Monday, March 9, 2015

Rampremastakam(Ram stotra.10)

Rampremastakam(Ram stotra.10)

बन्धूकपुष्पसदृशाधरपाणिपादम् ।
सीतासहायमुदितं धृतचापबाणं
रामं नमामि शिरसा रमणीयवेषम् ॥ १ ॥
पटुजलधरधीरध्वानमादाय चापं
पवनदमनमेकं बाणमाकृष्य तूणात् ।
अभयवचनदायी सानुजः सर्वतो मे
रणहतदनुजेन्द्रो रामचन्द्रः सहायः ॥ २ ॥
दशवदनसकोपः क्षालिताशेषपापः ।
कृतसुररिपुतापो नन्दितानेकभूपो
विगततिमिरपङ्को रामचन्द्रः सहायः ॥ ३ ॥
कुवलयदलनीलः कामितार्थप्रदो मे
कृतमुनिजनरक्षो रक्षसामेकहन्ता ।
अपहृतदुरितोऽसौ नाममात्रेण पुंसा-
मखिलसुरनृपेन्द्रो रामचन्द्रः सहायः ॥ ४ ॥
सुरनरनिकराणामग्रणीर्मे रघूणाम् ।
अगणितगुणसीमा नीलमेघौघधामा
शमदमितमुनीन्द्रो रामचन्द्रः सहायः ॥ ५ ॥
कुशिकतनययागं रक्षिता लक्ष्मणाढ्यः
पवनशरनिकायक्षिप्तमारीचमायः ।
विदलितहरचापो मेदिनीनन्दनाया
नयनकुमुदचन्द्रो रामचन्द्रः सहायः ॥ ६ ॥
कलशभववचोभिः प्राप्तमाहेन्द्रधन्वा ।
अपरिमितशरौघैः पूर्णतूणीरधीरो
लघुनिहतकपीन्द्रो रामचन्द्रः सहायः ॥ ७ ॥
कनकविमलकान्त्या सीतयालिङ्गिताङ्गो
मुनिमनुजवरेण्यः सर्ववागीशवन्द्यः ।
स्वजननिकरबन्धुर्लीलया बद्धसेतुः
सुरमनुजकपीन्द्रो रामचन्द्रः सहायः ॥ ८ ॥
यामुनाचार्यकृतं दिव्यं रामाष्टकमिदं शुभम् ।
यः पठेत् प्रयतो भूत्वा स श्रीरामान्तिकं व्रजेत् ॥ ९ ॥


Rama Premashtakam
(The octet of love to Lord Rama)


(Yamunacharya is also known as Alavandar and was the Guru of saint Ramanuja. He has written several stotras in Tamil as well as Sanskrit. In the last stanza , it is clearly mentiones that it was composed by Yamunacharya.This poem is taken from the book Stotra Rathnavali published by Gita press Gorakhpur. This stotra  is not mentioned in the list of great works by this saint There is a possibility that this was written by some other Yamunacharya.)

Translated by


Shyama ambu dhabha maravinda  vishala nethram,
Bandhooka pushpa sadrusadhara pani padam,
Sita sahayamuditham drutha chapa banam,
Ramam namami sirasa Ramaneeya vesham.                                    1

I salute that Rama who has a pretty form,
Who is blue like a rich black cloud,
Who has broad eyes resembling Lotus,
Whose lips, arms and legs are red,
And shine like the Bandhooka flowers,
Who with help of Sita looks great,
And who has the bow and arrow ready.

Patu jala dhara dheeradhwana maadhaya chapam,
Pavana dhamana mekam banamakrushya thoonaath,
Abhaya vachanadhayi  sanuja sarvatho may,
Rana hatha dhanujendro  Ramachandra sahaya.                               2

My help is Ramachandra , who killed the king of Rakshasas,,
Who is heroic and great like the proud clouds,
Who with the twang sound took one arrow from its quiver,
Telling the words of protection and who is always with his brother.

Dasaratha kula dheepo ameya bahu prathapo ,
Dasa vadana sakopa kshalitha sesha papa,
Krutha sura ripu thapo nandithaneka bhoopo,
Vigatha thimira panko , Ramachandra Sahaya.                                     3

My help is Ramachandra , who is without any dark stains,
Who is the lamp in the clan of king Dasaratha,
Whose fame of valour is incomparable,
Who was angry with Ravana, Who drives away all sins,
Who gives pain to Asuras and happiness  to all kings.

Kuvalaya dala neela  kamithartha pradho may,
Krutha muni jana raksho Rakshasameka hantha,
Apahrutha duritho asow nama mathrena pumsa,
Makhila sura nrupendro , Ramachandra sahaya.                                      4

My help is Ramachandra, who is the lord of all devas and kings,
Who is blue like the blue lotus , who fulfills all my wishes,
Who protects all sages , who kills all Rakshasas all alone,
And who destroys all sins , just by chant of his name “Rama”.

Asura kula krusanur manasambhoja bhanu,
Sura nara nikaranaamagraneer may  Raghoonaam,
Aganitha guna seema , neela meghou ka dhama,
Samadha mitha muneendro , Ramachandra Sahaya.                                   5

 My help is Ramachandra, who beats all sages in being peaceful,
Who is the fire that destroys the clan of Asuras,
Who is the  incomparable sun that opens,
The lotus of the minds of  the groups of men and devas ,
Who is the top most boundary of all that is good,
And who is of the blue colour of the rich cloud.

Kusi kathanaya yagam rakshithaa Lakshmanadya,
Pavana  sara nikaya kshiptha  maricha maya,
Vidalitha hara chapo  medhini nandanaya,
Nayana kumudha chandro, Ramachandra Sahaya.                                       6

My help is Ramachandra, who is the moon to the lotus eyes,
Of  the daughter of earth, whom he married after breaking a bow,
Who saved the fire sacrifice of Viswamithra along with Lakshmana,
And who with his fast wind like arrows put an end to the magic of Mareecha.

Pavana thanaya hastha  padambhujathma .
Kalasa bhava vachobhi praptha mahendra dhanwa,
Aparimithasaroughou  poorva thoonira dheero,
Laghu nihatha kapeendro , Ramachandra sahaya.                                           7

My help is Ramachandra, who easily killed the king of monkeys,
Who kept his lotus like feet on the hands of  the son of wind god,
Who as per words of Agasthya , made Indra’s bow as his,
And Who is the brave one with  an inexhaustible quiver.

Kanaka vimala kanthya , sita aalingithango,
Muni manuja varenya , sarva vagheesa vandhya,
Swa jana nikara bandhur leelaya baddha sethu,
Sura manuja kapeendro , Ramachandra sahaya.                                              8

My help is Ramachandra , who is the lord of devas, men and monkeys,
Who is embraced by Sita  who shines like the  pure Gold,
Who is venerated by sages and men, Who is saluted by all poets,
Who is the close friend of his devotees and made the bridge over sea as a play.

Yamunacharya krutham divyam Ramashtakamidham Shubham,
Ya padeth prayatho bhoothwa  sa Sri Ramanthikam vrajeth.                            9

If this holy octet on Rama , which was composed by Yamanucharya,
Is read , with a pure heart , he would live very near to Lord Rama.

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