Monday, May 18, 2015

Dwadasha Stotras = udirna manjar divyam(Vishnu stotram.64)11th

            Dwadasha Stotras =  udirna manjar divyam(Vishnu stotram.64)
॥ द्वादशस्तोत्राणि श्रीमध्वकृत ॥

 ॥ द्वादश स्तोत्राणि॥

अथ एकादशस्तोत्रम्
उदीर्णमजरं दिव्यं अमृतस्यन्द्यधीशितुः ।
आनन्दस्य पदं वन्दे ब्रह्मेन्द्रादि अभिवन्दितम् ॥ १॥

सर्ववेदपदोद्गीतं इन्दिरावासमुत्तमम् (इन्दिराधारमुत्तमम्) ।
आनन्दस्य पदं वन्दे ब्रह्मेन्द्रादि अभिवन्दितम् ॥ २॥

सर्वदेवादिदेवस्य विदारितमहत्तमः ।
आनन्दस्य पदं वन्दे ब्रह्मेन्द्रादि अभिवन्दितम् ॥ ३॥

उदारमादरान्नित्यं अनिन्द्यं सुन्दरीपतेः ।
आनन्दस्य पदं वन्दे ब्रह्मेन्द्रादि अभिवन्दितम् ॥ ४॥

इन्दीवरोदरनिभं सुपूर्णं वादिमोहनम् (वादिमोहदम्) ।
आनन्दस्य पदं वन्दे ब्रह्मेन्द्रादि अभिवन्दितम् ॥ ५॥

दातृसर्वामरैश्वर्यविमुक्त्यादेरहो परम् (वरम्) ।
आनन्दस्य पदं वन्दे ब्रह्मेन्द्रादि अभिवन्दितम् ॥ ६॥

दूराद्दुरतरं यत्तु तदेवान्तिकमन्तिकात् ।
आनन्दस्य पदं वन्दे ब्रह्मेन्द्रादि अभिवन्दितम् ॥ ७॥

पूर्णसर्वगुणैकार्णमनाद्यन्तं सुरेशितुः ।
आनन्दस्य पदं वन्दे ब्रह्मेन्द्रादि अभिवन्दितम् ॥ ८॥

आनन्दतीर्थमुनिना हरेरानन्दरूपिणः ।
कृतं स्तोत्रमिदं पुण्यं पठन्नानन्दमाप्नुयात् ॥ ९॥

इति श्रीमदानन्दतीर्थभगवत्पादाचार्य विरचितं
द्वादशस्तोत्रेषु एकादशस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्
udIrNamajaraM divyaM amRutasyaMdyadhIshituH |
AnaMdasya padaM vaMde brahmEMdrAdi abhivaMditaM || 1||

I offer my prostrations with great devotion to the feet (or Swaroopa) of Sri Hari, the Supreme Being, who is the master of the Universe, whose essence is of the nature of Bliss, which is respectfully prostrated to by Gods headed by Brahma (Chathurmukha), Indra etc. His form is the greatest (superlative in all respects), indestructible, and beyond the constraints imposed by nature and It sprinkles the divine nectar of Bliss of the Moksha (on souls which attain liberation).

sarvavEdapadOdgItaM iMdirAvAsamuttamaM |
AnaMdasya padaM vaMde brahmEMdrAdi abhivaMditaM || 2||

I offer .. Indra etc. His form (Ananda) is extolled as the most superior by all the Vedas, superior to all else and is the place where Mahalaskhmi resides.

sarvadEvAdidEvasya vidAritamahattamaH |
AnaMdasya padaM vaMde brahmEMdrAdi abhivaMditaM || 3||
I offer .. Indra etc. He is the primal cause of all the Gods (being their creator and inner controller) and He destroys the primordial sin (Ajnana), which is otherwise impossible to overcome.

udAramAdarAnnityaM aniMdyaM suMdarIpateH |
AnaMdasya padaM vaMde brahmEMdrAdi abhivaMditaM || 4||

I offer .. Indra etc. He is the Lord of Mahalakshmi, the personification of beauty (Sundari). He is eternal (Nithya) being unchanged in any manner in space, time or qualities. He is beyond reproach. He is the greatest.

iMdIvarOdaranibhaM supUrNaM vAdimOhanaM |
AnaMdasya padaM vaMde brahmEMdrAdi abhivaMditaM || 5||

I offer .. Indra etc. He is of the colour of the interior of the Blue Lotus (Nilothpala), He is full of auspicious qualities and He gives Mithya Jnana (wrong knowledge) to evil persons (who argue for untrue philosophical systems). (The souls get knowledge only with the will and pleasure of the Inner controller, God, through the Tatvabhimani devathas according to their innate worth and past deeds. Thus our getting true knowledge is also by the grace of God).

dAtRusarvAmaraishvaryavimuktyAdErahO paraM |
AnaMdasya padaM vaMde brahmEMdrAdi abhivaMditaM || 6||
I offer .. Indra etc. He is the greatest and the giver of all Aishwarya (all attributes of enjoyment like wealth, power, etc) and final release from Samsara and all such gifts to all the gods. The poet exclaims Aho! - what a wonder, at this. (Though only Aishwarya and Vimukthi are specfically mentioned here all other attributes and gifts to the souls such as their very existence, creation, knowledge, devotion and liberation etc are exclusively by God). The exclamation is indicative of admiration and devotion.

dUrAddurataraM yattu tadEvAMtikamaMtikAt |
AnaMdasya padaM vaMde brahmEMdrAdi abhivaMditaM || 7||
I offer .. Indra etc. His Feet (Swaroopa) are farther than the most far off object to those who are not His devotees, but they are the nearer than the most near object to His devotees. (He is attainable only by His own will - Yenam mochayami - I will redeem this one, and only devotion is the means for attaining His lotus feet).

pUrNasarvaguNairkArNamanAdyaMtaM surEshituH |
AnaMdasya padaM vaMde brahmEMdrAdi abhivaMditaM || 8||

I offer .. Indra etc. He is complete (lacking nothing in all respects). He is the main repository of all auspicious qualities like Jnana, Ananda etc, He is the Lord of all gods and is without beginning or end.
Sri Vishvapathi Tirtha shows that the words Sarvagunaikarnam - can be interpreted to mean the only main repository, or ocean of all auspicious qualities.

AnaMdatIrthamuninA harErAnaMdarUpiNaH |
kRutaM stOtramidaM puNyaM paThannAnaMdamApnuyAt || 9||
The devotee who recites this auspicious sthothra of Sri Hari, who is Himself of the nature of Bliss, composed by Ananda Tirtha Muni will attain Mukthi, which is an expression of innate Bliss of his own self.

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