Friday, March 6, 2015

Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala (Krishna stotra.23)

Krishna Govinda Govinda Gopala (Krishna stotra.23)
Krsna Govinda Govinda Gopala Nanda Lala



govinda govinda gopāla nanda lāla

kṛṣṇa govinda govinda gopāla nanda lāla


he gopāla!

maṇi māla manohara kaṇṭḥa meń ho

pahane ura meń vanamālā raho

karate nita rāsa vilāsa raho

liye sańga sadā vraja vāsa raho


apane mukha candra ke candrikā se

ulabijli kī ye ujiyārā raho

in nayanoń meń nitya dayā karake

tuma nācate nanda ke lālā raho


tumhe dekh kar aji jī cāhatā hai

tumhe prāṇa priyatama āńkhoń meń biṭhāe

agara āsamāń taka rasāī ho apani

to tumhe āja tāroń ke mālā pahanāe


tere pāūń dhoye, hama phūloń ke rasse

tuma āja nahalāe, hama cāndanī se

baḍi der se bīd ke muntaśir hai

jo tuma muskurāo, to ham muskurāye


hai yād teri kitani mīṭhī

is dil chipāyi baiṭhī hūń

tasavīr teri rasiyā priyatama

is dil meń basāye baiṭhī hūń


har māńg tumhara milane ke hai

dil meń bahuta ghanaśyāma mere

un aramāno se is dil ke

maiń duniyā basāye baiṭhi hūń


kaba āoge kuch k͟habar to do

becaina hai dil is piḍahana kā

kaba se tumhāri rāhoń meń

halakoń bichāye baiṭḥi hūń


maiń dīna duḥkhi gunahīna sahī

para tuma to karuṇā sāgara ho

teri karuṇā para hī he priyatama!

maiń āsa lagāye baiṭhi huń


maiń qābil nā sahī, para śauqa to hai

dīdāra tumhāre kā mohana

isi dāńw pe apane jīvana kī

maiń bāzi lagāye baiṭhi hūń


(Refrain) O Govinda, the pleasure of the senses of the cows, O Gopala, the cow caretaker, the son of Nanda Maharaja, O Krsna, the all attractive, Govinda! Gopala! Nanda-lala!

1) O Gopala! You wear a necklace of jewels around Your neck. You wear a garland of flowers around Your stomach. You are eternally performing playful pastimes and always residing in Vraja.

2) The moonshine from Your moon-like face illuminates like the strike of a lightning bolt. Please be eternally merciful to these eyes and keep performing Your dance, O son of Nanda Maharaja!

3) Having seen You, O I further desire to install You in my eyes, O love of my life. If You are a rope as high as the skies, then I would adorn You with a garland of stars.

4) I would adorn You with a flower garland, wash Your feet, and bathe You with sandlewood paste. For the longest time, I have been suffering. If you smile, then I can only smile.

5) I have many sweet memories of You that are hidden in this heart. Your mellow-like face, O beloved, is installed in my heart.

6) Every desire in my heart is greatly centered on meeting You again, O Dark Cloud Complexioned like Syama! With all of these hopes in my heart, I am sitting in the world.

7) Please give some news on when You are coming, as my heart is very restless in separation. Since the longest time, I look to the route attempting to listen my heart.

8) I am fallen, sad, and without any good qualities, but You are the ocean of mercy. Hoping receive Your mercy, O beloved one, I sit here with such a hope.

9) Of course, I am not worthy of this, yet my heart still is very interested in seeing You, O Mohana! With putting my entire life at stake, I risk the fate of my life for You.


The chant in the refrain is frequently chanted alone. Verses 1 through 9 is essentially an alankāra (improvised lyrics based on the mood) from the Radha Ramana Temple tracks.

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