Friday, May 1, 2015

Aashta vimsathi Vishnu Nama stotram (vishnu stotra.26)

Aashta vimsathi Vishnu Nama stotram (vishnu stotra.26)
      (The prayer of twenty eight names of Lord Vishnu)

 ॥ श्रीविष्णोरष्टाविंशतिनामस्तोत्रम् ॥

अर्जुन उवाच
किं नु नाम सहस्राणि जपते च पुनः पुनः ।
यानि नामानि दिव्यानि तानि चाचक्ष्व केशव ॥ १॥

मत्स्यं कूर्मं वराहं च वामनं च जनार्दनम् ।
गोविन्दं पुण्डरीकाक्षं माधवं मधुसूदनम् ॥ २॥

पद्मनाभं सहस्राक्षं वनमालिं हलायुधम् ।
गोवर्धनं हृषीकेशं वैकुण्ठं पुरुषोत्तमम् ॥ ३॥

विश्वरूपं वासुदेवं रामं नारायणं हरिम् ।
दामोदरं श्रीधरं च वेदाङ्गं गरुडध्वजम् ॥ ४॥

अनन्तं कृष्णगोपालं जपतो नास्ति पातकम् ।
गवां कोटिप्रदानस्य अश्वमेधशतस्य च ॥ ५॥

कन्यादानसहस्राणां फलं प्राप्नोति मानवः ।
अमायां वा पौर्णमास्यामेकादश्यां तथैव च ॥ ६॥

सन्ध्याकाले स्मरेन्नित्यं प्रातःकाले तथैव च ।
मध्याह्ने च जपन्नित्यं सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते ॥ ७॥

। इति श्रीकृष्णार्जुनसंवादे श्रीविष्णोरष्टाविंशतिनामस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।
                                               Translated by

Mathsyam koorma varahancha, Vamanancha Janardhanam,
Govindam Pundareekaksham Madhavam Madhu soodhanam.        1

Fish, turtle, boar, the dwarf and he who troubles bad ones,
Chief of cows, he who has lotus like eyes, lord of knowledge and killer of Madhu

Padmanabham, sahasraksham, vanamalam, halayudham,
Govardhanam, Hrishikesam, Vaikuntam, purushothamam.                2

He who has lotus on his belly, he who has thousand eyes,
He who wears garland of forest flowers, he who has plough as weapon,
He who looks after cows, He who controls five senses,
He who lives in Vaikunta, He who is the greatest among beings.

Viswaroopam, vasudevam, Ramam Narayanam Harim,
Damodharam, Sridharancha Vedangam, Garuda dwajam.                    3

He who has world as his form, He who is son of Vasudeva,
Rama, Narayana, Hari, he who is tied by a rope on his belly,
He who carries Mahalakshmi, He who is Vedas, he who has a Eagle flag.

Anantham, Krishna gopalam, japatho nasthi pathakam.                           4

He who is limitless, Krisha, he who looks after cows,
Would make the one who chants these sinless.

Gavam koti pradhanasya , aswamedha sathasya cha,
Kanya dhana sahasranam, phalam prapnothi manava,
Aamayaam  vaa pournamasyam , ekadasyam thadiva cha.                         5

That man who reads this on full moon, new moon and Ekadasi*,
Would get the effect of giving away billions of cows,
Performing Aswamedha one hundred times.
And giving away a girl thousand times.
               *Eleventh day after new/full moon

Sandhya kale smaranithyam , prathakale thadaiva cha,
Madhyahne cha japen nithyam  sarva papai pramuchyathe.                       6

He who read  this daily at dusk, dawn and noon,
Would get rid of all sins committed by him.

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