Saturday, March 7, 2015

ShriGopalKavacham (Krishna stotra.28)

ShriGopalKavacham (Krishna stotra.28)

ShriGopalKavacham is in Sanskrit. It is from Narad PanchaRatre, Dnyanamrutsare, and ChaturthaRatre. This is told to Goddess Parvati by God Mahadev. The devotee who recites this Kavacham every day becomes free from all his troubles which are created by his enemies. It is said that this kavacham is to recited first and then any pooja of God Gopalkrishna can be perform to receive the blessings.
श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥
श्रीमहादेव उवाच ॥
अथ वक्ष्यामि कवचं गोपालस्य जगद्गुरोः ।
यस्य स्मरणमात्रेण जीवनमुक्तो भवेन्नरः ॥ १ ॥
श्रृणु देवि प्रवक्ष्यामि सावधानावधारय ।
नारदोऽस्य ऋषिर्देवि छंदोऽनुष्टुबुदाह्रतम् ॥ २ ॥
देवता बालकृष्णश्र्च चतुर्वर्गप्रदायकः ।
शिरो मे बालकृष्णश्र्च पातु नित्यं मम श्रुती ॥ ३ ॥
नारायणः पातु कंठं गोपीवन्द्यः कपोलकम् ।
नासिके मधुहा पातु चक्षुषी नंदनंदनः ॥ ४ ॥
जनार्दनः पातु दंतानधरं माधवस्तथा ।
ऊर्ध्वोष्ठं पातु वाराहश्र्चिबुकं केशिसूदनः ॥ ५ ॥
ह्रदयं गोपिकानाथो नाभिं सेतुप्रदः सदा ।
हस्तौ गोवर्धनधरः पादौ पीतांबरोऽवतु ॥ ६ ॥
करांगुलीः श्रीधरो मे पादांगुल्यः कृपामयः ।
लिंगं पातु गदापाणिर्बालक्रीडामनोरमः ॥ ७ ॥
जग्गन्नाथः पातु पूर्वं श्रीरामोऽवतु पश्र्चिमम् ।
उत्तरं कैटभारिश्र्च दक्षिणं हनुमत्प्रभुः ॥ ८ ॥
आग्नेयां पातु गोविंदो नैर्ऋत्यां पातु केशवः ।
वायव्यां पातु दैत्यारिरैशान्यां गोपनंदनः ॥ ९ ॥
ऊर्ध्वं पातु प्रलंबारिरधः कैटभमर्दनः ।
शयानं पातु पूतात्मा गतौ पातु श्रियःपतिः ॥ १० ॥
शेषः पातु निरालम्बे जाग्रद्भावे ह्यपांपतिः ।
भोजने केशिहा पातु कृष्णः सर्वांगसंधिषु ॥ ११ ॥
गणनासु निशानाथो दिवानाथो दिनक्षये ।
इति ते कथितं दिव्यं कवचं परमाद्भुतम् ॥ १२ ॥
यः पठेन्नित्यमेवेदं कवचं प्रयतो नरः ।
तस्याशु विपदो देवि नश्यंति रिपुसंधतः ॥ १३ ।
अंते गोपालचरणं प्राप्नोति परमेश्र्वरि ।
त्रिसंध्यमेकसंध्यं वा यः पठेच्छृणुयादपि ॥ १४ ॥
तं सर्वदा रमानाथः परिपाति चतुर्भुजः ।
अज्ञात्वा कवचं देवि गोपालं पूजयेद्यदि ॥ १५ ॥
सर्व तस्य वृथा देवि जपहोमार्चनादिकम् ।
सशस्रघातं संप्राप्य मृत्युमेति न संशयः ॥ १६ ॥
॥ इति नारदपंचरात्रे ज्ञानामृतसारे चतुर्थरात्रे श्रीगोपालकवचं संपूर्णम् ॥


Sri Gopala Kavacham

Translated by

( Though Gopala means a cowherd and is one of the names of Krishna,  it could also mean the protector of all beings.)

Sri Mahadeva Uvacha:-
Lord Shiva said:-

1.Adha  vakshyami  kavacham  Gopalasya Jagad guro ,
Yasya smarana mathrena Jeevanmuktho Bhaved nara

Now I am going to tell that Armour of Gopala , who is the world teacher,
Remembering which   a man would   get salvation.

2.Srunu devi pravakshyami saavadhanaa avadharaya,
Naradasya  rishir devi chandho  anushtubudahrutham.
Devatha Balakrishnasca  Chathur varga pradhayaka

Hear oh Goddess,  I am going to telling  that  armour carefully,
And its sage is Narada and meter is Anushtup.
The god addressed is the baby Krishna  and,
This is being chanted to get Dharma, wealth , desire  and salvation.

Om Asya Sri Gopala kavachasya  Narada rishi , Anushtup Chanda , Sri Balakrishno devatha , Dharma artha   kama mokshartha Jape viniyoga

Om , ts sage is Narada and meter is Anushtup.
The god addressed is the baby Krishna  and,
This is being chanted to get Dharma, wealth , desire  and salvation.

3.Siro may Balakrishna pathu  , nithyam mama sruthi
Let my head be protected by baby Krishna, this is my Veda.
4.Narayana pathu kandam , gopi vandhya kapolakam,
Nasike Madhuhaa pathu , chakshushi Nandanandana.

Let Narayana protect my neck , the worshipful  Govinda  my cheeks,
Let my nose be protected by killer of Madhu  and let son of Nanda protect my eyes.

5.Jananardhana pathu Danda adharam  Madhavasthadaa,
Urvoshtam  pathu varahaa  schibulam  Kesi soodhana

Let Janardhana protect my teeth  and let my lips be protected by Madhava,
Let my lips be protected by Varaha  and let the killer of Kesi  protect  my chin

6.Hrudayam Gopika Nadho , Nabhim sethu  pradha sadaa,
Hasthou Govardhanadhara , Padhou peethambaro  Aavathu.

Let my heart be protected by Lord of Gopis, 
Let my navel be always protected by him who built the Sethu(bridge),
Let my hands be protected by him who lifted Govardhana mountain,
And let my legs be protected by him who wears yellow silk.

7.Karanguleem Sridharo  may Padangulya Krupamaya,
Lingam pathu  Gadhapani , bala Kreeda manohara.

Let my fingers be  protected  by  Sridhara,
Let my toes  of feet  be protected by the merciful one ,
Let my private parts be protected  by he who holds the mace ,
Who is also a child  who looks pretty when he plays.

8.Jagannadha pathu poorvam, , Sr Ramo avathu paschima,
Utharam  Kadibarischa , dakshinam Hadhumath Prabhu.

Let  the east be protected by  the Lord of the universe,
Let my west be  protected  by Lord Rama,
Let my north be protected by the enemy of Kaidaba,
And my south be protected by the worshipful Lord.

9.Agneyam pathu  Govindaa , nairytathyam pathu Kesava,
Vayavyam  pathu daithyari , eesanyaam  Gopa Nandana.

Let Govinda protect the south east, Let Kesava protect my South west,
Let the enemy of asuras protect my north west and son of Gopa protect my North west.

10.OOrdhwam  pathu pralambari aRadha Kaidaba mardhana,
Sayaanaam pathu poothathma , gandhou pathu sriya pathi

Let my top side br protected  by the enemy of Pralamba,
Let the killer of Kaidaba protect me while worshipping,
Let the soul of all beings  protect when I am sleeping,
And let my smell be protected  by the Lord of Lakshmi.

11.Sesha pahu niralambe , jagrad bhave  ahypampathi,
Bhojane kesiha  pathu Krishna   SArvanda sandhishuy.

Let Adhi Sesha protect me when I do not have help,
Let the Lord of the snake  protect  when I am alert,
Let  the killer of Kesi  protect  when I am taking food,
And let Krishna  protect all my body and joints.

12.Gananasu  , Nisanadho , dhivanadho , dhinakshaye ,
Ithi they kathidham divyam kavacham paramadbutham.

Take in to account the   lord of the night, lord of the day at the end of the day,
Thus he told this divine armour  which is wonderful.

13.Ya padenithyam mevedam  kavacham prayatho nara,
Thasyasu  vipadho devi  nasyanthi ripi samgatha.

If this is read daily and understood by a pious man,
All his  adversities would be destroyed along with his enemies, Oh Goddess

14.Anthe Gopalacharanam prapnothi parameswari,
Trisandhye ,yeka sandhyam vaa  ya padeth  srunuyadhapi,

15. Thath sarvadho Remanadha  paripathi  chathurbhuja,
Ajnathwa  kavacham  devi gopalam  poojyedhyadhi

16.Sarvan thasya  vrudha devi , japa homarchanadhikam ,
Na Sasthra gatham sampapya   mruthyumethi na samsaya.

In the end he would attain the feet of Gopala , Oh goddess,
He who reads it  either at dawn, dusk and noon  or one of those times,
Would be protected always by the four armed consort of Lakshmi .
Oh Goddess ,   if one is ignorant  of this armour even  if  one  worships   Gopala,
Or chants  ,  does fire sacrifices  and  performs worship it would all be in vain
And he  would  reach his end  by  the wound caused by a weapon.

       Ithi Sri Narada Pancha Thanthre  Sri Gopala Kavacham sampoornam
      Thus ends the armour of Gopala occurring in Narada Pancha Thanthra

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