Friday, May 15, 2015

Shri Vishnu Panjar Stotram.(Vishnu stotra.52)

Shri Vishnu Panjar Stotram.(Vishnu stotra.52)

प्रवक्ष्याम्यधुना ह्येतव्दैष्णवं पंजरम् शुभं I
नमो नमस्ते गोविंद चक्रं गृह्य सुदर्शनम् II १ II
प्राच्यां रक्षस्व मां विष्णो त्वामहं शरणं गतः I
गदां कौमोदकीम् गृह्य पद्मनाभ नमोस्तु ते II २ II
याम्यां रक्षस्व मां विष्णो त्वामहं शरणं गतः I
हलमादाय सौनन्दम् नमस्ते पुरुषोत्तम II ३ II
प्रतीच्यां रक्ष मां विष्णो त्वामहं शरणं गतः I
मुसलं शातनं गृह्य पुण्डरीकाक्ष रक्ष मां II ४ II
उत्तरस्यां जगन्नाथ भवन्तं शरणं गतः I
खड्गमादाय चर्माथ अस्त्रशस्त्रादिकं हरे II ५ II
नमस्ते रक्ष रक्षोघ्न ऐशान्यां शरणं गतः I
पांचजन्यं महाशंखमनुघोष्यम् च पंकजं II ६ II
प्रगृह्य रक्ष मां विष्णो आग्नेय्यां यज्ञशूकर I
चंद्रसूर्यं समागृह्य खड्गं चान्द्रमसं तथा II ७ II
नैऋत्यां मां च रक्षस्व दिव्यमूर्ते नृकेसरिन् I
वैजयंतीम् सम्प्रगृह्य श्रीवत्त्सं कंठभूषणं II ८ II
वायव्यां रक्ष मां देव हयग्रीव नमोSस्तु ते I
वैनतेयं समारुह्य त्वन्तरिक्षे जनार्दन II ९ II
मां रक्षस्वाजित सदा नमस्तेSस्त्वपराजित I
विशालाक्ष समारुह्य रक्ष मां त्वं रसातले II १० II
अकूपार नमस्तुभ्यं महामीन नमोSस्तु ते I
करशीर्षाद्यगुलीषु सत्य त्वं बाहुपंजरम् II ११ II
कृत्वा रक्षस्व मां विष्णो नमस्ते पुरुषोत्तम I
एतदुक्तम् शंकराय वैष्णवं पंजरं महत् II १२ II
पुरा रक्षार्थमीशान्याः कात्यायन्या वृषध्वज I
नाशयामास सा येन चामरं महिषासुरम् II १३ II
दानवं रक्तबीजं च अन्यांश्च सुरकंटकान् I
एतज्जपन्नरो भक्त्या शत्रून् विजयते सदा II १४ II
II इति श्री गरुड पुराणे श्री हरी रुद्र संवादे विष्णुपंजरस्तोत्रं संपूर्णं II

Vishnu Panjara stotram
(Prayer of the armour of Vishnu)

Translated by


(This is a rare stotra  addressed to Vishnu. It is actually a Kavacha and is supposed to be very effective in giving protection to us.)

Sri Ganesaya nama , Asya sri Vishnu panchara stotrasya  Narada rishi, anushtup chanda, Sri Vishnu pramathma devatha, aham bheejam, soham sakthi, Om kreem keelakam, mama sarva deha rakshanartham jape viniyoga.

Salutations to Ganesa. 

To the prayer of Vishnu’s armour , the sage is Narada, the meter is Anushtup, , the God addressed is Lord Vishnu , I am the root , soham (It is me)  is the power , Om Kreem is the controller , and this is being chanted to protect all our body.

Mukhe Sri Vishnu Pramathma devathayai nama
Hrudaye  aham bheejam, guhye soham Shakthi
Padayo Om sreem keelakam
Padagre  Om hraam  hreem  hroom  hraim hrom , hroum hraa ithi manthra,

In the face  salutations to Lord Vishnu,
In the heart,  I am the seed  , in the private parts “I am he”  is the power,
In the feet , Om  sreem is the stopper,
At the end of the feet  the chant is Om hraam  hreem  hroom  hraim hrom , hroum hraa

Om Hraam Angushtabhyam nama
Om Hreem tharjaneebhyam nama
Om Hroom  madhyamabhyam nama
Om Hrai Anamikabhyam nama
Om Hroum kanishtikanhyam nama
Om Hraa karathala kara prushtabhyam nama

Om Hram salutations by the thumb
Om Hreem salutations by second finger
Om hroom salutations by middle finger
Om Hrai salutations by fourth finger
Om Hroum salutations by little finger
Om Hram salutations by palm as well as back of hand.

Ithi Kara nyasa  Thus rituals of hand

Adha Hrudhyaadhi nyasa
Now rituals of heart and others

Om Hraam hrudayayai nama
Om Hreem sirase swaha
Oh hroom shikayai vashat
Om hraim Kavachaya hoom
Om Hroum nethra thrayaya voushat
Om Hrah asthraya phat

Om Hraam salutations by the heart
Om Hreem salutations by the head
Om hroom salutations by hair of the head
Om Kraim salutations to the armour
Om Hrom salutations to the three eyes
Om Hrah salutations via arrow

Thus the rituals of the body

Aham Bheejja pranayamam  Manthra thrayena kuryath
Now do the root Pranayama three times

Ithi Anga nyasa

Adha Dhyana
Now meditation

1.Paaram parasmath  prakrathera nadhi mekham  nivishtam bahudhaa guhaayaam,
Sarvalayam  sarva characharastham namami  Vishnu jagadheka nadham.

I salute lord Vishnu  who is away from nature,
Existing alone, existing secretly in several ways,
Existing everywhere, existing in all beings ,
Which move  and also which do not move,
And who is the only Lord of the world.

2.Vishnu pancharakam divyam sarva dukha nivaranam,
Ugra thejo maha veeryam sarva shathru  nikrunthanam.

The holy  armour of Vishnu   cures all sorrows,
Has great light and  is very powerful and destroys all enemies.

3.Tripuram daha manasya  harasya  brahmanoditham ,
Thadaham  sampravakshyami  Athma rakshakaram nrunaam.

This was taught by Lord Shiva who burnt the three cities to Lord Brahma,
And  it provides protection to the soul of man and I would tell it now,

4.Padou rakshathu Govindo , jange  chaiva trivikrama,
Ooru may Kesava pathu , katin chaiva Janardhana.

Let my feet be protected by Govinda  and knees by Trivikrama,
Let my thighs be protected by Kesava  and my hips by Janardhana.

5.Nabhinchavachyutha  pathu guhyam chaiva thu Vamana,
Udharam Padma nabhascha  prushtam  chaiva thu Madhava.

Let my stomach be protected by Achyutha ,
Let my private parts be protected by Vamana,,
Let my navel be protected by Padmanabha,
And let my behind be protected by Madhava.

6.Vama parswam sthathadha vishnur , dakshinam Madhu soodhana,
Baahu vai vasudevascha hrudhi Dhamodhara sthadhaa.

Let my left side be protected by Vishnu,
Let my right side be protected by killer of Madhu,
Let my hands be protected by Vasudeva,
And let my heart be protected by son of Vasudeva.

7.Kandam rakshtathu Varaha , Krisnascha mukha mandalam,
Madhava karna mole   thu Hrishikesascha nasikaam.

Let Lord Varaha protect my neck,
Let  Lord Krishna protect my face,
Let Madhava protect  my ears
And let Hrishikesa protect my nose.

8.Nethre Narayano Raksheth, lalatam Garudadwaja,
Kapalou Kesavo Rakshedh  Vaikunta sarvathodhisam.

Let Lord Narayana protect my eyes,
Let the God with Garuda in his flag protect my forehead,
Let my cheeks  be protected  by Kesava ,
And let all the directions be protected by Vaikunta.

9.Sri vathasangascha sarvesham anganaam rakshako bhaveth,
Poorvasyaam pundarikaksha  aagneyaam Sridhara sthadha.

Let he who has Srivathsa protect everywhere as well as all limbs,
Let he who has lotus like eyes  protect my east,
Let my south east be protected  by Sridhara.

10.Dakshine Narasimhascha Nairyathyaam Madhavo aavathu,
Purushothamo may varunyam , Vayayancha Janardhana.

Let my south be protected by Narasimha ,
Let my south west be protected by Madhava,
Let  my west side be protected by Purushothama,
Let  my north west be protected by Janardhana.

11.Gadhadarasthu koubheryaam , eesanyaam pathu   Kesava,
Akase cha gadhaa pathu , Patale cha sudarshanam.

Let he who holds the mace protect my north side,
Let my north east protected  by Kesava,
Let  he who keeps the mace in his hand protect  the sky,
Let he who holds he Sudarsana protect the patala*
    *nether world.

12.Jale rakshathu Varaha , Sthale rakshthu Vamana,
Adavyaam Narasimhaschs , Sarvadha pathu Kesava

In the water let me protected by Varaha,
On the ground let me protected by Vamana,
In the forest let me be protected by Narasimha
And let Lord Kesava protect me everywhere.

13.Divaa rakshathu maam Suryo, Rathrou rakshathu  chandrama,
Pandhaanaam  durgaam rakshesth   sarvameva Janardhana.

Let Sun protect me in the day and moon at night,
Let in all paths which are difficult , Janardhana protect me.

14.Jale Vishnu , Sthale Vishnu , Vishnu parvatha masthake,
Jwalamala kule  Vishnu , sarvam Vishnu mayam Jagad.

Let Vishnu protect me in the water, in the shore  and on top of mountain,
Let Vishnu protect me in the middle of fire as the entire world is full of Vishnu.

15.Sannadha sarva gathreshu pravishto Vishnu Panjara,
Vishnu panjara vishtoham vicharaami mahee thale.

The armour of Vishnu has entered all my limbs ,
And  being fully filled  with Vishu’s armour   I am travelling all over the world.

16.Raja dware  apadhe  ghore  sangrame shathru sangate,
Nadheeshu varane  chaiva  chora vyagra  bhayeshu cha,
Dakini  pretha bhootheshu bhayam thasya na jayathe.

Either in the palace gate , or in the middle of terrible war  or when confronted by enemies,
In River  or confronted by elephant or by thieves  or fear due to tiger,
Or in presence of Dakini, ,ghost  or devil, there  would be no fear.

17.Roga vighna  hathaschaiva  brahmahaa guru thalpagaa,
Sthree hanthaa Bala ghathi  cha  surappoo vrashalipathi,
Muchyathe  sarva papaebhyo  ya padennathra samasya.

There is no doubt whatsoever that , he who reads this would get freedom,
Of the sins leading to diseases ,sin  killing of Brahmin , sin raping the teacher’s wife,
Sins of Killing of women, Killing of children , drinking alcohol  and  taking wife from other caste.

18.Aputhro labhathe puthram , Dhanarthi labhathe dhanam,
Vidhyarthi labhathe Vidhyam , Mokshathi labhathe  gathim.

He who does not have son will get a son, he who wants money will get money,
He who wants knowledge will get knowledge  and he who wants salvation  will get salvation.

19.Aapadho harathe nithyam , Vishnu sthothrartha sampada,
Yasthwidham padathe sthothram  Vishnu panjaramuthamam,
Muchyathe sarva papebhyo , Vishnu lokam cha gachathi

He who reads this Vishnu Panjara prayer according to rules,
Understanding  the meaning  of this prayer would get rid of dangers daily ,
And he would get rid of all sins and go to the world of Vishnu.

20.Go sahasra phalam  thasya  vaja peya  sathasya cha,
Aswamedha sahasrasya  phalam prapnothi manava,
Sarva kamam labhed asya padennathra samsaya.

He  who reads this  without any doubt,
Would get the effect of giving away one thousand cows,
Doing one hundred Vajapeayas and one thousand Aswamedhas,
And also all his  wishes would be fulfilled.


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