Saturday, May 23, 2015

SRI JAGANATH PRATHANA (Vishnu stotra .75)


 श्रीजगन्नाथस्तोत्र १ ॥

       ॥ जगन्नाथप्रणामः ॥

नीलाचलनिवासाय नित्याय परमात्मने ।
बलभद्रसुभद्राभ्यां जगन्नाथाय ते नमः ॥ १॥

Obeisance to the omnipresent, paramAtmA, JagannAtha (MahAprabhu),
Who resides at NilAchala with Balabhadra (His brother) and SubhadrA
(His sister).
जगदानन्दकन्दाय प्रणतार्तहराय च ।
नीलाचलनिवासाय जगन्नाथाय ते नमः ॥ २॥ 
jagad - Universe; Ananda- happiness, joy; 
praNata - to bow, pay obeisance; Arta - cry for salvation and
protection; hara - remover of sorrow, troubles etc, i.e. the one Who
hears these cries and comes to help.; nIlAchala - the white pagoda or
the temple of Shri JagannAtha at Puri is said to stand over a blue
mountain of light (called nIlAchala parvata) that extends and merges
with the sky (reported observations of Shri Chaitanya and Shri Shankara).
Hence the entire region covering the lands from Lingaraja
(Bhubaneswar), Khurda and Konarak to Puri is called nIlAchala kShetra;
nivAsa- living or residing at; JagannAtha- Lord of the Universe (ViShNu)
Translation: Obeisance to JagannAtha, residing at Nilachala (mountain
of sky-blue light), the root cause of happiness and joy of this
universe, the savior Who hears the cries of those who bow at His
॥ श्री जगन्नाथ प्रार्थना ॥

रत्नाकरस्तव गृहं गृहिणी च पद्मा
किं देयमस्ति भवते पुरुषोत्तमाय ।
? अभीर?वामनयनाहृतमानसाय
दत्तं मनो यदुपते त्वरितं गृहाण ॥ १॥

भक्तानामभयप्रदो यदि भवेत् किन्तद्विचित्रं प्रभो
कीटोऽपि स्वजनस्य रक्षणविधावेकान्तमुद्वेजितः ।
ये युष्मच्चरणारविन्दविमुखा स्वप्नेऽपि नालोचका-
स्तेषामुद्धरण-क्षमो यदि भवेत् कारुण्यसिन्धुस्तदा ॥ २॥

अनाथस्य जगन्नाथ नाथस्त्वं मे न संशयः ।
यस्य नाथो जगन्नाथस्तस्य दुःखं कथं प्रभो ॥ ३॥

या त्वरा द्रौपदीत्राणे या त्वरा गजमोक्षणे ।
मय्यार्ते करुणामूर्ते सा त्वरा क्व गता हरे ॥ ४॥

मत्समो पातकी नास्ति त्वत्समो नास्ति पापहा ।
इति विज्ञाय देवेश यथायोग्यं तथा कुरु ॥ ५॥

 ॥ ଶ୍ରୀଜଗନ୍ନାଥସ୍ତୋତ୍ର ୧ ॥

       ॥ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥପ୍ରଣାମଃ ॥

ନୀଲାଚଲନିଵାସାୟ ନିତ୍ୟାୟ ପରମାତ୍ମନେ ।
ବଲଭଦ୍ରସୁଭଦ୍ରାଭ୍ୟାଂ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥାୟ ତେ ନମଃ ॥ ୧॥

Obeisance to the omnipresent, paramAtmA, JagannAtha (MahAprabhu),
Who resides at NilAchala with Balabhadra (His brother) and SubhadrA
(His sister).
ଜଗଦାନନ୍ଦକନ୍ଦାୟ ପ୍ରଣତାର୍ତହରାୟ ଚ ।
ନୀଲାଚଲନିଵାସାୟ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥାୟ ତେ ନମଃ ॥ ୨॥ 
jagad - Universe; Ananda- happiness, joy; 
praNata - to bow, pay obeisance; Arta - cry for salvation and
protection; hara - remover of sorrow, troubles etc, i.e. the one Who
hears these cries and comes to help.; nIlAchala - the white pagoda or
the temple of Shri JagannAtha at Puri is said to stand over a blue
mountain of light (called nIlAchala parvata) that extends and merges
with the sky (reported observations of Shri Chaitanya and Shri Shankara).
Hence the entire region covering the lands from Lingaraja
(Bhubaneswar), Khurda and Konarak to Puri is called nIlAchala kShetra;
nivAsa- living or residing at; JagannAtha- Lord of the Universe (ViShNu)
Translation: Obeisance to JagannAtha, residing at Nilachala (mountain
of sky-blue light), the root cause of happiness and joy of this
universe, the savior Who hears the cries of those who bow at His
॥ ଶ୍ରୀ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥ ପ୍ରାର୍ଥନା ॥

ରତ୍ନାକରସ୍ତଵ ଗୃହଂ ଗୃହିଣୀ ଚ ପଦ୍ମା
କିଂ ଦେୟମସ୍ତି ଭଵତେ ପୁରୁଷୋତ୍ତମାୟ ।
? ଅଭୀର?ଵାମନୟନାହୃତମାନସାୟ
ଦତ୍ତଂ ମନୋ ୟଦୁପତେ ତ୍ଵରିତଂ ଗୃହାଣ ॥ ୧॥

ଭକ୍ତାନାମଭୟପ୍ରଦୋ ୟଦି ଭଵେତ୍ କିନ୍ତଦ୍ଵିଚିତ୍ରଂ ପ୍ରଭୋ
କୀଟୋଽପି ସ୍ଵଜନସ୍ୟ ରକ୍ଷଣଵିଧାଵେକାନ୍ତମୁଦ୍ଵେଜିତଃ ।
ୟେ ୟୁଷ୍ମଚ୍ଚରଣାରଵିନ୍ଦଵିମୁଖା ସ୍ଵପ୍ନେଽପି ନାଲୋଚକା-
ସ୍ତେଷାମୁଦ୍ଧରଣ-କ୍ଷମୋ ୟଦି ଭଵେତ୍ କାରୁଣ୍ୟସିନ୍ଧୁସ୍ତଦା ॥ ୨॥

ଅନାଥସ୍ୟ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥ ନାଥସ୍ତ୍ଵଂ ମେ ନ ସଂଶୟଃ ।
ୟସ୍ୟ ନାଥୋ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥସ୍ତସ୍ୟ ଦୁଃଖଂ କଥଂ ପ୍ରଭୋ ॥ ୩॥

ୟା ତ୍ଵରା ଦ୍ରୌପଦୀତ୍ରାଣେ ୟା ତ୍ଵରା ଗଜମୋକ୍ଷଣେ ।
ମୟ୍ୟାର୍ତେ କରୁଣାମୂର୍ତେ ସା ତ୍ଵରା କ୍ଵ ଗତା ହରେ ॥ ୪॥

ମତ୍ସମୋ ପାତକୀ ନାସ୍ତି ତ୍ଵତ୍ସମୋ ନାସ୍ତି ପାପହା ।
ଇତି ଵିଜ୍ଞାୟ ଦେଵେଶ ୟଥାୟୋଗ୍ୟଂ ତଥା କୁରୁ ॥ ୫॥


॥ śrījagannāthastotra 1 ॥

       ॥ jagannāthapraṇāmaḥ ॥

nīlācalanivāsāya nityāya paramātmane ।
balabhadrasubhadrābhyāṃ jagannāthāya te namaḥ ॥ 1॥

Obeisance to the omnipresent, paramAtmA, JagannAtha (MahAprabhu),
Who resides at NilAchala with Balabhadra (His brother) and SubhadrA
(His sister).
jagadānandakandāya praṇatārtaharāya ca ।
nīlācalanivāsāya jagannāthāya te namaḥ ॥ 2॥ 
jagad - Universe; Ananda- happiness, joy; 
praNata - to bow, pay obeisance; Arta - cry for salvation and
protection; hara - remover of sorrow, troubles etc, i.e. the one Who
hears these cries and comes to help.; nIlAchala - the white pagoda or
the temple of Shri JagannAtha at Puri is said to stand over a blue
mountain of light (called nIlAchala parvata) that extends and merges
with the sky (reported observations of Shri Chaitanya and Shri Shankara).
Hence the entire region covering the lands from Lingaraja
(Bhubaneswar), Khurda and Konarak to Puri is called nIlAchala kShetra;
nivAsa- living or residing at; JagannAtha- Lord of the Universe (ViShNu)
Translation: Obeisance to JagannAtha, residing at Nilachala (mountain
of sky-blue light), the root cause of happiness and joy of this
universe, the savior Who hears the cries of those who bow at His
॥ śrī jagannātha prārthanā ॥

ratnākarastava gṛhaṃ gṛhiṇī ca padmā
kiṃ deyamasti bhavate puruṣottamāya ।
? abhīra?vāmanayanāhṛtamānasāya
dattaṃ mano yadupate tvaritaṃ gṛhāṇa ॥ 1॥

bhaktānāmabhayaprado yadi bhavet kintadvicitraṃ prabho
kīṭo'pi svajanasya rakṣaṇavidhāvekāntamudvejitaḥ ।
ye yuṣmaccaraṇāravindavimukhā svapne'pi nālocakā-
steṣāmuddharaṇa-kṣamo yadi bhavet kāruṇyasindhustadā ॥ 2॥

anāthasya jagannātha nāthastvaṃ me na saṃśayaḥ ।
yasya nātho jagannāthastasya duḥkhaṃ kathaṃ prabho ॥ 3॥

yā tvarā draupadītrāṇe yā tvarā gajamokṣaṇe ।
mayyārte karuṇāmūrte sā tvarā kva gatā hare ॥ 4॥

matsamo pātakī nāsti tvatsamo nāsti pāpahā ।
iti vijñāya deveśa yathāyogyaṃ tathā kuru ॥ 5॥

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