Monday, January 26, 2015


    (श्री शंकराचार्यकृतं)

सुवक्षोजकुम्भां सुधापूर्णकुंभां
प्रसादावलम्बां प्रपुण्यावलंबाम् ।
सदास्येन्दुबिम्बां सदानोष्ठबिम्बां
भजे शारदाम्बां अजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ १ ॥

कटाक्षे दयार्द्रां करे ज्ञानमुद्रां
कलाभिर्विनिद्रां कलापैः सुभद्राम् ।
पुरस्त्रीं विनिद्रां पुरस्तुङ्गभद्रां
भजे शारदाम्बां अजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ २ ॥

ललामाङ्कफालां लसत्गानलोलां
स्वभक्तैकपालां यशः श्री कपोलाम् ।
करेत्वक्षमालां कनत्प्रत्नलोलां
भजे शारदाम्बां अजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ३ ॥

सुसीमन्तवेणीं दृशानिर्जितैणीं
रमत् कीरवाणीं नमत् वज्रपाणीम् ।
सुधामन्थरास्यां मुदा चिन्त्यवेणीं
भजे शारदाम्बां अजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ४ ॥

सुशान्तां सुदेहां दृगन्ते कचान्तां
लसत् सल्लताङ्गीं अनन्तामचिन्त्याम् ।
स्मरेत्तापसैः सङ्गपूर्वस्थितां तां
भजे शारदाम्बां अजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ५ ॥

कुरंगे तुरंगे मृगेन्द्रे खदेन्द्रे
मराले मदेभे महोक्षेऽधिरूढाम् ।
महत्यां नवम्यां सदा सामरूपां
भजे शारदाम्बां अजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ६ ॥

ज्वलत् कान्ति वह्निं जगन्मोहनाङ्गीं
भजे मानसांभोजसुभ्रांतभृंगीम् ।
भजे शारदाम्बां अजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ७ ॥

लसन्मन्दहासप्रभावक्त्रचिह्नाम् ।
भजे शारदाम्बां अजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ८ ॥


english translation

1. I worship constantly my mother, Saradamba
who has the pitcher like breast, pitcher filled
with nectar, has gracious disposition, confers
excessive merit, has moon like face, and lips
which confer boons.

2. I pray constantly to Saradamba, my mother,
whose side glances are moist with
compassion, who shows the gesture of
knowledge by her hand, who has the
efflorescence of different arts, who looks very
auspicious with her necklace of pearls who
is the foremost among women, is fully awake,
and who overlooks the flowing Tungabhadra

3. I constantly worship that Saradamba, my
mother, who has an ornament adoring her
forehead, who is fond of excellent music, who
protects her devotees, who has cheeks
known for their beauty, who holds a rosary
in her hand, and is the embodiment of radiant
and ancient speech.

4. I joyously pray to that Saradamba, my mother
who has a well-parted braid of hair, who has
excelled the female black deer by her looks,
who has the voice of the supportive parrot,
whose hand is holding thunderbolt in a
slanting posture, whose face is the abode of
nectar, and has an incomprehensible flow of

5. I worship my mother, Saradamba, who is
extremely calm, who possesses an excellent,
shining body, has locks of hair touching the
corner of her eyes, is infinite, beyond the
purview of thought, stays in the company of
ascetics who constantly remember her.

6. I pray to Saradamba, my mother, incessantly.
She rides the deer, horse, lion, Garuda, goose,
elephant, and the mighty bull on the great
navami day. She is always in the form of Sama
(veda) or of a benevolent deposition.

7. I pray to Saradamba, my mother, always. She
is shining with the radiance of fire. She has a
beautiful body stupefying the universe. I
worship that female bee which wanders in
the lotus of my heart. She is shining with the
excellent of music and dance in her praise.

8. I always pray to that Saradamba, my mother,
who is being worshiped by Lords Siva, Vishnu,
and Brahma. She bears the mark of beautiful
gentle smile on her face, her eyes beautified
by the swinging of charming ear-ornaments.

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