଖି ୟା
ଶ୍ରୀଜୟଦେଵଭଣିତଵଚନେନ ।
ପ୍ରଵିଶତୁ ହରିରପି ହୃଦୟମନେନ ॥ ୮॥


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