Sunday, May 17, 2015

Dwadasha Stotras ninja purna subhamita tanah(Vishnu stotra.58)

Dwadasha Stotras ninja purna subhamita tanah(Vishnu stotra.58)

॥ द्वादशस्तोत्राणि श्रीमध्वकृत ॥

अथ चतुर्थस्तोत्रम्
निजपूर्णसुखामितबोधतनुः परशक्तिरनन्तगुणः परमः ।
अजरामरणः सकलार्तिहरः कमलापतिरीड्यतमोऽवतु नः ॥ १॥

यदसुप्तिगतोऽपि हरिः सुखवान् सुखरूपिणमाहुरतो निगमाः ।
स्वमतिप्रभवं जगदस्य यतः परबोधतनुं च ततः खपतिम् ॥ २॥  var  सुमतिप्रभवम्
बहुचित्रजगत् बहुधाकरणात्परशक्तिरनन्तगुणः परमः ।
सुखरूपममुष्यपदं परमं स्मरतस्तु भविष्यति तत्सततम् ॥ ३॥

स्मरणे हि परेशितुरस्य विभोर्मलिनानि मनांसि कुतः करणम् ।
विमलं हि पदं परमं स्वरतं तरुणार्कसवर्णमजस्य हरेः ॥ ४॥

विमलैः श्रुतिशाणनिशाततमैः सुमनोऽसिभिराशु निहत्य दृढम् ।
बलिनं निजवैरिणमात्मतमोभिदमीशमनन्तमुपास्व हरिम् ॥ ५॥

न हि विश्वसृजो विभुशम्भुपुरन्दर सूर्यमुखानपरानपरान् ।
सृजतीड्यतमोऽवति हन्ति निजं पदमापयति प्रणतां स्वधिया ॥ ६॥

परमोऽपि रमेशितुरस्य समो न हि कश्चिदभून्न भविष्यति च ।
क्वचिदद्यतनोऽपि न पूर्णसदागणितेड्यगुणानुभवैकतनोः ॥ ७॥

इति देववरस्य हरेः स्तवनं कृतवान् मुनिरुत्तममादरतः ।
सुखतीर्थपदाभिहितः पठतस्तदिदं भवति ध्रुवमुच्चसुखम् ॥ ८॥

इति श्रीमदानन्दतीर्थभगवत्पादाचार्य विरचितं
द्वादशस्तोत्रेषु चतुर्थस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्
 Acharya Madhva continues his sthothra describing the unique and 
unmatched qualities of the Supreme Being along with exhortation to the 
aspirant to start on the path of Sadhana and devotion without any delay.
 In the present rendering, I have made use of the Itrans rendering of 
the original sent to me by Shrisha Rao. But I have given the more 
readable normal version to take care of pronunciation problems just 
1.He has His essential nature and body consisting of Bliss and Knowledge 
etc which are unique to Him and different from those in any body else 
(Vilakshana). His strength is beyond compare in quality and quantity. He
 is full of other infinite auspicious attributes. He is the greatest. He
 has no aging or death. He removes completely sorrow and misery from His
 devotees. He is the best amongst all those worthy of being prayed to. 
Such a God, who is also the Lord of Kamalaa may take care of us.
2.Hari never sleeps, but He is always full of Bliss. Therefore, the Vedas 
have called Him as being of the essence of Bliss. His desire that the 
world should be born, created the world. He has been called as the 
essence of extraordinary Jnana and the controller of all sensory organs 
3.God creates the world of so many wonders making use of many instruments 
or materials. Therefore, He has extraordinary and incomparable abilities
 (Parashakthi). For the same reason, He is also full of all auspicious 
qualities and is the Greatest person. Only those who meditate on His 
great Swaroopa consisting of Bliss (which is entirely different and 
superior to that of the others) will attain His abode of bliss.
4.Hari's Swaroopa is pure (without evil or other impurities), without 
Vikara or change due to birth, aging, death etc., supreme, self 
fulfilled with bliss and of the colour of and brighter than the rising 
Sun. When one meditates on Him, the mind and Indriyas (sensory organs) 
will automatically get purified. (How can they remain impure ?)
5.This is addressed to the devotee :
Oh. Devotee, use with bravery the 
swords of pure knowledge and understanding which are sharpened by being 
engaged against the grindstones of the Vedas (Shasthras) to cut through 
the powerful enemy of Ajnana covering over your own swaroopa giving rise
 to evil such as Kama etc. Worship the eternal Lord Hari who is the Lord
 of all.
6.He creates, protects and destroys the gods who are themselves known as 
creators of the world like Brahma, Shiva, Indra, Surya and others. Those
 who worship Him with devotion are taken to His own abode (Mukthi). 
(This is done in every Kalpa).
7.Hari the Lord of Ramaa has His swaroopa of auspicious qualities like 
Bliss, Jnana etc each of which is complete, matchless and infinite. 
There was never any person who was superior or equal to Him in the past.
 Such a person is not there at present and will not be there in future.
8.In this manner, the Muni known as Ananda Tirtha composed this sthothra 
of Hari as a means of destroying Ajnana. Who ever , therefore recites 
this will without any doubt secure the pure bliss of Mukthi 

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