Thursday, May 7, 2015

Kamasikashtakam(Narasingha stotra.18) (Vishnu stotras.36)

Kamasikashtakam(Narasingha stotra.18)

(Vishnu stotras.36)

Sri Narasimha Stotram | Kamasikashtakam (with text)


Sri kamasikashtakam

Srimad Vedantha Desika

Translated by

    (This great prayer is addressed to Lord Narasimha, who chose to sit in a yogic pose  in the Thiruvelukkai  Azhagiya singar  temple, which is in the southern bank of the Veghavathi river , by Srimad Vedantha Desika, decidedly the greatest Sanskrit poet  among the Vaishnavites of Tamil Nadu. I have consulted the great commentaries to this prayer available in

1.Srutheenaam utharam bhagam Vega vathyascha dakshinam,
Kamad adivasan jeeyath Kaschid Adbhutha Kesari

The wonderful lion who is found in the later part of the Vedas,
Is living in the southern part of the river Veghavathi as per his wish.

2.Thapane  indhwagni nayana Thapaan apachinothu na,
Thapaneeyas rahasyanaam sara Kama shikhaa hari.

The Kamashikha Nrusimha who is the essence of Thapaneeya Upanishad,
With his three eyes which are moon , sun and the fire  may remove our sufferings.*

      *The three types of sufferings are physical, mental and those caused by other agencies.

3.Akantam aadhi purusham, kanteeravam upari kutitha aaraathim,
Vegopa kanda sangath vimuktha Vaikunta bahumathim upase.

I worship The God who has the primeval body up to  the neck,
And  who has  a roaring  lion head above the neck and,
Who has settled in the banks of Vegavathi  leaving his Vaikuta abode

4.Bandhum akhilasya jantho , bandhura paryanga bandha ramaneeyam,
Vishama vilochana meede , Vegavathi pulina kelee Narasimham.

Being the friend of all beings , he sits prettily in the paryanka bandha* pose,
With his odd number of eyes  and plays in the sands of Veghavathi river.
         *yoga-patta across his waist and right knee

5.Swa sthaaneshu marud ganaan niyamayan swadheena sarvendriya,
Paryanga sthira dharanaa prakatitha prathyang mukha vasthini,
Prayeena prani pethushaam prapura sow yogam nijam shikshyan,
Kama nadhanuthath  asesha jagathaam  Kama shikha Kesari.

He who appoints the Maruths and other devas from his own place,
Who has complete control over his senses,
Who is  sitting in the paryanka bandha pose teaches real understanding of oneself,
Who seems to teach the real yoga to those who worship him,
And who fulfills the wishes  of all the world as the lion of Kamashikha.

6.Vikaswara nakha swaru kshatha Hiranya vaksha sthalee,
Niragala vinirgalath rudhira Sindhu sandhyayithaa,
Avanthu madha nasika manuja Pancha vakthrasya maam,
Aham prathamikaa mitha prakatithaa havaa bhagava.

With  his open nails  he tore open the chest of Hiranya Kasipu,
And the blood flowed non stop like a river,  which made  his nails,
Which were similar to thunder bolt  red,
And I worship the Man lion form of Kamashika,
Whose hands compete  with each other to protect his devotees.,
And declare war on those who try to harm them.

7.Sataa patala bheeshane , sarbha saa attahaso adbhate,
Sphurath kruthi parisphutath bruguti kepi vakthre kruthe,
Krupaa kapata kesarin dhaunuja dimba datha sthanaa,
Saroja dhrusaa adrusaa vyathi bhishajya they vyajyathe.

With fearsome thick mane , loud reverberating attractive  laughter,
With brows showing immense anger but  with  his  lotus eye,
Full  of dripping mercy, towards the child of that asura,
He appeared like an imposter lion with the true form of a mother.

8.Thwayi rakshathi rakshakai kimanyai ,
Thwayi sarakshathi  rakshakai kimanyai,
Ithi nischitha dhi srayami nithyam,
Nruhare Vegavathi thadasrayam thwaam.

“If you protect , where is the need for another protector,
If you do not protect, which other protector is capable of  protecting,”
With this firm resolve  I surrender to you,
Oh Lord Narasimha , who is in the banks of river Vegavathi.

9.Itham sthutha  sakruth iha ashta biresha pathyai,
Sri Venkatesa rachithai sthiridasendra vandhyaa,
Dhurthaantha ghora dhuritha dwiradendra bhedhi,
Kamasikaa nara harir vidhanothu  kaamaan.

If a good one prays  with this prayer of eight stanzas,
Composed  by Venkatesa on him who is worshipped by Indra ,
Then the Man lion Vishnu  who stands according to his will ,
Would kill the sins which stand like a fierce  and fast elephant.

Ithi Kamaasikashtakam sampoornam
Thus ends the octet of prayers addressed to Kamasikaa

Kavi tharka simhaya kalyani guna shaline,
Srimathe Venkatesaya Vedantha gurave nama

My salutations to Sri Venkatesa, the teacher of Vedas,
Who is a lion in the debates  and among poets,
And is blessed  with all auspicious characters.

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