Sunday, March 1, 2015


Sri Rudram (lyrics and meanings)(Stotra.34)


Sri Rudram

Shiva is Supreme. The concept of Shiva cannot be explained in a nut shell and it needs a through and detailed study. Rudra, Shiva, Mahadeva, Sadhashiva, and Bhairava are the popular names of Shiva. There are various interpretations for Shiva. We will discuss all these aspects and try to understand Shiva, the Supreme.

Brahma the creator did penance with a desire to create. But nothing materialized for Brahma. He got angry and started crying. From his tears appeared deadly snakes. Brahma got upset on seeing these snakes and lost his senses and ultimately died. From the body of Brahma appeared 11 Rudras. They are called eka dasa (eleven) Rudras. The name Rudra is formed out of ru and dru. Ru means cry and dru means move. Therefore Rudra means roaming around crying. This explanation is given in puranas. But Upanishads give different interpretation. The eleven Rudras represent ten sensory organs in the human body and eleventh Rudra is mind says Brhadaranyaka Upanishad. This explanation seems to be logical. There is yet another explanation for Rudra which says he is the remover of misery. Dru also means dissolve or melt and ru also means fear. This meaning also appears to be appropriate. Rudran removes all miseries of men. This is the reason for performing eka dasa rudram. Eka dasa Rudram names 11 Rudras. They are –
1. Shivan, 2.Rudran, 3.Shankaran, 4. Neelalohithan 5. Ishanan, 6.Vijayan, 7.Bhiman, 8.Devadevan, 9.Bavothbhavan, 10.Adhityamaka Rudran and 11. Sambha Parameshwaran.

In Krishna Yajur Veda kanda (chapter) IV, chapter 5 anuvakas 1 to 11 praise Lord Rudra and this IV.5 is called Rudram. The recitation of Rudram 11 times is called eka dasa rudra parayana. This chapter is also called namakam, because the word nama is used several times in Sri Rudram. The recitation of Rudram is very popular in India. Chanting of Rudram is supposed to prevent untimely death. In the middle of kanda IV, chapter 5 the mantra of Lord Shiva is placed. This mantra is called panchaksharam i.e pancha (five) + aksharam (letters) or five lettered mantra. Na + ma +shi + va +ya = namashivaya is the mantra.

Rudra is said to supply force for the creation of Brahma. Brahma is the lord of creation, Vishnu the sustainer and Shiva the destroyer. Destroyer is not the apt word to describe Rudra. Rudra does not like anybody acting against rules and regulations. If somebody does, Rudra does not hesitate to destroy them. It is wrong to say that He kills a person who unknowingly commits mistakes. He only destroys the thought and energy for committing mistakes. If he is the killer, nobody will recite Rudram, whereas it has become a ritual to chant eka dasa Rudram during birthdays of elderly persons. The chanting of Sri Rudram removes all evil energies. It is firmly believed that when chanted, the energy generated out of the words of Sri Rudram drives away the lord of death Yama. The exact interpretation for this is that a person may not have a premature death like accidents or injury. However, every one of us has to ultimately die. There is one verse called mritunja mantram (mrityu means death) in Sri Rudram beginning with tryambagam.

Sri Rudram has 11 anuvakas. Anuvakas can be called as stanzas. There is no relevance between the names of 11 Rudras and the 11 anuvakas. Let us briefly look into the interpretation of Sri Rudram.

It begins with salutation to Rudra's arrow and his bow. It is said that these arms of Rudra are auspicious and give happiness and blessings. Shivam amongst other things means blessings. He dwells in a mountain called Kailash or Maha Kailash (Maha Kailasa nilaya – Lalitha Sahasranamam 578). Maha Kailasam means top head chakra or sahasrara. He guides one's speech. His neck is blue in color due to the swallowing of poison. On seeing Him swallowing poison, His consort held Her hand in His throat to prevent the poison entering His system (humanity). Here the poison means the worldly attachments. Rudra in his prakasha form prevents the poison of material attachments percolating into the humanity. Obeisance is paid to Him to give right frame of mind and for protection against diseases. Here disease means disease of our mind and action. He is also prayed for wealth and knowledge. He is called satvanam, the lord for people with satvic (one of the three gunas) qualities.

He is called the killer of enemies. Enemies mean our inner qualities such as greed, anger etc. He is prayed to destroy such undesirable qualities. He is called a thief as He steals the hearts of His devotees. He is in the heart of everybody, irrespective of a person being a thief. He is in the form of Atman and exists everywhere and thieves cannot be an exception. Taskaraanaam means thieves. Then, permeating qualities of Rudra is expressed. The attendants of Rudra are praised. Rudra is called Bhava meaning exists everywhere. Bhairava originated from the word Bhava. Rudra is saluted as the lord who destroys sins. Rudra is addressed as vamana an incarnation of lord Vishnu. In another verse he is praised by saying that he is old in age whose glory is enhanced. This epithet is a clear indication that we gain knowledge as we grow old. He is called prathamaya meaning the first, possibly first created. As a matter of fact nobody has created him. He has created himself. In Sanskrit He is called aathi and anaathi. Vimarsha form of Shiva created the prakasha form of Shakthi. Rudra is also called as the controller of Yama, the lord of death. He is present in all the mantras. It can be recalled here that all the tantra sastra are in the form of teachings by Shiva to Shakthi. To substantiate this theory Rudra is called bilma meaning illumination. He is praised as the one in the form of shrutha. Shruthi means Vedas.

His trishul (trident), drum, bow and arrow are considered auspicious and rich tributes are paid to them. He is also worshiped as the lord of rain. When there is drought, Rudra is invoked and Sri Rudram chanted for getting rain. Kanda IV, chapter 5, auvaka 8, verse 11 says nama shivaya cha shivataraya cha. This is the panchakshari mantra. In this mantra Shiva is invoked as auspicious form of Paramatman or the Absolute. The Absolute is the combination of prakasha and vimarsha forms. In the whole of Sri Rudram, Shiva is invoked in every form beginning with grass to the form of the Absolute. As a matter of fact, he is worshiped even in dust. Rudra gives two aspects of life; one is materialistic pleasures and another jnana or knowledge. Here knowledge means self realization or the knowledge of the Brahman within. Rudra is also worshiped to protect our parents. Pitaram mota mataram says Sri Rudram. Rudra is said to be vital force for any living being and the cause for evolution. He makes everyone to progress. He makes everyone to think about this moment and the life after death. He does not encourage people to think about the past and the future. Rudra wants cleanliness of both body and mind. Sri Rudram ends by worshipping Him in all the directions and with a plea to destroy enemies. Enemies should not be taken in literal sense. Enemies are the materialistic pleasures and attachments that go against the path of Self-realization.


Om. Salutations to the Omnipresent Bhagavan Rudra. ||
om namo bhagavate rudraya ||
Prostations to Lord rudra(who is the Destroyer of sin and sorrow)
om namaste rudra manyava utota isave namah |
namaste astu dhanvane bahubhyamuta te namah |
Oh! Rudra Deva! My salutations to your anger and also to your arrows. My salutations to your bow and to the pair of your hands.

ya ta isuh sivatama sivam babhuva te dhanuh |
siva saravya ya tava taya no rudra mrdaya |
Oh! Destroyer! By that arrow of yours, that bow of yours and that quiver of yours which have become the most peaceful, make us happy.
ya te rudra siva tanuraghora'papakasini |
taya nastanuva santamaya girisamtabhicakasihi |
Lord Rudra, by that supremely peaceful form of yours which destroys sin, and which is auspicious and blissful, give us the knowledge Supreme.O! Resident of Kailas and Giver of all good.
yamisum girisanta haste bibharsyastave |
sivam giritra tam kuru ma higmsih purusam jagat |
O! Resident of the Mountains and Giver of all good! O! Protector! Make the arrow you hold in your hand peaceful; do not destroy people or the material world.

Sivena  vacasa tva girisacchavadamasi |
yatha nah sarvamijjagadayaksmagm sumana asat |
O! Resident of Mountains! In order that our world of relations and cattle may be prosperous, wholly free from disease and of good mind, we propitiate you with auspicious words.

adhyavocadadhivakta prathamo daivyo bhisak |
ahigsca sarvanjambhayantsarvasca yatudhanyah |
Let Him intercede on my behalf and speak in my favor, even Rudra, that foremost one, held high in honor by the gods, the physician. Let him annihilate the enemies of mine like scorpions, snakes, and tigers, and the unseen enemies like the Rakshasas, spirits and demons.
asau yastamro aruna uta babhruh sumangalah|
ye cemagm rudra abhito diksu srita sahasraso'vaisagam heda imahe |
This Sun who is copper‐red when he arises, then golden‐yellow, this highly auspicious and beneficent one is truly Rudra. These other Rudras who are quartered round about in all directions of this earth, may I ward off their anger by my praise.

asau yovasarpati nilagrivo vilohitah |
utainam gopa adrsannadrsannudaharyah|
Let the blue‐necked one render us happy, the one who rises in crimson splendour, whom the cowherds, the water‐maidens and all the creatures in the world can see.

Utainam visva bhutani sa drsto mrdayati nah
Let Him grant Happiness to us.

Namo astu nilagrivaya sahasraksaya midhuse latho ye asya sattvano hamtebhyo karannamah
Let my salutations be to the blue-throated one, who has a thousand eyes. I also bow to his followers.

Pramunca dhanvanastvamubhayorartni yorjyam
Yasca te hasta isavah para ta bhagavo vapa
Bhagavan Rudra, loosen the string from both ends of your bow and put into your quiver the arrows in your hands.
(The Possesion of the following six completely is called Bhaga‐power,valour,fame,wealth,knowledge, and renunciation. Rudra has go all of them and hence He is addressed as bhagawan).

Avatatya dhanustvagm sahasraksa satesudhe
Nisirya salyanam mukha sivo nah sumana bhava
You having a thousand eyes, and bearing a hundred quivers, after loosening your bow, kindly blunt the edges of your shafts. Assume your peaceful and auspicious Siva form and become well-intentioned towards us.

Vijyam dhanuh kapardino visalyo banavagm uta
Anesannasyesava abhurasya nisamgathih
Let the bow of Kapardin, Rudra of the matted locks, be without its string. Let there be no arrows in His quiver. Let His arrows lose their capacity to strike and pierce. Let the sheath of his sword be not removed.

Ya te hetirmidhustama haste babhuva te dhanuh
Tayasman visvatastvamayaksmaya paribbhuja
O! Supreme lord who showers mercy! Protect us from all wordly troubles with the weapons and bow in your hands, which are not for hurting us.
Namaste astvayudhayanatataya dhrsnave
Ubhabhyamuta te namo bahubhyam tava dhanvane

Salutations to your sturdy and potent weapons, and also to both your hands and your bow.

Pari te dhanvano hetirasmanvrnaktu visvatah
Atho ya isudhistavare asmannidhehi tam
Let the arrow of Your bow spare us in all ways. And place your quiver of arrows far away from us.

Namaste astu bhagavanvisvesvaraya mahadevaya tryambakaya tripurantakaya trikagnikalaya kalagnirudraya
Nilakanthaya mrtyunjayaya sarvesvaraya sadasivaya sriman mahadevaya namah
Let my salutations be to that great God who is the Lord of the universe; the great God the three eyed one, the destroyer of Tripura, the extinguisher of the trika fire and the fire of death, the blue‐necked one, the victor over death, the lord of all, the ever peaceful one, the glorious God of gods.

2nd anuvaka:
Namo hiranyabahave senanye disam cha pataye namo
Salutations to Lord Rudra with the golden arms, commander of forces, to the Lord of all quarters, salutations.
Namo vrksebhyo harikesebhyah pasunam pataye namo
 Salutations to the trees tufted with green leaves; salutations to the Lord of the cattle.
Namah saspinjaraya tvisimate pathinam pataye namo
 Salutations to Him who is light yellow, red tinged and radiant; to the Lord of the pathways, salutations.
Namo babhlusaya vivyadhinennanam pataye namo
 Salutations to Him who rides on the bull, to him who has the power to pierce all things, to the Lord of food, salutations.
Namo harikesayopavitine pustanam pataye namo
 Salutations to Him who is always black‐haired, who wears the yajnopavita (sacred thread); to him the Lord of the healthy and strong, salutations.
Namo bhavasya hetyai jagatam pataye namo
 Salutations to the Lord of universe, the shield against the phenomenal world.
Namo rudrayatatavine ksetranam pataye namo
 Salutations to Him who protects the world by the might of His drawn bow, to Rudra the destroyer of all miseries; to the Lord of the fields and sacred places, salutations
Namah sutayahantyaya vananam pataye namo
Salutations to the charioteer, the indestructible one and the Lord of forests.
Namo rohitaya sthapataye vrksanam pataye namo
Salutations to the red One, to the Lord of trees, salutations.
Namo mantrine vanijaya kaksanam pataye namo
Salutations to the counselor of assemblies, the chief of traders, to the Lord of dense impenetrable clumps and clusters of thickets, salutations.
Namo bhuvamtaye varivaskrtayausadhinam pataye namo
Salutations to the creator of earth and Lord of medicines who is ever present in His devotees.
Namo uccairghosaya krandayate pattinam pataye namo
Salutations to Him who is Lord of infantry, the thundering one, who makes the enemies shriek.

Namah krtsnavitaya dhavate sattvanam pataye namah
Salutations to Him who surrounds His enemies completely; to the omnipresent One, who protects saintly devotees (those who seek refuge) by rushing to their help.

3rd anuvaka:

 Namah saha manaya nivyadhina avyadhininam pataye namo
Salutations to Him who cannot only withstand the shock of the onset of His enemies, but overpower them. He who can effortlessly pierce His enemies; the Lord of those who can fight on all sides, salutations to Him.
Namah kakubhaya nisangine stenanam pataye namo
Salutations to Him who stands prominent, the wielder of the sword; to the chief of thieves, salutations.
Namo nisangina isudhimate taskaranam pataye namo
Salutations to the robber chief, armed with quiver and arrows.
Namo vancate parivanchate stayunam pataye namo
Salutations to the deceiving, elusive chief of marauders.
Namo nicerave paricarayaranyanam pataye namo
Salutations to the wandering, ever evasive chief of forest‐theives!
Namah srkavibhyoo jighagmsadbhyo musnatam pataye namo
Salutations to the chief of thieves, ever alert in defense and eager to strike.
Namo simadbhyo naktamcaradbhyah prakrntanam pataye namo
Salutations to the chief of dacoits, who are on the move by night, carrying swords.
Nama usnisine giricaraya kuluncanam pataye namo
Salutations to Him who wears a turban, who wanders about the mountains; to the leader of the landlords, salutations.
Nama isumadbhyo dhanvavibhyasca vo namo
Salutations to you who bear darts, who carry bows; to you salutations
Nama atanvanebhyah pratidadhanebhyasca vo namo
Salutations to you who strings the bow and releases the arrows.
Nama ayacchadbhyo visrjadbhyasca vo namo
Salutations to you who stretches the bow and sends the arrows again.
Namo syadbhyo vidhyadbhyasca vo namo
Salutations to you who makes the arrows reach the targets.
Nama asinebhyah sayanebhyasca vo namo
Salutations to you Rudras who are seated and who are reclining, salutations.
Namah svapadbhyo jagradbhyasca vo namo
To you Rudras who are in the form of those who are asleep and awake, salutations.
Namastisthadbhyo dhavadbhyasca vo namo
To you Rudras who are in the form of those who stand and those who run, salutations.
Namah sabhabhyah sabhapatibhyasca vo namo
To you Rudras who are in the form of those who sit as members of assemblies and those who preside over them, salutations.

Namo asvebhyosvapatibhyasca vo namah
To you Rudras who are in the form of horses and those who command them, salutations.

4th Anuvaka:

Nama avyadheeneebhyo vividhayantheebyascha vo namo nama. 4.1.1

Salutations and salutations,
To him who is the evil spirits that surround and torment,
And to him who is the evil spirits that attack and kill.

Uganabhysthrum hathobyhascha vo namo nama 4.1.2

Salutations and salutations,
To him who is the good spirits that help,
And to him who is the evil spirits that are fierce.

Gruthsebhyo gruthsa pathibyascha vo namo nama 4.1.3

Salutations and salutations,
To him who is attached,
And to him who is the chief of those who are attached.

Vrathebhyo Vrathapathibyascha vo namo nama. 4.1.4
Salutations and salutations,
To him who is the assembly of different types of people,
And to him who is the chief of such assemblies.

Ganebhyo ganapathibyascha vo namo nama. 4.1.5
Salutations and salutations,
To him who is the member of a clan,
And to him who is the chief of a clan.

Viroopebhyo Viswaroopebhyascha vo namo nama. 4.1.6
Salutations and salutations,
To him who looks ugly,
And to him who looks just as every one in the world.

Mahadbhya kshullakebyascha vo namo nama. 4.1,7
Salutations and salutations,
To him who is a great soul,
And to him who is a weak being.

Radhibhyo aradhebhyascha vo namo nama. 4.1.8
Salutations and salutations,
To him who rides a chariot,
And to him who does not have a chariot.

Radhebhya radha pathibhyscha vo namo nama. 4.2.1
Salutations and salutations,
To him who is a chariot,
And to him who is the leader of the chariot.

Senabhya Senanibhyascha vo namo nama 4.2.2
Salutations and salutations,
To him who is the soldier,
And to him who is the leader of the armies.

Kshathrabya sangraheethrubyacha vo namo nama 4.2.3
Salutations and salutations,
To him who drives chariots well,
And to him who can hold the chariot from moving.

Sthakshabhyo rathakarebhyascha vo namo nama 4.2.4
Salutations and salutations,
To him who is a carpenter,
And to him who makes chariots.

Kulalebhya kamaribhyascha vo namo nama 4.2.5
Salutations and salutations,
To him who is the potter,
And to him who is the black smith.

Punchishtebhyo nishadebhyascha vo namo nama. 4.2.6
Salutations and salutations,
To him who is the hunter of birds who uses nets,
And to him who is the fisherman.

Ikshukrudbhyo dhanva krudhbyascha vo namo nama. 4.2.7
Salutations and salutations,
To him who makes arrows,
And to him who makes bows.

Mrugayubhya swanibhyascha vo namo nama. 4.2.8
Salutations and salutations,
To him who hunts animals,
And to him who drags dogs using a rope.

Swabhya swapathibhyascha vo namo nama. 4.2.9
Salutations and salutations,
To him who is a dog,
And to him who protects the dogs.

5th Anuvaka:

Namo bhavaya cha rudraya cha 5.1.1

Salutations to him who creates and to him who dispels sorrows

Nama sarvaya cha pasupathaye cha 5.1.2

Salutations to him who destroys sin and to him who is the lord of all beings,

Namo neela greevaya cha sithi kantaaya cha 5.1.3
Salutations to him who has a blue neck and who has white ash applied over his neck

Nama kapardhine cha vyupthakesaya cha 5.1.4
Salutations to him who has a crown of hair and to him who has a shaved head

Nama sahasrakshaya cha sathadanvane cha 5.1.5
Salutations to him who has thousands of eyes and to him who has hundreds of bows.

Namo gireesaya cha sipivishtaya cha 5.1.6

Salutations to him who is the lord of the mountain and to him who is light personified

Namo meedushtamaaya cheshumathe cha 5.1.7
Salutations to him who gives torrential rains and to him who caries arrows.

Namo hruswayaa cha vamanaaya cha 5.1.8
Salutations to him who is small and to him who is dwarf

Namo bruhathe cha varsheeyase cha 5.1.9

Salutations to him who is large who is storehouse of good qualities

Namo vruddhaya cha samvrudhvane cha 5.1.10

Salutations to him who is aged and to him whose fame is large.

Namo agriyaya cha pradhamaya cha 5.2.1

Salutations to him who existed before creation and to him who is first among Gods

Nama aasave cha ajiraaya cha 5.2.2

Salutations to him who is omnipresent and to him who moves fast

Nama seegriyaya cha seebhyaya cha 5.2.3

Salutations to him who is in fast streams and to him who is in great waters

Nama oormyaya cha aswanyaya cha 5.2.4

Salutations to him who is in fast tides and to him who is in still water

Nama stotrothasyaya cha dweepyaya cha 5.2.5

Salutations to him who is in rivulets and to him who is in islands
6th Anuvaka:

Namo jyeshtayaa cha kanishtaya cha. 6.1.1
Salutations to him who is elder and to him who is younger

Namo poorvajaya cha aparajaaya cha 6.1.2
Salutations to him who is born before and to him who is born after

Namo madhyamaya cha apakalpaya cha 6.1.3
Salutations to him to him who is middle aged and to him who is too young

Namo jaganyaya cha budhniyaya cha 6.1.4
Salutations to him who is born from the middle and to him is born out of roots

Namo sobhyaya cha parthi saryaya cha 6.1,5
Salutations to him who is born in earth and to him who is born in other worlds.

Namo yaamyaya cha kshemyaya cha 6.1.6
Salutations to him to him who punishes in hell and to him who grants favours in heaven

Namo oorvarya cha khalyaya cha 6.1.7
Salutations to him who is in the fields and who is in gardens.

Namo shlokyaa cha vasanyaya cha 6.1.8
Salutations to him who is praised in the Vedas and to him who is praised at the end of Vedas

Namo vanyaya cha kakshyaya cha 6.1.9
Salutations to him who exists as tree in forest and to him who exists as plants in bushes

Namo sravaya cha prathisravaaya cha 6.1.10

Salutations to him who is of the form of sound and to him who is in the form of echo

Nama aasushenaaya cha asuradhaya cha 6.2.1

Salutations to him who is the fast moving troops and to him who is the fast moving cavalry

Nama sooraya cha avabindhathe cha 6.2.2

Salutations to him who is in the form of heroes and to him who is in the form of knights

Nama varmine cha varoodhine cha 6.2.3

Salutations to him who is armoured and to him who rides a chariot

Nama bhilmine cha kavachine cha 6.2.4

Salutations to him who wears the helmet and to him who is protected by the charms.

Nama sruthaya cha sruthasenaaya cha 6.2.5
Salutations to him who is famous and to him who has a famed army.
7th Anuvaka:

Namo dunthubhyaya cha hananyaya cha 7.1.1
Salutations to him who is of the sound of a big drum and to him who is of the form of the drumstick.

Namo drushnave cha brumruchaaya cha 7.1.2
Salutations to him who never runs away from war and to him who examines the spy information about the enemy.

Namo dhootaaya cha prahitaaya cha 7.1.3
Salutations to him who is the messenger and who is the servant

Namo nishangine cha ishuthimathe cha 7.1,4
Salutations to him who has the sword and to him who has the quiver.

Nama stheeshneshave cha aayudhine cha 7.1.5

Salutations to him who has sharp arrows and to him who has other weapons

Nama swaayudhaaya cha sudhanvane cha 7.1.6
Salutations to him who has best weapons and to him who has good bow.

Nama shruthyaya cha pathyaya cha 7.1.7
Salutations to him who walks in footpaths and to him who travels in wide roads.

Nama katayaya cha neepyaya cha 7.1.8

Salutations to him who is in canal water to him who is in streams.

Nama soodhyaya cha sarasyaya cha 7.1.9

Salutations to him who is in water of a pool and to him who is in the water of a lake

Nama nadhyaya cha vaisanthaaya cha 7.1.10

Salutations to him who is in the water of river and to him who is in the water of the pond.

Nama koopyaya cha vatyaya cha 7.2.1

Salutations to him who is in the water of well and to him who is in the water of spring

Namo varshayaya cha avarshayaya cha 7.2.2

Salutations to him who is in rain water and who is also in places it does not rain.

Namo meghyaya cha vidhuyutyaya cha 7.2.3

Salutations to him who is in the clouds and who is also in lightning

Namo idhreeyaya cha aathapthaya cha 7.2.4

Salutations to him who is in the form of clear sky of autumn and to him who is in the form of rain and sun

Namo vaathyaya cha reshmiyaya cha 7.2.5

Salutations to him who is in the form of rainy storm and to him who is in the form of dry hoarse wind.

Namo vasthavyaya cha vaasthupaya cha 7.2.6

Salutations to him who is in materials of the house and to him who is the vaasthu purusha guarding the house.

8th Anuvaka:

Nama ireenyaya cha prapadhyaya cha 9.1.1

Salutations to him who is of the form of one who lives in arid land and to him who walks the paths

Nama kimsilaaya cha kshyanaaya cha 9.1.2

Salutations to him who is of the form of one who lives in dry land and to him who is of the form of one who lives in good places

Nama kapardhine cha pulasthave cha 9.1.3

Salutations to him who has matted hair and to him who stands in front to protect his devotees.

Namo goshtyaya cha gruhyaya cha 9.1.4

Salutations to him who is of the form of one who lives in stable and to him who lives in homes

Namas thalpyaya cha gehyaya cha 9.1.5

Salutations to him who sits on the cot and to him who lives in ornamental houses

Nama kaatyaya cha gahwereshtaaya cha 9.1.6

Salutations to him who lives in thorny bushes and who lives in caves

Namo hridayaaya cha niveshpyaya cha 9.1.7

Salutations to him who is in deep still waters and to him who is in snow drops

Namo pamswayaya cha rajasysyaya cha 9.1.8

Salutations to him who is in speck of dust and who is in the dust from mud

Namo sushkyaya cha harithyayaya cha 9.1.9

Salutations to him who is dried piece of wood and who is in wet stem

Namo lopyaya cha ulopyaya cha 9.1.10

Salutations to him who is in firm floor and who is on turf

Nama oorvyayaya cha soormyaya cha 9.2.1

Salutations to him who is on flat land and to him who is on tides in the river

Nama parnyaya cha parnasadhyaya cha 9.2.2

Salutations to him who is in green leaves and who is in dried leaves

Namo apaguramanaya cha apignathe cha 9.2.3

Salutations to him who is armed and to him who kills his enemies

Nama akkidathe cha prakkidathe cha 9.2.4

Salutations to him who troubles a little and to him who troubles most

Namo va kirikebhyp devanam hrudayebhyo 9.2.5

Salutations to him who showers riches on his devotees and to him who exists in hearts of devas.

Namo viksheenakebhyo 9.2.6

Salutations to your deathless form in the hearts of devas

Namo vichinvathkebhyo 9.2.7

Salutations to your form, which lives in hearts of, devas and grants all the wishes

Namo anirhathebhyo 9.2.8

Salutations to your form, which lives in hearts of, devas and destroys sins

Namo aamivatkebhya 9.2.9

Salutations to your form, which lives in hearts of, devas and travels everywhere
10th Anuvaka:
Draape Andha saspathe daridhra neela lohitha
Eeshaam purushaanam esham pasunaam maa
bhermaro mo eshaam kincha namamath. 10.1

Oh God who punishes the sinners in hell,
Oh God, who gives food to devotees,
Oh God, who is the form of light,
Oh God who has a black neck and red body,
Please do not give fear to these beings,
Please do not give death to these beings,
And please do not make any of these beings sick.

Yaa the rudra shivaa thanu shivaa viswaaha beshaji
Shivaa rudrasya beshaji taya no mruda jeevase 10.2

Oh, Rudhra, God of the world,
That medicine which cures the pain of birth and rebirth,
That medicine which mixes with you and makes all happy,
Is your holy form that is one with thine consort Shakthi,
And please bless us all with that form,
To make us live as we ought to live.

Imama rudraaya thavase kapardhinee kshyadweeraaya
Prabharaamahe mathim,
Yadhaa na sama sad dwipadhe chatushpadhe viswam pushtam graame
Asmin aathuram. 10.3

Oh Rudhra, God of the world,
Who wears dried tuft of hair,
Who is the sage who meditates,
And who kills his enemies,
Make mine wavering thought fixed on thee,
So that good will befall on us people and our cows,
And all beings would grow healthy without fail,
And are never ever get diseased.

Mruda no rudra thano mayaskrudhee kshyadweerayaa,
Namasaa vidhema the.Yachcham cha yoscha manu rayaaje
Pithaa tadha syama thava rudra preeneethou. 10.4

Oh, Rudra God of the world,
Make us all happy,
Add to our chances of salvation,
And diminish the strength of sinners,
And we will pray you with our salute.
And again pray to thee,
To give us the pleasure in this world,
And salvation in the other world,
Got by the father of the world Prajapathi* ,by your grace.

Maa no mahantha mutha maa no arbhakam
Maa na ukshantha-mutha maa na ukshitham.
Maa no vadhee pitharam motha maatharam priyaa maa
Nasthanuvo rudhra reerishaa. 10.5

Oh Rudhra, God of the world,
Never give trouble to our elders.
Never give trouble to our children,
Never give trouble to our lads,
Never give trouble to our children in the womb,
Never give trouble to our fathers,
Never give trouble to our mothers,
And never give to trouble our body, which is dear to us.

Maanaasthoke thanaye maa na aayushee maa no goshu
Maa no asweshu reerisha. Veeranmaa no rudra
Bhami tho avadhir havish mantho namasaa vidhema the. 10.6

Oh Rudhra, God of the world,
Never cause sorrow to our children and sons,
Never diminish our span of life,
Never cause sorrow to our cows,
Never cause sorrow to our horses,
And do not destroy in anger our efficient servants,
And we would come with holy offerings and salute you.

Aarathe gogna utha poorushagne ksyadweeraaya
Sumnamasthe the asthu.
Rakshaa cha no adhi cha deva brahmadhaa cha na
Sarma yachcha dwibarhaa. 10.7

Oh Rudhra, God of the world,
Let your fearful aspect be away,
From killing of beings,
From killing of people,
And our efficient servants.
And let your graceful aspect,
Be with us.
Oh God, please protect us,
Please talk to us with compassion,
And please give us the pleasure of this and other worlds,
That you posses.

Sthuhi srutham gartha sadam yuvaanaam mrugascha bheema
Mruda jarithre rudra stavaa no anyanthe
Asmannnnivapanthu senaa 10.8

Oh mind always think,
Of that Rudra who stays in the lotus of our heart,
Of that Rudra who is young,
Of that Rudra who is powerful in killing of enemies,
Of that Rudra who is as fearful as a lion,
And of that Rudra who is full of fame.
And Oh Rudra, who is being praised,
Give immortal pleasures to this mortal body,
And let your chief soldiers,
Kill our enemies.
Who are different from us.

Parino rudrasya hethur varnakthu pari tweshasya
Ava sthiraa madavadbhayasthanushva meedvasthokaaya
Thanayaya mrudaya. 10.9

Let the weapon of Rudra move away from us,
And the fearful thought of Rudra,
Which shines in anger,
And which is capable of destroying sinners,
Also move away from us.
Oh Rudra who grants all wishes of devotees,
Please make thine fearful anger,
Which is stable in destroying thine enemies,
Little soft at us, who praise,
And salute thee by fire sacrifices,
And please give pleasure to our sons and their sons.

Meedushtama sivathama shivo na sumanaa bhava
Parame vruksha aayudham nidhaaya kruthim vasaan
Aachara pinaaka bibradhaagahi. 10.10

Oh Rudra who is the greatest among those who grant wishes,
Oh Rudra who has a pleasant mien,
Please become one who does good to us,
And become one with a good mind.
Please keep thine weapons on the trees,
And come to us wearing the hide of tiger.
Please bring along thine bow pinaaka,
As an ornament.

Vikiridha vilohitha namasthe asthu bhagava,
Yaasthe sahasram hothayo anya mannibhavanthu tha. 10.11

Oh Rudra who throws riches at us,
And oh Rudra who is red coloured,
Let our salutations be with you.
Let your thousands of weapons,
Destroy our enemies who are different from us.

Sahasrani sahasradhaa baahu hosthava hethaya
Thaasameesano bhagava parachinaa mukhaa krudhi. 10.12

Oh Rudra in your hands are weapons,
In thousands and of thousand types.
Oh God who is all powerful,
Make their sharp ends not attack us.

11th Anuvaka:
Sahasraani sahasraso ye Rudra adhi bhoomyaam.
Teshaam sahasra yojane avadhanvaani thanmasi 11.1

We request thee oh Rudra,
To order your soldiers who are in thousands,
To keep their thousands of weapons,
Which are of thousand kinds,
Thousand miles away from us.

Asmin mahatyarnave anthareekshe bhavaa adhi. 11.2

In this vast sea of ether,
Whichever Rudra’s soldiers do exist,

Neelagreeva sithi kkantaa sarvaa adha kshama charaa 11.3

And those soldiers, who do exist,
Whose half side of neck is blue,
And the other half is white.
And live under the earth in Paathaala*.

Neelagreeva sithi kkantaa diva rudra upasrithaa 11.4

And those soldiers, who do exist,
Whose half side of neck is blue,
And the other half is white.
And who have attained heavens.

Ye vruksheshu saspinjaraa neelagreeva vilohithaa 11.5

And those soldiers, who do exist,
Who are on trees with colour of new grass,
With neck which is blue,
And whose body is especially red.

Ye bhoothanaam adhi pathayo visikkahsa kapardhina 11.6

And those soldiers ,who do exist,
Who are captains of the soldiers,
With some of them wearing the tuft,
And some with no hairs,

Ye anneshu vividhyanthi paathreshu pibatho janaan 11.7

And those soldiers ,who do exist,
Who trouble those people,
Who take food and drink from vessels

Ye padhaam padhii rakshaya Iilaa brudaa yavyudha. 11.8

And those soldiers, who do exist,
Who protect people who walk in the path,
And also protect those people taking all other paths,
And who take the form of those who save by giving food,
And who fight with enemies

Ye theerthani pracharanthi srukaavantho nishangina 11.9

And those soldiers ,who do exist,
Who carry sharp weapons,
And also those who carry swords,
And also those who travel protecting sacred waters.

Ya eetha bandascha bhooyaamscha diso rudraa vithasthire
Teshaam sahasra yojane avadhanvaani thanyasi. 11.10

We request all these your soldiers,
And also all those others wherever they are,
Spread in different directions,
To keep their bows,
Thousands miles away,
After removing the string.

Namo rudrebhyo ye prithvyaam ye anthareekshe,
Ye divi yesham annam vatho varshmishadha sthebhyo dasa,
Praceerdasa dakshina dasa pradeecheer daso udhiceer daso urdhwaa,
Sthebhyo namasthe no mrudayanthu the yam dwishmo,
Yascha no dweshti tham vo janme dadhaami. 11.11

My salutations to all those soldiers of Rudra,
Who are on earth,
Who are in the sky,
Who are in the worlds above,
And to those whom air and food,
Become weapons for killing beings.
I salute them with ten fingers,
I salute them facing the east,
I salute them facing south,
I salute them facing west,
I saut├й them facing north,
I salute them facing above,
My salutations to all of them,
Let them grant happiness to me.
I would deliver those of my enemies,
And those who consider me as my enemy,
In to their wide-open mouth.

Tryambakam yajaamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam,
Oorvaaru kamiva bandhanan mruthyo rmuksheeya maamruthaath.1

We salute and respect,
Him who is naturally scented,
Him who looks after his devotes by mercy,
And Him who has three eyes.
And pray and request,
To move us away from the catch of death,
Like the cucumber from its stalk,
And firmly put us in the path of salvation.

Yo Rudro agnaii yo apsu ya oushadeeshu,
Yo Rudro viswaa bhuvanaa aavivesa tasmai Rudraaya namo asthu. 2

Let our salutations be offered to that Rudra,
Who is in fire,
Who is in water,
Who is in plants and trees,
And who is in everything in the world.

Ye the sahasramayutham pasaa mruthyo marthyaya hanthave,
Thaan yagnasya maayayaa sarvaanava yajamahe,
Mrutyave swaaha mrutyave swaaha. 3

Oh God who destroys the world.
I pray thee to keep away from me,
The thousands of ropes that you have,
Which is used by you to kill all beings,
Due to the power of my prayers.
This offering of fire is offered to death,
This offering of fire is offered to death
Praanaanaam grandhi rasi rudro vishaanthaka
Thenaa annena aapya swa.

Namo rudraaya vishnave mruturme paahi 4

m, my salutations to God,
Who is everywhere,
And to the Rudra
Let not death come near me.
You Rudra who lives in the junction of the soul and senses,
I pray to you who destroy everything, to be within me,
And due to that be satisfied,
With the food that I take as offering.

Thamushtuhi ya swishu sudhanwaa yo viwasya kshayathi beshajasya,
Yashwamahe soumanasaaya rudram namobhir devaasuram duvasya 5

Pray and salute him,
Who has the best arrows,
Who has the best bow,
Who is the home of medicines,
That cure all the world’s diseases,
And who destroys asuras.
We salute that Rudra,
For making our minds pure.

Aayam me hastho bhagavaanayam me bhagavattara,
Ayam me viswa beshajo ayam shivaabhimarsana.  6

This my hand is my God,
This is higher than God to me,
This is the medicine for all sickness to me.
For this touches Shiva and worships him.

Om Shanthi ,Shanthi, Shanthi
Let there be peace, Let there be peace, Let there be peace

Also see

Sri Rudra Prashna and Chamaka Prashna (Rudram Chamakam)


рд╕рд╕्рд╡рд░ рд░ुрдж्рд░ рдЪрдордХ рдорди्рдд्рд░ाः

॥ рд╢्рд░ी рд░ुрдж्рд░рдк्рд░рд╢्рдиः ॥

॥ рди्рдпाрд╕ः ॥

рдЕрд╕्рдп рд╢्рд░ी рд░ुрдж्рд░ाрдж्рдпाрдп рдк्рд░рд╢्рди рдорд╣ाрдорди्рдд्рд░рд╕्рдп
рдЕрдШोрд░ рдЛрд╖िः
рдЕрдиुрд╖्рдЯुрдк् рдЫрди्рджः
рд╕рдЩ्рдХрд░्рд╖рдгрдоूрд░्рддिрд╕्рд╡рд░ूрдкो рдпोрд╜рд╕ाрд╡ाрджिрдд्рдпः рдкрд░рдордкुрд░ुрд╖ः рд╕ рдПрд╖ рд░ुрдж्рд░ो рджेрд╡рддा ॥

рдирдоःрд╢िрд╡ाрдпेрддि рдмीрдЬрдо् ।
рд╢िрд╡рддрд░ाрдпेрддि рд╢рдХ्рддिः ।
рдорд╣ाрджेрд╡ाрдпेрддि рдХीрд▓рдХрдо् ।
рд╢्рд░ी рд╕ांрдмрд╕рджाрд╢िрд╡ рдк्рд░рд╕ाрджрд╕िрдж्рдз्рдпрд░्рдеे рдЬрдкे рд╡िрдиिрдпोрдЧः ॥

рдУं рдЕрдЧ्рдиिрд╣ोрдд्рд░ाрдд्рдордиे рдЕрдЩ्рдЧुрд╖्рдаाрдн्рдпां рдирдоः ।
рджрд░्рд╢рдкूрд░्рдгрдоाрд╕ाрдд्рдордиे рддрд░्рдЬрдиीрдн्рдпां рдирдоः ।
рдЪाрддुрд░्рдоाрд╕्рдпाрдд्рдордиे рдордз्рдпрдоाрдн्рдпां рдирдоः ।
рдиिрд░ूрдврдкрд╢ुрдмрди्рдзाрдд्рдордиे рдЕрдиाрдоिрдХाрдн्рдпां рдирдоः ।
рдЬ्рдпोрддिрд╖्рдЯोрдоाрдд्рдордиे рдХрдиिрд╖्рдаिрдХाрдн्рдпां рдирдоः ।
рд╕рд░्рд╡рдХ्рд░рдд्рд╡ाрдд्рдордиे рдХрд░рддрд▓рдХрд░рдкृрд╖्рдаाрдн्рдпां рдирдоः ॥

рдУं рдЕрдЧ्рдиिрд╣ोрдд्рд░ाрдд्рдордиे рд╣ृрджрдпाрдп рдирдоः ।
рджрд░्рд╢рдкूрд░्рдгрдоाрд╕ाрдд्рдордиे рд╢िрд░рд╕े рд╕्рд╡ाрд╣ा  ।
рдЪाрддुрд░्рдоाрд╕्рдпाрдд्рдордиे рд╢िрдХाрдпै рд╡рд╖рдЯ्।
рдиिрд░ूрдврдкрд╢ुрдмрди्рдзाрдд्рдордиे рдХрд╡рдЪाрдп рд╣ुрдо्।
рдЬ्рдпोрддिрд╖्рдаोрдоाрдд्рдордиे рдиेрдд्рд░рдд्рд░рдпाрдп рд╡ौрд╖рдЯ् ।
рд╕рд░्рд╡рдХ्рд░рдд्рд╡ाрдд्рдордиे рдЕрд╕्рдд्рд░ाрдп рдлрдЯ्॥

рднूрд░्рднुрд╡рд╕ुрд╡рд░ोрдоिрддि рджिрдЧ्рдмрди्рдзः ॥

॥ рдз्рдпाрдирдо् ॥

рдЬ्рдЬ्рдпोрддिः рд╕्рдлाрдЯिрдХрд▓िрдЩ्рдЧрдоौрд▓िрд╡िрд▓рд╕рдд् рдкूрд░्рдгेрди्рджुрд╡ाрди्рддाрдоृрддैः ।
рдЕрд╕्рддोрдХाрдк्рд▓ुрддрдоेрдХрдоीрд╢рдордиिрд╢ं рд░ुрдж्рд░ाрдиुрд╡ाрдХाрдЮ्рдЬрдкрди्
рдз्рдпाрдпेрджीрдк्рд╕िрдд рд╕िрдж्рдзрдпेрд╜рдж्рд░ुрддрдкрджं рд╡िрдк्рд░ोрд╜рднिрд╖िрдЮ्рдЪेрдЪ्рдЫिрд╡рдо् ॥

рдм्рд░рд╣्рдоाрдг्рдб рд╡्рдпाрдк्рддрджेрд╣ा рднрд╕िрддрд╣िрдорд░ुрдЪा рднाрд╕рдоाрдиा рднुрдЬрдЩ्рдЧैः
рдХрдг्рдаे рдХाрд▓ाः рдХрдкрд░्рджाрдХрд▓िрдд рд╢рд╢िрдХрд▓ाрд╢्рдЪрдг्рдбрдХोрджрдг्рдбрд╣рд╕्рддाः ।
рдд्рд░्рдпрдХ्рд╖ा рд░ुрдж्рд░ाрдХ्рд╖рдоाрд▓ाः рдк्рд░рдгрддрднрдпрд╣рд░ाः рд╢ांрднрд╡ा рдоूрд░्рддिрднेрджाः
рд░ुрдж्рд░ाः рд╢्рд░ीрд░ुрдж्рд░рд╕ूрдХ्рддрдк्рд░рдХрдЯिрддрд╡िрднрд╡ा рдиः рдк्рд░рдпрдЪ्рдЫрди्рддु рд╕ौрдЦ्рдпрдо् ॥

рдУं рдЧ॒рдгा॑рдиां рдд्рд╡ा рдЧ॒рдгрдк॑рддि├│├ирд╣рд╡ाрдорд╣े рдХ॒рд╡िं рдХ॑рд╡ी॒рдиाрдоु॑рдк॒рдорд╢्рд░॑рд╡рд╕्рддрдордо् ।
рдЬ्рдпे॒рд╖्рда॒рд░ाрдЬं॒ рдм्рд░рд╣्рдо॑рдгां рдм्рд░рд╣्рдордгрд╕्рдкрдд॒ рдЖ рдиः॑ рд╢ृ॒рдг्рд╡рди्рдиू॒рддिрднि॑ рд╕्рд╕ीрдж॒ рд╕ाрдж॑рдирдо् ॥ рдорд╣ाрдЧрдгрдкрддेрдпे рдирдоः ॥

॥ рдУं рдирдоो рднрдЧрд╡рддे॑ рд░ुрдж्рд░ा॒рдп ॥

рдирдо॑рд╕्рддे рд░ुрдж्рд░рдо॒рди्рдпрд╡॑ рдЙ॒рддोрдд॒ рдЗрд╖॑рд╡े॒ рдирдоः॑ ।
рдирдо॑рд╕्рддे рдЕрд╕्рддु॒ рдзрди्рд╡॑рдиे рдмा॒рд╣ुрдн्рдпा॑-рдоु॒рдд рддे॒ рдирдоः॑ ॥ рез.рез॥

рдпाрдд॒ рдЗрд╖ुः॑ рд╢ि॒рд╡рдд॑рдоा рд╢ि॒рд╡ं рдм॒рднूрд╡॑ рддे॒ рдзрдиुः॑ ।
рд╢ि॒рд╡ा рд╢॑рд░॒рд╡्рдпा॑ рдпा рддрд╡॒ рддрдпा॑ рдиो рд░ुрдж्рд░ рдоृрдбрдп ॥ рез.реи॥

рдпा рддे॑ рд░ुрдж्рд░ рд╢ि॒рд╡ा рдд॒рдиू-рд░рдШो॒рд░ाрд╜рдкा॑рдкрдХाрд╢िрдиी ।
рддрдпा॑ рдирд╕्рдд॒рдиुрд╡ा॒ рд╢рди्рдд॑рдордпा॒ рдЧिрд░ि॑рд╢ंрддा॒рднिрдЪा॑рдХрд╢ीрд╣ि ॥ рез.рей॥

рдпाрдоिрд╖ुं॑ рдЧिрд░िрд╢ंрдд॒ рд╣рд╕्рддे॒ рдмिрдн॒рд░्рд╖्рдпрд╕्рдд॑рд╡े ।
рд╢ि॒рд╡ां рдЧि॑рд░िрдд्рд░॒ рддां рдХु॑рд░ु॒ рдоा рд╣ि├│├и॑рд╕ीः॒ рдкुрд░ु॑рд╖ं॒ рдЬрдЧ॑рдд् ॥ рез.рек॥

рд╢ि॒рд╡ेрди॒ рд╡рдЪ॑рд╕ा рдд्рд╡ा॒ рдЧिрд░ि॒рд╢ाрдЪ्рдЫा॑ рд╡рджाрдорд╕ि ।
рдпрдеा॑ рдиः॒ рд╕рд░्рд╡॒рдоिрдЬ्рдЬрдЧ॑рджрдп॒рдХ्рд╖्рдо├│├ирд╕ु॒рдордиा॒ рдЕрд╕॑рдд् ॥ рез.рел॥

рдЕрдз्рдп॑рд╡ोрдЪрджрдзि рд╡॒рдХ्рддा рдк्рд░॑рде॒рдоो рджैрд╡्рдпो॑ рднि॒рд╖рдХ् ।
рдЕрд╣ी├│├и॑рд╢्рдЪ॒ рд╕рд░्рд╡ा॓рдЮ्рдЬं॒рднрдп॒рди्рдд्рд╕рд░्рд╡ा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдпाрддुрдзा॒рди्рдпः॑ ॥ рез.рем॥

рдЕ॒рд╕ौ рдпрд╕्рддा॒рдо्рд░ो рдЕ॑рд░ु॒рдг рдЙ॒рдд рдм॒рдн्рд░ुः рд╕ु॑рдоं॒рдЧрд▓ः॑ ।
рдпे рдЪे॒рдоा├│├ирд░ु॒рдж्рд░ा рдЕ॒рднिрддो॑ рджि॒рдХ्рд╖ु ।
рд╢्рд░ि॒рддाः рд╕॑рд╣рд╕्рд░॒рд╢ोрд╜рд╡ै॑рд╖ा॒├│├и॒рд╣ेрдб॑ рдИрдорд╣े ॥ рез.рен॥

рдЕ॒рд╕ौ рдпो॑рд╜рд╡॒рд╕рд░्рдк॑рддि॒ рдиीрд▓॑рдЧ्рд░ीрд╡ो॒ рд╡िрд▓ो॑рд╣िрддः ।
рдЙ॒рддैрдиं॑ рдЧो॒рдкा рдЕ॑рджृрд╢॒рди्рдирджृ॑рд╢рди्рдиुрджрд╣ा॒рд░्рдпः॑ ।
рдЙ॒рддैрдиं॒ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ा॑ рднू॒рддाрдиि॒ рд╕ рджृ॒рд╖्рдЯो рдоृ॑рдбрдпाрддि рдиः ॥ рез.рео॥

рдирдоो॑ рдЕрд╕्рддु॒ рдиीрд▓॑рдЧ्рд░ीрд╡ाрдп рд╕рд╣рд╕्рд░ा॒рдХ्рд╖ाрдп॑ рдоी॒рдвुрд╖े॓ ।
рдЕрдеो॒ рдпे рдЕ॑рд╕्рдп॒ рд╕рдд्рд╡ा॑рдиो॒рд╜рд╣ं рддेрдн्рдпो॑рд╜рдХрд░॒рди्рдирдоः॑ ॥ рез.реп॥

рдк्рд░рдоुं॑рдЪ॒ рдзрди्рд╡॑рди॒рд╕्рдд्рд╡-рдоु॒рднрдпो॒-рд░ाрд░्рдд्рдиि॑рдпो॒-рд░्рдЬ्рдпाрдо् ।
рдпाрд╢्рдЪ॑ рддे॒ рд╣рд╕्рдд॒ рдЗрд╖॑рд╡ः॒ рдкрд░ा॒ рддा рдн॑рдЧрд╡ो рд╡рдк ॥ рез.резреж॥

рдЕ॒рд╡॒рддрдд्рдп॒ рдзрдиु॒рд╕्рдд्рд╡├│├и рд╕рд╣॑рд╕्рд░ाрдХ्рд╖॒ рд╢рддे॑рд╖ुрдзे ।
рдиि॒рд╢ीрд░्рдп॑ рд╢॒рд▓्рдпाрдиां॒ рдоुрдЦा॑ рд╢ि॒рд╡ो рдиः॑ рд╕ु॒рдордиा॑ рднрд╡ ॥ рез.резрез॥

рд╡िрдЬ्рдпं॒ рдзрдиुः॑ рдХрдк॒рд░्рджिрдиो॒ рд╡िрд╢॑рд▓्рдпो॒ рдмाрдг॑рд╡ा├│├и рдЙ॒рдд ।
рдЕрдиे॑рд╢рди्рди॒рд╕्рдпेрд╖॑рд╡ рдЖ॒рднुрд░॑рд╕्рдп рдиिрд╖ं॒рдЧрдеिः॑  ॥ рез.резреи॥

рдпा рддे॑ рд╣े॒рддि-рд░्рдоी॑рдвुрд╖्рдЯрдо॒ рд╣рд╕्рддे॑ рдм॒рднूрд╡॑ рддे॒ рдзрдиुः॑ ।
рддрдпा॒рд╜рд╕्рдоाрди्рд╡ि॒рд╢्рд╡рдд॒рд╕्рдд्рд╡-рдо॑рдп॒рдХ्рд╖्рдордпा॒ рдкрд░ि॑рдм्рднुрдЬ ॥ рез.резрей॥

рдирдо॑рд╕्рддे рдЕ॒рд╕्рдд्рд╡ाрдпु॑рдзा॒рдпाрдиा॑рддрддाрдп рдзृ॒рд╖्рдгрд╡े॓ ।
рдЙ॒рднाрдн्рдпा॑рдоु॒рдд рддे॒ рдирдоो॑ рдмा॒рд╣ुрдн्рдпां॒ рддрд╡॒ рдзрди्рд╡॑рдиे ॥ рез.резрек॥

рдкрд░ि॑ рддे॒ рдзрди्рд╡॑рдиो рд╣े॒рддि-рд░॒рд╕्рдоाрди्рд╡ृ॑рдгрдХ्рддु рд╡ि॒рд╢्рд╡рддः॑ ।
рдЕрдеो॒ рдп рдЗ॑рд╖ु॒рдзिрд╕्рддрд╡ा॒рд░े рдЕ॒рд╕्рдорди्рдиिрдзे॑рд╣ि॒ рддрдо् ॥ рез.резрел॥

рдирдо॑рд╕्рддे рдЕрд╕्рддु рднрдЧрд╡рди् рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ेрд╢्рд╡॒рд░ाрдп॑ рдорд╣ाрджे॒рд╡ाрдп॑ рдд्рд░्рдпंрдм॒рдХाрдп॑
рдд्рд░िрдкुрд░ाрди्рдд॒рдХाрдп॑ рдд्рд░िрдХाрдЧ्рдиि-рдХा॒рд▓ाрдп॑ рдХाрд▓ाрдЧ्рдиिрд░ु॒рдж्рд░ाрдп॑
рдиीрд▓рдХ॒рдг्рдаाрдп॑ рдо्рд░ुрдд्рдпुंрдЬ॒рдпाрдп॑ рд╕рд░्рд╡ेрд╢्рд╡॒рд░ाрдп॑
рд╕рджाрд╢ि॒рд╡ाрдп॑ рд╢्рд░ीрдорди्рдорд╣ाрджे॒рд╡ाрдп॒ рдирдоः॑ ॥

рдирдоो॒ рд╣िрд░॑рдг्рдпрдмाрд╣рд╡े рд╕ेрдиा॒рди्рдпे॑ рджि॒рд╢ां рдЪ॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рд╡ृ॒рдХ्рд╖ेрдн्рдпो॒ рд╣рд░ि॑рдХेрд╢ेрдн्рдпः рдкрд╢ू॒рдиां рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॑
рд╕॒рд╕्рдкिрдЮ्рдЬ॑рд░ाрдп॒ рдд्рд╡िрд╖ी॑рдорддे рдкрдеी॒рдиां рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рдмрдн्рд▓ु॒рд╢ाрдп॑ рд╡िрд╡्рдпा॒рдзिрдиेрд╜рди्рдиा॑рдиां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॒
рд╣рд░ि॑рдХेрд╢ाрдпोрдкрд╡ी॒рддिрдиे॑ рдкु॒рд╖्рдЯाрдиां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рдн॒рд╡рд╕्рдп॑ рд╣े॒рдд्рдпै рдЬрдЧ॑рддां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рд░ु॒рдж्рд░ाрдпा॑рддрддा॒рд╡िрдиे॒ рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░ा॑рдгां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॑
рд╕ू॒рддाрдпाрд╣॑рди्рдд्рдпाрдп॒ рд╡рдиा॑рдиां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рд░ोрд╣ि॑рддाрдп рд╕्рде॒рдкрдд॑рдпे рд╡ृ॒рдХ्рд╖ाрдгां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рдо॒рди्рдд्рд░िрдгे॑ рд╡ाрдгि॒рдЬाрдп॒ рдХрдХ्рд╖ा॑рдгां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рднुрд╡ं॒рддрдпे॑ рд╡ाрд░िрд╡рд╕्рдХृ॒рддाрдпौрд╖॑рдзीрдиां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдо॑
рдЙ॒рдЪ्рдЪैрд░्рдШो॑рд╖ाрдпाрдХ्рд░॒рди्рджрдп॑рддे рдкрдд्рддी॒рдиां рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॑
рдХृрдд्рд╕्рдирд╡ी॒рддाрдп॒ рдзाрд╡॑рддे॒ рд╕рдд्рд╡॑рдиां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоः॑ ॥

рдирдоः॒ рд╕рд╣॑рдоाрдиाрдп рдиिрд╡्рдпा॒рдзिрди॑ рдЖрд╡्рдпा॒рдзिрдиी॑рдиां॒
рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॑
рдХрдХु॒рднाрдп॑ рдиिрд╖॒рдЩ्рдЧिрдгे॑ рд╕्рддे॒рдиाрдиां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рдиिрд╖॒рдЩ्рдЧिрдг॑ рдЗрд╖ुрдзि॒рдорддे॒ рддрд╕्рдХ॑рд░ाрдгां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॒
рд╡рдЮ्рдЪ॑рддे рдкрд░ि॒рд╡рдЮ्рдЪ॑рддे рд╕्рддाрдпू॒рдиां рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рдиिрдЪे॒рд░рд╡े॑ рдкрд░िрдЪ॒рд░ाрдпाрд░॑рдг्рдпाрдиां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॑
рд╕ृрдХा॒рд╡िрдн्рдпो॒ рдЬिрдШा├│├и॑рд╕рдж्рдн्рдпो рдоुрд╖्рдг॒рддां рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рд╜рд╕ि॒рдордж्рдн्рдпो॒ рдирдХ्рддं॒ рдЪрд░॑рдж्рдн्рдпः рдк्рд░рдХृ॒рди्рддाрдиां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдо॑
рдЙрд╖्рдгी॒рд╖िрдгे॑ рдЧिрд░िрдЪ॒рд░ाрдп॑ рдХुрд▓ु॒рдЮ्рдЪाрдиां॒ рдкрдд॑рдпे॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдо॑
рдЗрд╖ु॑рдордж्рдн्рдпो рдзрди्рд╡ा॒рд╡िрдн्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдо॑
рдЖрддрди्рд╡ा॒рдиेрдн्рдпः॑ рдк्рд░рддि॒рджрдзा॑рдиेрдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдо॑
рдЖ॒рдпрдЪ्рдЫ॑рдж्рдн्рдпो рд╡िрд╕ृ॒рдЬрдж्рдн्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो
рд╜рд╕्рдп॑рдж्рдн्рдпो॒ рд╡िрдж्рдз्рдп॑рдж्рдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдо॒
рдЖрд╕ी॑рдиेрдн्рдпः॒ рд╢рдпा॑рдиेрдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॑
рд╕्рд╡॒рдкрдж्рдн्рдпो॒ рдЬाрдЧ्рд░॑рдж्рдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдо॒-
рд╕्рддिрд╖्рда॑рдж्рдн्рдпो॒ рдзाрд╡॑рдж्рдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॑
рд╕॒рднाрдн्рдпः॑ рд╕॒рднाрдк॑рддिрдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॒
рдЕрд╢्рд╡े॒рдн्рдпोрд╜рд╢्рд╡॑рдкрддिрдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоः॑ ॥

рдирдо॑ рдЖрд╡्рдпा॒рдзिрдиी॓рдн्рдпो рд╡ि॒рд╡िрдз्рдп॑рди्рддीрдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдо॒
рдЙрдЧ॑рдгाрдн्рдпрд╕्рддृ├│├ирд╣॒рддीрдн्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рдЧृ॒рдд्рд╕ेрдн्рдпो॑ рдЧृ॒рдд्рд╕рдк॑рддिрдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॒
рд╡्рд░ाрддे॓рдн्рдпो॒ рд╡्рд░ाрдд॑рдкрддिрдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рдЧ॒рдгेрдн्рдпो॑ рдЧ॒рдгрдк॑рддिрдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॒
рд╡ि॒рд░ू॑рдкेрдн्рдпो рд╡ि॒рд╢्рд╡рд░ू॑рдкेрдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рдо॒рд╣рдж्рдн्рдпः॑ рдХ्рд╖ुрд▓्рд▓॒рдХेрдн्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рд░॒рдеिрдн्рдпो॑рд╜рд░॒рдеेрдн्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॒ рд░рдеे॓рдн्рдпो
рд░рде॑рдкрддिрдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॒
рд╕ेрдиा॓рдн्рдпः рд╕ेрди॒рдиिрдн्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॑
рдХ्рд╖॒рдд्рддृрдн्рдпः॑ рд╕ंрдЧ्рд░рд╣ी॒рддृрдн्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдо॒-
рд╕्рддрдХ्рд╖॑рдн्рдпो рд░рдердХा॒рд░ेрдн्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॒
рдХुрд▓ा॑рд▓ेрдн्рдпः рдХ॒рд░्рдоाрд░े॓рдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॑
рдкु॒рдЮ्рдЬिрд╖्рдЯे॓рдн्рдпो рдиिрд╖ा॒рджेрдн्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдо॑
рдЗрд╖ु॒рдХृрдж्рдн्рдпो॑ рдзрди्рд╡॒рдХृрдж्рдн्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоो॑
рдоृрдЧ॒рдпुрдн्рдпः॑ рд╢्рд╡॒рдиिрдн्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоो॒ рдирдоः॒
рд╢्рд╡рдн्рдпः॒ рд╢्рд╡рдк॑рддिрдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ рд╡ो॒ рдирдоः॑ ॥

рдирдоो॑ рдн॒рд╡ाрдп॑ рдЪ рд░ु॒рдж्рд░ाрдп॑ рдЪ॒ рдирдоः॑ рд╢॒рд░्рд╡ाрдп॑ рдЪ рдкрд╢ु॒рдкрдд॑рдпे рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॒ рдиीрд▓॑рдЧ्рд░ीрд╡ाрдп рдЪ рд╢िрддि॒рдХрдг्рдаा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рдХрдк॒рд░्рджिрдиे॑ рдЪ॒ рд╡्рдпु॑рдк्рддрдХेрд╢ाрдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рд╕рд╣рд╕्рд░ा॒рдХ्рд╖ाрдп॑ рдЪ рд╢॒рддрдз॑рди्рд╡рдиे рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рдЧिрд░ि॒рд╢ाрдп॑ рдЪ рд╢िрдкिрд╡ि॒рд╖्рдЯाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рдоी॒рдвुрд╖्рдЯ॑рдоाрдп॒ рдЪेрд╖ु॑рдорддे рдЪ॒ рдирдоो॓ рд╣्рд░॒рд╕्рд╡ाрдп॑ рдЪ рд╡ाрдо॒рдиाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рдмृрд╣॒рддे рдЪ॒ рд╡рд░्рд╖ी॑рдпрд╕े рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рд╡ृ॒рдж्рдзाрдп॑ рдЪ рд╕ं॒рд╡ृрдж्рдз्рд╡॑рдиे рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॒ рдЕрдЧ्рд░ि॑рдпाрдп рдЪ рдк्рд░рде॒рдоाрдп॑ рдЪ॒ рдирдо॑ рдЖ॒рд╢рд╡े॑ рдЪाрдЬि॒рд░ाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॒ рд╢ीрдШ्рд░ि॑рдпाрдп рдЪ॒ рд╢ीрдн्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдо॑ рдК॒рд░्рдо्рдпा॑рдп рдЪाрд╡рд╕्рд╡॒рди्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рд╕्рд░ोрдд॒рд╕्рдпाрдп॑ рдЪ॒ рдж्рд╡ीрдк्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ ॥

рдирдоो॓ рдЬ्рдпे॒рд╖्рдаाрдп॑ рдЪ рдХрдиि॒рд╖्рдаाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рдкूрд░्рд╡॒рдЬाрдп॑ рдЪाрдкрд░॒рдЬाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рдордз्рдп॒рдоाрдп॑ рдЪाрдкрдЧ॒рд▓्рднाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рдЬрдШ॒рди्рдпाрдп॑ рдЪ॒ рдмुрдз्рдиि॑рдпाрдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рд╕ो॒рдн्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рдк्рд░рддिрд╕॒рд░्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॒ рдпाрдо्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдХ्рд╖ेрдо्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдо॑ рдЙрд░्рд╡॒рд░्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдЦрд▓्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॒ рд╢्рд▓ोрдХ्рдпा॑рдп рдЪाрд╡рд╕ा॒рди्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॒ рд╡рди्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдХрдХ्рд╖्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рд╢्рд░॒рд╡ाрдп॑ рдЪ рдк्рд░рддिрд╢्рд░॒рд╡ाрдп॑ рдЪ
рдирдо॑ рдЖ॒рд╢ुрд╖े॑рдгाрдп рдЪा॒рд╢ुрд░॑рдеाрдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॒ рд╢ूрд░ा॑рдп рдЪाрд╡рднिрди्рдж॒рддे рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рд╡॒рд░्рдоिрдгे॑ рдЪ рд╡рд░ू॒рдеिрдиे॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рдмि॒рд▓्рдоिрдиे॑ рдЪ рдХрд╡॒рдЪिрдиे॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рд╢्рд░ु॒рддाрдп॑ рдЪ  рд╢्рд░ुрддрд╕े॒рдиाрдп॑ рдЪ ॥

рдирдоो॑ рджुрди्рджु॒рдн्рдпा॑рдп рдЪाрд╣рди॒рди्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдирдоो॑ рдзृ॒рд╖्рдгрд╡े॑ рдЪ рдк्рд░рдоृ॒рд╢ाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рджू॒рддाрдп॑ рдЪ॒ рдк्рд░рд╣ि॑рддाрдп рдЪ॒ рдирдоो॑ рдиिрд╖॒рдЩ्рдЧिрдгे॑ рдЪेрд╖ुрдзि॒рдорддे॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдо॑рд╕्рддी॒рдХ्рд╖्рдгेрд╖॑рд╡े рдЪाрдпु॒рдзिрдиे рдЪ॒ рдирдоः॑ рд╕्рд╡ाрдпु॒рдзाрдп॑ рдЪ рд╕ु॒рдзрди्рд╡॑рдиे рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॒ рд╕्рд░ुрдд्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдкрде्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдирдоः॑ рдХा॒рдЯ्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рдиी॒рдк्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॒ рд╕ूрдж्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рд╕рд░॒рд╕्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдирдоो॑ рдиा॒рдж्рдпाрдп॑ рдЪ рд╡ैрд╢॒рди्рддाрдп॑ рдЪ
рдирдоः॒ рдХूрдк्рдпा॑рдп рдЪाрд╡॒рдЯ्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдирдоो॒ рд╡рд░्рд╖्рдпा॑рдп рдЪाрд╡॒рд░्рд╖्рдпाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рдоे॒рдШ्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рд╡िрдж्рдпु॒рдд्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдирдо॑ рдИ॒рдз्рд░िрдпा॑рдп рдЪाрдд॒рдк्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॒ рд╡ाрдд्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рд░ेрд╖्рдоि॑рдпाрдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рд╡ाрд╕्рдд॒рд╡्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рд╡ाрд╕्рддु॒рдкाрдп॑ рдЪ ॥

рдирдоः॒ рд╕ोрдоा॑рдп рдЪ рд░ु॒рдж्рд░ाрдп॑ рдЪ॒ рдирдо॑рд╕्рддा॒рдо्рд░ाрдп॑ рдЪाрд░ु॒рдгाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рд╢॒рдЩ्рдЧाрдп॑ рдЪ рдкрд╢ु॒рдкрдд॑рдпे рдЪ॒ рдирдо॑ рдЙ॒рдЧ्рд░ाрдп॑ рдЪ рднी॒рдоाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рдЕрдЧ्рд░ेрд╡॒рдзाрдп॑ рдЪ рджूрд░ेрд╡॒рдзाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рд╣॒рди्рдд्рд░े рдЪ॒ рд╣рдиी॑рдпрд╕े рдЪ॒ рдирдоो॑ рд╡ृ॒рдХ्рд╖ेрдн्рдпो॒ рд╣рд░ि॑рдХेрд╢ेрдн्рдпो॒
рдирдо॑рд╕्рддा॒рд░ाрдп॒ рдирдоः॑ рд╢ं॒рднрд╡े॑ рдЪ рдордпो॒рднрд╡े॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рд╢ंрдХ॒рд░ाрдп॑ рдЪ рдордпрд╕्рдХ॒рд░ाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рд╢ि॒рд╡ाрдп॑  рдЪ рд╢ि॒рд╡рдд॑рд░ाрдп рдЪ॒
рдирдо॒рд╕्рддीрд░्рде्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдХूрд▓्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рдкा॒рд░्рдпा॑рдп рдЪाрд╡ा॒рд░्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рдк्рд░॒рддрд░॑рдгाрдп рдЪो॒рдд्рддрд░॑рдгाрдп рдЪ॒
рдирдо॑ рдЖрддा॒рд░्рдпा॑рдп рдЪाрд▓ा॒рдж्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॒ рд╢рд╖्рдк्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдлेрди्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рд╕िрдХ॒рдд्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рдк्рд░рд╡ा॒рд╣्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ ॥

рдирдо॑ рдЗрд░ि॒рдг्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рдк्рд░॒рдкрде्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рдХि├│├ирд╢ि॒рд▓ाрдп॑ рдЪ॒ рдХ्рд╖рдп॑рдгाрдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рдХрдк॒рд░्рджिрдиे॑ рдЪ рдкुрд▓॒рд╕्рддрдпे॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॒ рдЧोрд╖्рда्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдЧृрд╣्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдо॒рд╕्рддрд▓्рдк्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒ рдЧेрд╣्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рдХा॒рдЯ्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рдЧрд╣्рд╡рд░े॒рд╖्рдаाрдп॑ рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॓ рд╣ृрдж॒рдп्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рдиिрд╡े॒рд╖्рдк्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рдкा├│├ирд╕॒рд╡्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рд░рдЬ॒рд╕्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॒ рд╢ुрд╖्рдХ्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рд╣рд░ि॒рдд्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॒ рд▓ोрдк्рдпा॑рдп рдЪोрд▓॒рдк्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдо॑ рдК॒рд░्рд╡्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рд╕ू॒рд░्рдо्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоः॑ рдк॒рд░्рдг्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ рдкрд░्рдгрд╢॒рдж्рдпा॑рдп рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑рд╜рдкрдЧु॒рд░рдоाрдгाрдп рдЪाрднिрдШ्рди॒рддे рдЪ॒
рдирдо॑ рдЖрдЦ्рдЦिрдж॒рддे рдЪ॑ рдк्рд░рдЦ्рдЦिрдж॒рддे рдЪ॒
рдирдоो॑ рд╡ः рдХिрд░ि॒рдХेрдн्рдпो॑ рджे॒рд╡ाрдиा॒├│├и॒ рд╣ृрдж॑рдпेрдн्рдпो॒
рдирдоो॑ рд╡िрдХ्рд╖ीрдг॒рдХेрдн्рдпो॒ рдирдоो॑ рд╡िрдЪिрди्рд╡॒рдд्рдХेрдн्рдпो॒
рдирдо॑ рдЖрдиिрд░्рд╣॒рддेрдн्рдпो॒ рдирдо॑ рдЖрдоीрд╡॒рдд्рдХेрдн्рдпः॑ ॥

рдж्рд░ाрдкे॒ рдЕрди्рдз॑рд╕рд╕्рдкрддे॒ рджрд░ि॑рдж्рд░॒рди्рдиीрд▓॑рд▓ोрд╣िрдд ।
рдП॒рд╖ां рдкुрд░ु॑рд╖ाрдгाрдоे॒рд╖ां рдк॑рд╢ू॒рдиां рдоा рднेрд░्рдоाрд░ो॒ рдоो рдП॑рд╖ां॒
рдХिंрдЪ॒рдиाрдо॑рдордд् ॥ резреж.рез॥

рдпा рддे॑ рд░ुрдж्рд░ рд╢ि॒рд╡ा рдд॒рдиूः рд╢ि॒рд╡ा рд╡ि॒рд╢्рд╡ाрд╣॑ рднेрд╖рдЬी ।
рд╢ि॒рд╡ा рд░ु॒рдж्рд░рд╕्рдп॑ рднेрд╖॒рдЬी рддрдпा॑ рдиो рдоृрдб рдЬी॒рд╡рд╕े॓ ॥ резреж.реи॥

рдЗ॒рдоा├│├ирд░ु॒рдж्рд░ाрдп॑ рдд॒рд╡рд╕े॑ рдХрдк॒рд░्рджिрдиे॓ рдХ्рд╖॒рдпрдж्рд╡ी॑рд░ाрдп॒ рдк्рд░рдн॑рд░ाрдорд╣े рдо॒рддिрдо् ।
рдпрдеा॑ рдиः॒ рд╢рдорд╕॑рдж्рдж्рд╡ि॒рдкрджे॒ рдЪрддु॑рд╖्рдкрджे॒ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ं॑ рдкु॒рд╖्рдЯं рдЧ्рд░ाрдоे॑
рдЕ॒рд╕्рдоिрди्рдирдиा॑рддुрд░рдо् ॥ резреж.рей॥

рдоृ॒рдбा рдиो॑ рд░ुрдж्рд░ो॒рддрдиो॒ рдордп॑рд╕्рдХृрдзि рдХ्рд╖॒рдп॑рдж्рд╡ीрд░ाрдп॒ рдирдо॑рд╕ा рд╡िрдзेрдо рддे ।
рдпрдЪ्рдЫं рдЪ॒ рдпोрд╢्рдЪ॒ рдордиु॑рд░ाрдп॒рдЬे рдкि॒рддा рддрдж॑рд╢्рдпाрдо॒ рддрд╡॑ рд░ुрдж्рд░॒ рдк्рд░рдгी॑рддौ ॥ резреж.рек॥

рдоा рдиो॑ рдо॒рд╣ाрди्рдд॑рдоु॒рдд рдоा рдиो॑ рдЕрд░्рдн॒рдХं рдоा рди॒ рдЙрдХ्рд╖॑рди्рдд-рдоु॒рдд рдоा рди॑ рдЙрдХ्рд╖ि॒рддрдо् ।
рдоा рдиो॑ рд╡рдзीः рдкि॒рддрд░ं॒ рдоोрдд рдоा॒рддрд░ं॑ рдк्рд░ि॒рдпा рдоा рди॑рд╕्рдд॒рдиुрд╡ो॑ рд░ुрдж्рд░ рд░ीрд░िрд╖ः ॥ резреж.рел॥

рдоाрди॑рд╕्рддो॒рдХे рддрди॑рдпे॒ рдоा рди॒ рдЖрдпु॑рд╖ि॒ рдоा рдиो॒ рдЧोрд╖ु॒ рдоा рдиो॒ рдЕрд╢्рд╡े॑рд╖ु рд░ीрд░िрд╖ः ।
рд╡ी॒рд░ाрди्рдоा рдиो॑ рд░ुрдж्рд░ рднाрдоि॒рддोрд╜рд╡॑рдзी-рд░्рд╣॒рд╡िрд╖्рдо॑рди्рддो॒ рдирдо॑рд╕ा рд╡िрдзेрдо рддे ॥ резреж.рем॥

рдЖрд░ाрдд्рддे॑ рдЧो॒рдШ्рди рдЙ॒рдд рдкू॑рд░ुрд╖॒рдШ्рдиे рдХ्рд╖॒рдпрдж्рд╡ी॑рд░ाрдп рд╕ु॒рдо्рдирдо॒рд╕्рдоे рддे॑ рдЕрд╕्рддु ।
рд░рдХ्рд╖ा॑ рдЪ рдиो॒ рдЕрдзि॑ рдЪ рджेрд╡ рдм्рд░ू॒рд╣्рдпрдеा॑ рдЪ рдиः॒ рд╢рд░्рдо॑ рдпрдЪ्рдЫ рдж्рд╡ि॒рдмрд░्рд╣ाः॓ ॥ резреж.рен॥

рд╕्рддु॒рд╣ि рд╢्рд░ु॒рддं рдЧ॑рд░्рдд॒рд╕рджं॒ рдпुрд╡ा॑рдиं рдоृ॒рдЧрди्рди рднी॒рдо-рдоु॑рдкрд╣॒рдд्рдиुрдоु॒рдЧ्рд░рдо् ।
рдоृ॒рдбा рдЬ॑рд░ि॒рдд्рд░े рд░ु॑рдж्рд░॒ рд╕्рддрд╡ा॑рдиो рдЕ॒рди्рдпрди्рддे॑ рдЕ॒рд╕्рдорди्рдиिрд╡॑рдкрди्рддु॒ рд╕ेрдиाः॓ ॥ резреж.рео॥

рдкрд░ि॑рдгो рд░ु॒рдж्рд░рд╕्рдп॑ рд╣ेрддिрд░्рд╡ृ॑рдгрдХ्рддु॒ рдкрд░ि॑ рдд्рд╡े॒рд╖рд╕्рдп॑ рджुрд░्рдо॒рддिрд░॑рдШा॒рдпोः ।
рдЕрд╡॑ рд╕्рдеि॒рд░ा рдордШ॑рд╡рдж्рдн्рдпрд╕्рддрдиुрд╖्рд╡॒ рдоीрдв्рд╡॑рд╕्рддो॒рдХाрдп॒ рддрди॑рдпाрдп рдоृрдбрдп ॥ резреж.реп॥

рдоीрдвु॑рд╖्рдЯрдо॒ рд╢िрд╡॑рддрдо рд╢ि॒рд╡ो рдиः॑ рд╕ु॒рдордиा॑ рднрд╡ ।
рдк॒рд░॒рдоे॒ рд╡ृ॒рдХ्рд╖ рдЖрдпु॑рдзं рдиि॒рдзाрдп॒ рдХृрдд्рддिं॒ рд╡рд╕ा॑рди рдЖрдЪ॑рд░॒ рдкिрдиा॑рдХं॒ рд╡िрдн्рд░॒рджाрдЧ॑рд╣ि ॥ резреж.резреж॥

рд╡िрдХि॑рд░िрдж॒ рд╡िрд▓ो॑рд╣िрдд॒ рдирдо॑рд╕्рддे рдЕрд╕्рддु рднрдЧрд╡ः ।
рдпाрд╕्рддे рд╕॒рд╣рд╕्рд░├│├и॑рд╣े॒рддрдпो॒рд╜рди्рдпрдо॒рд╕्рдорди्рдиिрд╡॑рдкрди्рддु॒ рддाः ॥ резреж.резрез॥

рд╕॒рд╣рд╕्рд░ा॑рдгि рд╕рд╣рд╕्рд░॒рдзा рдмा॑рд╣ु॒рд╡ोрд╕्рддрд╡॑ рд╣े॒рддрдпः॑ ।
рддाрд╕ा॒рдоीрд╢ा॑рдиो рднрдЧрд╡ः рдкрд░ा॒рдЪीрдиा॒ рдоुрдЦा॑ рдХृрдзि ॥ резреж.резреи॥

рд╕॒рд╣рд╕्рд░ा॑рдгि рд╕рд╣рд╕्рд░॒рд╢ो рдпे рд░ु॒рдж्рд░ा рдЕрдзि॒ рднूрдо्рдпा॓рдо् ।
рддेрд╖ा├│├и॑рд╕рд╣рд╕्рд░рдпोрдЬ॒рдиेрд╜рд╡॒рдзрди्рд╡ा॑рдиि рддрди्рдорд╕ि ॥ резрез.рез॥

рдЕ॒рд╕्рдоिрди् рдо॑рд╣॒рдд्рдпрд░्рдг॒рд╡े॓рд╜рди्рддрд░ि॑рдХ्рд╖े рдн॒рд╡ा рдЕрдзि॑ ॥ резрез.реи॥
рдиीрд▓॑рдЧ्рд░ीрд╡ाः рд╢िрддि॒рдХрдг्рдаाः॓ рд╢॒рд░्рд╡ा рдЕ॒рдзः рдХ्рд╖॑рдоाрдЪ॒рд░ाः ॥ резрез.рей॥
рдиीрд▓॑рдЧ्рд░ीрд╡ाः рд╢िрддि॒рдХрдг्рдаा॒ рджिрд╡├│├и॑рд░ु॒рдж्рд░ा рдЙрдк॑рд╢्рд░िрддाः ॥ резрез.рек॥
рдпे рд╡ृ॒рдХ्рд╖ेрд╖ु॑ рд╕॒рд╕्рдкिंрдЬ॑рд░ा॒ рдиीрд▓॑рдЧ्рд░ीрд╡ा рд╡िрд▓ो॑рд╣िрддाः ॥ резрез.рел॥
рдпे рднू॒рддाрдиा॒рдордзि॑рдкрддрдпो рд╡िрд╢ि॒рдЦाрд╕ः॑ рдХрдк॒рд░्рджिрдиः॑ ॥ резрез.рем॥
рдпे рдЕрди्рдиे॑рд╖ु рд╡ि॒рд╡िрдз्рдп॑рди्рддि॒ рдкाрдд्рд░े॑рд╖ु॒ рдкिрдмрддो॒ рдЬрдиाрди्॑ ॥ резрез.рен॥
рдпे рдк॒рдеां рдк॑рдеि॒рд░рдХ्рд╖॑рдп рдРрд▓рдмृ॒рджा рдп॒рд╡्рдпुрдзः॑ ॥ резрез.рео॥
рдпे рддी॒рд░्рдеाрдиि॑ рдк्рд░॒рдЪрд░॑рди्рддि॒ рд╕ृ॒рдХाрд╡॑рди्рддो рдиिрд╖॒рдЩ्рдЧिрдгः॑ ॥ резрез.реп॥
рдп рдП॒рддाрд╡॑рди्рддрд╢्рдЪ॒ рднूрдпा├│├и॑рд╕рд╢्рдЪ॒ рджिрд╢ो॑ рд░ु॒рдж्рд░ा рд╡ि॑рддрд╕्рдеि॒рд░े ।
рддेрд╖ा├│├и॑рд╕рд╣рд╕्рд░-рдпोрдЬ॒рдиे рд╜рд╡॒рдзрди्рд╡ा॑рдиि рддрди्рдорд╕ि ॥ резрез.резреж॥
рдирдоो॑ рд░ु॒рдж्рд░ेрдн्рдпो॒ рдпे рдкृ॑рдеि॒рд╡्рдпां рдпे॓ рд╜рди्рддрд░ि॑рдХ्рд╖े॒
рдпे рджि॒рд╡ि рдпेрд╖ा॒рдорди्рдиं॒ рд╡ाрддो॑ рд╡॒рд░्рд╖॒рдоिрд╖॑рд╡॒-рд╕्рддेрдн्рдпो॒ рджрд╢॒
рдк्рд░ाрдЪी॒рд░्рджрд╢॑ рджрдХ्рд╖ि॒рдгा рджрд╢॑ рдк्рд░॒рддीрдЪी॒рд░्рджрд╢ोрджी॑рдЪी॒рд░्рджрд╢ो॒рд░्рдз्рд╡ाрд╕्рддेрдн्рдпो॒
рдирдо॒рд╕्рддे рдиो॑ рдоृрдбрдпрди्рддु॒ рддे рдпं рдж्рд╡ि॒рд╖्рдоो рдпрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдиो॒ рдж्рд╡ेрд╖्рдЯि॒
рддं рд╡ो॒ рдЬрдо्рднे॑ рджрдзाрдоि ॥ резрез.резрез॥

рдд्рд░्рдпं॑рдмрдХं рдпрдЬाрдорд╣े рд╕ुрдЧ॒рди्рдзिं рдкु॑рд╖्рдЯि॒рд╡рд░्рдз॑рдирдо् ।
рдЙ॒рд░्рд╡ा॒рд░ु॒рдХрдоि॑рд╡॒ рдмрди्рдз॑рдиाрди्рдоृ॒рдд्рдпो-рд░्рдоु॑рдХ्рд╖ीрдп॒ рдоाрд╜рдоृрддा॓рдд् ॥ рез॥

рдпो рд░ु॒рдж्рд░ो рдЕ॒рдЧ्рдиौ рдпो рдЕ॒рдк्рд╕ु рдп рдУрд╖॑рдзीрд╖ु॒ ।
рдпो рд░ु॒рдж्рд░ो рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ा॒ рднुрд╡॑рдиाрд╜рд╜рд╡ि॒рд╡ेрд╢॒ рддрд╕्рдоै॑ рд░ु॒рдж्рд░ाрдп॒ рдирдоो॑ рдЕрд╕्рддु ॥ реи॥

рддрдоु॑рд╖्рдЯुрд╣ि॒ рдпः рд╕्рд╡ि॒рд╖ुः рд╕ु॒рдзрди्рд╡ा॒ рдпो рд╡ि॑рд╢्рд╡рд╕्рдп॒ рдХ्рд╖॑рдпрддि рднेрд╖॒рдЬрд╕्рдп॑ ।
рдпрдХ्рд╖्рд╡ा॓рдо॒рд╣े рд╕ौ॓рдорди॒рд╕ाрдп॑ рд░ु॒рдж्рд░ं рдирдоो॓рднि рд░्рджे॒рд╡рдорд╕ु॑рд░ं рджुрд╡рд╕्рдп ॥ рей॥

рдЕ॒рдпं рдоे॒ рд╣рд╕्рддो॒ рднрдЧ॑рд╡ाрди॒рдпं рдоे॒ рднрдЧ॑рд╡рдд्рддрд░ः ।
рдЕ॒рдпं рдоे॓ рд╡ि॒рд╢्рд╡-рднे॓рд╖рдЬो॒рд╜рдп├│├и рд╢ि॒рд╡ाрднि॑рдорд░्рд╢рдиः ॥ рек॥

рдпे рддे॑ рд╕॒рд╣рд╕्рд░॑рдо॒рдпुрддं॒ рдкाрд╢ा॒ рдоृрдд्рдпो॒ рдорд░्рдд्рдпा॑рдп॒ рд╣рди्рдд॑рд╡े ।
рддाрди् рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮрд╕्рдп॑ рдоा॒рдпрдпा॒ рд╕рд░्рд╡ा॒рдирд╡॑ рдпрдЬाрдорд╣े ।
рдоृ॒рдд्рдпрд╡े॒ рд╕्рд╡ाрд╣ा॑ рдоृ॒рдд्рдпрд╡े॒ рд╕्рд╡ाрд╣ा॓ ॥ рел॥

рдУं рдирдоो рднрдЧрд╡рддे рд░ुрдж्рд░ाрдп рд╡िрд╖्рдгрд╡े рдоृрдд्рдпु॑рд░्рдоे рдкा॒рд╣ि ।
рдк्рд░ाрдгाрдиां рдЧ्рд░рди्рдеिрд░рд╕ि рд░ुрдж्рд░ो рдоा॑ рд╡िрд╢ा॒рди्рддрдХः ।
рддेрдиाрди्рдиेрдиा॓рдк्рдпाрдп॒рд╕्рд╡ ॥ рем॥
рдирдоो рд░ुрдж्рд░ाрдп рд╡िрд╖्рдгрд╡े рдоृрдд्рдпुрд░्рдоे рдкाрд╣ि

॥ рдУं рд╢ाрди्рддिः॒ рд╢ाрди्рддिः॒ рд╢ाрди्рддिः॑ ॥


॥ рдЪрдордХрдк्рд░рд╢्рдиः ॥

рдЕрдЧ्рдиा॑рд╡िрд╖्рдгू рд╕рдЬोрд╖॑рд╕े॒рдоा рд╡рд░्рдз॑рди्рддु рд╡ां॒ рдЧिрд░ः॑ ।
рдж्рдпुрдо्рдиैрд░्рд╡ाрдЬे॑рднि॒рд░ाрдЧ॑рддрдо् ।
рд╡ाрдЬ॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдк्рд░рд╕॒рд╡рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒
рдк्рд░рдп॑рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдк्рд░рд╕ि॑рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдзी॒рддिрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдХ्рд░рддु॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рд╕्рд╡рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╢्рд▓ोрдХ॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рд╢्рд░ा॒рд╡рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╢्рд░ुрддि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рдЬ्рдпोрддि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╕ुрд╡॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдк्рд░ा॒рдгрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоेрд╜рдкा॒рдирд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे
рд╡्рдпा॒рдирд╢्рдЪ॒ рдоेрд╜рд╕ु॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдЪि॒рдд्рддं рдЪ॑ рдо॒ рдЖрдзी॑рддं рдЪ рдоे॒
рд╡ाрдХ्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдордирд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдЪрдХ्рд╖ु॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╢्рд░ोрдд्рд░ं॑ рдЪ рдоे॒ рджрдХ्рд╖॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рдмрд▓ं॑ рдЪ рдо॒ рдУрдЬ॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╕рд╣॑рд╢्рдЪ рдо॒ рдЖрдпु॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдЬ॒рд░ा рдЪ॑ рдо рдЖ॒рдд्рдоा рдЪ॑ рдоे рдд॒рдиूрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╢рд░्рдо॑ рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╡рд░्рдо॑ рдЪ॒ рдоे
рд╜рдЩ्рдЧा॑рдиि рдЪ рдоे॒рд╜рд╕्рдеाрдиि॑ рдЪ рдоे॒ рдкрд░ू├│├и॑рд╖ि рдЪ рдоे॒
рд╢рд░ीрд░ा॑рдгि рдЪ рдоे ॥ рез॥

рдЬ्рдпैрд╖्рда्рдпं॑ рдЪ рдо॒ рдЖрдзि॑рдкрдд्рдпं рдЪ рдоे рдо॒рди्рдпुрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒
рднाрдо॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоेрд╜рдо॑рд╢्рдЪ॒ рдоेрд╜рдо्рдн॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдЬे॒рдоा рдЪ॑ рдоे рдорд╣ि॒рдоा рдЪ॑ рдоे
рд╡рд░ि॒рдоा рдЪ॑ рдоे рдк्рд░рдеि॒рдоा рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╡॒рд░्рд╖्рдоा рдЪ॑ рдоे рдж्рд░ाрдШु॒рдпा рдЪ॑ рдоे
рд╡ृ॒рдж्рдзं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╡ृрдж्рдзि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рд╕॒рдд्рдпं рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╢्рд░॒рдж्рдзा рдЪ॑ рдоे॒
рдЬрдЧ॑рдЪ्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдзрдиं॑ рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╡рд╢॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдд्рд╡िрд╖ि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдХ्рд░ी॒рдбा рдЪ॑ рдоे॒
рдоोрдж॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдЬा॒рддं рдЪ॑ рдоे рдЬрдиि॒рд╖्рдпрдоा॑рдгं рдЪ рдоे рд╕ू॒рдХ्рддं рдЪ॑ рдоे
рд╕ुрдХृ॒рддं рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╡ि॒рдд्рддं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╡ेрдж्рдпं॑ рдЪ рдоे рднू॒рддं рдЪ॑ рдоे
рднрд╡ि॒рд╖्рдпрдЪ्рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╕ु॒рдЧं рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╕ु॒рдкрдеं рдЪ рдо рдЛ॒рдж्рдзं рдЪ॑ рдо॒
рдЛрдж्рдзि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдХ्~рд▓ु॒рдк्рддं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдХ्~рд▓ुрдк्рддि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдо॒рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рд╕ुрдо॒рддिрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे ॥ реи॥

рд╢ं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдордп॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдк्рд░ि॒рдпं рдЪ॑ рдоेрд╜рдиुрдХा॒рдорд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒
рдХाрдо॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рд╕ौрдорди॒рд╕рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдн॒рдж्рд░ं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╢्рд░ेрдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рд╡рд╕्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдпрд╢॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рднрдЧ॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдж्рд░рд╡ि॑рдгं рдЪ рдоे
рдп॒рди्рддा рдЪ॑ рдоे рдз॒рд░्рддा рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдХ्рд╖ेрдо॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдзृрддि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ं॑ рдЪ рдоे॒ рдорд╣॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рд╕ं॒рд╡िрдЪ्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдЬ्рдЮाрдд्рд░ं॑ рдЪ рдоे॒
рд╕ूрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдк्рд░॒рд╕ूрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╕ी॑рд░ं рдЪ рдоे рд▓॒рдпрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдо рдЛ॒рддं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒
рд╜рдоृ॑рддं рдЪ рдоेрд╜рдп॒рдХ्рд╖्рдоं рдЪ॒ рдоेрд╜рдиा॑рдордпрдЪ्рдЪ рдоे рдЬी॒рд╡ाрддु॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рджीрд░्рдШाрдпु॒рдд्рд╡ं рдЪ॑ рдоेрд╜рдирдоि॒рдд्рд░ं рдЪ॒ рдоेрд╜рдн॑рдпं рдЪ рдоे рд╕ु॒рдЧं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒
рд╢рдп॑рдиं рдЪ рдоे рд╕ू॒рд╖ा рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╕ु॒рджिрдиं॑ рдЪ рдоे ॥ рей॥

рдКрд░्рдХ्рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╕ू॒рдиृрддा॑ рдЪ рдоे॒ рдкрдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд░рд╕॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдШृ॒рддं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдордзु॑ рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╕рдЧ्рдзि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╕рдкी॑рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдХृ॒рд╖िрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╡ृрд╖्рдЯि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдЬैрдд्рд░ं॑ рдЪ рдо рдФ॒рдж्рднि॑рдж्рдпं рдЪ рдоे
рд░॒рдпिрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд░ाрдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдкु॒рд╖्рдЯं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдкुрд╖्рдЯि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рд╡ि॒рднु рдЪ॑ рдоे рдк्рд░॒рднु рдЪ॑ рдоे рдм॒рд╣ु рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рднूрдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдкू॒рд░्рдгं рдЪ॑ рдоे рдкू॒рд░्рдгрдд॑рд░ं рдЪ॒ рдоेрд╜рдХ्рд╖ि॑рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдХूрдп॑рд╡ाрд╢्рдЪ॒ рдоे
рд╜рди्рдиं॑ рдЪ॒ рдоेрд╜рдХ्рд╖ुрдЪ्рдЪ рдоे рд╡्рд░ी॒рд╣िрдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдпрд╡ा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдоाрд╖ा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рддिрд▓ा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдоु॒рдж्рдЧाрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдЦрд▓्рд╡ा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдЧो॒рдзूрдоा॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдо॒рд╕ुрд░ा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдк्рд░ि॒рдпंрдЧ॑рд╡рд╢्рдЪ॒ рдоेрд╜рдгрд╡рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рд╢्рдпा॒рдоाрдХा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдиी॒рд╡ाрд░ा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдоे ॥ рек॥

рдЕрд╢्рдоा॑ рдЪ рдоे॒ рдоृрдд्рддि॑рдХा рдЪ рдоे рдЧि॒рд░рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдкрд░्рд╡॑рддाрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рд╕िрдХ॑рддाрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╡рди॒рд╕्рдкрдд॑рдпрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╣िрд░॑рдг्рдпं рдЪ॒ рдоे
рд╜рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╕ीрд╕ं॑ рдЪ рдоे॒ рдд्рд░рдкु॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рд╢्рдпा॒рдоं рдЪ॑ рдоे
рд▓ो॒рд╣ं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒рд╜рдЧ्рдиिрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдо॒ рдЖрдк॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рд╡ी॒рд░ुрдз॑рд╢्рдЪ рдо॒
рдУрд╖॑рдзрдпрд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдХृрд╖्рдЯрдк॒рдЪ्рдпं рдЪ॑ рдоेрд╜рдХृрд╖्рдЯрдк॒рдЪ्рдпं рдЪ॑ рдоे
рдЧ्рд░ाрдо्рдпाрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдк॒рд╢рд╡॑ рдЖрд░॒рдг्рдпाрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкрди्рддां
рд╡ि॒рдд्рддं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╡िрдд्рддि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рднू॒рддं рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рднूрддि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рд╡рд╕ु॑ рдЪ рдоे рд╡рд╕॒рддिрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдХрд░्рдо॑ рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╢рдХ्рддि॑рд╢्рдЪ॒ рдоे
рд╜рд░्рдерд╢्рдЪ॑ рдо॒ рдПрдо॑рд╢्рдЪ рдо॒ рдЗрддि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдЧрддि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे ॥ рел॥

рдЕ॒рдЧ्рдиिрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╕ोрдо॑рд╢्рдЪ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рд╕рд╡ि॒рддा рдЪ॑ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╕рд░॑рд╕्рд╡рддी рдЪ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдкू॒рд╖ा рдЪ॑ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдмृрд╣॒рд╕्рдкрддि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдоि॒рдд्рд░рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╡рд░ु॑рдгрд╢्рдЪ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рдд्рд╡рд╖्рдЯा॑ рдЪ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдзा॒рддा рдЪ॑ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рд╡िрд╖्рдгु॑рд╢्рдЪ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒рд╜рд╢्рд╡िрдиौ॑  рдЪ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдо॒рд░ुрдд॑рд╢्рдЪ  рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡े॑ рдЪ  рдоे рджे॒рд╡ा рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдкृрдеि॒рд╡ी рдЪ॑  рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒рд╜рди्рддрд░ि॑рдХ्рд╖ं рдЪ  рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рдж्рдпौрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рджिрд╢॑рд╢्рдЪ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдоूрд░्рдзा рдЪ॑ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдк्рд░॒рдЬाрдк॑рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдо॒ рдЗрди्рдж्рд░॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे ॥ рем॥

рдЕ॒├│├и॒рд╢ुрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рд░॒рд╢्рдоिрд╢्рдЪ॒ рдоेрд╜рджा॓рдн्рдпрд╢्рдЪ॒ рдоेрд╜рдзि॑рдкрддिрд╢्рдЪ рдо
рдЙрдкा॒├│├и॒рд╢ुрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоेрд╜рди्рддрд░्рдпा॒рдорд╢्рдЪ॑ рдо рдРрди्рдж्рд░рд╡ाрдп॒рд╡рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे
рдоैрдд्рд░ाрд╡рд░ु॒рдгрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдо рдЖрд╢्рд╡ि॒рдирд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдк्рд░рддिрдк्рд░॒рд╕्рдеाрди॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рд╢ु॒рдХ्рд░рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдо॒рди्рдеी рдЪ॑ рдо рдЖрдЧ्рд░рдп॒рдгрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡рджे॒рд╡рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे
рдз्рд░ु॒рд╡рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡ाрди॒рд░рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдо рдЛрддुрдЧ्рд░॒рд╣ाрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे
рд╜рддिрдЧ्рд░ा॒рд╣्рдпा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдо рдРрди्рдж्рд░ा॒рдЧ्рдирд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡рджे॒рд╡рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे
рдорд░ुрдд्рд╡॒рддीрдпा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдоाрд╣े॒рди्рдж्рд░рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдо рдЖрджि॒рдд्рдпрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे
рд╕ाрд╡ि॒рдд्рд░рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╕ाрд░рд╕्рд╡॒рддрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдкौ॒рд╖्рдгрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे
рдкाрдд्рдиीрд╡॒рддрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╣ाрд░िрдпोрдЬ॒рдирд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे ॥ рен॥

рдЗ॒рдз्рдорд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдм॒рд░्рд╣िрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╡ेрджिрд╢्॑рдЪ рдоे॒ рдзिрд╖्рдгि॑рдпाрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рд╕्рд░ुрдЪ॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдЪрдо॒рд╕ाрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдЧ्рд░ाрд╡ा॑рдгрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╕्рд╡рд░॑рд╡рд╢्рдЪ рдо
рдЙрдкрд░॒рд╡ाрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╜рдзि॒рд╖рд╡॑рдгे рдЪ рдоे рдж्рд░ोрдгрдХрд▓॒рд╢рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे
рд╡ाрдп॒рд╡्рдпा॑рдиि рдЪ рдоे рдкूрдд॒рднृрдЪ्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдЖрдзрд╡॒рдиीрдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рдо॒
рдЖрдЧ्рдиी॓рдз्рд░ं рдЪ рдоे рд╣рд╡ि॒рд░्рдзाрдиं॑ рдЪ рдоे рдЧृ॒рд╣ाрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╕рдж॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдкुрд░ो॒рдбाрд╢ा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдкрдЪ॒рддाрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоेрд╜рд╡рднृ॒рдерд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे
рд╕्рд╡рдЧाрдХा॒рд░рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे ॥ рео॥

рдЕ॒рдЧ्рдиिрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдз॒рд░्рдорд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒рд╜рд░्рдХрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╕ूрд░्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдк्рд░ा॒рдгрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоेрд╜рд╢्рд╡рдоे॒рдзрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдкृрдеि॒рд╡ी рдЪ॒ рдоे рд╜рджि॑рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рджिрддि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдж्рдпौрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╢рдХ्рд╡॑рд░ीрд░॒рдЩ्рдЧुрд▓॑рдпो рджिрд╢॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкрди्рддा॒рдоृрдХ्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рд╕ाрдо॑ рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╕्рддोрдо॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рдпрдЬु॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рджी॒рдХ्рд╖ा рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рддрдк॑рд╢्рдЪ рдо рдЛ॒рддुрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╡्рд░рддं рдЪ॑ рдоे
рд╜рд╣ोрд░ा॒рдд्рд░рдпो॓рд░्рд╡ृ॒рд╖्рдЯ्рдпा рдмृ॑рд╣рдж्рд░рдерди्рдд॒рд░े рдЪ॑ рдоे рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкेрддाрдо् ॥ реп॥

рдЧрд░्рднा॓рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рд╡॒рдд्рд╕ाрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдд्рд░्рдпрд╡ि॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоे рдд्рд░्॒рдп॒рд╡ी рдЪ॑ рдоे
рджिрдд्рдп॒рд╡ाрдЯ् рдЪ॑ рдоे рджिрдд्рдпौ॒рд╣ी рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдкрдЮ्рдЪा॑рд╡िрд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рдкрдЮ्рдЪा॒рд╡ी рдЪ॑ рдоे рдд्рд░िрд╡॒рдд्рд╕рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдд्рд░िрд╡॒рдд्рд╕ा рдЪ॑ рдоे
рддुрд░्рдп॒рд╡ाрдЯ् рдЪ॑ рдоे рддुрд░्рдпौ॒рд╣ी рдЪ॑ рдоे рдкрд╖्рда॒рд╡ाрдЯ् рдЪ॑ рдоे рдкрд╖्рдаौ॒рд╣ी рдЪ॑ рдо
рдЙ॒рдХ्рд╖ा рдЪ॑ рдоे рд╡॒рд╢ा рдЪ॑ рдо рдЛрд╖॒рднрд╢्рдЪ рдоे рд╡े॒рд╣рдЪ्рдЪ॑ рдоे
рд╜рди॒рдб्рд╡ाрдЮ्рдЪ॑ рдоे рдзे॒рдиुрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдо॒ рдЖрдпु॑рд░्рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкрддां
рдк्рд░ा॒рдгो рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди рдХрд▓्рдкрддाрдордкा॒рдиो рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкрддां
рд╡्рдпा॒рдиो рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкрддां॒ рдЪрдХ्рд╖ु॑рд░्рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкрддा॒├│├и॒
рд╢्рд░ोрдд्рд░ं॑ рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкрддां॒ рдордиो॑ рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкрддां॒
рд╡ाрдЧ्рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкрддाрдоा॒рдд्рдоा рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкрддां
рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮो рдп॒рдЬ्рдЮेрди॑ рдХрд▓्рдкрддाрдо्  ॥ резреж॥

рдПрдХा॑ рдЪ рдоे рддि॒рд╕्рд░рд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдкрдЮ्рдЪ॑ рдЪ рдоे рд╕॒рдк्рдд рдЪ॑ рдоे॒
рдирд╡ рдЪ рдо॒ рдПрдХा॑рджрд╢ рдЪ рдоे॒ рдд्рд░рдпो॑рджрд╢ рдЪ рдоे॒ рдкंрдЪ॑рджрд╢ рдЪ рдоे
рд╕॒рдк्рддрдж॑рд╢ рдЪ рдоे॒ рдирд╡॑рджрд╢ рдЪ рдо॒ рдПрдХ॑ рд╡ि├│├ирд╢рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рдд्рд░рдпो॑рд╡ि├│├ирд╢рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॑ рдкंрдЪ॑рд╡ि├│├ирд╢рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे
рд╕॒рдк्рддрд╡ि॒├│├и॑рд╢рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдирд╡॑рд╡ि├│├ирд╢рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдо॒
рдПрдХ॑рдд्рд░ि├│├ирд╢рдЪ्рдЪ рдоे॒ рдд्рд░рдп॑рд╕्рдд्рд░ि├│├ирд╢рдЪ्рдЪ рдоे॒
рдЪрдд॑рд╕्рд░рд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒рд╜рд╖्рдЯौ рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдж्рд╡ाрдж॑рд╢ рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╖ोрдб॑рд╢ рдЪ рдоे
рд╡ि├│├ирд╢॒рддिрд╢्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒ рдЪрддु॑рд░्рд╡ि├│├ирд╢рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒рд╜рд╖्рдЯाрд╡ि├│├и॑рд╢рддिрд╢्рдЪ рдоे॒
рдж्рд╡ाрдд्рд░ि├│├и॑рд╢рдЪ्рдЪ рдоे॒ рд╖рдЯ्рдд्рд░ि├│├и॑рд╢рдЪ्рдЪ рдоे рдЪрдд्рд╡рд░ि॒├│├и॒рд╢рдЪ्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒
рдЪрддु॑рд╢्рдЪрдд्рд╡ाрд░ि├│├ирд╢рдЪ्рдЪ॑ рдоे॒рд╜рд╖्рдЯाрдЪ॑рдд्рд╡ाрд░ि├│├ирд╢рдЪ्рдЪ рдоे॒
рд╡ाрдЬ॑рд╢्рдЪ рдк्рд░рд╕॒рд╡рд╢्рдЪा॑рдкि॒рдЬрд╢्рдЪ॒ рдХ्рд░рддु॑рд╢्рдЪ॒ рд╕ुрд╡॑рд╢्рдЪ рдоू॒рд░्рдзा рдЪ॒
рд╡्рдпрд╢्рдиि॑рдпрд╢्рдЪाрди्рдд्рдпाрдп॒рдирд╢्рдЪाрди्рдд्рдп॑рд╢्рдЪ рднौрд╡॒рдирд╢्рдЪ॒
рднुрд╡॑рди॒рд╢्рдЪाрдзि॑рдкрддिрд╢्рдЪ ॥ резрез॥

рдЗрдбा॑ рджेрд╡॒рд╣ूрд░्рдордиु॑рд░्рдпрдЬ्рдЮ॒рдиीрд░्рдмृрд╣॒рд╕्рдкрддिрд░ुрдХ्рдеाрдо॒рджाрдиि॑
рд╢├│├ирд╕िрд╖॒рдж्рд╡िрд╢्рд╡े॑рджे॒рд╡ाः рд╕ू॓рдХ्рдд॒рд╡ाрдЪः॒ рдкृрдеि॑рд╡ीрдоाрдд॒рд░्рдоा
рдоा॑ рд╣ि├│├ирд╕ी॒рд░्рдордзु॑ рдордиिрд╖्рдпे॒ рдордзु॑ рдЬрдиिрд╖्рдпे॒ рдордзु॑ рд╡рдХ्рд╖्рдпाрдоि॒
рдордзु॑ рд╡рджिрд╖्рдпाрдоि॒ рдордзु॑рдорддीं рджे॒рд╡ेрдн्рдпो॒ рд╡ाрдЪ॑рдоुрдж्рдпाрд╕├│├и
рд╢ुрд╢्рд░ू॒рд╖ेрдг्рдпां॓ рдордиु॒рд╖्рдпे॑рдн्рдп॒рд╕्рддं рдоा॑ рджे॒рд╡ा рдЕ॑рд╡рди्рддु
рд╢ो॒рднाрдпै॑ рдкि॒рддрд░ोрд╜рдиु॑рдорджрди्рддु ॥

॥ рдУं рд╢ाрди्рддिः॒ рд╢ाрди्рддिः॒ рд╢ाрди्рддिः॑ ॥

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