Thursday, April 16, 2015

Narayana Stotram (Vishnu stotra,4)

Narayana Stotram (Vishnu stotra,4)
रचन: आदि शङ्कराचार्य

नारायण नारायण जय गोविन्द हरे ॥
नारायण नारायण जय गोपाल हरे ॥

करुणापारावार वरुणालयगम्भीर नारायण ॥ 1 ॥
घननीरदसङ्काश कृतकलिकल्मषनाशन नारायण ॥ 2 ॥

यमुनातीरविहार धृतकौस्तुभमणिहार नारायण ॥ 3 ॥
पीताम्बरपरिधान सुरकल्याणनिधान नारायण ॥ 4 ॥

मञ्जुलगुञ्जाभूष मायामानुषवेष नारायण ॥ 5 ॥
राधाधरमधुरसिक रजनीकरकुलतिलक नारायण ॥ 6 ॥

मुरलीगानविनोद वेदस्तुतभूपाद नारायण ॥ 7 ॥
बर्हिनिबर्हापीड नटनाटकफणिक्रीड नारायण ॥ 8 ॥

वारिजभूषाभरण राजीवरुक्मिणीरमण नारायण ॥ 9 ॥
जलरुहदलनिभनेत्र जगदारम्भकसूत्र नारायण ॥ 10 ॥

पातकरजनीसंहार करुणालय मामुद्धर नारायण ॥ 11 ॥
अघ बकहयकंसारे केशव कृष्ण मुरारे नारायण ॥ 12 ॥

हाटकनिभपीताम्बर अभयं कुरु मे मावर नारायण ॥ 13 ॥
दशरथराजकुमार दानवमदसंहार नारायण ॥ 14 ॥

गोवर्धनगिरि रमण गोपीमानसहरण नारायण ॥ 15 ॥
सरयुतीरविहार सज्जन‌ऋषिमन्दार नारायण ॥ 16 ॥

विश्वामित्रमखत्र विविधवरानुचरित्र नारायण ॥ 17 ॥
ध्वजवज्राङ्कुशपाद धरणीसुतसहमोद नारायण ॥ 18 ॥

जनकसुताप्रतिपाल जय जय संस्मृतिलील नारायण ॥ 19 ॥
दशरथवाग्धृतिभार दण्डक वनसञ्चार नारायण ॥ 20 ॥

मुष्टिकचाणूरसंहार मुनिमानसविहार नारायण ॥ 21 ॥
वालिविनिग्रहशौर्य वरसुग्रीवहितार्य नारायण ॥ 22 ॥

मां मुरलीकर धीवर पालय पालय श्रीधर नारायण ॥ 23 ॥
जलनिधि बन्धन धीर रावणकण्ठविदार नारायण ॥ 24 ॥

ताटकमर्दन राम नटगुणविविध सुराम नारायण ॥ 25 ॥
गौतमपत्नीपूजन करुणाघनावलोकन नारायण ॥ 26 ॥

सम्भ्रमसीताहार साकेतपुरविहार नारायण ॥ 27 ॥
अचलोद्धृतचञ्चत्कर भक्तानुग्रहतत्पर नारायण ॥ 28 ॥

नैगमगानविनोद रक्षित सुप्रह्लाद नारायण ॥ 29 ॥
भारत यतवरशङ्कर नामामृतमखिलान्तर नारायण ॥ 30 ॥



Narayana Stotram
(Prayer to Narayana)



Narayana, Narayana Jaya Govinda Hare,
Narayana, Narayana Jaya Gopala Hare.

Victory to Lord Narayana, who is Lord Govinda and the protector,
Victory to Lord Narayana, who is Lord Gopala and the protector,

Karunaaparaavara varunalaya  Gambeera.                   Narayana 1

Oh ocean of mercy , Of God who is as majestic as the sea        Narayana

Ghana neeradha Sankasa , krutha kali kalmasha nasana  Narayana          2

Oh Lord , who is similar to the rich cloud .,
Oh Lord who destroys the ills of the Kali Age.     Narayana

Yamuna theera vihara , drutha kousthubha mani hara,      Narayana        3

Oh Lord who played in the shores of Yamuna,
Oh Lord who wore the chain made of Kousthubha.  Narayana

Peethambara paridhana , sura kalyani nidhana, ,        Narayana               4

Oh Lord who dresses in the yellow silk,
Oh Lord who is the storehouse of good to devas.      Narayana

Manjula Gunja bhoosha , maya manisha vesha, ,      Narayana                5

Oh lord who wears Garland of pretty Gunja seeds,
Oh Lord who takes the form of the invisible man.  .   Narayana

Radhadhara Madhu rasika, rajanikara kula thilaka, ,   Narayana               6

Oh Lord who enjoys the honey from lips of  Radha,
OH lord who is the crown of the princes of dynasty of the moon.  Narayana

Murali Gana Vinodha, Veda sthuthi bhoo pada, ,       Narayana              7

Oh Lord who enjoys playing the flute,
OH lord whose feet is praised by Vedas,                      Narayana

Barhi nibarha peeda, nata naataka phani kreeda, ,         Narayana            8

Oh Lord who wears the peacock feathers,
Oh Lord who danced on the head of the snake.              Narayana  

Varija bhooshabharana  Varija puthree ramana              Narayana                9

Oh Lord who makes the lotus as an ornament,
Oh Lord who plays with the daughter of lotus flower     Narayana

Jalaruha sannibha netha, Jagadarambaka Suthra              Narayana               10

Oh Lord who has eyes like lotus flower,
Oh Lord who is the cause of the birth of the world           Narayana

Pathakara janee samhara, karunalaya mamudhara             Narayana                11

Oh lord who destroys the darkness of sin,
Oh Lord who elevates me by his mercy.                             Narayana

Aghabhakakshaya kamsare, Kesava Krishna Murare,         Narayana               12

Oh Lord who killed Agha and  Bhaga,
Oh Lord who is the enemy of Kamsa,
Oh Kesava, Oh Krishna Oh enemy of Mura                         Narayana

Hataka nibha peethambhara , Abhayam kuru may mavara   Narayana              13

Oh lord who wears gold like yellow silks,
Please give me protection  oh Consort of Lakshmi                 Narayana

Dasaratha Raja Kumara , dhanava madha Samhara             Narayana                  14
Oh Lord who is the son of king Dasaratha,
Oh Lord who killed the pride of Asuras,                               Narayana               

Govardhana giri Ramana, Gopi Manasa Harana,                  Narayana                  15

Oh Lord who pleased the Govardhana mountain,
Oh Lord  who stole the minds of Gopis                                   Narayana

Sarayu theera vihara, sajjana rishi mandhara                          Narayana                  16

Oh Lord who plays in the banks of Sarayu,
Oh Lord  who is like a wish giving tree to the good,                Narayana

Viswamithra Maghathra, Vividha parasu charithra                 Narayana                  17

Oh Lord who saved the Yaga of Viswamihra,
Oh Lord who has different histories                                         Narayana

Dwaja vajarangusa pada , Dharani sudha saha modha,                 Narayana                 18

Oh Lord whose feet has symbols of flag and goad,
Oh Lord who was made happy by the daughter of earth                Narayana

Janaka sutha prathipala , jaya jaya samsmruthi leela                      Narayana                19

Oh Lord who waited on the daughter of Janaka,
Victory and victory to him who enjoys plays of life                        Narayana

Dasaradha Vadruthi bhara , Dandaka Vana Sanchara                      Narayana               20

Oh Lord who obeyed Dasaradha’s words,
Oh Lord who travelled in Dandaka                                                  Narayana

Mushtika chanura samhara , muni manasa vihara                            Narayana                21

Oh Lord who killed Mushtika and Chanura,
Oh Lord who lives in the minds of sages                                          Narayana

Bali vinigraha Sourya, Vara Sugreeva hitharya,                                Narayana                22

Oh Lord who killed the valorous Vali,
Oh Lord who helped th good Sugreva,                                              Narayana

Mamuralidhara Veera, Palaya, palaya sree vara,                               Narayana                 23

Oh valorous Lord who played the flute,
Please help us, help us , the consort of Lakshmi                                Narayana

Jala nidhi bandhana Dheera, Ravana kanda vidhara,                         Narayana                24

Oh lord who constructed dam across the sea,
Oh Lord who cut of the necks of Ravana,                                          Narayana

Thatee madha dalanaadya , Nataguna vida Ganadya                         Narayana                25

Oh Lord who killed the pride of Thataka,
Oh Lord who is praised by music and dance by Devas

Gowthama pathnee poojana, Karuna Ghanava lokana                        Narayana               26

Oh Lord who was worshipped by the wife of Gowathama,
Oh Lord who has a look which is filled with mercy                            Narayana

Sambrhama seethe Haara , Sangetha pura Vihara                               Narayana              27

Oh Lord who stole the mind of Sita,
Oh Lord who lived in the city of Ayodhya,                                        Narayana

Achalodhruthi chanchalkara , Bhakthanugraha thalpara                    Narayana               28  

Oh Lord who was able to lift a mountain,
Oh Lord who is interested in blessing devotes,                                   Narayana

Naigama gana vinodha, Raksha Sutha prahladha                                Narayana              29

Oh Lord who is pleased with the Sama gana,
Oh Lord who saved the Rakshasa lad Prahlda.                                    Narayana


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