Sunday, March 8, 2015

Jatayu krit Rama Stotram (Ram stotra.4)

Jatayu krit Rama Stotram   (Ram stotra.4)                              
 अगणितगुणमप्रमेयमाद्यं सकलजगत्स्थितिसंयमादिहेतुम् ।
उपरमपरमं परात्मभूतं सततमहं प्रणतोऽस्मि रामचन्द्रम् ॥ २ ॥
निरवधिसुखमिन्दिराकटाक्षं क्षपितसुरेन्द्रचतुर्मुखादिदुःखम् ।
नरवरमनिशं नतोऽस्मि रामं वरदमहं वरचापबाणहस्तम् ॥ २ ॥
त्रिभुवनकमनीयरूपमीड्यं रविशतभासुरमीहितप्रदानम् ।
शरणदमनिशं सुरागमूले कृतनिलयं रघुनन्दनं प्रपद्ये ॥ ३ ॥
भवविपिनदवाग्निनामधेयं भवमुखदैवतदैवतं दयालुम् ।
दनुजपतिसहस्रकोटिनाशं रवितनयासदृशं हरिं प्रपद्ये ॥ ४ ॥
अविरतभवभावनातिदूरं भवविमुखैर्मुनिभिस्सदैव दृश्यम् ।
भवजलधिसुतारणाङ्घ्रिपोतं शरणमहं रघुनन्दनं प्रपद्ये ॥ ५ ॥
गिरिशगिरिसुतामनोनिवासं गिरिवरधारिणमीहिताभिरामम् ।
सुरवरदनुजेन्द्रसेविताङ्घ्रिं सुरवरदं रघुनायकं प्रपद्ये ॥ ६ ॥
परधनपरदारवर्जितानां परगुणभूतिषु तुष्टमानसानाम् ।
परहितनिरतात्मनां सुसेव्यं रघुवरमम्बुजलोचनं प्रपद्ये ॥ ७ ॥
स्मितरुचिरविकासिताननाब्जमतिसुलभं सुरराजनीलनीलम् ।
सितजलरुहचारुनेत्रशोभं रघुपतिमीशगुरोर्गुरुं प्रपद्ये ॥ ८ ॥
हरिकमलजशंभुरूपभेदात्त्वमिह विभासि गुणत्रयानुवृत्तः ।
रविरिव जलपूरितोदपात्रेष्वमरपतिस्तुतिपात्रमीशमीडे ॥ ९ ॥
रतिपतिशतकोटिसुन्दराङ्गं शतपथगोचरभावनाविदूरम् ।
यतिपतिहृदये सदा विभातं रघुपतिमार्तिहरं प्रभुं प्रपद्ये ॥ १० ॥
इत्येवं स्तुवतस्तस्य प्रसन्नोऽभूद्रघूत्तमः ।
उवाच गच्छ भद्रं ते मम विष्णोः परं पदम् ॥ १२ ॥
शृणोति य इदं स्तोत्रं लिखेद्वा नियतः पठेत् ।
स याति मम सारूप्यं मरणे मत्स्मृतिं लभेत् ॥ १३ ॥
इति राघवभाषितं तदा श्रुतवान् हर्षसमाकुलो द्विजः
रघुनन्दनसाम्यमास्थितः प्रययौ ब्रह्मसुपूजितं पदम् ॥ १४ ॥

Rama Stotram
                                                 (From Adhyathma Ramayana)
                                                           Translated by

(Jatayu is a great devotee and friend of Lord Rama. He was the son of Aruna. When Sita was being abducted by Ravana, he fought with Ravana and was killed by him. Rama did the obsequies of this great devotee.)     

Aganitha guna maprameya madhyam,
Sakala jagat sthithi samyamathi hethum,
Uparamamaparam parathma bhootham,
Satatamaham pranothosmi Ramachandram.      1

I always salute that Ramachandra,
Who has immeasurable good qualities,
Who can never be completely known,
Who is the first among every one,
Who is the cause of  all things in entire universe,
Who is inside and outside of everything,
And who is the first of all beings.

Niravadhi sukha mindira kadaksham,
Kshapitha surendra chathur mukhadhi dukham,
Naravaramanisam nathosmi ramam,
Varadamaham vara chapa bana hastham.             2

I always salute that Rama,
Who is with immeasurable pleasure,
Who is receiving side long glances of Lakshmi,
Who destroys sorrow of Devendra ,Brahma and others,
Who has been born as a king,
Who is the giver of boons,
And who has great bows and arrows.

Tribhuvana kamaneeya roopa meedyam,
Ravi satha bhasura meehitha pradhanam,
Saranadamanisam suraga moole,
Krutha nilayam raghu nandanam prapadhye.           3

I seek protection of the son of Raghu clan,
Who has the prettiest form in all the three worlds,
Who should be meditated upon,
Who has the luster of hundred suns,
Who grants all desires, who gives protection,
And who is in the root of wish giving tree.

Bhava vipina bhavagni namadheyam,
Bhava mukha daivatha daivatham dayalum,
Danujapathi sahasra koti nasam,
Ravi thanaya sadrusam harim prapadhye.                   4

I seek the protection of Lord Hari,
Who is the forest fire to life’s sorrows,
Who is God even to lord Shiva and others,
Who is extremely merciful,
Who has killed billions of asuras,
And who is as black as river Kalindi.

Aviratha bhava bhaavanathi dhooram,
Bhava vimukhair  munibhi sadaiva drusyam,
Bhava jaladhi  sutharanangripotham,
Saranamaham  raghu nanadanam prapadhye.               5

I seek the protection of the son of Raghu clan,
Who is beyond reach to those caught in worldly pleasures,
Who can always be seen by sages who have forsaken the world,
And who has the lotus feet ,which easily makes you cross the ocean of life,

Gireesa giri sutha mano nivasam,
Giri vara dharina meehithabhi ramam,
Sura vara dhanujendra  sevethangrim,
Sura varadam raghu nayakam prapadhye.                        6

I salute that Lord of the Raghu clan,
Who is in the minds of Shiva and Parvathi,
Who wears the mountain and who grants desires,
Whose feet is being worshipped by devas and asuras,
And who gives boons to devas.

Paradhana para dhara varjithanam,
Paraguna bhoothishu  thushta manasanaam,
Para hitha nirathathmanaam  susevyam,
Raghu varamambhuja lochanam prapadhye.                          7

I seek the protection ,of the boon of the Raghu clan,
Who does not desire the wealth and wife of others,
Who is not jealous of  fame and wealth of others,
Who is always interested in doing good to others,
And who has lotus like eyes.

Smitha ruchira vikasithananabhjam,
Mathi sulabham sura raja neela neelam,
Sitha jala ruha charu nethra shobham,
Raghupathi mesa  guror gurum prapadhye.                              8      

I seek protection of the chief of Raghu clan,
Who has a smiling face resembling well opened lotus flower,
Who can be easily approached,
Who is of the colour of the blue lotus,
Who has pretty eyes like the white lotus flower,
And who is the teacher of teachers.

Hari kamalaja shambhu roopa bhedha,
Thwamiha vibhasi guna thraayanuvrutha,
Raviriva jala poorithodhapathre,
Shamarapari sthuthi pathra mesa meede.                                   9

I pray that God who is saluted by all devas,
Who can be seen as Shiva, Brahma or Vishnu,
Who has recognized the three qualities of  Sathva , Rajas and Thamas,
And who shines like the image of Sun in billions of pots of water.

Rathi pathi satha koti sundarangam,
Satha padha gochara bhavana vidhooram,
Yathipathi hrudhaye sada vibhantham,
Raghu pathi marthi haram  prabhum prabadhye.                           10

I seek protection of the chief of Raghu clan,
Who is as pretty as billions of  Manmathas*,
Who is beyond the reach of  minds which are attached,
Who always shines in the minds of Lord Shiva,
Who destroys all sorrows and who is the Lord.
                    * God of  love

Ithyevam sthuvathsathya  prasannobhoothragothama,
Uvacha gacha bhadaram they mama vishno prama padam,
Srunothi ya idham stotram likhedhwa niyatha padeth,
Sa yathi mama saroopyam marane math smrutheem labheth.          11

The greatest among the Raghu clan ,
After hearing this prayer from Jatayu,
Became pleased and told,
“You may get all that is good,
And attain the nearness to Lord Vishnu.
He who reads, writes , hears o tells,
This greatest of prayers,
Would attain my nearness,
And would remember me at the time of death.”

you may see different but related

Srjan - Jatayu Mokshya(from Ram charita manas)

Anup Jalota Bhajan - Ram Katha Mein Veer Jatayu


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