Friday, March 6, 2015

Ashtalakshmi Stotram (Krishna stotra.16)

Ashtalakshmi Stotram  (Krishna stotra.16)

       Ashtalakshmi Stotram (with sanskrit sub titles)
.अष्ट लक्ष्मी स्तोत्रम्

सुमनस वन्दित सुन्दरि माधवि, चन्द्र सहोदरि हेममये
मुनिगण वन्दित मोक्षप्रदायनि, मञ्जुल भाषिणि वेदनुते ।
पङ्कजवासिनि देव सुपूजित, सद्गुण वर्षिणि शान्तियुते
जय जयहे मधुसूदन कामिनि, आदिलक्ष्मि परिपालय माम् ॥ 1 ॥
अयिकलि कल्मष नाशिनि कामिनि, वैदिक रूपिणि वेदमये
क्षीर समुद्भव मङ्गल रूपिणि, मन्त्रनिवासिनि मन्त्रनुते ।
मङ्गलदायिनि अम्बुजवासिनि, देवगणाश्रित पादयुते
जय जयहे मधुसूदन कामिनि, धान्यलक्ष्मि परिपालय माम् ॥ 2 ॥
जयवरवर्षिणि वैष्णवि भार्गवि, मन्त्र स्वरूपिणि मन्त्रमये
सुरगण पूजित शीघ्र फलप्रद, ज्ञान विकासिनि शास्त्रनुते ।
भवभयहारिणि पापविमोचनि, साधु जनाश्रित पादयुते
जय जयहे मधु सूधन कामिनि, धैर्यलक्ष्मी परिपालय माम् ॥ 3 ॥
जय जय दुर्गति नाशिनि कामिनि, सर्वफलप्रद शास्त्रमये
रधगज तुरगपदाति समावृत, परिजन मण्डित लोकनुते ।
हरिहर ब्रह्म सुपूजित सेवित, ताप निवारिणि पादयुते
जय जयहे मधुसूदन कामिनि, गजलक्ष्मी रूपेण पालय माम् ॥ 4 ॥
अयिखग वाहिनि मोहिनि चक्रिणि, रागविवर्धिनि ज्ञानमये
गुणगणवारधि लोकहितैषिणि, सप्तस्वर भूषित गाननुते ।
सकल सुरासुर देव मुनीश्वर, मानव वन्दित पादयुते
जय जयहे मधुसूदन कामिनि, सन्तानलक्ष्मी परिपालय माम् ॥ 5 ॥
जय कमलासिनि सद्गति दायिनि, ज्ञानविकासिनि गानमये
अनुदिन मर्चित कुङ्कुम धूसर, भूषित वासित वाद्यनुते ।
कनकधरास्तुति वैभव वन्दित, शङ्करदेशिक मान्यपदे
जय जयहे मधुसूदन कामिनि, विजयलक्ष्मी परिपालय माम् ॥ 6 ॥
प्रणत सुरेश्वरि भारति भार्गवि, शोकविनाशिनि रत्नमये
मणिमय भूषित कर्णविभूषण, शान्ति समावृत हास्यमुखे ।
नवनिधि दायिनि कलिमलहारिणि, कामित फलप्रद हस्तयुते
जय जयहे मधुसूदन कामिनि, विद्यालक्ष्मी सदा पालय माम् ॥ 7 ॥
धिमिधिमि धिन्धिमि धिन्धिमि-दिन्धिमि, दुन्धुभि नाद सुपूर्णमये
घुमघुम घुङ्घुम घुङ्घुम घुङ्घुम, शङ्ख निनाद सुवाद्यनुते ।
वेद पूराणेतिहास सुपूजित, वैदिक मार्ग प्रदर्शयुते
जय जयहे मधुसूदन कामिनि, धनलक्ष्मि रूपेणा पालय माम् ॥ 8 ॥
श्लो॥ अष्टलक्ष्मी नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणि ।
विष्णुवक्षः स्थला रूढे भक्त मोक्ष प्रदायिनि ॥
श्लो॥ शङ्ख चक्रगदाहस्ते विश्वरूपिणिते जयः ।
जगन्मात्रे च मोहिन्यै मङ्गलं शुभ मङ्गलम् ॥

1.Victory and victory to Adhi

darling of the killer of Madhu,
Who is worshipped by all good people,
Who is pretty and sister of the moon,,
looks as if she is made of gold,
Who is saluted by all groups of sages,
Who grants salvation,
Who talks sweet words,
Who is praised by Vedas,
Who lives on the Lotus flower,
Who is worshipped by all devas,
Who showers good qualities on people,
And who is t
he personification of peace,
Please protect me always.

2.Victory and victory to Danyalakshmi
darling of the killer of Madhu,
Who destroys bad effects of kali yuga,
Who is most desirable god,
Who is p
ersonification of Vedas,
Who is pervaded by the Vedas,
Who arose out of milk
Who is the form of all that is good,
Who lives in the sacred chants,
Who lives on the lotus flower,
And whose feet is worshipped by devas,
Please protect me always

3.Victory and
victory to Dairya
darling of the killer of Madhu
Who is described by victorious and blessed,
Who is the shakthi which came out of Vishnu,
Who is the daughter of sage Bhargava,
form is that of sacred chants,
Who is pervaded by sacred chants,
Who is worshipped by all devas,
Who gives results fast,
Who improves
Who is worshipped by shastras,
Who destroys fear ,
Who gives redemption

from sins,
And whose feet is worshi
pped by holy people,
Who lives on the lotus flower,
Please protect me always.

4.Victory and victory to Gajalakshmi

darling of the killer of Madhu,

Victory and victory to you ,
Who removes bad fate,

Who is desirable God,
Who is the personification of shastras,

Which bless one with all that is asked,
Who is surrounded by an army of elephants,
Chariots, horses and cavalry,
Who is worshipped and served by,
Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma,
And whose feet prov
ides relief from suffering,
Please protect me always

5.Victory and victory to Santhanalakshmi
darling of the killer of Madhu,

Who rides on the bird,
Who is the ocean of good qualities,

Who is an enchantress,Who is the consort

of he who holds the chakra,
Who pacifies emotions,
Who is pervaded by knowledge,
Who is ocean of good qualities,
Who has her mind in the good of all the world,
Who is worshipped by the music of seven swaras,
And who is worshipped by all devas, asuras,

Sages and all humans,

Please protect me always.

6.Victory and victory to Vijaya
The darling of the killer of Madhu,

Victory to she who sits on the lotus,
Who blesses us with salvation,
Who spreads o
ur knowledge,
Who is pervaded with music,
Who is coated with the saffron powder,
Which is daily used to worship her,
Who is worshipped by
playing of
musical instruments,
And who was pleased
by the prayer,
Of the golden rain by the great Sankara,
protect me always

7.Victory and victory to Vidhyalakshmi
darling of the killer of Madhu
Who is the pleased goddess of devas,
Who is he goddess of Bharatha,

Who is the daughter of sage
Who removes all sorrows,
Who is fully ornamented by precious stones,
Who wears several gem studded ornaments,
Whose ear is decorated,
Who is the abode of peace,
Who has a smiling face,
Who blesses us with nine types of wealth,
Who steals away ba
d effects of kali,
And whose hands blesses us,
For fulfillment of our wish,
Please protect me always

8.Victory and victory to Danalakshmi
darling of the killer of Madhu,Who is fully complete with ,
sounds of the drum,
And the majestic sound of conch,

Gumguma, ghum
mkuma , gunguma,
Who is worshipped by Vedas and puranas,
And who shows the path of religious

Please protect me always
Also lakshmi stotra.3)

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